Review of the second game: Although Sun Shangxiang, who was in front of Qiao Xi in clearing the line, gave first blood at the beginning, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage by controlling the dragon later. After that, Beijing WB used the shooting assistant to concentrate fire

2024/06/3014:38:32 history 1194

Review of the second game: In the beginning, although Qiao Xi's and Sun Shangxiang who were ahead of the clear line gave first blood, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage later by controlling the dragon. Afterwards, Beijing WB's upper-shooting assistant focused fire and was killed by Xing. Yu Luban master flashed back Aisi Donghuang Taiyi , while Nuanyang Luna showed off Yinuo Meng Ya in 1V3. This wave directly put Chengdu AG Super Play at a disadvantage; In the mid-term, Chengdu AG Super Player failed to compete for the Shadow Tyrant, and then Beijing WB expanded its advantage by using dragons to counter the jungle and push towers; in the last wave, Beijing WB pushed Chengdu AG Super Player, and they went lower and were counterattacked, because Beijing WB pulled Chengdu AG. Super Wan will cause Aisi Donghuang Taiyi to be unable to bite the back row of Beijing WB. After Donghuang Taiyi is sent away, Nuanyang Luna will be in a no-man’s land. In the end, Chengdu AG Super Wan will be wiped out by the group and a wave of defeat.

Beijing WB vs Chengdu AG Super Play Club third round

Review of the second game: Although Sun Shangxiang, who was in front of Qiao Xi in clearing the line, gave first blood at the beginning, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage by controlling the dragon later. After that, Beijing WB used the shooting assistant to concentrate fire - DayDayNews

Lineup analysis: In this round, Beijing WB played the "horse core" system, while Chengdu AG Super Play Club used a more conventional lineup. This lineup has both sides. Work hard in the mid-term, so the side that gets the advantage in the early stage will be better at fighting later. The rhythm point of this Beijing WB is Xingyu Dunshan, while the rhythm point of Chengdu AG Super Play is Aisi Punishing Zhang Fei. Huang Chao: This AG that punishes Zhang Fei is stronger in the early stage.

Review of the second game: Although Sun Shangxiang, who was in front of Qiao Xi in clearing the line, gave first blood at the beginning, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage by controlling the dragon later. After that, Beijing WB used the shooting assistant to concentrate fire - DayDayNews-5 minutes: At the beginning, Nakano Suke in Beijing WB chased and killed Zhang Fei, who counterattacked Aisi and countered Beijing WB blue BUFF, but failed to escape. This wave of Chengdu AG Super Play, which gave first blood, will suffer even more losses. Later, Chengdu AG Super League In the game, Zi Mo went up and killed Ma Chao, who was chasing Yi An Lu Bu; after that, Xingyu flashed back to Jiucheng and Shen Mengxi was empty, so Chengdu AG Chao Wan would choose to fight back. When there are more people in Beijing WB, Chengdu AG The Super Play Club was defeated in the team battle (AG Wild Shooter did not come), but in the first five minutes, Chengdu AG Super Play Club had an economic advantage. 5-10 minutes: Beijing WB Ueno Shefu concentrated fire and killed Weiyang's Lan who came to grab the dragon; after that, the two sides fought back and forth, and the gap between the two sides did not widen in the early stage.

Review of the second game: Although Sun Shangxiang, who was in front of Qiao Xi in clearing the line, gave first blood at the beginning, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage by controlling the dragon later. After that, Beijing WB used the shooting assistant to concentrate fire - DayDayNews

10-15 minutes: Beijing WB chased and killed Yi Nuo Di Renjie in the blue zone of Chengdu AG Super Play Club; then Chengdu AG Super Play Club snatched away the Shadow Lord at the cost of Yi An Lu Bu, and then Beijing WB chased and killed Chengdu AG Super Play will be promoted. This wave of Chengdu AG Super Play will end up with a big loss. Now that it has pushed out Beijing WB, which is a high-ranking player in Chengdu AG Super Play, it has a huge advantage. 15-20 minutes: Beijing WB washed away Lu Bu, who was guarding the lower level of Yi'an. Then, although Beijing WB washed away Yinuo Guarding Di Renjie, who was backed by Xingyu Dunshan as he jumped over the tower, Wei Yanglan rushed into the back of Beijing WB. The platoon cut out Qiao Xi Marco Polo and replaced Nuanyang Agudo, so this wave of Beijing WB advancement was finally blocked; then the two sides competed for the Shadow Tyrant, and then Zi Mo Machao had an idea and stole the Chengdu AG Super Play Meeting High and very profitable.

Review of the second game: Although Sun Shangxiang, who was in front of Qiao Xi in clearing the line, gave first blood at the beginning, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage by controlling the dragon later. After that, Beijing WB used the shooting assistant to concentrate fire - DayDayNews

20-21 minutes: Zi Mo Ma Chao counterattacked and killed Wei Yanglan who came to him. After losing the jungler, the Chengdu AG Super Play Club collapsed in a team fight and was finally wiped out in a wave.

Review of the second game: Although Sun Shangxiang, who was in front of Qiao Xi in clearing the line, gave first blood at the beginning, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage by controlling the dragon later. After that, Beijing WB used the shooting assistant to concentrate fire - DayDayNews

Xiaolu: This game was very exciting, and both sides operated to the extreme. Huang Chao: Zi Mo’s Ma Chao would be too much of a threat to Chengdu AG Super League in the later stage. In the last wave, Wei Yanglan’s focus on Zi Mo’s Ma Chao caused trouble. Bottle: This Zi Mo's Ma Chao can reach the sky and lead the flying game. Chen Gui : This Zi Mo 14-2 Ma Chao is so good, it is simply a combination of leading the line to steal the house and killing the team for solo kills. Bottle: This Ma Chao is the real "horse core". Netizen: This Yi'an 1-8 Lu Bu is so embarrassing.

Review of the second game: Although Sun Shangxiang, who was in front of Qiao Xi in clearing the line, gave first blood at the beginning, Beijing WB made up for the disadvantage by controlling the dragon later. After that, Beijing WB used the shooting assistant to concentrate fire - DayDayNews

The MVP of this game went to Beijing WB winger Zi Mo’s Ma Chao with 14-2-10.

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