We always think that if we love each other, we can grow old together, but it is difficult to resist the coldness of the world. In the love that we have sworn to, we betray our trust and fall in love with others. When a man goes from loving to not loving, there is a kind of "chang

2024/06/2301:11:33 emotion 1245

Text | Xue Luo Wuchen

always thought that falling in love can lead to a long life together, but it is difficult to resist the coldness of the world, betraying trust and falling in love with each other in the love that was sworn to.

Love is not just a vow of eternal love, love requires true feelings. If a man is distant from your love, there is a problem. At this time, women should protect themselves and make the right decision whether to stay or go.

We always think that if we love each other, we can grow old together, but it is difficult to resist the coldness of the world. In the love that we have sworn to, we betray our trust and fall in love with others. When a man goes from loving to not loving, there is a kind of

Because love is deep and society is ups and downs, once this kind of competition for interests penetrates into love, it will affect your life. Therefore, it is important to recognize the true colors of men.

There is a kind of "change" that shows when a man goes from being in love to not being in love, but it's a pity that many women don't notice it.


From weak to tough

Many women don’t know if men still love them, so they habitually ask men again and again.

In fact, even if a man doesn't love you anymore, he won't tell you because he doesn't want to expose his ruthlessness. But in private, he uses this ruthless way to force you out.

Poet Yu Xiuhua Because she could not bear the domestic violence of her ex-husband, she divorced after she became famous and married Yang Huice, a young girl born in the 1990s.

This marriage was not favored by netizens from the beginning, not only because of the age difference between the two people by more than ten years. Moreover, Yu Xiuhua is also disabled. Although she is financially independent, she is really a "weak" in terms of life.

And Yang Huice is young and energetic, so many netizens speculated that Yu Xiuhua did it for love, while Yang Huice did it for money.

As expected, Yu Xiuhua recently posted a post late at night, saying that Yang Haice slapped her hundreds of times. The two began to tear each other apart and expose each other's dirty facts, and this was only two months after the wedding.

We always think that if we love each other, we can grow old together, but it is difficult to resist the coldness of the world. In the love that we have sworn to, we betray our trust and fall in love with others. When a man goes from loving to not loving, there is a kind of

At the beginning, Yang Huice vowed to the entire Internet that he would love Yu Xiuhua for a lifetime, but his flaws were revealed in such a short period of time. People can't help but question that love really can't stand the test of time.

When a man loves you, he will be gentle to you and indulge your temper and emotions; when he doesn't love you, his attitude will become tough and he will boss you around.

There is a saying: "True love should transcend the length of life, the width of the soul, and the depth of the heart."

Love cannot withstand the verification of the human heart. A man who just throws his hands away when a small problem occurs does not really love you. .

Although you have asked yourself hundreds of times whether it is true love, the man's increasingly hard attitude is the best answer. He does not love you anymore.

Therefore, it is a natural behavior for every man to see the person he loves with a gentle attitude, but it is also human nature to have a tough attitude when facing a woman he does not like.

We always think that if we love each other, we can grow old together, but it is difficult to resist the coldness of the world. In the love that we have sworn to, we betray our trust and fall in love with others. When a man goes from loving to not loving, there is a kind of

What women can do is to stop having illusions. The essence of love is romance, but if it wants to last for a long time, it needs to be pragmatic and caring for each other. If I don’t even have patience with you, how can I still have the energy to fall in love?


From altruism to self-interest

When a man deeply loves a woman, he will give everything he has, including time, money and love, and all of this is done willingly and without expecting anything in return.

Just like what Lu Yao wrote in "The Ordinary World": "True love is not self-interested, but should be altruistic."

When you love a woman deeply, selfishness will turn into altruistic selflessness. .

Xie Na once said Du Haitao that every time she got a girlfriend, she would "go bankrupt".

Indeed, Du Haitao is very stingy about himself, but he is very generous to his girlfriend, which makes people feel very happy to be Du Haitao's girlfriend.

Du Haitao himself once said "eloquently": "Men should save money on themselves, and then spend the saved money on their girlfriends. It is natural for men to make money and women to spend it."”

Du Haitao, who was just 30 years old, is now worth a lot of money, but he has not stopped moving forward.

He not only opened an online store and personally participated in everything from product selection to marketing. He also got involved in the catering industry. There are many Internet celebrity restaurants. After that, he took a fancy to the development of the Internet industry and founded his own media company...

No wonder Shen Mengchen loves the "honest and honest" Du Haitao

Someone once said that Du Haitao loves Shen Mengchen. Very good, a pair of pants costs tens of thousands of dollars, and a piece of clothing costs thousands of dollars, but Du Haitao is very frugal with himself and never wears expensive clothes.

We always think that if we love each other, we can grow old together, but it is difficult to resist the coldness of the world. In the love that we have sworn to, we betray our trust and fall in love with others. When a man goes from loving to not loving, there is a kind of

In fact, this is the image of a good man, who is very selfish to himself, but not to his girlfriend. But very generous. Good men are often like this, because wives are for love.

If you turn getting married and having children into a self-interested behavior, will your family still be happy? In love, any woman will feel wronged.

A man who is willing to spend money on you must love you very much. A man who is stingy with you probably doesn't have you in his heart.

If a man keeps saying he loves you, but never thinks about your problems, then He is just selfishly possessive of you, not to mention how much he loves you.


From passion to indifference

If your love turns from passion to indifference, it is probably because the other person no longer loves you.

Joe Byron said: “To a man, love is just an external thing, but to a woman, it is the whole life. "

deeply believes that if it is deep love, love is life to everyone, but if love is shallow, love is something external to everyone.

is like sending him a WeChat message when he loves you, and he He will always return in seconds; if he doesn’t love you, he will return every day, night, or not at all. When he loves you, he will be anxious without you for a moment, and he will wait for you to leave his side immediately if he doesn’t love you anymore.

Love never comes back. The heartbeat has turned into no feeling, and the attitude towards you is becoming more and more indifferent. It is probably because there is something wrong with the relationship, so it is better to stop the loss in time.

Because no matter how hard you try, you can't move a man who loves you; Even if you have emotions, he thinks it is personality.

We always think that if we love each other, we can grow old together, but it is difficult to resist the coldness of the world. In the love that we have sworn to, we betray our trust and fall in love with others. When a man goes from loving to not loving, there is a kind of

Love is a person's mentality. When two people fall in love, they need to grasp each other's mentality and take the right medicine at the right time.

Therefore, men can have beautiful love. Don't ask if he doesn't love you anymore, his "attitude" explains everything.

Whether you love or not is a person's destiny. Letting nature take its course is the best way to trust your life and look up to your destiny.

Just like Fu Seoul said: "In the end you will meet the embrace of the longest and warmest love, and you will understand that some inappropriate people are meant to be missed. "

Loyal love is destined not to be smooth sailing. I hope you can have your own beautiful love, without complaining about others or being heartbroken, but by loving each other until the end.

Of course, this requires more than just It's fate and persistence


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