What to talk about when chatting with girls? This is something that gives many boys a headache. Especially when boys are pursuing girls, they are often very excited, but they just don’t know what to say and can’t find a topic to talk about. Or they always talk about innocuous top

2024/05/2518:16:33 emotion 1098

What to talk about when chatting with girls? This is something that gives many boys a headache. Especially when boys are pursuing girls, they are often very excited, but they just don’t know what to say and can’t find a topic to talk about. Or they always talk about innocuous topics: Have you eaten? have you slept? What are you doing? Are you busy? etc. So how do you chat with girls? Let me give you the analysis below.

What to talk about when chatting with girls? This is something that gives many boys a headache. Especially when boys are pursuing girls, they are often very excited, but they just don’t know what to say and can’t find a topic to talk about. Or they always talk about innocuous top - DayDayNews

Many netizens asked: "When I chat with girls I don't like, I am an expert, but when I chat with girls I like, I am a rookie." This is the true feeling of many boys.

Some people also say that when you work every day, you have to use your brain. When you are free, you have to think of topics to chat with her, and your brain is not enough.

In fact, it takes certain skills for boys to interact with girls. Being good at using certain skills to express your thoughts can arouse girls' emotions, and can also bring each other's hearts closer, allowing girls to slowly develop feelings for boys. With familiarity and no sense of strangeness between two people, they will slowly build a harmonious way of getting along, laying the foundation for the further development of their relationship. If you are still confused at this moment, don’t know how to chat with girls, and want to fall in love but have no method, then send me the specific emotional problems you encounter on WeChat, and the teacher will help you analyze them. Follow the official account and reply with the keyword "mentor" to add my private WeChat account for free.

1. How to chat with girls?

1, talk about music and ideals. Talk about the long and exquisite years and life insights. From birth to the future, from life to blooming, from carefully selected music to the sunset casually setting down the mountain. From when you meet a beautiful girl, to talking about Sisyphus's hesitation, from "I like you" to "you are a good person"

2, Understand the differences in the thinking of men and women . Boys think rationally, while girls think emotionally. When chatting, boys like to be concise and to the point, while girls like to share their feelings and life insights.

Whether a boy can chat well or not depends on the feedback from girls. If girls are positive, boys will chat well and openly. If girls are not interested in you, boys will not know what to talk about.

What to talk about when chatting with girls? This is something that gives many boys a headache. Especially when boys are pursuing girls, they are often very excited, but they just don’t know what to say and can’t find a topic to talk about. Or they always talk about innocuous top - DayDayNews

2. How to chat with girls? What topics can you chat with girls about endlessly?

Key point 1: The purpose of chatting is not what you talked about with the girl, but to show the girl what kind of person you are through chatting.

Point 2: Chat should be based on mutual willingness to chat. If the girl opposite you hates you, then there is no point in talking about anything. A girl has feelings for a boy and can get along with him through casual conversation. A girl has no feelings for a boy. Even if there are ever-changing topics, the girl will find the boy boring.

Key point three: The focus of the chat is the boy’s humor and his ability to make girls laugh. does not need to be humorous throughout, it must be targeted and appropriately profound.

What to talk about when chatting with girls? This is something that gives many boys a headache. Especially when boys are pursuing girls, they are often very excited, but they just don’t know what to say and can’t find a topic to talk about. Or they always talk about innocuous top - DayDayNews

3. How to chat with girls? Chat skills, methods and precautions

1, when boys and girls chat, they can deliberately let girls retain a little curiosity during the chat. It is best to start with simple, humorous chat topics, and then gradually enter the state that the boy wants. You can share things in your life; start with a certain kind of food or a certain movie; you can also talk about food, drink and fun; you can also talk about yourself first and introduce yourself. There must always be a starting point for a topic that can be continued in depth.

2. Chatting between boys and girls is also a process of getting along with girls for a short period of time. During the relationship, boys must know how to use discretion . They must show their charm to girls as much as possible, and also give girls some sense of curiosity, so that The girl is willing to continue the relationship.

3, having said so much, how do you chat with girls? In fact, there is another way to chat, that is, boys do not need to take the initiative to approach girls, but let girls find topics to talk to boys. To achieve this method, boys must concentrate on doing their own things and achieve results that everyone can see, including the girls the boys want to talk to. No matter when, outstanding people are always very popular with girls. Instead of racking your brains and searching for topics to chat with girls, it is better to do what you want to do at the moment and do it to the best. Maybe this is the way to chat with girls and keep the topic flowing. And this approach lasts longer and is beneficial to both parties.

What to talk about when chatting with girls? This is something that gives many boys a headache. Especially when boys are pursuing girls, they are often very excited, but they just don’t know what to say and can’t find a topic to talk about. Or they always talk about innocuous top - DayDayNews

Finally, I want to say:

If you want to learn more chat skills, chat topics and love thinking, you want to change the status quo, bravely step out of the comfort zone, you can directly click ↓↓ below↓ square↓ small↓ Card, follow us, and learn exciting love tips from the past for free! At the same time, if you add the teacher's private WeChat account, you will also have the opportunity to get a free consultation. You can also see that I will often post some interesting chat topics in my circle of friends and some topics that interest her. How to chat quickly? If you don’t know how to chat, join me and learn from me!

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