It's rare to have a close friend in life. When people live in the world, everyone will have one or two close friends. Many times, they don't want to talk to their family about some inner thoughts or worries, but they like to share them with their best classmates.

2024/06/2618:45:33 emotion 1902

Some people say that the friendship between classmates is the purest emotion in the world. The friendship between classmates is pure and not mixed with too much reality, so it is particularly valuable.

It is rare to have a close friend in life. When people live in the world, everyone will have one or two close friends. Many times, they don’t want to talk to their family about some inner thoughts or worries, but they like to share them with their best classmates.

The friendship between children is the most innocent and valuable. Once this friendship is lost, one can imagine how sad people will be.

It's rare to have a close friend in life. When people live in the world, everyone will have one or two close friends. Many times, they don't want to talk to their family about some inner thoughts or worries, but they like to share them with their best classmates. - DayDayNews

A boy in Jiangsu was deeply saddened after learning that his best classmate passed away in a car accident. He could not accept such a cruel fact. He held the video of his classmate in school and watched it over and over again. He kept crying, which was heartbreaking. Incessantly broken.

A mother uploaded a video. In the picture, a thin boy was lying on the big bed in the bedroom, covering his forehead with one hand, and holding a mobile phone in the other hand, which was placed weakly on the mattress. A video screen has been playing continuously on the mobile phone.

The boy looked sad and very sad. The boy in the mobile video was his best classmate. In the photo taken when the two were playing together, the boy smiled brightly and was full of youthful vitality.

It's rare to have a close friend in life. When people live in the world, everyone will have one or two close friends. Many times, they don't want to talk to their family about some inner thoughts or worries, but they like to share them with their best classmates. - DayDayNews

It is a pity that such a good child died in a car accident. The mother said that her son had a very good relationship with the deceased boy and were best friends. When he learned that the boy had passed away, his son's emotions It collapsed immediately.

Just like this, the child kept lying on the bed, crying silently, and the pictures of his friends kept playing back on his mobile phone. He didn't eat, drink, or talk, and kept crying. When he was tired of crying, he would sleep for a while.

When the mother saw this, she felt very distressed, but she didn’t know how to comfort her child. She felt heartbroken and powerless.

It's rare to have a close friend in life. When people live in the world, everyone will have one or two close friends. Many times, they don't want to talk to their family about some inner thoughts or worries, but they like to share them with their best classmates. - DayDayNews

The mother said that the boy who passed away was about the same age as her own son, and they were all of a different age. She didn’t know how his parents could bear such a separation.

Yes, in such a beautiful time, the child truly experienced death, how far away and terrible it was. Unexpectedly, it actually happened around him, making him extremely sad and terrified. .

When netizens saw this, they all felt distressed. They felt sorry for the child who passed away and also felt sorry for the sad and tearful child.

It's rare to have a close friend in life. When people live in the world, everyone will have one or two close friends. Many times, they don't want to talk to their family about some inner thoughts or worries, but they like to share them with their best classmates. - DayDayNews

Some netizens said that the friendship between classmates is pure and has not been mixed with worldly interests. Simply good is good, and liking is liking. From this, it seems that this boy is also a good boy who values ​​affection and righteousness.

Some netizens shared their own stories. She said that my classmate jumped off the building on the Dragon Boat Festival. I still can’t believe it and still think she is still alive.

Netizen Ruize said, after my best friend passed away, I felt so heartbroken that I could only silently keep vigil for her for seven days and seven nights to see her off on her last journey.

It's rare to have a close friend in life. When people live in the world, everyone will have one or two close friends. Many times, they don't want to talk to their family about some inner thoughts or worries, but they like to share them with their best classmates. - DayDayNews

Author's opinion:

The saddest thing in the world is that a white-haired person gives a black-haired person a gift. When a boy dies, the saddest thing is his parents. It's so sad.

This boy was his best classmate. The two of them played together and went to school together. They had so many beautiful memories. With the child's departure, they disappeared, as if he had never been in this world.

People cannot be resurrected. As the mother of this young boy, I want to give my child a good hug and tell him that there is still a long way to go. Love life, cherish life, live bravely, and tell your good life experiences to your friends in the world. This It is the best memory of him.

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