Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds?

2021/04/0213:54:09 lose 965

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews


Place of residence: Tokyo, Japan

Height: 175 cm

Age: 34 years

174 years old


current weight: 157 kg

initial waist circumference: 95 cm

current waist circumference: 84 cm

initial body fat rate: 21%

current body fat rate: 17%

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

My hobbies:


I have studied Chifang Ikebana for nearly 4 years,

is now promoted to the higher level of this year's p_p3. Long


level is still relatively average,

practice in Japanese clubs


study more than one year

p0 Not many,

47 prefectures in Japan should have run 30


Every fat guy has something in common

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

The weight soared to 214 kg in 2014,

is the peak time in the photo.

was sitting with a stomach full of breath.

was in the medical and health industry.

was just when the doctor was about to graduate and was looking for a job.

is so unhealthy,

is in the medical industry,

this is the first opportunity.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Later, my own efforts were also effective. Although

repeated every year,

was basically controlled below 170 kilograms.

During the epidemic this year,

suddenly stopped working at home, and

weighed more than 185 catties again.

continued to lose weight by himself for up to 3 months.

does this every year,

so this year is myself After persisting for 3 months,

came to find Yuppies,

hopes to break the curse of 3 months,

can work harder for a few months,

this is an opportunity.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

My thoughts:

I think I understand the principle of keeping my mouth open and opening my legs,

I have a successful weight loss experience myself, so

_ It is a psychological factor,

is very complicated.

training is the first time in so many years,

is the experience of losing weight that someone accompanies every day.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

I participated in a program in Japan and accompanied by a nutritionist.

But that one is more passive.

means you can ask questions

but you won’t follow it every day like this.

Running and other aerobic exercises are quite painful before losing weight.

will get used to 5-8 kilometers later, and

can also run down.

It’s easy to run 10 kilometers when I was young in my 20s.

now needs to practice again.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

The biggest impact of training on me is that I will be more confident.

was originally a stinky person,

p0, I hope I can be handsome and healthy. The other thing is that the sports will become easier.

Fat reduction has not had much impact on my work at the moment,

does not have to run customers during the epidemic. If

returns to normal in the future,

is like what we do for business development,

is dealing with people, and

's external image is also very important.

will add points.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

The diet is relatively simple. Although

does not meet the standard occasionally, it is generally good to stick to it.

is not painful at all.

is a little harder to exercise.

almost never completes the plan in a full week.

does not give up. Do something. The biggest gain of

is that the running pace is slightly faster. Ok.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

The most difficult thing is to sleep,

is originally a night cat who sleeps less.

sleeps an average of 4 hours a day for most of this year.

used to sleep 4 hours a day when I was a PhD student.

coupled with working across time zones with colleagues in the United States and Europe,

is a common meal between midnight and 1-2 o'clock.

This is currently more difficult to correct,

can only be said to do its best.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

The most touching story:

may still need the support of family members.

Eating eggs but not egg yolks,

was scolded by the subject at first,

said that I would not be allowed to eat eggs if I did not eat yolks,

but in the end it became after I finished the egg whites

Help me eat the end of the egg yolk.

Once I ate 4 eggs.

turned out that the egg yolk was about to throw up.

I will silently throw the egg yolk into the trash without paying attention.

can leave at most one for my girlfriend.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

The most important thing to lose weight is to eat.

If you do your own medical industry, you also know nutrition,

is a plan to lose weight.

Although it is not painful to be stricter, it is true.

and I really like sweet potatoes and oatmeal.

has no desire to eat white rice at all.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

I think I know why I want to do this,

What is the purpose of losing weight after success?

needs to give myself a strong hint.

For example, although I haven't reached it yet,

but I just want to have 6 abdominal muscles playing on the beach in summer,

dream this is. The rest of

is to follow the friends in the group to check in every day. It doesn't matter if

is missing once or twice,

can be connected the next time.

will give you a good return.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Muscles are not only good-looking guarantees, but also guarantees that we are not fat.

Is muscle only good-looking?

The muscles are not just those lumps, they look bulging and are used for decoration. It is actually the engine of our energy consumption. Taking a scientific look at the process of fat loss, in fact, while reducing fat, it causes a lot of muscle loss. Indeed, you did lose fat, but you also lost the same amount of muscle. Because the density of muscle is greater than fat, you do look smaller, but this is not our original intention to lose fat (especially male partners).

