The historical records of the ancient period do not have enough historical data to support them, resulting in the chronology of many historical events. In particular, the succession and inheritance of some emperors are inconsistent, and even the year names are inconsistent, espec

2024/06/3014:04:33 history 1996

The historical records of the ancient period do not have enough historical data to support them, resulting in the chronology of many historical events, especially the inconsistency in the succession and inheritance of some emperors, and even incorrect year names, especially some such as Qing Dynasty. The dates of birth and death of Yang Shaohao and other public figures.

However, one thing that can be confirmed is that from about 2400 BC to 2100 BC, there must have been a great flood disaster in China. Records on this point are mentioned in both historical materials and myths and legends. The story of the various ethnic groups in China fighting against floods.

The historical records of the ancient period do not have enough historical data to support them, resulting in the chronology of many historical events. In particular, the succession and inheritance of some emperors are inconsistent, and even the year names are inconsistent, espec - DayDayNews

For example, Gonggong broke Mount Buzhou after failing in the struggle with Zhuan Xu and Emperor Ku in order to compete for the throne of the earth; for example, Emperor Yao used Gun to control the floods, but Gun failed to control the floods and was killed; such as Dayu The story of water control passing through the door three times without entering, etc.

Especially in the later period of the Five Emperors era, internal and external troubles arose. Not only did the external ethnic groups develop and attack each other in order to survive, but internal conflicts also intensified in order to compete for power. Especially after Emperor Zhi succeeded to the throne in 2350 BC, the contradictions became more prominent, especially the battle for the throne between the two brothers Emperor Zhi and Emperor Yao.

When the snipe and clam were fighting among the big families, the Fan Zhong family of Fan State, which was far away in Ezhou , took advantage of this opportunity to make a profit. Especially under the leadership of the monarch Fan Zhongwen, they took the opportunity to occupy the current Xiangyang area. It is a vast and fertile land, but because of its unfair reputation, it can only do small things secretly and secretly, and it violates the regulations set by those in power. Therefore, even though it occupies the Xiangyang area, it never dares to show off its muscles blatantly. picture.

Fortunately, there is always a road ahead. Just when the Fan Zhong clan was having a headache about violating the ancestral system and occupying the territory of other countries, they happened to meet Gun, the patriarch of the Xia clan who was looking for a way to control floods. So the Fan Zhong clan He unreservedly shared with Gun his experience of living in Ezhou and struggling in swamps.

Because of establishing a relationship with this flood control hero and the princes and nobles, it became much easier for the Fan Zhong family to do things and became more confident. After all, Gun was also a relative of the emperor, the son of the previous emperor Zhuanxu. .

The historical records of the ancient period do not have enough historical data to support them, resulting in the chronology of many historical events. In particular, the succession and inheritance of some emperors are inconsistent, and even the year names are inconsistent, espec - DayDayNews

Coincidentally, at this time, the heirs to the imperial power in the center of power were fighting again. The two heirs to the throne of Emperor Ku, Yao and Emperor Zhi, had a conflict. At first, Emperor Zhi, who represented the traditional farming force, won the throne. Victory, Emperor Zhi ascended to the throne.

After Emperor Ku's son Zhi succeeded to the throne, because the world was under Emperor Ku's governance and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, Emperor Zhi had a very good life. So Emperor Zhi, unlike the dedicated Huangdi , Zhuanxu, and Emperor Ku, became the leader who enjoyed happiness.

However, beautiful flowers don’t always bloom, and good scenery doesn’t always last! The days of peace in the world will never last long. During the nine years of Emperor Zhi's reign, because he dealt with many things in a rather tyrannical way and offended many aristocratic families, these princes united to depose him and elected Yao, a benevolent and kind-hearted man, to succeed him to the throne. . The historical account of a period of history is that "in the ninth year of Emperor Zhi's reign (i.e. 2358 BC), he was deposed by the princes because of his dissoluteness and failure to practice good governance. The princes respected Yao as the emperor."

Of course, there is another version of history. , "Emperor Century" said: Emperor Zhi's mother was the last of the emperor's four wives, and Zhiyu was the longest among his brothers, so he ascended the throne and conferred the title of Marquis of Tang to his half-brother Fangxun. Zhi reigned for nine years, but his talents were mediocre and he failed to manage the country properly. However, Hou Yao of Tang Dynasty was kind and loving to the people, knew how to observe people, governed well, and was famous all over the world for his virtue. Zhi felt that he was not as wise as Yao, so he led his ministers to visit the Marquis of Tang and went to Zen.

The historical records of the ancient period do not have enough historical data to support them, resulting in the chronology of many historical events. In particular, the succession and inheritance of some emperors are inconsistent, and even the year names are inconsistent, espec - DayDayNews

To put it bluntly, Yao was unwilling to have all his ambitions and could only compromise and become a prince, so he chose to take advantage of internal and external troubles during Emperor Zhi's reign. He took advantage of this and united some marginalized but powerful princes to launch a coup, such as Dayu's father Gun, and Fan Guo, who was in a critical period of development.

Regarding this period of history, local chronicles record that around 2200 BC, Chief Fan Shuzhongwen went to the imperial capital of Tunqiu (now Qingfeng, Henan) and participated in the military coup to depose Emperor Zhi and establish Yao as emperor.

Because of his support, Yao not only acquiesced to the military operations of the Fan Zhong clan in the Jingman area, but also at that time, many tribes in the Jingman area were disobedient to the central government, so he just handed over the donkey to the Fan Zhong clan. Greater power, greater power, and the ability to deal with the tribes and countries that did not obey the central orders in the Jingxiang generation. This is equivalent to giving a letter of appointment to the Fan Zhong clan and officially appointing Fan Zhongwen as the current military and political officer between Ezhou and Xiangyang. .

The historical records of the ancient period do not have enough historical data to support them, resulting in the chronology of many historical events. In particular, the succession and inheritance of some emperors are inconsistent, and even the year names are inconsistent, espec - DayDayNews

In fact, at that time, Fan Zhongwen dared to risk the world's disapproval and risk his life to participate in Yao's coup. It should be related to the secondary industry engaged in by his country. Historical data records that Fan State was already able to produce pottery at that time. The pottery at that time was just like modern pottery. Cutting-edge high-tech products, especially exports to foreign countries, can be exchanged for a lot of food and resources, which is equivalent to the current foreign exchange. In exchange for foreign exchange, you can buy more materials needed for development. However, because the Yellow Emperor limited the development scope of Fan State during his reign, if he wanted to achieve greater development of ethnic tribes, he had to take desperate risks.

Fortunately, Fan's ancestor Fan Zhongwen bet on the right person. If the move was wrong, according to the rules of ancient times, losing would lead to the annihilation of the nine tribes.

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