This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should "stand with a standing posture and sit with a sitting posture." I can't sit with my legs. Open,

2024/06/2621:55:33 emotion 1732

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Real Character Stories

Oral narration: Teacher Chen

Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui

When I was a child, my mother always said that girls "should have a standing posture when standing, and a sitting posture when sitting."

I can't open my legs when I'm sitting, and I can't open my knees when I'm standing.

If I don't pay attention, I will forget the essentials. When eating, my knees will naturally spread apart. At this time, my mother will hit me with a stick as a reminder.

These kind reminders from my mother once made me feel disgusted.

I was stressed out every day and felt like I was being treated unfairly because my brother was not subject to these constraints.

I was very angry and asked my mother why she did this to me?

She said that when you grow up, you will naturally understand my good intentions.

I am very sad. Adults always say that you will know when you grow up, and you will understand when you grow up. So, why don't you tell me now?

I really wanted to grow up quickly and get rid of my mother's supervision. I didn't expect that when I grew up, the person who would supervise me would be myself.

Moreover, etiquette allows me to buy a car and a house in Wuhan and live a prosperous life. This is not only material prosperity, but also spiritual satisfaction.

Inheriting etiquette is my lifelong career.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

There is a saying that I like very much: "Opportunities never happen to you, you need to fight for them yourself."

Women are weak in nature, but strong in love. The love here is "passion".

Everyone calls me Teacher Chen. I was born in Jiayu County, Xianning City, Hubei Province in 1988.

My mother is a virtuous housewife, and she keeps the house in order.

She is also neatly dressed. I have been influenced by this since I was a child. I think girls should be neatly dressed and beautiful.

I have been interested in dressing since I was a child, and I paid special attention to this aspect during college.

At that time, there was a well-known private image management company in Wuhan, and I wanted to work in that company.

In 2008, I just graduated from college. I paid attention to the newspapers every day just to see if there was any news about this company.

There was a newspaper called "First Life" at that time, and I actually found the phone number of this company on it.

I dialed the number and learned that they were hiring. I immediately took the bus to the interview.

The boss of the company is a lady named Fang. She behaves elegantly and speaks calmly and generously.

I was conquered by her words and deeds, and I am even more sure that working here is the right thing.

My sincerity impressed Boss Fang, and it didn’t take long for me to officially join the company.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(Landscape photos at work)

Our customers are all high-end groups, people who are really willing to spend money and learn how to dress. Most of our customers are for work or career needs.

We found that the external image of many customers has indeed changed after our transformation.

However, many big bosses and business leaders are still careless when they speak, and their actions are unrestrained and less composed.

Boss Fang wants to solve these problems. The fundamental reason is to cultivate everyone's etiquette awareness.

Xunzi said: "If people are rude, they will not stand, if things are rude, they will not succeed, and if the country is rude, it will be uneasy."

These are big bosses who have to attend many important occasions and even go overseas to sign contracts, so they need to use There are many places for etiquette.

As the saying goes: "I have what others don't have, I have excellence when others have it, and I have excellence when others have excellence."

So, the boss invited etiquette trainer to share etiquette knowledge with everyone.

On the one hand, it can increase the company's business characteristics. On the other hand, it is actually an improvement for internal employees. I admire the boss's courage very much.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(Like flowers)

I also started to listen to the class with great expectations. When I listened, I realized that this is what my mother taught me when I was a child. It turns out that this is etiquette.

I seemed to have opened the door to a new world. I began to understand etiquette knowledge, and then I discovered that "sitting has a sitting posture, standing has a standing posture." is just the tip of the iceberg of etiquette.

I really wanted to learn more about etiquette, but at that time there were not many institutions for learning etiquette.

I found out that there are such institutions in Beijing and Shanghai. I called to inquire. The tuition fees are not cheap.

After thinking over and over again, I gritted my teeth and signed up.

After a little preparation, I went to Beijing alone, with my persistence in etiquette.

I am like a small drop of water, slowly flowing towards the sea. I believe that I will not dry up, but will only get bigger and bigger.

