Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.

2024/06/2420:57:33 emotion 1326


65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even suffered from vomiting and diarrhea twice after eating the food he cooked. Hospital.

Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.  - DayDayNews


Narrator: Uncle Zheng

I never thought about remarrying and looking for a wife. My relationship with my first wife was good, but after my first wife passed away, I really couldn’t live alone. I couldn’t bear to eat the food I cooked. And I had absolutely no idea how to live alone.

I really miss the days when my wife was by my side. At that time, every morning before my wife went to the market to buy food, she would ask me what I wanted to eat today. Every meal my wife cooked was made according to my taste, which was very special. delicious. When my wife was alive, I never worried about food and rarely got sick. Now that my first wife has passed away, I often worry about food because there are few restaurants where I live and I have to walk a long way to eat. , and the food in restaurants outside is not delicious at all. There is a lot of oil, salt and MSG added to it, which I can’t get used to.

Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.  - DayDayNews


I’m not used to eating food from outside, but am I used to eating food that I cook myself? I eat my own food and have been to the hospital twice. Because I can’t eat well, I often get sick. For the sake of my health in my later years, I want to remarry and find a partner. My monthly pension is only 3,500. Yuan, I found a rural partner, Xiaofeng, through a blind date. My wife used to be a rural woman. I think most rural women are hard-working and willing to work, and they are also good at cooking.

After Xiaofeng and I got together, I gave Xiaofeng 3,000 yuan a month. I wanted Xiaofeng and I to eat better every day, so I gave almost all of my pension to her. In addition, I saved the remaining 500 yuan to use it for Xiaofeng and I’s future retirement. Now that I have found a new partner, I have to take responsibility for Xiaofeng. I have found a new job. The working hours are not long and the salary is only 1,900 yuan, but now we are living together. , I have to consider the future of both of us, so I have to be diligent.

Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.  - DayDayNews


I was like this when my original wife was still alive. Although I couldn’t cook or do housework, I worked hard to make money. After being married to my original wife for so many years, I never let her worry about money. Now I have the same attitude towards my new partner Xiaofeng. I give her 3,000 yuan a month. She is responsible for cooking delicious meals, and I am responsible for going out to earn more money. If Xiaofeng gets sick in her later years, I also have to be responsible for her to the end.

I really want to be responsible for Xiaofeng. Although we are partners, I treat her with the same attitude towards my first wife, but Xiaofeng obviously does not have the same attitude towards me. I went out to work and came home and found that Xiaofeng was either sitting on the sofa watching TV and eating melon seeds without cooking, or she was out hanging out with friends but hadn't come home yet. Every time Xiaofeng cooks, she always cooks noodles or porridge and stir-fries vegetables and treats it as a meal.

Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.  - DayDayNews


The main reason why I looked for a partner was to have a delicious meal, but Xiaofeng took me as my partner and took away 3,000 yuan from me every month. Every time I was careless about cooking, it never worked. Unfortunately, I once went home and saw that there was no delicious food at home, only a bowl of noodles with a few green vegetables floating on it. I couldn't help but get angry. I asked Xiaofeng: "I will give you 3,000 yuan a month." "Can't you even cook a decent meal?"

Xiaofeng said: "I married you for happiness. I can't marry you just to wash and cook for you. If you give me 3,000 yuan, I will take it as your own." I usually spend a large part of my pocket money when I go out, and I use the remaining small amount to make some meals for us to eat. If you want to eat better, you have to give me another 2,000 yuan." Xiaofeng is a rural woman. She has no pension. I gave her 3,000 yuan as living expenses for the two of us. How could she think that this 3,000 yuan was pocket money that I gave her.

Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.  - DayDayNews


I had no choice but to explain to Xiaofeng and said to her: "I am just an ordinary man, and my monthly pension is limited. Since we are partners, we should pay for each other. Why do I continue to work at my current age? No." Just to save more money for the two of us to retire together in the future. I have worked so hard. When I get home, I just hope that you can make a delicious meal for me. Although we are partners, I also hope that the two of us will Take care of each other like a real first-time couple."

My heartfelt words did not move Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng said coldly: "Just give me 3,000 yuan and you want me to cook delicious food for you. I will give it to you. If you go out to work and cook for others, your monthly salary is more than 3,000 yuan. If you want to eat delicious food, just give me another 2,000 yuan for food. Otherwise, we will break up, so you can give me 3,000 yuan a month. That’s it. With such a small amount of money, I don't want to spend time taking care of you." Xiaofeng's words made me so angry that I couldn't even eat dinner. If I can't even eat a delicious meal, what else do I have to do in this day.

Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.  - DayDayNews


Xiaofeng and I broke up soon. This time we got together, I realized one thing: "Don't expect your partner to be the same as your original wife. Even if I have shown 100% sincerity, Xiaofeng still only talks about love." Let’s not talk about feelings, maybe for Xiaofeng, how can the partner be the same as the original wife? The partner is just living in front of the eyes, and if he can get money at the moment, he will continue to live without money, then "After

and Xiaofeng broke up, my life also ushered in a new turn. A new vegetarian restaurant opened near our home. It was very cheap for seniors to eat in this restaurant. I went there several times and the food was salty. Light and moderate, it suits me very well, and the food prices are also very suitable. Although I have broken up with Xiaofeng, I have not quit my job because I want to save more money and go to a nursing home in the future. I don’t expect to find a wife again. , when I get older in the future, I look forward to going to a nursing home.

Introduction: 65-year-old Uncle Zheng cannot cook for himself. After the death of his first wife, Uncle Zheng lost 6 pounds by eating the food he cooked. Because it was too unpalatable, he even had vomiting and diarrhea after eating the food he cooked and was hospitalized twice.  - DayDayNews


Uncle Zheng’s idea is very good, but it is really not easy to find a wife who is the same as the original wife to live together, because many people now partner up, they only care about the benefits they can get in front of them, they have no idea I don’t want to pay more, and I don’t believe in how much true love a partner can have with his wife, so it’s actually very common to partner with women like Xiaofeng. They just want to live well in the present. If you can’t pay for it right now, then everyone will break up. They don't believe that their partners will be faithful to each other in the future. If they can't reach an agreement now, they don't need to continue talking.

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