After being rejected by my best friend for ten years, I directly blackened her

2021/10/1221:14:06 emotion 1007

After being rejected by my best friend for ten years, I directly blackened her - DayDayNews


My friend Lin Ke is in a bad mood recently, so he asked me out for a drink. Asked what happened to her, she sighed heavily and said that she finally blacked out her best friend.

I have seen Lin Ke's best friend. She is not tall and has a dark skin. She belongs to the kind of people who don't take a second look when thrown into the crowd.

Lin Ke told me that the conflict between her and her best friend was not a day or two, but yesterday's incident happened to be the fuse.

I know Lin Ke is a person, so I guess it might be a problem with my girlfriend.

Lin Ke works in the street office. Recently, the leader of the unit has assigned everyone the index of registering APP. She needs to complete 60 tasks within 3 days.

After being busy for two days, Lin Ke still had a dozen indicators short of his hand, so the first thing she thought of was her girlfriend.

Lin Ke laughed and called his best friend, thinking that he would immediately register an account on the other end of the phone. After all, Lin Ke always helps Lin Ke when shopping online for his girlfriends, and Lin Ke downloads almost all shopping apps for his girlfriends.

But what Lin did not expect was that when he heard that he wanted to register for the app, his girlfriend coldly refused, and then said in a serious tone that he never registered randomly. This would leak his information, and finally a little bit Impatiently hung up the phone.

Lin did not expect that his girlfriend’s love for more than ten years,It's not even worth an APP.

In the evening, Lin Ke posted a circle of friends:

"Some people, maybe they should be gone."

, and then Lin Ke's WeChat account All contact information has been deleted.

In a relationship, it is only when you come to me that you have feelings.

The true friendship is that when they call for help, Ta will lend a helping hand at the first time; it is about thinking about each other and accommodating each other; it will not cause trouble to each other, but Ta must be there when needed.

After being rejected by my best friend for ten years, I directly blackened her - DayDayNews


Lin is not a small belly and a bitch, this matter was not originally intended to blacken his girlfriend.

But the things that best friends did to her before piled up, making Lin Ke decide that "longer pain is worse than short-term pain".

Lin Ke’s best friend is too self-centered. She has never considered the feelings of others.

After graduating from university, it was the first time for my best friend to visit Lin Ke's house. Lin Ke's family greeted her after busying their lives.

As a result, as soon as she entered the door, her best friend did not even yell "Uncle and Auntie" and walked towards Lin Ke directly.

Lin Ke saw the embarrassed faces of his parents,Hurry up and say something nice for your girlfriends.

Lin Ke said today's "dissatisfaction" after the meal.

My girlfriend is calm, "We are all so familiar, why do we still pay attention to these empty heads?"

Lin Ke was a little angry, "Say hello to the elders, this is the most basic courtesy. Why is this false?"

My girlfriend perfunctorily turned the topic elsewhere.

Because of , my best friend deliberately looked at herself from other provinces, but Lin Keye did not continue to blame.

Although Lin Ke and his girlfriends work in different places, they still use the phone to contact them. At first, Lin Ke was used to talking about parents' shortcomings with his girlfriends.

But she soon discovered that she had become a trash can for her girlfriends to talk about negative emotions.

Because every call from there is complaining except complaining.

For example, which colleague treated her badly yesterday, the leader treated her unfairly today, how difficult it is for the customer to get up late in the morning and did not catch the subway, and the perfect attendance award was lost...

First Lin But I think it's normal for my girlfriends to vomit. If there are unhappy things, they should be shared with each other. Lin Ke patiently persuaded his girlfriends every time he called.

But after a long time, Lin Ke found that she hadn't listened to what she was trying to persuade her, she just wanted to vent.

What makes Lin Ke feel even more chilling,For a while, Lin Ke had some problems at work and wanted to make a complaint with her girlfriend. Not only did she not comfort her, she also thought she was verbose, saying that she couldn't handle even this little thing.

