In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded

2021/05/1221:36:14 lose 1517

Losing weight overnight is the dream of many dieters. But fat doesn't accumulate in one day. Even if you think you have shut your mouth and spread your legs, it will take advantage of it!

Maybe you don't know, there are 3 times of day when you are most likely to gain weight. If you don't want to be more rounded, Jian Niu advises you to avoid it early.

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

1. At seven or eight in the morning

What are you doing at this time? Under the covers, or already on the commute?

For us workers, we are always in a hurry in the morning and cannot eat a good breakfast, which constitutes a universal existence.

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

According to this, Mayo Clinic conducted a study that tracked the breakfast habits of 347 healthy adults for at least 2 years, and recorded various data on their bodies, such as weight, waist circumference, etc.

The researchers divided them into three categories: no breakfast, infrequent breakfast (1-4 times/week), and frequent breakfast (5-7 times/week). After for a period of time, it was found that the waist circumference of people who did not eat breakfast increased a lot compared with those who often eat breakfast, and 26.7% of the people reached the obesity standard. skipping breakfast is indeed easy to gain weight, real hammer. The most obvious problem with

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

is that skipping breakfast can easily make your metabolism sluggish for the day, because is overly hungry, and it may also increase your chances of overeating at lunch.

Not only that, but it is also very harmful to the body. Compared with people who often eat breakfast: People who do not eat breakfast are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , and the risk of stroke will also increase.

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

Of course, eating breakfast ≠ eating breakfast, like biscuits cakes , omelettes fritters, which are foods with high glycemic index and very high fat content, and it is not recommended to reduce girls.

It is recommended to control the calorie intake to 30% of the calorie intake throughout the day. The specific food is cereals and potatoes as the staple food, meat, eggs, milk and meat are optional, and fresh fruits and vegetables are basically enough.

Second, four or five o'clock in the afternoon

Four or five o'clock in the afternoon, this time is more embarrassing. After lunch, it has been for several hours, and it is not yet time for dinner , but my stomach is already grumbling, what should I do?

In your subconscious, you may feel that you need to keep your mouth shut and not eat afternoon tea, or you will lose weight. is true, if you eat a lot of snacks, you will definitely gain weight.

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

But during the weight loss period, we recommend that you eat smaller meals more frequently. Under the premise of controlling calorie intake, you can arrange 1-2 extra meals for yourself in addition to the three meals.

For example, at four or five o'clock in the afternoon, afternoon tea can relieve the hunger that is grinding people at this time. On the contrary, if you excessively suppress your desire to eat, it is easy to overeat at dinner.

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

However, although eating less and more meals is beneficial to control your diet, you should not turn it into more frequent meals, otherwise you will also gain weight. recommends that the heat of and should be controlled within 200 kcal.

Oats, nuts, fruit, green salad or dairy are all good choices.

3. After eight o'clock in the evening

In the world of adults, eating on time and has become a luxury. Many people either eat too late or simply skip it.Regardless of your situation, you are prone to gaining weight.

However, this is not to say that eating itself will cause you to gain weight, but if you continue for a period of time, it is related to your food intake, so that the calorie intake exceeds the consumption.

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

Because of what they can see, if most people work overtime too late, they will basically rely on takeaways and roadside stalls to solve the problem, and the heat of these foods is often impossible to control.

And, the later you eat, the more you will find that you tend to eat fried chicken, hamburgers, and desserts... is so out of control, is it you?

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

You think this will only make fat , but fat gain is only the lightest consequence.

Because the human digestive system is regular, the digestion time of a meal is about 3-4 hours. If you eat too late, the stomach will be forced to work overtime, and the burden is still very large.

Finally, let me give you some practical advice: Generally, dinner is solved 3 hours before bedtime, and the time should be grasped.

In a day, these 3 times are the easiest to gain weight! Those who don’t know how to eat will only become more and more rounded - DayDayNews

Maintain the light diet principle of low salt, low sugar and low oil, specific food: You can choose whole grains and vegetables rich in dietary flavor, and then match with some high-quality protein and low-fat meat.

Dinner should be 7 minutes full, don't sit down when you are full. After an hour of rest, you can also go downstairs for a walk or jog to help you burn more calories and prevent fat accumulation.

Of course, if you have to work overtime, remember to eat in moderation to avoid being too hungry. If is not enough, get some fruit, whole wheat bread , and drink a bag of milk. #sportsstarforce#

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