"I'm afraid I won't have money in the future. I'm so short of money right now..." Several beautiful girls secretly told me after meeting a few handsome guys alone! I said: "If you find love, money will come! Love will attract money, but the negative magnetic field of fear and fea

2024/06/2621:56:33 emotion 1510

"I am afraid that I will have no money in the future. I am so short of money right now..." Several beautiful girls secretly told me after meeting several handsome guys alone!

I said: "When you find love, money will come! Love will attract money, but the negative magnetic field of fear and fear will drive money away!"

A pretty girl in 1988 said: "I understand the truth, it's very It’s hard to do! It’s such a hot day, if I marry a poor guy who chases me, how will I live after marriage?”

Another girl named Tingting Yuli in 1986 said: “I have been looking for you all these years. There are a few rich men who only found out they were scumbags after getting married. When looking for a husband, character is the first priority..."

A 90-year-old little angel sighed and said: "You can't find anyone, just find someone rich. I’m a scumbag! I can’t get married, so I can’t live well! Why is it so hard to find a boyfriend? Who should I look for?” I said, "Would you like if I trained boys with good character and weak financial skills to become bosses while working, and become rich men? I trained some boys with good financial skills but weak financial skills to become responsible men who can't change their lives for money." , do you agree?”

90 women clapped their hands and applauded, “I am willing to do this”!

Then, I expressed the girls’ feelings to the boys! Some boys got up, and some got even lower.

A boy in 1987 with good character but no house was unhappy: "I don't have a wife in my life anymore. They all want money. Where can I get so much money? Originally, I wanted to create a true love 100-day blind date showdown here." "I don't have the confidence to pursue that girl from 1988!"

I told him to work several jobs at the same time and he would get money! He said that every job was tiring and he couldn't do more than one job.

A few days later, when I was making love plans for a pretty girl born in 1988, she said: "The rest of the boys have problems. The person I like, he doesn't like me (because of confusion and positioning problems), but others like me." , I can’t accept it, I’m eager to get married now, what should I do?”

I took out the national patent to create true love “When you find that you can’t find anyone, create a partner”... "There must be something wrong with you, otherwise There will be no leftovers, and we need to cultivate and change."...

She was willing to practice true love with the "poor man" from 1987...

A week later, the boy from 1987 changed. He wanted to do anything and said that it was good to have insomnia. He took the initiative to ask me to plan several jobs and found "Everyone Has a Great Financial Source"

. He concluded: "I used to spend all my time worrying, and was so tired that I didn't want to do anything. Now I know that depression After taking away the money, I couldn’t support myself. How could I still support my wife? After the expert gave me practical training with the girl I was interested in, I suddenly felt the energy to make money desperately. This may be the power of love. !”!

htmlThe comely girl born in 2088 was reluctant to sympathize with him, and was gradually moved by his fighting spirit. She promised to enter the bridal chamber after he bought a house!

people! When you have no money, go find someone you love, and money will come naturally! Love can make you rise up, love can make you spend all your time doing things, and doing things is money!

(The above is a sketch of the high-quality marriage and blind date process, protected by patent law. Without permission, any violation will be prosecuted)

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