We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of "getting" from each other, so that this kind of friendship can be stable.

2024/06/2507:27:34 emotion 1973

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Portrait of Chen Ping

First, let’s sort out the core logic of the two relationships between friends and opponents.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interest demands and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of "getting" from each other, so that this kind of friendship can be stable. If friends cannot achieve mutual success for a long time, then the boat of friendship will capsize. Therefore, our first priority in making friends or maintaining friendships is to keep ourselves valuable in the other person's heart, while maintaining the hope of seeing something in return from the other person.

On the contrary, the relationship between opponents makes people less psychologically worried, because we usually do not have any good expectations for our enemies, and will feel much relieved. If you can't do it well, I'll do it with you. If you can't do it, I won't bother to talk to you. I just call it a beautiful name and don't despise being with you. Whether you are living well or not has nothing to do with me. Whether I am living well or not, I don’t expect you to help me in the least. Therefore, our first priority in resisting and preventing enemies is to live our lives in peace and down-to-earth, and not to have all kinds of random thoughts about them.

If we understand the essential logic of these two relationships, we will understand why we " should never trust our friends too much and learn how to use our enemies." Because friends are eager to benefit from you, while enemies are just unwilling to lose because of you, let alone gain anything from you.

Therefore, the good things we do to our friends are usually considered appropriate by our friends. However, if we suddenly extend an olive branch to some strangers, it will actually move them beyond measure. This is because their psychological expectations are different.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Liu Bang and Chen Ping were the heroes

During the Chu-Han period, who were the two people who made the best use of the above-mentioned human logic? One is Liu Bang and the other is Chen Ping. Needless to say, Liu Bang, anyway, whoever can help me kill the big devil Xiang Yu, whoever is helpful to my great cause in life, is my brother, and I can draw beautiful cakes for him. Chen Ping is good at using the logic in this to turn enemies into friends, and turn the other party's friends into enemies. There is a professional term for Chen Ping's method of "distancing".

History is rolling forward, and life is still as always. For many people, there are no permanent friends or enemies, only eternal interests. They plot against friends, enemies, and even other innocent people, vividly interpreting the darkness and delicacy of human nature. .

Chen Ping saved Liu Bang five times in his life, but the methods he used were actually quite despicable, so that when he looked back on the past in his later years, he said with shame: "I have many conspiracies, which is forbidden by Taoism ." My world is over, it is over, and it will never come back again, because I have many evil deeds."

Among them, 's most typical evil move was the immoral thing he did when he helped Liu Bang Xingyang escape from danger. An unspeakable situation. If you think deeply about , it will make people shudder. The sun and human nature are the only things in this world that people cannot bear to look at.

The background of Liu Bang's escape in Xingyang

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Zhang Liangcai was Liu Bang's master of golden ideas

After the Battle of Pengcheng, Liu Bang's understanding of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, went one step further. It is really difficult to deal with my sworn brother. Over the years, I have never won against him. He just managed to maintain the face of never losing in a quarrel by relying on his shameless spirit.

However, Liu Bang is still very active in thinking. He is not willing to act as a pawn for his younger brother Xiang Yu as his sworn elder brother, but he really can't do it to Xiang Yu, so he is always trying his best to entangle with Xiang Yu. Single fights are not possible, but group fights are not allowed. ? Moreover, Liu Bang is a very tenacious person and is not afraid of failure. When he fails, he gets up again with a playful and smiling face. In a word, we don’t even need face, so why do we need face in the eyes of others?

Therefore, after the Battle of Pengcheng, he fled westward and stabilized his position on the front line of Xingyang. First, he went back to Guanzhong to arrange the funeral arrangements and solve the problem of chapter Han , a nail-biting household. Then he took the property Xiao He helped him accumulate and started to challenge Xiang Yu again.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Schematic diagram of the Battle of Pengcheng

With the geographical advantage of Xingyang City being easy to defend and difficult to attack, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu began a three-year confrontation in Xingyang.

Why can Liu Bang, who has suffered repeated defeats, form a stable situation in confrontation with Xiang Yu on the front line of Xingyang? The main reason is that the Xingyang front line is easy to defend but difficult to attack. With the large granary of Aocang and the strategic support of Chenggao Tianzhan, it can be defended but also affordable.

There is another extremely important reason, which is also something we need to learn from when dealing with people. Liu Bang is good at building momentum and taking advantage of it. As long as it is beneficial to him, this guy can fight for it without any bottom line. Anyway, I will kill you Xiang Yu first and then take my time on other matters. This is actually a kind of thinking that is good at grasping the main contradiction.