Lin Ke remembered a sentence: The true cultivation of is not to be free from negative emotions, but not to bring negative emotions to others all the time. A true friend does not think of himself, but treats each other as an "emotional trash can."

It’s like every time I hear a complaint, my girlfriend is happy, but Lin Ke himself is very depressed.

After listening to a bunch of bad things, I didn't finish what I was supposed to do, and my mood was messed up.

High-quality friendship must be mutual concern, consideration for each other, and consideration for each other, giving priority to TA's feelings.

After being rejected by my best friend for ten years, I directly blackened her - DayDayNews


What makes Lin Ke unbearable is that he never knows how to get along with Lin Ke’s boyfriend.

Once when a girlfriend wanted to borrow a computer, she didn't even say hello to Lin Ke, so she went directly to her boyfriend to borrow the computer.

Lin Ke told her that in the future to find her boyfriend, she should talk to herself first, but her girlfriend said indifferently: "I have known each other for so long. It is so much trouble for me to borrow a computer."

later Lin Ke's boyfriend bought a new car, and her girlfriend just came over for a business trip, so she asked Lin Ke's boyfriend to pick her up at the airport.

After her boyfriend and Lin Ke talked, although Lin Ke felt uncomfortable, he didn't say anything and asked her boyfriend to pick up the person first.

When he came back, his boyfriend and Lin Ke Tucao.

asked the reason, Lin Ke only knew that as soon as his girlfriend met, he began to instruct Lin Ke’s boyfriend to help her backpack, carry things, and carry the suitcase... The boyfriend wanted to send her girlfriend to the place where he lived, so he hurried back to work. As a result, the girlfriend said that she had forgotten some important things, and asked Lin Ke's boyfriend to send her some things first.

was delayed, and most of the day went in.

What made Lin Ke's boyfriend the most unbearable was that in the car, the girlfriend said that she was tired, so she put her foot in front of the passenger car window. Lin Ke's boyfriend said it was not safe, but she disagreed, saying that she rested, why he is such a big man.

Lin Ke originally wanted to comfort her boyfriend, but he didn't want her boyfriend to accept the words to make Lin Ke's expression gloomy.

boyfriend said that when the two of them were chatting, their girlfriends kept talking about Lin Ke’s past with his ex-boyfriend in college.

From this moment on, Lin Ke began to feel susceptible to her girlfriends. used to be her to tolerate each other, but in return it was her best friend.

After being rejected by my best friend for ten years, I directly blackened her - DayDayNews


When I finished drinking and was about to leave, Lin Ke told me something in my heart: I was wrong: span

8Did not make up his mind earlier to blacken her.

In life, there are actually not many people like Lin Ke's girlfriends.

Although on the surface they can call you "brothers" and "sisters," they actually treat you as an emotional trash can and an object of eating and drinking.

This kind of person is plainly selfish.

Because a true good friend never only thinks about himself in everything, but thinks of problems from the perspective of the other person. When others ask for him, the first thing he thinks about is how to help him, rather than looking for the so-called "excuses" to escape.

true good friend , is that emotions will change with each other's happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. You have achieved achievements. I sincerely applaud for you; I am frustrated. You can listen to my complaints and drink with me. .

remembered that he had seen a vlog before, and the blogger said with a smile: "Changsha is not big and picturesque; there are not many friends, all at this table."

Although simple, but it is People can't help but feel touched after hearing it. On the road of life, we will meet many people, some of them become nodding acquaintances working together, some of them regret to become strangers, and some of them stay in our lives and become close friends, each other on the long journey of life Help, inherit, accompany, and complement each other.

Click to see, I hope you leave the "fake brothers" and "fake girlfriends" by your side as soon as possible, and meet that uncommon but sincere friend who misses each other.

About the author: Chen Xiaoxing, a freelance writer,Only write articles that are nutritious. The post-90s dad who writes in the left hand and the milk bottle in the right hand.


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