It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go

2024/05/2611:23:33 emotion 1014

has said that there is no pure friendship between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a good relationship with you. Then you must pay attention to the fact that there is really no pure friendship between men and women.

Stop being so naive. If you are that naive, you will end up like the woman in the article. Don't wait until something happens and you regret it before you know you can't be like this. Wait until something happens and you regret it, then it's over. Let's take a look at this matter. A 34-year-old woman cried: I regarded you as my best friend, but you ruined the rest of my life.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

case story sharer,

34-year-old Ms. Tian:

I was wrong. It was too late to say anything at the time. I regarded my male best friend as my best friend, but he ruined the rest of my life. I originally thought we had a pure friendship, but now I know that friendship cannot exist between men and women. I am telling this matter, I hope everyone can pay attention to it.

Especially women, if you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a good relationship with you. You must note that there is no pure friendship between men and women. My best friend and I were high school classmates. He sat behind me in high school. We talked every day. He would invite me to drink milk tea after class.

even sometimes gives me gifts, and even gives me gifts on my birthday. It seems that many women's male best friends are the same. When I am sad, he stays with me, and when I am happy, he will share with me. Generally speaking, he is my good friend, the kind who talks about everything.

I treated him like this after I got married. After I got married, if my husband didn’t give me any contact, how could I still have contact with my male best friend? I still keep in touch with my male best friend. I chose to cheat on my husband. I told my husband that I was already far away from my male best friend. Let's live a good life.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

Actually, I didn’t mess with your best friend at all. My relationship with my best friend was just a different form of contact. In the past, the most we could communicate with each other was QQ or WeChat. Now the two of us don’t use QQ or WeChat. Douyin is still the most used chat. Douyin can also chat in addition to watching videos. My husband never thought that I would use Douyin to chat with my male best friend.

I didn’t think I was watching a video on my phone. In fact, it wasn’t me chatting with my male best friend at all. My husband never found out about this. He couldn't find it at all. I have contact with my male best friend almost every day.

He is my best friend. Sometimes I tell my husband everything I don’t tell him. Sometimes my aunt has been here for a few days. I would tell him that I was really afraid that my sister would be pregnant. First, I don’t want to have children at my age because I’m afraid of death. Afraid of surgery and afraid of going to the hospital.

Secondly, I already have two children and I don’t want any more, even though both are girls. But I think having a child is fine. Do you mind that it must be a boy? I just couldn't figure it out. I said at the beginning that I still wanted a child and a boy. I think now gender equality , men and women are the same, there is no need to have another child.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

Now it is very difficult for us to have two children. I want to go out to work, but my husband won’t tell me. Why are you going out to work? You go out to work. Who wants two children? You should take good care of the children at home and cook for me when I come back. All my husband wants is a good wife and mother. What can I do?

Although it is nice not to have to work, it is very difficult to ask my husband for money every time. He gives me 1,000 yuan every month.After it was done, I had to ask him for it. He didn’t say he wouldn’t give it, but every time I asked him for money, he would say mine. They said I spent a lot of money. Isn’t 1,000 yuan a month enough? I work after my birthday. I only have a few hundred yuan of pocket money a month, and your 1,000 yuan a month is not enough.

What can I say, if you are not a woman, if you are a woman, you know how much money women have. If you want to buy some manicures, some skin care products, cosmetics, or some clothes, you will have no money. Do you think 1,000 yuan is a lot? 1,000 yuan sounds like a lot, but it's not enough to buy things, especially now that the prices of those items have risen dramatically.

Take clothes as an example. In the past, they cost thirty or forty yuan, but now they cost more than a hundred or dozens of yuan. How many clothes can you buy with 1,000 yuan, not to mention some manicures? Just go out and get a manicure for a few hundred yuan.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

Where can I get so much money? When I asked him for money, he said I wasted money and refused to give it. Wait until you feel better on the second day and then give me a little more. Forget it, I don’t want to tell my husband about this anymore. Asking him for money is useless. On the contrary, my male best friend is very nice to me. If I tell him about this, he will take me out for a manicure. When I pay the bill, he will automatically give me the money, no matter which one I do.

No matter how much I spend, my bestie will pay for it. I told my male best friend, why do you have to be so nice to me? But my male best friend told me, isn’t this how we all get together? You have no money, what’s wrong if I have money and give you a little? In the future, when you have money, you will also give me some money, don’t you think?

We are all good friends, there is no need to worry so much, if everything can be clearly distinguished. So are we still good friends? Precisely because we are good friends, there is no need to divide it so clearly, isn't it just a little money? Can't I give you flowers?

Just give me the money back if you don't want it. Then I told my male best friend that I didn’t want it because I just didn’t feel good about it. I should do less of these things in the future and pay less for me. But my male best friend told me, if you want to be like this, then I will never care about you in the future. It was you who asked me not to pay for you.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

I have nothing to say. My best friend has always treated me like this. He often pays my bills and often gives me things. At that time, I thought we were best friends. Later I realized that my best friend had a purpose for me. But when I knew this, it was too late to say anything.