In order to increase his capital against Xiang Yu, Liu Bang did three major things under the advice of Zhang Liang.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Yingbu can also be regarded as a fierce general

The first thing is to instigate rebellion against the fierce general Yingbu. Yingbu is originally a desperado. This kind of person is full of wolf ambition in his bones. He is an out-and-out white-eyed wolf who cannot be fed enough.

Because Xiang Yu was straightforward and resolute, he had a natural preference for subordinates like Yingbu who dared to fight and fight. He had always regarded him as his right-hand man, and even went so far as to carve out a fiefdom next to his own territory and call it Jiujiang. King, to show your favor.

But Liu Bang is a veteran, and he has a natural ability to identify people like Yingbu. Even if you look at this kind of person when he is drinking and chatting, he will always look like he is swearing and sincere. In fact, he is a " has milk and poop" in his heart. He is a little person like "". Therefore, he took advantage of Yingbu's worry about gains and losses and successfully instigated his rebellion.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Yingbu and Xiang Yu cherished each other

Liu Bang’s logic of rebelling against Yingbu is actually very common. It is similar to the logic of many of us scumbags seducing married women: Don’t look at your husband and wife showing off their affection all day long. In fact, I know that you don’t do it at all. Love him, you see him working hard outside, you don't care about him at all, you just dress up in front of the mirror at home every day, and then go out for shopping. What you care about is that he can give you the life you want. But your husband is not stupid, and he gradually became aware of your purpose. Can you still grow old with him? Don't be stupid, come into my arms quickly, my arms are also very warm.

As a result, Yingbu really chose to betray, and specifically covered Liu Bang and Han Xin in the rear of his ex-lover Xiang Yu. In the end, he was wiped out by the frustrated Xiang Yu sent general Long Qie, and became a lost dog. He could lower his posture as much as possible and go to Liu Bang.

Liu Bang's move is very clever, it hurts others and benefits himself, and it doesn't cost much.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Both brothers have thought about enfeoffment.

The second thing is to plan a united front. It was precisely because of Yingbo's strong containment effect that Liu Bang had the opportunity and conditions to counteract the frontal pressure on the Xingyang front.

But even so, Liu Bang still couldn't defeat Xiang Yu, so he could only avoid fighting. When Yingbu was defeated, Xingyang would be even more unable to bear it. Xiang Yu, who concentrated his troops, directly cut off Liu Bang's food route, making it impossible for the food in Aocang to pass. Liu Bang's Han army was in a food shortage, and they were not full and unable to escape.

When things reach a dead end or a desperate situation, we must learn to use external conditions to solve the problem. Liu Bang's number one mouthpiece Li Shiqi suggested : We can't defeat Xiang Yu. We must call on and unite the nobles of the six countries to fight against Xiang Yu.But the nobles of the six countries are all masters who will not let go of eagles when they see rabbits. Why don't you entrust the princes of the six countries? When the time comes, you will raise your arms and respond, and the current crisis will be solved.

When Liu Bang heard this, he thought it made sense, so he immediately arranged for people to do it, and even the various seals for enfeoffment were quickly carved. Fortunately, at this time, Zhang Liang, the sober person beside him, came back and told him that "a fed wolf will not hunt with all its strength" and stopped him in time. A higher authority guided him that to form a united front, it was necessary to set an example and create momentum, strive for Peng Yue as an example, and invest in Bingxian Han Xin to create momentum.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Li Shiqi came up with a cool idea this time.

The third thing was to take the initiative to delay time. Xingyang's safety was imminent. He couldn't win and he didn't have enough to eat. Every extra day he stayed was a kind of torture for Liu Bang. What to do with

? We can only actively seek peace. We are brothers, and the fights we usually make are all harmless jokes between brothers. Brother, you can't really be so cruel as to kill your brother, can you? After all, we are a family. In this way, we brothers signed an agreement to divide the great rivers and mountains. "With Xingyang as the boundary, the west of Xingyang belongs to Han and the east belongs to Chu." From now on, we will not invade each other and coexist peacefully.

Xiang Yu is not stupid, he thought to himself, I believe you, you are such a bad old man. As long as I kill you, the entire world will be mine. Do I have to divide the world with you? Besides, you, Liu Laosan, have always done things like reneging on your word and betraying your promise. Who dares to believe you? As a result, Xiang Yu not only refused to negotiate for peace, but also stepped up his offensive!

