When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions

2021/10/0623:10:03 lose 436

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

If you want to have a good figure

, first of all, we must carry out targeted strength training

Friends of women, my uncle will teach today

some practical and effective methods for the majority of female friends

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

S-shaped curves _5span2p

and you want to develop this kind of figure

The key is how to practice well

chest, waist, buttocks _strong14_strong


The first thing to explain is

The breast exercise is not for breast enhancement

, but to prevent sagging

_p6sp br p6sp _brp21 The breasts of

are mainly composed of fat

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

Due to factors such as gravity and aging

Girls’ breasts will droop

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

can strengthen the resistance of the pectoralis major to gravity _span6 p0 p2p


to make the chest support

specific exercises can be done through the following exercises:

exercises and essentials of chest exercise

strong11span _strongp5span1 exercise area: pectoralis major

chest expansion exercise is the most basic exercise

can exercise the chest muscles and prevent breast hyperplasia

span5sp can also prevent thoracic spine bending and relieve shoulder and neck pain

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews


Keep your back straight

When the arms are opened, the chest is opened

elbow and straight arms alternately

strong11 14 span2p

strong11 14 frequency per day: span2

strong11 14 strong 30~40 times

2, kneeling position push-up

kneeling position: pectoralis major, arm muscles 6ppan2ppan, strong kneeling position, waist and abdomen, p2p, p2p, p2p, p2p, p2p Push-ups are easier

is more suitable for female students with weak upper limb strength

mainly exercises the entire pectoralis major and arm muscles

can also improve body balance



kneeling on the yoga mat

the upper and lower legs show 90 degrees

frequency: _span 6span

2 groups a day,15~20 per group

3, dumbbell bench press (needs equipment)

11strong can strengthen the muscles of the arm 6span2p strong muscles of pectoralis major muscles and arms Pectoralis major

improves lung function

can also increase muscle flexibility

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

strong11 _strong on the ground, hold dumbbells on the ground, _strong_span0

(if not, use 2 bottles of the same mineral water instead)

lift up

make the arm vertical to the ground


Parallel to the ground


2 groups a day,15~20 times per group

small waist vest line is trained like this

strictly speaking

vest line refers to the edge part of _span2 rectus abdominis_span6_span6_span6

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

Rectus abdominis is a muscle that penetrates the abdomen

During exercise

needs to cover the upper and lower parts of the rectus abdominis p_img2p



should also take into account the

internal oblique muscle and external oblique abdomen

otherwise the lines are unnatural



achieve this goal

1, upper crunch

exercise area: upper abdomen _strong14 strong

span5 simpler action Muscle lines

fat loss shaping

is safer than sit-ups

will not have the risk of lumbar spine injury

spa n5span is more suitable for girls

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews


body lying on the floor mat on the back _span2ppan2p2p

0 ,Put your feet flat on the ground

Use the power of your rectus abdominis to curl your body up


group 5span 15 span

~ 2 times a day

2. Cycling crunch

Exercise area: lower abdomen

This action can be targeted to practice the lower half of the 5span6span

pan2 span.

help shape muscle lines

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews


lie flat on the ground, hold both hands on the waist at the same time span2p _span0 span_p5span_span6 Straighten your right leg and lift your left knee to your chest

Then straighten your left leg and lift your left knee to your chest

Repeat this way

strong span5 span5 a day

strong 2 teams,15~20 seconds per group

3. Russian swivel

exercise site: internal oblique muscle, external oblique muscle 5 _spanstrong


14strongp span6span

Practice the classic abdominal stretching exercises

When doing this exercise

will have a sense of contraction and squeezing on the abdomen


How to do:

Keep your upper body straight, put your palms together

Bring your legs together and dangle your body

left half of your right span_

Then the body turned to the left, and the right hand stretched to the left knee


2 groups per day,15~20 times per group

"peach buttocks" practice like this

In terms of size

The ideal buttocks standard is _p2s

strong The protruding part is the dividing line

The upper body and the lower body are the same length

The buttocks are slightly lifted from the back



No extra fat

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

The perfect buttocks are composed of two sides

0 pimg2p0 pspan_img2p0 So, the key to hip training is

stimulates these two muscles

makes them stronger

can move the hips more stiffly from span6span

In terms of angle,

can stimulate the movement of these two muscles is

stretch the thigh back

and ordinary fast walking and jogging are almost useless

women who want to practice buttocks can do this

1. Squat against the wall

This action is mainly used for lifting Hip

also has a certain exercise effect on the muscles of the legs

also protects the knees

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews


strongspan5 5 and strong 5 Same width

The upper body is leaning upright on the wall

The thighs and calves are at 90°

Keep your posture until you are exhausted



2p21 3 times

Note: Try to keep your pelvis still,Avoid leg shaking

2, gluteal bridge


can lift the line of the buttocks

can make the buttocks more upright Tighten the buttocks on the side or chest

Lift the pelvis off the ground forcefully

Make the pelvis, knee joints and chest in the same plane

Keep this position until exhaustion



3 times a day

3 hip extension_span p strong span5 hip extension_span strong span5 p strong_span p14p strong span5 span 5 hip extension_span p strong span_strong span5 hip extension_span p strong span5 span_span 5 pExercising the hips

can make your body more stylish

is also helpful in preventing lumbar spine diseases

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

strong11span _span5


strong11span __strong4

Keep this posture until exhaustion

Alternate exercises with legs




strong11 5 times per span_span0 span6span

Note: Try to keep your pelvis still and avoid shaking your legs

The above actions

pay attention to the 30-second rest between each group _p2164 Matters

In addition to muscle exercises

lifestyle habits should also be changed

On the diet

span5 eat foods that are high in oil and sugar content as much as possible

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

should be supplemented in time at the same time

span5s Pan muscle synthesis raw material-protein

can choose

milk, eggs, chicken breast

beef, pork lean meat, etc.

p0 must be regular

8 hours of sleep a day

Don’t stay up late

img19 img


img19 img


Good living habits make efforts

This is the transformation from body to spirit

When a woman gets older, her chest droops and relaxes? Don’t mess around, try these 3 actions - DayDayNews

#傳零零计划# 1030a1028a block_quote_

reference 1]Wu Jiabao. " bridge style" core area strength training method muscle working law research [D]. Hebei Normal University, 2020.

[2] Yao Lijie. Shoulder and neck pain try chest expansion exercise [J]. Health Care and Life, 2016(9): 57-57.

[3] Zhang Ling. There are standards for buttocks [J]. Self-care, 2011(9): 75-75.

[4] FredericDelavier. Illustration of female bodybuilding training[M]. Shandong Science and Technology Press, 2005.

[5] Lian Zhongyuan. Breasts and female bodybuilding[J]. Family Medicine, 1989(1).


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