In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use.

2024/07/0204:54:34 history 1450

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Tonglinge Road

In 1945, at the suggestion of Feng Yuxiang, the original Nangouyan Street was renamed Tonglinge Road, Beiheyan Street was renamed Zhao Dengyu Road, and Tieshizhutong was renamed Zhangzizhong Road, in order to commemorate the three famous anti-Japanese generals.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Zhao Dengyu Road

On July 7, 1937, after the "Marco Bridge Incident" broke out, the Japanese army launched a fierce attack on Beiping and invaded Nanyuan. Tong Linge , then deputy commander of the 29th Army, and Zhao Dengyu, commander of the 132nd Division, defended Nanyuan to fight against the Japanese army and died heroically one after another. Comrade Zhang Zizhong, who was also the commander of the 29th Army, was unfortunately surrounded and died for his country in May 1940 during the battle of Zaoyi in China against the Japanese army.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Zhang Zizhonglu

The three of them were all senior generals of the national army who died on the anti-Japanese battlefield. Regardless of their early merits and demerits, they all sacrificed their lives in the tenacious fight against the Japanese army.

Yanqiao Road - Hefei, Anhui

Between the prosperous avenue and Jixian Road in Hefei, Anhui, there is a road about 1.2 kilometers long, named Yanqiao Road. is named after the two brothers Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, the revolutionary martyrs.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Yanqiao Road

Chen Yannian was born in Huaining, Anhui and is the eldest son of Chen Duxiu. In 1922, while studying in Europe, he founded the Chinese Youth Communist Party together with Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan and others. He was one of the early leaders of our party. After returning to China, he engaged in revolutionary work in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other regions. led the provincial and Hong Kong general strikes, assisted in the formation of the Ye Ting Independent Group, and so on.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Chen Yannian

In 1927, after the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, Chen Yannian actively restored and rebuilt the party organization in Shanghai regardless of danger, but was unfortunately arrested. The enemy used all kinds of torture on him to force him to surrender, but he would rather die than surrender. On the evening of July 4th, he was taken to the execution ground by the reactionaries. The enemy asked him to kneel down. He responded loudly: revolutionaries are aboveboard and regard death as home. They can only die standing and never kneel down! was 29 years old when he died.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

The picture comes from "The Age of Awakening"

Chen Qionian is his second brother. The two studied abroad together and joined the Communist Party of China together. After returning to China, he mainly led the revolutionary struggle in the Northern District Committee. Under the leadership of Li Dazhao, he actively carried out organizational and propaganda work, mobilized workers and student movements, launched the "Capital Revolution", strengthened the party's ranks, and founded progressive publications.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Chen Qiaonian

On February 16, 1928, Chen Qiaonian was arrested in Jiangsu due to betrayal by a traitor. In Longhua Prison, he always maintained his revolutionary integrity and actively encouraged his comrades. He said optimistically: Let our descendants enjoy the happiness of our predecessors who have overcome all obstacles!

html On June 6, he died heroically in Longhua, Shanghai, at the age of only 26.

On July 1st, just past, on the side of Yanqiao Road, many citizens sent flowers to commemorate the martyrs. Someone wrote on the card: "Although Yanqiao Road is short, it ends at a prosperous avenue." It can be said that , the prosperous age of is as you wish.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Jingyu Street , Yiman Street - Harbin

Harbin is one of the main anti-Japanese positions in Northeast China, and countless revolutionary martyrs have devoted their lives here.

In July 1946, Harbin renamed Zhengyang Street, built in 1881, as Jingyu Street to commemorate Yang Jingyu, the founder and leader of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area and the Northeastern Anti-Japanese Allied Forces.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Jingyu Street

The story of Yang Jingyu leading the Northeast soldiers and civilians to fight the Japanese invaders in the white mountains and black waters is well known. He once led the Queshan Uprising, Liudian Autumn Harvest Uprising, and then moved to the forefront of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. He struggled with the Japanese army for seven years, killing traitors, killing Japanese aggressors, bombing railways, and building bunkers, conducting guerrilla resistance against the Japanese, and severely defeating the Japanese army.

