Why do we do 108 times of Japanese worship? Don't practice in vain! Understand the meaning every time

2019/10/0822:45:15 lose 927

In what yoga practice, do you have to complete 108 times of Japanese salutation? Do you know the true meaning of it?

The editor will take you to find out, I believe most yogis don’t know!

Why do we do 108 times of Japanese worship? Don't practice in vain! Understand the meaning every time - DayDayNews

Why do you have to complete 108 Japanese prayers in yoga practice?

108 This number has always been very sacred in Hinduism and yoga.

The traditional chanting beads are made of 108 beads. The beads are usually used to count mandala times.

In the yoga tradition, there are 108 scenic spots in India and 108 Upanishads. There are 108 mysteries in the human body.

In addition, in traditional yoga practice, the Japanese salutation must be completed 108 times. After reading it silently, understand the meaning of yoga: Humility to the world, pride to oneself.

Why do we do 108 times of Japanese worship? Don't practice in vain! Understand the meaning every time - DayDayNews

108 What is the meaning of each time of Japanese worship?

Thinking about where I came from and where I am going for the first time.

For the second time, thank my parents for giving me life.

Thinking about who I am for the third time.

For the fourth time, I want to explore the truth of the soul.

Fifth time thinking about the value of life and soul.

The sixth time is to make the body and soul healthier and healthier.

Seventh time thinking about the real needs in life.

The eighth time I have the wisdom to control myself and find my true self.

For the 9th time, I think that at this moment, my life is priceless.

10th time I am curious about my own existence.

For the 11th time, I have to think about how much I love myself.

Twelfth time this circle please bless my family members to love each other.

For the 13th time, I want to experience the great power of love and get bliss and blessings in love.

The 14th love is the way to find bliss.

15th time I know that a person's love can flow in the universe.

On the 16th time, my tutor is the enlightening lamp when I am lost.

17th time I feel the vitality of love in my body.

For the 18th time, I feel that the master has been living inside me.

For the 19th time, I feel that the origin of all life in the universe lives in me.

The 20th time my ancestors and protector also live within me.

Pray for the 21st time for the people I have hurt. If I have hurt you, then I pray for your forgiveness.

For the 22nd time, I pray that I will not do anything bad again.

For the 23rd time, I pray to be humble in front of my strengths.

For the 24th time, I pray that I will not be humble or humble in the face of my shortcomings.

The 25th time allows me to appreciate the beauty of others and tolerate their mistakes.

Pray for the 26th time that I can stop talking about others.

For the 27th time, I will never resent others.

For the 28th time, never be angry with others.

For the 29th time, knowing what you hear is knowing, not knowing it is not knowing.

The 30th time is about seeing things. Knowing is knowing, not knowing is knowing.

For the 31st time, it's up to people to get things done, and to get things done in heaven.

The 32nd time do not ask others to obey me.

The 33rd time does not seek a smooth life.

The 34th time every moment is the best.

The 35th time is full of justice.

The 36th time the kindness of dripping water to others should be repaid by the spring.

For the 37th time, don't use the banner of justice and satisfy selfish desires.

Don’t be mean to others for the 38th time.

The 39th time does not slander others, to satisfy selfish desires.

For the 40th time, give small favors to others, without asking for anything in return.

The 41st pass changed from greed to temperance.

For the 42nd time, never change from the master of life to the slave of material.

For the 43rd time, I learned that pain comes from desire.

For the 44th time, don't shoot yourself in the foot.

For the 45th time, pray to arm yourself with wisdom.

For the 46th time, let me do more good deeds so as to abandon evil and do good.

Don’t bully the weak for the 47th time.

For the 48th time, don't flatter yourself. Please make us sincere.

For the 49th time, treat yourself sincerely.

The 50th time the mind is always aware of happiness and pain.

51st time realize that happiness is an illusion of nothingness created by yourself.

The 52nd time realizes that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

53rd time not attached to the past, not afraid of the future.

Realize that everything does not belong to me 54th time.

The 55th time to endure wear and flatten my edges and corners.

56th time to keep the heart of confession.

57th time let me get liberation through wisdom.

The 58th pass makes me the master of the mind, not a victim of the mind.

Continue practicing on the 59th time.

60th time Thank you for the difficulties in life for making me stronger.

For the 61st time, time goes by, and the pure heart is eternal.

The 62nd time makes me grateful forever.

63rd time grateful that I found my true self in silence.

64th time I pray for every pure soul who is faithful to the true self.

65th time I pray for workers who are not afraid of dirty or tired.

66th time I pray for the hungry people.

67th time I pray for the farmers who sprinkle sweat on the soil.

68th time I pray for those who are willing to share.

69th time I am grateful for being a mother and for being able to give a physical life to the great soul.

For the 70th time, I pray for the partner who becomes one with me.

The 71st time pray for the great souls with disabilities.

The 72nd time pray for friends who share my joys and sorrows.

The 73rd time pray for those who are temperate.

74th time pray for those who are humble.

Seventy-fifth time pray for those who have the moral character of Kong Rongrang Li.

The 76th time I think of Mother Earth with bruises.

For the 77th time, I realized that human beings and the living things on the earth are a community.

78th time pray for those creatures who have been harmed due to human ignorance.

79th time pray for nature to recover from chronic illness.

Listen to the sound of nature for the 80th time.

For the 81st time, I realized that life is the rhythm of the soul.

The 82nd time I realized that life is the reality of love.

The 83rd time the clear spring washes my cloudy mind.

The 84th time the lark's call calmed my rushing thoughts.

For the 85th time, feel the body and hear the wind bell.

86th time Thank you for the fresh oxygen.

For the 87th time, I thank you for letting us appreciate the mountainsflower.

For the 88th time, I am grateful for the great Heshan, and talk to me in silence.

For the 89th time, I am grateful to Mother Earth for giving birth to all things, so I can survive.

For the 90th time, I pray for the beautiful sky that breeds all things. 91st time I pray for my own peace.

92nd time I pray for harmony with all things.

For the 93rd time I pray for the happiness of my neighbor.

For the 94th time, I pray for peace in the place where the motherland has been divided.

95th time I pray for the international political war.

For the 96th time, I pray for all religions and the harmony between religions.

97th time I pray for the peaceful coexistence between the living and the dead.

98th time I pray for the peaceful coexistence between man and nature.

For the 99th time, I pray for the enlightened mind full of bliss and bring me peace.

The 100th time is for the rich to join hands with the poor.

The 101st time is for healthy people to join hands with sick people.

The 102nd pass is made for the educated and the uneducated.

The 103rd pass is made for those poor souls lost in material darkness.

104th time I accept the cause and effect that I planted, it is myself that makes my life chaotic.

105th time I pray for those who love me and care about me.

106th time I pray for all the goodness and kindness in the world.

107th time I pray for the endless life.

108th time I pray for my most precious life, because she contains the entire universe.

108 is a sacred number. In Buddhism, 108 represents "consummation" and is a lucky number that entrusts rebirth and light. Although 108 sun salutations may sound challenging, it is more important that it is a spiritual purification. The process is also to send love and gratitude!

Why do we do 108 times of Japanese worship? Don't practice in vain! Understand the meaning every time - DayDayNews

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