Many women in their 40s will experience symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, irritability, impatience, and bone and joint pain. Are these symptoms due to menopause? Menopause refers to a series of syndromes caused by

2024/05/0410:16:33 regimen 1578

Many women in their 40s will experience symptoms such as menstrual disorders, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations , irritability, impatience, and bone and joint pain.

When these symptoms appear, is it menopause ?

Menopause refers to a series of syndromes that are dominated by autonomic nervous system dysfunction and are accompanied by neuropsychological symptoms caused by fluctuations or decreases in sex hormones in women before and after menopause.

Many women in their 40s will experience symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, irritability, impatience, and bone and joint pain. Are these symptoms due to menopause? Menopause refers to a series of syndromes caused by  - DayDayNews

Six major physical changes during menopause. Have you "changed"?

1. Menstrual cycle disorders

Menstrual cycle changes are the earliest clinical symptoms of menopausal women . About 65% of women will experience gradually prolonged menstrual periods, shortened menstrual periods, reduced menstrual volume, and gradual menopause. 10% to 15% of women will experience symptoms of sudden amenorrhea, and 10% to 20% of women will experience irregular bleeding. The most harmful manifestations are excessive bleeding and prolonged menstruation. In severe cases, excessive blood loss may even cause anemia.

2. Emotional changes

Many people know that once a female friend enters menopause, she will be moody and unstable in normal times. She will be happy and sad, and will often make trouble without reason. She will get angry when she sees something that does not go well. , has a bad temper, and may even have negative emotions such as pessimism, negativity, tension and anxiety, and may even suffer from severe depression. Therefore, female friends in menopause must learn to adjust their psychology. In particular, family members should pay more attention and comfort, and give more care.

Many women in their 40s will experience symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, irritability, impatience, and bone and joint pain. Are these symptoms due to menopause? Menopause refers to a series of syndromes caused by  - DayDayNews

3, Osteoporosis

After the age of 45, bones will become more and more fragile. Coupled with the decrease in estrogen in the body, it is easy to develop osteoporosis and accident risks such as fractures. Therefore, menopausal female friends should pay more attention to the maintenance of bones and supplement calcium in daily life.

4. Changes in appearance

When women reach menopause, they may also experience some changes in their appearance, such as sagging and dark yellow skin, increased facial wrinkles, and even mild age spots symptoms. Too little estrogen secretion will also affect the body's fat consumption, causing fat to accumulate in the waist and abdomen, forming a potbelly.

Many women in their 40s will experience symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, irritability, impatience, and bone and joint pain. Are these symptoms due to menopause? Menopause refers to a series of syndromes caused by  - DayDayNews

Menopause is an inevitable journey for every woman, so what can we do to resist menopause?

1. Pay attention to your diet. Eat less animal fat, eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid overeating, avoid tobacco and alcohol, and high-quality protein is essential.

2, healthy exercise. You can choose yoga or healthy walking as exercise methods. Exercise time is at least 3 times a week, for at least 30 minutes each time.

3, soothe your mood. The impact of emotions on health cannot be underestimated. Menopausal women have greater emotional ups and downs, so they should pay more attention to regulating their moods. Of course, appropriate guidance from family members is also very important.

Many women in their 40s will experience symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, irritability, impatience, and bone and joint pain. Are these symptoms due to menopause? Menopause refers to a series of syndromes caused by  - DayDayNews

In addition, menopause is not only a gynecological disease, but also a period of high incidence of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is best for menopausal women to have a physical examination every six months to one year, including sex hormone tests, gynecological examinations, TCT, HPV, gynecological ultrasound, breast ultrasound, bone density examination, bone density test, blood biochemistry and thyroid function, etc. If a disease is discovered, treat it as soon as possible.

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