In September 1856, Northern King Wei Changhui, who was supervising the division in Ruizhou, Jiangxi Province, received a "secret edict", and then directly led 3,000 elite soldiers of the Northern Palace to rush back to Tianjing at night and night, and picked up Qin Rigang on the

2024/06/3003:13:33 history 1558

In September 1856, Bei Wang Wei Changhui , who was supervising the division in Ruizhou, Jiangxi Province, received a "secret edict", and then directly led 3,000 elite soldiers of the Beidian Palace to rush back to Tianjing at night and night, picking up Qin Rigang on the way. With the cooperation of Zuo Tianhou and Prime Minister Chen Chengrong, Wei Changhui successfully entered the capital and directly killed Xiang Dongwangfu. Before Yang Xiuqing had time to resist, his head fell to the ground, and all the personnel of Dongwangfu were also killed. Soon, Hong Xiuquan ordered all the soldiers and civilians to capture the "Northern Rebellion" on the grounds that Wei Changhui killed innocent people indiscriminately, and hung his body at the city gate to warn everyone.

According to the system design of Nan Wang Feng Yunshan , Taiping Heavenly Kingdom implemented the "strategist responsibility system". The power of the country was in the hands of "strategists" such as Yang Xiuqing, Xiao Chaogui, Wei Changhui, Shi Dakai; Hong Xiuquan was the "virtual" head of state. , the government does not manage politics, and does not have a direct armed force on hand. It can be said that Hong Xiuquan was just a bare-bones commander, with only a few soldiers. However, the polished commander Hong Xiuquan was able to kill Yang Xiuqing, Wei Changhui and other local powerful factions one by one, and successfully squeezed out Shi Dakai. What is the reason? From the perspective of "Zong Heng National History", the reason is just two words, that is, "internal fighting"; King Hong Tian fought with one faction and finally solved them one by one.

In September 1856, Northern King Wei Changhui, who was supervising the division in Ruizhou, Jiangxi Province, received a

First, use the conflicts between Yang Xiuqing and Wei Changhui, Shi Dakai, Qin Rigang, and Chen Chengrong to win over the latter to solve the problem of the Dongdian Group and create a good start for the dictatorship.

Let’s first look at the conflict between Yang Xiuqing and Wei Changhui. When he was still in Jintian Tuanying, Yang Xiuqing, who was born as a charcoal burner, looked down on Wei Changhui, who came from a small landowning family. After all, the class conflict was there and he couldn't get over it. Yang Xiuqing, who had obtained the power of "endorsement of the Heavenly Father", marginalized Wei Changhui in every possible way. If it had not been for Xiao Chaogui's strong support, Wei Changhui would not have been able to get ahead just by sponsoring the God-worshipping religion.

In December 1851, "Yong'an was crowned king". Wei Changhui was crowned the Northern King at 6,000 years old, which was far different from Yang XiuqingDong Wang9,000 years old. The two got along fairly well. However, as Feng Yunshan and Xiao Chaogui were killed in battle, Wei Changhui suddenly became the second most powerful figure after Yang Xiuqing, and the contradiction between the two gradually became apparent. After establishing the capital in Tianjing, Yang Xiuqing often used trivial matters to engage in "Heavenly Father descending to earth", and repeatedly scolded Wei Changhui in public to prevent him from getting off the stage. In addition, Yang Xiuqing also deprived Wei Changhui of the garrison power of the capital and replaced him with yiwang Shi Dakai. Wei Changhui was intimidated by the majesty of the Eastern King and compromised many times, but he was very dissatisfied in his heart. When the time came, he would definitely fall out with Yang Xiuqing.

Let’s look at the conflict between Yang Xiuqing and Qin Rigang. In the " Tianjing Incident", King Qin Rigang of Yan was the actual operator. He was more ruthless to his colleagues than to the Qing army. He saw blood with his sword and killed with a gun without mercy. So, how did he develop hatred with Yang Xiuqing? First of all, Yang Xiuqing carried out the "Heavenly Father Comes to Earth" in Yong'an, claiming that God would ennoble five kings, namely Yang, Xiao, Feng, Wei, and Shi, but he excluded the miner Qin Rigang. You know, during the Jintian Uprising, Qin Rigang brought thousands of miners into the group; these miners were highly organized and disciplined, and could dig tunnels, making them an elite force for attacking cities and villages. Qin Rigang failed to make him king, and he was already dissatisfied with Yang Xiuqing. After establishing the capital in Tianjing, Yang Xiuqing often scolded the kings in order to establish his personal authority. Qin Rigang was also the leader who lay down his guns.

In September 1856, Northern King Wei Changhui, who was supervising the division in Ruizhou, Jiangxi Province, received a

For example, Qin Rigang's horseman did not salute Yang Xiuqing and Uncle Geng, but Yang Xiuqing made a fuss and directly said "Heavenly Father descends to earth", beheaded the horseman, and Qin Rigang used a staff of one hundred military sticks. The dignified King Yan was actually spanked for such a trivial matter. One can imagine his inner dissatisfaction.