At that time, the facilities and equipment at the train station were not as good as they are now. Mobile phones still used 2G networks and there was no navigation.

I just started working. Putting aside rent and living expenses, I was living very hard.

To save money, I bought the cheapest hard-seat ticket. It takes more than 10 hours to get to Beijing.

came to Beijing. After getting off the train, I was like a headless fly. I thought the train station was so big.

I really can't find the exit. I feel like a country bumpkin who understands nothing and knows nothing.

I called the training institution and asked how to get there and how to take the bus.

I stumbled all the way to find the training place.

After I started learning etiquette, I discovered that there was a gate outside the gate.

Every time I open a door, I can see a vast world, which is simply endless.

Our course is divided into many parts. After each part, I go back to continue working.

Slowly, the boss began to entrust me with the company’s etiquette training section.

Learning not only enriches me, but also gives me more job opportunities.

I am really grateful to my boss. She is not only my first teacher, but also gives me many opportunities to exercise.

I am working and studying at the same time, which gives me the opportunity to combine theory and practice, and I am making good progress.

Once, a client of mine said: "Teacher Chen, you should regard yourself as a label. When people mention you, knowing you represents etiquette."

At that moment, I was enlightened, and I began to demand myself more strictly. Maintain a high level of enthusiasm at every event.

Only by making yourself better can you merge into a broader river.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

If you want to know people well, you must first train yourself to be a thousand-mile horse.

I have been working in this company for 4 years, and I am fortunate to have met many leaders in the etiquette industry.

Among them, the one I admire most is Professor Fang. He has published many books on etiquette.

That day was an unusual day. Professor Fang was invited to teach in our company.

The first time I met him, I understood what etiquette is engraved in my bones.

He really combines knowledge with action. Although he has been deeply involved in the etiquette industry for many years and is an expert in this field, he greets everyone with humility and courtesy.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should


After I got to know him, Professor Fang offered to accept me as his disciple.

At that moment, I was so excited. All my achievements along the way have been recognized by top figures in the industry.

I am more confident and will go on firmly.

I learned a lot of etiquette knowledge from my master, and also learned a lot of principles of dealing with others.

I know that sometimes, some things cannot be said directly. Speaking is a science.

Once, my master and I went to participate in an industry forum. After the forum, I sent the master home.

The master said: "Your senior sister is very capable. She participated in the forum that day and the pictures and texts were posted that night."

I knew he was reminding me, but he didn't say it directly.

understands everything, but those who don’t understand will never understand. This is the same as you can never wake up someone who pretends to be asleep.

I went home that night and posted the pictures and texts overnight. I sent the link to the master and posted it to Moments.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(Landscape photos)

Sometimes, the effort is to be seen, so that others will notice you.

Later, I went to participate in an event with my fellow disciples. The master praised me in front of many people and said:

" Chen Xiao is really savvy, and the pictures and texts of the event that day came out quickly."

I know What he meant by this was that on the one hand, he was really complimenting me, and on the other hand, he was giving advice to others.

Some people may say, why do you have to speak in such a roundabout way? This is etiquette. If it is too direct, it is difficult for people to accept it. This is to moisturize things and be silent.

He taught me what to say on what occasion, what to do, and how to be neither humble nor overbearing. These are all priceless treasures for me.

Later, due to some reasons, I resigned from the company, and of course I left amicably.

Now, I will often go back to my former company. After

left the company, I ran a company with my friends.

I have been thinking about which section I should do, whether to do image design and etiquette training at the same time, or to do one of them.

I don’t think I can capture several sections. My time and energy are limited, so I can only capture one section.

Actually, the answer couldn’t be more obvious now, but I was in authority at the time and was very confused.

I need time to sort out my thoughts, so no matter what stage, everyone will have moments of confusion.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(Flower in the Office)

Don’t be anxious at this time. Give yourself some time, calm down and think carefully, and think clearly about which sector you are better at and which sector you love more.

Until 2017, I was working on both etiquette and image design. I found that what I promoted was mainly etiquette training.

I understand, but in my heart I still prefer to do etiquette training.

works as an etiquette training teacher and is respected by others. I also like this very much.

