There is a saying I like very much: "After the epidemic, it will be a turning point in the fate of countless people." No matter what, we firmly believe that the epidemic will definitely end. Next, the land will be full of vitality, people will travel freely, and all walks of life

2024/06/2601:45:32 emotion 1598

I like a saying very much: "After the epidemic, it will be a turning point in the fate of countless people."

No matter what, we all firmly believe that the epidemic will definitely end. Next, the land will be full of vitality, people will travel freely, and all walks of life will be more prosperous.

Obviously, after the epidemic, many lives will be broken into pieces and started all over again.

Opportunities are ahead, how can we seize them?

Business consultant Liu Run once said: "Mediocre people change results, excellent people change genes, and advanced people change their thinking."

Nothing can be established without destruction. Those who can bravely stand on the forefront are often those who dare to break the "old".

Therefore, please hurry up and force yourself to develop the following thinking habits.

There is a saying I like very much:


God thinking.

A man wanted to know the difference between heaven and hell, so he went to see God.

God took him to see two houses.

In the first room, there was a bowl of porridge and a very long spoon. A group of people fought for each other's spoons, so no one could eat the porridge, and they screamed with hunger.

In the second room, there is also a bowl of porridge and a spoon. A group of people were holding spoons and feeding each other porridge. Everyone was full of food and drink, and their faces were glowing.

It turns out that heaven and hell are the same place, but their hearts are different. If you do good deeds for the good of others, you will be a paradise anywhere. This is "God thinking".

When the epidemic came, many communities were under control and people could not move freely. During this period, everyone helped each other and thus overcame the difficulties.

For example, the community sends a few people to go out to buy groceries and then distribute them. Reduce the flow and crossover of personnel. There are also some elderly people who have no children around them, and people in the community actively help them to solve their life difficulties.

There are also volunteers and community workers , who are trying their best to keep everyone fed and clothed and maintain order; medical workers are busy on the front line, fighting for health.

If you insist on "goodwill" and cultivate God's thinking, you will have good connections during the epidemic. Whatever career you want to pursue in the future, you will naturally get help from many people.

What goes around comes around, don't question it. If everyone around you creates a few dollars of value for you, you will be a rich man.

There is a saying I like very much:


dig well thinking.

There are two monks, one in Dongshan and one in Xishan. They went down the mountain every morning to get water from the same stream.

One day, the monk in Dongshan found that the monk in Xishan did not fetch water. He thought that he must have stored water. There must be a lot of water left today.

The next day, the monk from Xishan still didn’t come to fetch water, so the monk from Dongshan couldn’t help but go to Xishan to “see what happened.”

It turns out that the monks in Xishan dug wells while fetching water. After that, you can drink the water from the well, and the experience of fetching water will never come back. This is digging a well thinking.

The ancients said: "It is better to prepare before it rains, and to dig a well before it is thirsty."

During the epidemic, many people realized the importance of "reserving supplies" and always filled the refrigerator. There are also people who take the time to exercise to prevent themselves from getting sick.

So in addition to stocking up on supplies and exercising, what preparations should be made? The key is to create living water from the source.

No matter how difficult it is now or how much income you have, you must force yourself to save money. Once you have savings, you can start working on your career when the epidemic is over, and you don’t have to worry about running out of start-up capital.

In addition, you need to read more to improve your awareness of starting a business and getting rich, or learn a technology to help you find a job. Don't wait at home for your opportunity.

There is a saying I like very much:

According to the "Huashang Daily" report, in early April this year, Shuiquanping, Xunyang City began to build a thousand acres of rapeseed flower attractions to promote "light luxury camping sites."

Soon, this place became a place for Internet celebrities to check in. The person in charge of the campsite created by

is a post-80s generation. She said: “My major in college is life aesthetics, so now I am engaged in a job that I love."

Local people are also very supportive of the construction of the campground. In the near future, with a highway passing nearby, Shuiquanping will be included in Xi'an's two-hour economic circle.

If you have any ideas, you should start laying the foundation now. Don't Wait until everyone around you starts to take action. If you are one step behind others, you will lag a lot behind.

Remember, dig a deep well and you will be rewarded.

There is a saying I like very much:


Anti-"Elephant Thinking" in Thailand. In the group, there is an elephant trainer who can tie the elephant with a very thin chain.

Tourists don’t understand that the elephant is so powerful that it can break the chain with just a little movement. Why not do this?

It turns out that the elephant has been chained since he was a child, and he struggled many times when he was young, but he was too immature at that time to break free from the chain.

This is the elephant's thinking. Reason, we can also think of a rope that can hold a cow or a horse. It's not that the rope is very powerful, but the weakness of the cow and horse is taken advantage of, and there are always some people who don't know how to break free. Being bitten by a snake, I have been afraid of being trapped for ten years. So I gave up on changing myself.

During the epidemic, it is difficult to travel and make money. Therefore, if you see such a social phenomenon, you will inevitably feel panicked. , I think I don’t have to do anything, just stay at home.

After the epidemic is completely over, it won’t work if you still act according to your original thinking.

Be a brave person and don’t rest on your laurels. Only by going out can you have hope.

There is a saying I like very much:

For a while, Liu Genghong from Shanghai came into the spotlight by using the Internet to broadcast himself. Let me tell you some exercise skills.

What’s even more rare is that his wife Wang Wanfei also joined in. The couple gained happiness by exercising together and also brought a lot of income.

Obviously, there is no limit. There is hope in life at any time. When the epidemic is over, don't be afraid and run quickly.

The flea effect tells us that the height of life is actually set in the past and we dare not break it. Infinite.

There is a saying I like very much:


Where the night comes, there will be the dawn; in the land swept by wildfire, there will be grass sprouting; in the silent swamp, there will also be lotus blooming.

Schopenhauer said: "The greatest prison in the world is the human mind."

The turning point of destiny is coming, and you need to seize the time to prepare instead of waiting and hesitating.

Heartbeat plus action, ideas plus methods, everything will be as you wish.

Author: Commoner.

Pay attention to my words and enter your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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