"Mr. Toad Goes to a Psychologist" tells the story of Mr. Toad who has been feeling bad recently. He has locked himself in the manor and never goes out. As for doing things, he has lost interest in doing things, which has reduced his once luxurious home to a ruin. Deserted garden.

2024/06/2418:39:33 emotion 1374

Whether you admit it or not, everyone has mental illness to varying degrees. It profoundly affects and restricts people's thoughts and behaviors, as if controlling a puppet.

"Mr. Toad Sees a Psychologist" tells the story of Mr. Toad who has been feeling bad recently. He locks himself in the manor and never goes out. As for doing things, he loses interest in doing things, which has reduced his once luxurious home to nothing. A deserted garden. If his father were still alive, he would be furious when he saw this situation.

Mr. Toad shudders when he thinks of his father's tall figure, serious face, and cold eyes, even though he is now an adult.

Mr. Toad felt that he was useless and could not do anything well. It hates the river rats who dictate to it and the badgers who regard themselves as elders. Of these two people, one is its savior and the other is his father's friend. When with them, Mr. Toad is always timid, but despite this, he still can't escape the criticism and accusations from the other party.

Whenever this happens, Mr. Toad feels like a waste. Of course, it was very angry and angry in its heart, but somehow, facing these two people, it couldn't express its anger, and instead it retreated and pleased.

Freud said: "Unexpressed emotions never die. They are just buried alive and will emerge in even uglier ways in the future."

The day finally came and Mr. Toad became ill.

Under the guidance of consultant Heron, Mr. Toad opened himself up step by step and realized the fundamental reason for the formation of his personality.

It can be said that Mr. Toad was born with a golden key in his mouth. His grandfather and maternal grandfather were both wealthy and prestigious people, and there would often be groups of people coming to the house holding gifts. Its father inherited his father's legacy, and at the same time inherited solemnity and majesty, so that the mother had to act based on his father's face.

He has a pair of picky parents. Their excessive demands make him feel stressed and he is often reprimanded by his father. Faced with an authority that was too powerful to be shaken, Mr. Toad could only seek appropriate ways to defend himself from external forces and protect himself as a child. Over time, he formed an adaptive self-state model, and his external manifestation was a pleaser personality.

In this situation, although Mr. Toad himself is angry, he often feels a deep sense of powerlessness. It is afraid that others will find out that it is angry. In that case, it feels that it will be punished. This is something it does not want to see and bear, so it swallows the anger alive and turns it into guilt. Its external expression is that it is always angry. Others apologize.

Mr. Toad recognized himself in interviews with the consultant Heron, and unknowingly became stronger day by day. He dared to object to the Badger's proposal. Although he was not confident enough, he still dared to do so. Express yourself.

If you want to completely liberate yourself, you still need the last step.

When Heron came up with the idea of ​​"collusion", Mr. Toad found it unbelievable and even a little ridiculous.

Are there any fools who team up with their opponents to punish themselves and make themselves unhappy?

It’s true, when outsiders criticize us from their own standpoint, if we are oppressed by them and think we are guilty, and condemn and criticize ourselves, what is this if not complicity?

However, there are many people in life who act like other people's accomplices in a daze, forcing themselves to a dead end.

There is no criticism stronger than self-criticism, and there is no judge more severe than ourselves.

In many criminal cases reported in the media, the parties involved have more or less psychological problems of self-denial and self-punishment, which makes the criminals succeed step by step, leading to irreparable consequences.

In life, many people's misfortunes are caused by themselves. Only by strengthening yourself can you avoid unnecessary sacrifices.

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