If you have to give yourself a time to start over, it will be 2018.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

In 2018, I began to travel to major training venues. From a small enterprise with more than a dozen people, I gradually started to have a state-owned enterprise, and then I started to contact government units.

There are many important activities, which actually involve etiquette. I am fortunate to participate in them, including the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan and so on.

The market demand for etiquette is greater than I imagined. As a communicator, I understand the meaning of inheritance, which is to let more people experience the impact of etiquette.

It was late autumn. Through a referral from a friend, I went to do etiquette training for a decoration company, . The person who contacted me was the company's HR.

After we communicated well, I started to make PPTs on etiquette training, which were not difficult for me.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(I like pothos)

When I went there that day, the personnel said that the boss would come today, and I was not nervous when the boss came.

She then said: "The boss doesn't really want to do etiquette training. It's me who insists on it, hoping you can impress the boss."

Her words immediately made the atmosphere tense.

I still remember that it was very cold in the store that day. As soon as the training started, the boss came in.

To be honest, not only would I be nervous, but I would also be nervous even if Jack Ma , Steve Jobs came on stage, not to mention that I am a very ordinary person.

On that day, the whole training was very successful. In the end, the boss even came on stage to show me the etiquette movements.

After returning home, HR sent me a special WeChat message to tell me that after I left today, my boss said that this training was very meaningful.

Later, I came into contact with many large-scale trainings, and the maximum number of people would reach 3 or 400 people.

In the beginning, customers were introduced by friends. After getting recognition from customers, they were introduced by customers.

Of course, I have my own company, and I will also be affiliated with a brokerage company. Through these channels, I can receive customers.

My life has become either training or on the way to training. I usually do PPT at night.

seems to have similar etiquette, but for every training, I will make a brand new PPT.

Because the focus of each training is different, the seemingly simple training is not just about standing on the stage and talking.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(my trophy)

In the early stage, I need to go to the site to do research, conduct interviews with customers, and deeply explore the purpose of customer training.

After I get home, I still need to do analysis. These are the basis of my courseware, and no laziness is allowed.

I make all my courseware myself, so that I will be more impressed.

I will definitely plan a strategy for any training I do.

Because I was well prepared, even if I didn’t have a page-turning pen or PPT, I could explain the entire training directly and it wouldn’t affect me.

Moreover, I never take urgent orders.

Once, I received a commission from a provincial unit to conduct an etiquette training, and many big leaders would attend.

The staff who contacted me at the time said that the leaders attached great importance to it, so they were very nervous.

Everyone was afraid of making mistakes, so the staff asked me to go to the site three times.

I also want to cooperate with them, but time really does not allow it, because I have several training sessions ahead of them, and another one is out of town.

I told them, if you come to me, just believe me.

On the day of the training, the provincial leaders and ministers listened to the entire training.

After I finished speaking, the leader came over and told me that Teacher Chen spoke very well. What you said is what I want to say. You said everything for me that I didn’t say. This is the effect I want.

Another time, I was working with a ministry-level unit. At that time, the agency told me that Mr. Chen’s training was very important, and you must help me do it well, otherwise, I would not be able to explain it to the leader.

I said don’t worry, but he said I wouldn’t be worried until the training was completed.

After the training was completed that day, the leader in charge of the project came over and said that the atmosphere of the on-site training today was very good. No one left early and no one looked at their mobile phones.

In fact, the leaders are observing secretly.

If you count on your fingers, I have trained etiquette for more than 10,000 people.

I am slowly becoming famous in the etiquette training world and getting recognized by everyone. I am very happy.

Moreover, I relied on my own ability to buy a car and a house in Wuhan and settle down in peace.

I no longer worry about my livelihood, and my love for etiquette has become purer.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

In the etiquette culture, I am just a small existence.

However, I want to tell readers that they must strengthen their love in order to rush to the future.

Many people ask me, they say that you have been working in this industry for 14 years, and you are still working hard and loving this industry. How do you do it?

What I want to say is that I am very lucky that my deep love for etiquette can become my career.