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

The muscles are gone, thinning down and becoming skinny, no one likes this thinness.

will not only make you lose the visual effect you should have after losing fat, but it will also make it more difficult for you to further lose fat, because muscle is an important guarantee for your high basal metabolic rate. 5kg of muscle consumes 60 calories every day in a resting state. Therefore, if you lose 5kg of muscle, you will consume at least 400 calories less per week, which is equivalent to a 40-minute aerobic training .

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Insulin sensitivity of muscle also plays an important role in fat loss.

The larger your muscle mass, the stronger the insulin sensitivity of muscle cells, and the more insulin tends to act on muscle cells, and the easier it is for muscle cells to repair and grow. This means that if your muscle mass is larger, the nutrients you take in are more likely to be used by muscle cells instead of fat cells. Not only that, the greater your muscle mass, the greater the weight and intensity you use during training, and the more calories you consume.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

It can be seen that preventing muscle loss when reducing fat is essential. Therefore, we must pay attention to muscle gain training in the process of fat loss. How to do it?

basic training

Muscle gain is also not listed. Some basic exercises, such as bench presses for pectoral muscles, barbell sliding for back exercises, and squats for thigh and buttocks muscles are designed to allow the whole body to lift more weight. Especially the training of the thighs and buttocks will promote the growth of muscles in the body.

But note that it is difficult to find the feeling of force at the beginning of the buttocks muscles. If you don't care if you keep practicing, it will cause the thick thighs and the buttocks to be insufficient.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Don’t yell at exhaustion 2 29 _strongp478 High-intensity exercise is the key to gaining muscle. The weight that thin people can easily lift, even for a long time, can not achieve the perfect conditions for tearing muscles and reorganizing. Every time you practice, you must be as exhausted as possible. When you feel muscle soreness, you should feel happy, because you can see the training effect soon.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Explosive lift _span29 span29 _span0p _span0p 478 pstrong 30span 29The movement can be a little slower to make the movement more correct. After being proficient, you must do it quickly to achieve muscle gain, that is, explosive lifting. The more times you can do within a limited time, the better, until the time is up.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews. You must find the correct posture for each exercise when you first start training. Don't care, for example, if a person with a hunched back does not straighten their waist for training, then after the muscles become obvious, the posture will become ugly.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

You can exercise different parts of different muscles 29 Muscle groups. In the early days of fitness, training 3 times a week is a good frequency. You can try to exercise the chest muscles, triceps and biceps, exercise the leg and buttocks muscles once, and exercise the abdominal muscles and back muscles last. But the best way is to have a professional coach develop a training plan based on your actual situation.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

Increase weight!

If the same weight is repeated every time,Then the effect will not be too great. Gain weight, if the new weight still cannot break through the stagnation of muscle growth, change the way of exercise. Self-portrait is a trick to observe the changes in your muscles. Give yourself a selfie a week. If your muscles have not changed for a period of time, increase the weight.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

_strong p47830span _span _strong span 29 The body needs time to build muscles, so when a lean person starts to gain muscle training, in addition to strength training and dietary adjustments, the most important thing is to have enough time to rest every night.

Do you know what it means for a man to lose 17 pounds? - DayDayNews

In terms of diet, span30span _span _strongspan 29 is the most important factor in diet: You don’t know how to configure a menu. Even the most perfect training plan, muscles can’t grow. Please refer to the following suggestions:

(1) Calculate your total daily energy expenditure, and then calculate your daily calorie intake Scheduled to spend energy X 120% (Thin-bottomed friends may want to eat more,It can be energy expenditure X150%);

(2) Control the intake ratio of protein (such as meat, eggs, beans), carbohydrates (flour, rice, noodles, bread, potatoes), and fat , The recommendations are as follows:

protein (1g = 4 calories)-25-35%

carbide (1g = 4 calories)-30-60spanspan29 span29 _span _span _span29 (1g = 9 calories)-15-25%

(3) Don't go hungry, try to eat 4-6 meals a day to meet your target calorie intake.

Keep your mouth shut and step on the legs to lose weight. We are the fitness and fat burning and weight loss community-the yuppie slimming interest group

Look for the "Yuppie slimming interest group" public account on the social application that has friends , You can find us

The author of this article is an inspirational person who is interested in slimming, and it is prohibited to reprint

without permission.

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