One Sunday was my husband's birthday, and I prepared a candlelight dinner for him. We also prepared cakes and gifts. That day I thought my husband would come back early, but when I waited, it was because my husband was on a business trip.

My husband told me that I will not go back for dinner tonight. I have just received an arrangement from the company and I am going to Guangzhou on a business trip. There's nothing I can do about it either. I told my husband, why don’t you go home? Today is your birthday. But my husband told me, forget it, I won’t go back, I’m in a hurry and my colleagues are all waiting for me. Let’s talk about it when I get back.

Then I told my husband, today is your birthday. If you don't care. It doesn’t matter if it’s your birthday, don’t say I won’t celebrate your birthday then. My husband told me, it’s just a birthday. As a grown man, I don’t have anything to celebrate my birthday. Just take care of yourself. I don’t know when I will come back. If it’s fast, it might be a few days. If it’s slow, it might take half a month. .

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

I was angry. I told my husband that I wanted to celebrate your birthday, but you didn’t reply. You told me before that I wouldn’t celebrate your birthday. Tell me what I am not. Now I want to celebrate your birthday, but you told me that you are going on a business trip... My husband said, I don't want to be like this, I can't help it, I won't tell you anymore, my friend is coming.

Just like this, my husband hung up the phone and I was very angry. Then I complained about it to my best friend. What I didn't expect was that my best friend was sitting next to me. My best friend told me, why don’t you come out for a drink? I live here on business and are very close to you, only 5 kilometers away.

Then I went out to drink with my best friend. While drinking and chatting, I kept complaining about my husband. My best friend suddenly said, since we are so unhappy, why not get a divorce? I didn't know what to say at the moment. I just complained about my husband and didn't think about divorcing him. I just couldn't accept this kind of thing about my husband.

Actually, I understand in my heart. Isn’t my husband doing this for the family? If my husband and I divorce, it will definitely be me who comes back in the future. I don’t want to talk because sometimes things can’t be explained clearly. My male best friend saw that I didn't say anything, and then she made me drink.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

Later I got drunk, and something happened to me that night. I never thought that my husband would come back that night. I don’t know why my husband came. When I was dazed, I found someone opening the door. At that time, I thought I was at my best friend’s house.

I didn’t know until I came to my senses. It turns out I'm at home. And my best friend was right next to me, and the two of us did it. I’m sorry for my family and my husband’s crime. I said you were scared. Who opened the door? Could it be me who gets the points? What if it’s my husband?

Didn’t my husband say he wouldn’t come back when he was on a business trip? I kept telling myself that it was definitely not my husband, it was possible that someone opened the door, or it was someone else. But when I turned on the light, I discovered. That person was my husband, and my husband came back with gifts and cakes. Did something like this for me. I panicked instantly and didn't know what to do. I wanted my best friend to leave quickly, but my best friend slept like a pig.

There is nothing I can do. This happened to my husband. I wanted to explain it, but I found that my explanation was so weak. What should I say? If I say it, won’t they believe me tonight? Forget it, my husband won’t believe anything I say. My husband slapped me out of the house.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews

Then my husband beat my bestie again. Then my best friend chose to call the police. Because of this incident, we went to the police station. My husband told me, as long as you don’t want to live with me, then get divorced, and I don’t want to be with you anymore, you embarrassing guy. After saying this, my husband ignored me. My husband hated me completely. Later I begged him to forgive me, but he didn’t give me a chance.

In the past, my husband loved me very much. Even if I did something wrong, I would tell my husband that I was wrong and my husband would forgive me. But this time, no matter how many times I said I was wrong, my husband never forgave me.

didn’t say anything. I knew my marriage had come to an end. Who could I blame for all this? I have to blame myself. If I stayed away from my male best friend, would this thing still happen? I considered my best friend my best friend, but my best friend ruined the rest of my life.

Who can be blamed for this ending? If you want to blame, blame my brother. It's too late. I hope that my case can make all women pay attention. For themselves and for the sake of their families, they must stay away from male best friends. There is no pure friendship between men and women.

It has been said that pure friendship cannot exist between men and women. Just like the woman in the article, you regard someone as your best friend, but they want to ruin the rest of your life. If you also have male best friends, or some friends of the opposite sex who have a go - DayDayNews


Who can be blamed for this ending? If you want to blame, blame yourself. You have to walk the path you chose on your knees. If you had stayed away from your male best friend at the beginning instead of cheating on your husband, this is definitely not the ending now. Now I can only blame myself for this ending.

hopes that this case can make all women pay attention, for their own sake and for the sake of their families, stay away from male best friends. There is no pure friendship between men and women. You regard him as your best friend, but others don't think so.

Otherwise, they won’t pay so much for you. You regard them as your best friends, but they want everything from you, want you, and destroy everything about you. Just like this thing in the article.Now if you want to blame the two endings, just blame yourself. If this woman hadn't had a best friend in the garden, then this thing wouldn't have happened.

Woman, pay attention. If you don’t pay attention, you are likely to behave like this. If you are not responsible for yourself, no one will be responsible for you. Do you understand? You must learn to be responsible for yourself.

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