I hope everyone can find the love in their hearts. If you don’t have it yet, please don’t give up and dig it out in action.

When you like something, you will definitely have the driving force to continue doing it.

I go downstairs to exercise every morning, mainly for lifting weights, because I need to maintain my figure and my body’s flexibility, and my inner temperament is cultivated.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(dining etiquette training)

When you keep making progress, your destiny will have its own arrangement.

I have been in this industry for 14 years and have a mature image etiquette training system, but I want to give more possibilities to students and the companies I serve.

I have been thinking about how to expand etiquette and make it more diverse.

I have done a lot of industry analysis. In order to make my thinking clearer, I have drawn a lot of mind maps .

Finally, I think it is possible to combine speech and etiquette.

Because speaking is also an urgent need for many people. Children need to give speeches when interviewing for kindergarten, running for class cadres, and workplace competitions also require speaking.

When I came up with a good idea, I began to think hard about how to implement it. Don't be: "A giant in thought, a dwarf in action."

I developed a set of speech etiquette courses, and I thought I should find a professional team to work with. , Only in this way can it be more efficient and achieve better results.

At that time, I came into contact with many platforms, but they were all unsatisfactory.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

(Corner of the office)

Before the epidemic, I learned about an online training institution. Its main business is teaching people to speak, and there are many extended services. The purpose is to urge everyone to learn. I have been paying attention to the official account of this institution.

In March 2021, this organization happened to be offering an offline course on "Speech Productivity" in Xiangyang, Hubei.

At that time, my child had been born and my body was recovering well. I thought I would go and participate. It was a rare opportunity.

After only listening to the class for half a day, I decided that I must cooperate with this platform.

Because after listening to the course, I felt that the course was very exciting, the content was easy to absorb, full of useful information, and very down-to-earth.

I think such a course must be launched in Wuhan, and it will definitely allow more people to see its value.

I calmed down and settled down in this institution. I got up at 5 o'clock every morning and checked in on time for the storytelling camp. When I had time, I spent time in this institution to study and communicate with friends in the group.

After I worked in this organization for 8 months, I was discovered by my senior brother. He appointed me as the project director of the etiquette project. My main job was to develop an online etiquette training camp.

This happens to be my original intention, so if you want to do something, just do it.

As long as you take action, you will see results. Recently, my courses will be launched at this institution. Under the epidemic, I have also found another possibility for training.

In the past, I also felt that image etiquette was only suitable for offline teaching.

However, based on the actual situation, when I have to make changes, another possibility is actually good. I have also practiced

. At that time, in order to meet the needs of enterprises, I moved the class online, and the feedback from customers was also very good.

Don’t set limits on yourself, anything is possible.

This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

Nowadays, it is very popular to shoot short videos. I also have my own video account. It is not because I want to become an Internet celebrity blogger. I just want to understand how short videos operate.

If you don’t want to be eliminated by the times, you must keep up with the times. In the

video, I share the books I have read with everyone. I also incorporate my etiquette into the sharing process, and I have gained many fans online.

At that time, short videos became popular. I thought I could make a video about etiquette. I had a lot of material.

This is the confidence that etiquette gives me. No matter what I do, I have an area where I can shine.

My growth path seems to be very smooth, and the final results are also very glorious. In fact, behind it is the accumulation of countless sweat and nights.

Some people may say that you have achieved something, and you are right. However, I want to say that no matter what kind of growth process, there is something to learn.

I just find what I love and stick to it.

focuses on his own field and polishes it carefully, and there will naturally be times when he accumulates a lot of experience.

Because where time is spent, the flowers of life bloom.

This is the 140th real-life story recorded by [Zhu Xiaolu].

I feel that truth is extremely powerful and has the power to move and warm people's hearts.

Tell your pain, and you will lose one pain;

Share your happiness, and you will get two happiness.

If you also want to tell your story so that more people can see it, please send me a private message This is the 140th issue of [Zhu Xiaolu] Oral Narration of Real Character Stories: Teacher Chen Editor: Zhu Xiaolu & Hui Hui When I was a child, my mother always said that girls should

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