Next, let’s look at the conflict between Yang Xiuqing and Chen Chengrong. This should be the person that Yang Xiuqing should not offend the most, because his move directly killed Yang Xiuqing. Friends who are familiar with history know that Li Shimin was able to successfully launch the "Xuanwu Gate" change in Li Jiancheng's territory Chang'an . One of the key factors was to bribe the generals who defended the Xuanwu Gate, otherwise he would be Donggong Group chopped into meat sauce.Chen Chengrong, the Prime Minister of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, was also the most important civilian leader of the Dongdian Group, and was also in charge of Tianjing's city defense work. This position was really important. Without the help of Chen Chengrong, the "Edict to Kill Yang" could not be sent out of Tianjing, because Chen Chengrong could directly contact the King of Heaven and could also use the capital's post horses to deliver messages.

In addition, if Chen Chengrong does not open the city gate, Wei Changhui, Qin Rigang and other Qin Wang's troops will not be able to enter Tianjing; as long as he changes sides in battle, Wei Changhui and Qin Rigang will undoubtedly die. However, when Yang Xiuqing dealt with the "groomman incident", he even blamed Chen Chengrong, which was a big mistake.

Since Tianjing was established as the capital, the polished commander Hong Xiuquan has become a "homeboy" and lives deep in the Tianwang Mansion. He no longer interferes with military and state affairs but leaves them all to the East King Yang Xiuqing, because he may not be able to manage them even if he wants to. However, Yang Xiuqing went too far in deceiving others. Not satisfied with having obtained the de facto leadership, he also insisted on forcing the King of Heaven to confer "Long Live". In addition, because Yang Xiuqing couldn't stand Hong Xiuquan's arbitrary use of palace maids to do chores, he directly came to "the heavenly father come down to earth" and punished Hong Tianwang forty times. As the polished commander, Hong Xiuquan did not dare to break up with Yang Xiuqing, the first brother of the Taiping Rebellion. He could only wait for the opportunity.

Although Yang Xiuqing was powerful, his relationship with other powerful factions was at loggerheads, which made them incompatible with each other and made the public angry. This created conditions for Hong Xiuquan to kill himself. This process was so interesting. Chen Chengrong delivered the "Edict to Kill Yang", Wei Changhui and Qin Rigang returned with their troops, Chen Chengrong then opened the gate of Tianjing City, Wei Changhui and Qin Rigang immediately rushed to the East Palace and killed Yang Xiuqing. Yang Xiuqing, a great hero of the generation, was killed by Hong Xiuquan taking advantage of factional conflicts.

In September 1856, Northern King Wei Changhui, who was supervising the division in Ruizhou, Jiangxi Province, received a

After Yang Xiuqing was killed, the remaining powerful factions were Wei Changhui, Shi Dakai, and Qin Rigang. Chen Chengrong is too weak to pose a threat to the King of Heaven and can be ignored; Qin Rigang is Hong Xiuquan's development into the God-worshipping religion and can be cultivated as a confidant and a de facto ally. Therefore, the next opponents that Hong Xiuquan has to deal with are Wei Changhui and Shi Dakai. These two people are powerful and may become the next Yang Xiuqing. So, how did King Hong Tian deal with the two powerful factions, King Bei and King Yi? The way is to create conflicts between the two and let them kill each other. Wei Changhui hated Yang Xiuqing and indiscriminately killed the remaining members of the Eastern King in the capital. Shi Dakai returned to Beijing to dissuade him and was hunted down.

At this time, King Hong Tian agreed (or was forced to do so) that Wei Changhui led his troops to massacre Prince Yi's Mansion, clearly intending to aggravate the situation so that the two would be at war. Shi Dakai repeatedly performed extraordinary feats on the battlefield of the Western Expedition and enjoyed high prestige among the soldiers and civilians of the Kingdom of Heaven, so he won the "Duel between Wei and Shi". Under pressure from Shi Dakai (who returned to Beijing to attack Tianjing), Hong Xiuquan had no choice but to order the soldiers and civilians in the capital to kill Wei Changhui. , and hung his body at the city gate.

After Wei Changhui was executed, Shi Dakai returned to Beijing to assist the government and forced Hong Xiuquan to execute Qin Rigang and Chen Chengrong. From then on, the Yidian Group became the dominant one. For this reason, Hong Xiuquan named his two brothers Hong Renfa and Hong Renda as the two kings of Anfu and asked them to contain Shi Dakai and eventually forced him away. At this point, Hong Xiuquan ostensibly achieved monopoly of power, but this was not necessarily the case, because in order to ensure their own safety, other powerful generals supported their own troops and stopped working together to serve the Kingdom of Heaven, obeying and disobeying King Hong Tian's orders. From then on, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was like a piece of loose sand, just waiting for Zeng Guofan Hunan Army to come and destroy it.

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