Although Liu Bang's peace negotiation was not successful, he still delayed a little time through negotiations and created conditions for his continued life.

To sum up, before Liu Bang escaped from danger in Xingyang, his life was actually hanging on a thread, and his heart was filled with a deep sense of despair and powerlessness. If time could be turned back, Liu Bang at that time would definitely regret how he loved to cause trouble so much, who he offended, and why he offended the great devil Xiang Yu.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Zhang Liang is the one who really understands

Chen Ping's strategy to break out

At the critical moment of life and death in Xingyang City, Chen Ping, a heavyweight "protector" beside Liu Bang, finally began to make his debut. Friends who like spy dramas can come and pay homage to the founder. This comrade is ruthless, shameless, ruthless and has a good mind. He fully demonstrates the value of underground work such as espionage.

What are the core values ​​of espionage work? It is that produces the greatest war effect with the least cost investment! If you can kill you in an instant, who would be willing to fight with you in a ring match? The strength in anyone's body is not fed by food.

I will write a special article to introduce this comrade's life analysis in the future. Today, I will briefly introduce his "glorious deeds" in a matter-of-fact way.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Chen Ping has always been quick-witted.

Chen Ping serves as the lieutenant of the guard in Liu Bang's army, which is equivalent to the position of "Chief of the Intelligence Department" that we are familiar with. This position is very critical. Generally, someone who is not the boss’s confidant will not be able to do this job. Just look at the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty and the Kuomintang's Juntong .

However, Chen Ping used to be a subordinate of Xiang Yu, and he has always been highly regarded by Xiang Yu, Fan Zeng and others. Not long after he defected to Liu Bang, many meritorious veterans of the Liu Bang Group did not welcome him or like him. Why did he Can you win Liu Bang's trust?

This will involve how deep a person Liu Bang is. In fact, Liu Bang has never really trusted anyone in his life. The old brothers in Fengfei area are just pawns to him, and the other people who follow him along the way are naturally He is no exception. Even his wife Lu Pheasant and her family members who wholeheartedly support his entrepreneurship, he is on guard day and night.

Liu Bang believes that he needs "lone ministers" like Chen Ping around him. You have no choice but to work for me.Besides, Chen Ping has stayed in Xiang Yu's army for so long and knows himself and his enemy well, so he is more suitable to do intelligence analysis work for himself . At the same time, you can also send a signal by reusing Chen Ping: Those old brothers, please be honest.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Chen Ping is ready to show off his skills

When Chen Ping saw that his boss was in trouble, he had to stand up and express his opinion. He thought Xiang Yu was not terrible. Although he was courteous and courteous to others, like a modest gentleman, he was too stingy and was reluctant to give officials to his subordinates. Paying money to reward meat is just a frivolous thing, and there is nothing practical about it. So it seems that the troops are strong, but in fact there is no cohesion at all. It's not like you, the king, who drinks a lot of wine with everyone, eats a lot of meat, and enjoys grudges. It's so refreshing, so you are the one who truly wins the hearts of the people. I know the situation on Xiang Yu's side very well. Xiang Yu's personal ability is strong, but except for Fan Zeng, Zhong Limei, Long Qie and others, they are all mediocre people. Among these people, only Fan Zeng is truly strategic, so as long as Fan Zeng is dealt with, the entire Xiang Yu Group will be easy to handle. How many nails can Xiang Yu drive with his iron body?

Therefore, Chen Ping took advantage of the situation and made a request to Liu Bang, asking Liu Bang to allocate him a public relations fee. He went to contact people to stir up trouble within the Chu army. As long as the people within the Chu army are not unified, you can seize the opportunity to reverse the situation.

After listening to this, Liu Bang thought to himself, my life is almost gone, why do I need money? A dead horse should be treated as a live doctor, so allocated Chen Ping 40,000 taels of gold and asked Chen Ping to roll up his sleeves without asking anything else.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Fanning the flames, Chen Ping is very good at

After Chen Ping received this huge business fee, he went around to build relationships with Xiang Yu's army, and then used Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng's seemingly distant relationship from time to time to fan the flames, create misunderstandings, and create contrast, Finally, Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng no longer wanted to look at each other.

Fan Zeng was frustrated and decided to break up with Xiang Yu. This kind of life of mutual suspicion was too boring. He might as well live alone. He was already old, so why bother himself like this? Therefore, Fan Zeng resigned to Xiang Yu and returned home, but Xiang Yu did not persuade him to stay. Fan Zeng finally died of illness on the way.

Although Xiang Yu, who had lost Fan Zeng, fell into a single-player mode, he was the overlord of Western Chu after all, and his ruthless destructive power was also great. One month later, victory was in sight and Xingyang City was within easy reach.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Xiang Yu was defeated by Liu Bang again

It was Chen Ping's time to save him again. He planned to open the door and surrender in the name of "After eating all, the King of Han will surrender" , he would first paralyze the enemy, and then take advantage of the chaos to escape! However, Xiang Yu, who was very angry, was guarding outside the city. It was not easy to take advantage of the opportunity to escape. He had to devise some tricks.

One night, the east gate of Xingyang City creaked open. The Chu army got the news and quickly formed their formation to prepare to meet the enemy. They saw a Han army of about 2,000 people walking out of the city gate. After Xiang Yu ordered the attack, he discovered that the 2,000 Han troops were all disguised as women from Xingyang City.

What would it be like for the soldiers of the Chu army who have been fighting abroad all year round to meet the 2,000 women who came to their door? As you can imagine! As expected, the soldiers of the Chu army were in chaos.

At this time, a carriage slowly drove out from behind the women's team. Xiang Yu thought of the news that Liu Bang had released before about surrender, and thought that sitting in the carriage was Liu Bang who came out to surrender.

Not only Xiang Yu thought so, but the soldiers of the Chu army also thought so. The joy of victory immediately spread among the Chu army. Everyone raised their hands and shouted loudly: "Long live King Xiang , long live."

However, when the carriage approached, Xiang Yu discovered that the man sitting in the carriage was It was not Liu Bang at all, just a substitute, so he shouted and asked who he was.

The person in the car smiled slightly: "Hello, I am Ji Xin ! I look very much like Hanwang Ji Xin!"

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

The scapegoat Ji Xin

Just when the east gate of Xingyang City was in chaos, Liu Bang With a group of personal followers, he quietly slipped out of the west gate of Xingyang City, went straight to Chenggao, and fled for his life.

Xiang Yu was once again teased by Liu Bang. He was so angry that he asked Ji Xin hysterically: "Where is the King of Han?"

Ji Xin replied calmly: "He left long ago!" His words were full of emotions. It all smells of contempt.

Angry and angry, Xiang Yu ordered Ji Xin to be burned alive, then reorganized his team and prepared to hunt down Liu Bang, but it was too late.

The above is the main process of Chen Ping helping Liu Bang Xingyang escape from danger. In this process, he provided the main strategies and arranged the key actions, and was regarded as the leading figure in this operation.

This kind of thing seems to be as enjoyable as playing monkey on the street, which makes people excited, but the operating logic behind it makes people unbearable to think deeply. Can you imagine how evil Chen Ping's strategy is?

How wicked is Chen Ping’s idea?

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

This title is worthy of the name for Chen Ping

Chen Ping successfully helped Liu Bang escape from the besieged Xingyang City. Everyone thought that Chen Ping had great wit and Liu Bangfu had great destiny. This was more or less a "winner or loser" The subjectivity of "Kou" is in it, which is actually similar to the view of many people in real life: they laugh at the poor but not at the prostitutes.

If we carefully review the whole process of Liu Bang's escape experience, we will find that there are many things that are very scary to think about. We will not talk about the things that alienated Yingbu, but focus on analyzing Chen Ping's "golden ideas" ".

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

The so-called magic is to break out in a certain way

Chen Ping's "golden idea" is actually a three-step process: the first step is to cause Xiang Yu's "family disharmony"; the second step is to paralyze Xiang Yu with a false surrender; The third step is to create chaos and take the opportunity to escape. These methods are actually some conspiracy and tricks that cannot be put on the table and are relatively underhanded.

In order to discord within the Xiang Yu Group, Chen Ping used extremely insidious means of provocation. Why is it said that sowing discord is too insidious and is looked down upon? because it is too harmful and insulting , There is no relationship in the world that can withstand unlimited instigation.

We can carefully observe that the most terrifying people around us are actually those "talkative women" and "gossipists". These people gossip all day long. In fact, they have no sense of right and wrong at all. As long as it is beneficial to themselves, they will be right or wrong. Confuse, distort the facts... do whatever they can.

It may be difficult to make two people fall in love and trust each other, but it is too easy to make two people separate and go their separate ways. Just try your best to create misunderstandings and conflicts between you. Human nature cannot stand the test. No one can have absolute trust in another person.

Like Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng, they were originally a "half-way couple" who lived together temporarily. Like Chen Ping, one day he said that he loved Fan Zeng more than Xiang Yu, and the next day he told Fan Zeng that Xiang Yu had someone outside, and the day after tomorrow he said that Xiang Yu's family didn't like Fan Zeng. Tian also said that Fan Zeng didn't like Xiang Yu at all, and he was committed to him but he couldn't find a better partner for the time being... Everyone said, can Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng "grow old together"? The essence of

sowing dissension is to dare to speak dirty words without conscience, and to seduce people's selfish desires without a bottom line. A gentleman has something to do and something not to do, so sowing dissension has always been a villain's trump card and a gentleman's death talisman.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Xiang Bo is a good scapegoat

Then let’s talk about Chen Ping’s last two steps, not to mention the fake surrender. Since ancient times, soldiers have never been tired of deceit, so this is more or less acceptable. The key is the last step, which is really bottomless.

Chen Ping asked Ji Xin to pretend to be Liu Bang and surrender. Doesn’t he know what will happen to Ji Xin? But why would he do this? This shows that in Chen Ping’s mind, life and death are divided into levels! Only the life and death of people who can bring him benefits have value and meaning in his heart. The lives of other people are just a tool to realize benefits.

How terrible this idea is. I guess I don’t need to explain too much. I trick others into committing suicide, and then explain confidently that a dead Taoist friend cannot die a poor Taoist. What is the big difference between this kind of person and those gangsters who fight openly? ?

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

2000 beauties like this are tragic.

Finally, let’s talk about Chen Ping’s decision to let two thousand women pretend to be soldiers and leave the city to surrender. They were all part of a chaotic society in that war-torn era. Didn’t Chen Ping know the consequences of doing so? It can be said that in Chen Ping's mind, these 2,000 women are not 2,000 lives at all, but just 2,000 bodies.

Will Chen Ping send his family members there? Won't! It's not that Chen Ping is reluctant to let his family members die, but that such an arrangement is more unacceptable than death. It is equivalent to stripping a person of all his clothes and putting him in the middle of a riot.

How shameless does a person need to be before he can trample on the dignity of others and create humiliation for others to achieve his own interests?

In addition, think about it, who is willing to accept such an arrangement? If no one is willing to accept such an arrangement, then you can imagine how many shady tricks Chen Ping used behind the scenes to make such an arrangement. Why is adultery not as bad as prostitution? Why is seduction not as bad as QJ? Because although the former is ugly, it is still more or less based on the premise of your will and my will, while the latter is full of misleading and coercion without moral ethics.

We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

Chen Ping and Liu Bang are from the same group.

When a person can do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, he is already quite terrible. Such a person has no humanity at all. Chen Ping forced two thousand innocent women to undergo both physical and mental torture. After their bodies were destroyed, he then used death to protect his interests. How ruthless it would take to do this!

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Chen Ping to fall into self-blame and guilt in his later years. If a person has done too many immoral things, he has to worry more or less about his descendants and the long-lasting blessings of his family. People are doing , God is watching, it’s not that there will be no retribution, if the time has not come, if you have done something wrong, you have to worry about ghosts knocking on the door.

Some friends are still asking, Chen Ping is so powerful, he saved Liu Bang many times, why does he not have a place among the "Three Heroes of the Early Han Dynasty"? Is it even possible to create one of the "Four Heroes of the Early Han Dynasty"? Because everything Chen Ping does in his life is not worthy of publicity. Those who are interested can search for Liu Bang's evaluation of him.


We will find that behind a good relationship between friends there are often hidden various interests and good expectations. In layman's terms, both parties must have some ideas of

History is more than just the surface.

At this moment, if I ask everyone, is Chen Ping great? I believe most people will say that Chen Ping is awesome; but if I ask everyone, is Chen Ping cute? I believe most people would shudder and stay away.

Successful people are not necessarily worthy of praise, and failed people are not necessarily worthy of being despised. When we look at a person or a thing, we should not just pay attention to its appearance, but need to pay more attention to the operating logic behind it.

Many of us pay too much attention to success in our lives. This is understandable. After all, there are many unexpected surprises and irresistible helplessness in life. Who doesn't want to make his life more perfect?

But we must always remember that the reason why people are human is because they have bottom-line constraints on morality and behavior. If they really do as they please, they will be no different from animals. Driven by utilitarianism and desire, we must still never forget our original intentions and abide by our authenticity.

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