Since 1939, the Japanese army has launched a crazy campaign against our Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance . The troops suffered heavy losses and had to be broken into pieces and dispersed to break out of the encirclement. By February 18, 1940, the soldiers around Yang Jingyu died one after another, and he fought with the Japanese army alone for five days and five nights.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Tonglinge Road

In 1945, at the suggestion of Feng Yuxiang, the original Nangouyan Street was renamed Tonglinge Road, Beiheyan Street was renamed Zhao Dengyu Road, and Tieshizhutong was renamed Zhangzizhong Road, in order to commemorate the three famous anti-Japanese generals.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Zhao Dengyu Road

On July 7, 1937, after the "Marco Bridge Incident" broke out, the Japanese army launched a fierce attack on Beiping and invaded Nanyuan. Tong Linge , then deputy commander of the 29th Army, and Zhao Dengyu, commander of the 132nd Division, defended Nanyuan to fight against the Japanese army and died heroically one after another. Comrade Zhang Zizhong, who was also the commander of the 29th Army, was unfortunately surrounded and died for his country in May 1940 during the battle of Zaoyi in China against the Japanese army.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Zhang Zizhonglu

The three of them were all senior generals of the national army who died on the anti-Japanese battlefield. Regardless of their early merits and demerits, they all sacrificed their lives in the tenacious fight against the Japanese army.

Yanqiao Road - Hefei, Anhui

Between the prosperous avenue and Jixian Road in Hefei, Anhui, there is a road about 1.2 kilometers long, named Yanqiao Road. is named after the two brothers Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, the revolutionary martyrs.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Yanqiao Road

Chen Yannian was born in Huaining, Anhui and is the eldest son of Chen Duxiu. In 1922, while studying in Europe, he founded the Chinese Youth Communist Party together with Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan and others. He was one of the early leaders of our party. After returning to China, he engaged in revolutionary work in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other regions. led the provincial and Hong Kong general strikes, assisted in the formation of the Ye Ting Independent Group, and so on.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Chen Yannian

In 1927, after the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, Chen Yannian actively restored and rebuilt the party organization in Shanghai regardless of danger, but was unfortunately arrested. The enemy used all kinds of torture on him to force him to surrender, but he would rather die than surrender. On the evening of July 4th, he was taken to the execution ground by the reactionaries. The enemy asked him to kneel down. He responded loudly: revolutionaries are aboveboard and regard death as home. They can only die standing and never kneel down! was 29 years old when he died.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

The picture comes from "The Age of Awakening"

Chen Qionian is his second brother. The two studied abroad together and joined the Communist Party of China together. After returning to China, he mainly led the revolutionary struggle in the Northern District Committee. Under the leadership of Li Dazhao, he actively carried out organizational and propaganda work, mobilized workers and student movements, launched the "Capital Revolution", strengthened the party's ranks, and founded progressive publications.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Chen Qiaonian

On February 16, 1928, Chen Qiaonian was arrested in Jiangsu due to betrayal by a traitor. In Longhua Prison, he always maintained his revolutionary integrity and actively encouraged his comrades. He said optimistically: Let our descendants enjoy the happiness of our predecessors who have overcome all obstacles!

html On June 6, he died heroically in Longhua, Shanghai, at the age of only 26.

On July 1st, just past, on the side of Yanqiao Road, many citizens sent flowers to commemorate the martyrs. Someone wrote on the card: "Although Yanqiao Road is short, it ends at a prosperous avenue." It can be said that , the prosperous age of is as you wish.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Jingyu Street , Yiman Street - Harbin

Harbin is one of the main anti-Japanese positions in Northeast China, and countless revolutionary martyrs have devoted their lives here.

In July 1946, Harbin renamed Zhengyang Street, built in 1881, as Jingyu Street to commemorate Yang Jingyu, the founder and leader of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area and the Northeastern Anti-Japanese Allied Forces.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Jingyu Street

The story of Yang Jingyu leading the Northeast soldiers and civilians to fight the Japanese invaders in the white mountains and black waters is well known. He once led the Queshan Uprising, Liudian Autumn Harvest Uprising, and then moved to the forefront of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. He struggled with the Japanese army for seven years, killing traitors, killing Japanese aggressors, bombing railways, and building bunkers, conducting guerrilla resistance against the Japanese, and severely defeating the Japanese army.

Since 1939, the Japanese army has launched a crazy campaign against our Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance . The troops suffered heavy losses and had to be broken into pieces and dispersed to break out of the encirclement. By February 18, 1940, the soldiers around Yang Jingyu died one after another, and he fought with the Japanese army alone for five days and five nights.On the 23rd, exhausted and hungry, he was betrayed by fellow villagers who cut firewood. He was eventually shot in the chest during a battle with the Japanese army and died heroically.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Yang Jingyu

The enemy once persuaded him to surrender. He said angrily: If all of us Chinese surrender, our China will be finished.

The cruel enemy cut open his abdomen after he died and found that it was full of bark, cotton wool, etc., without a single grain. They also separated his head and body until February 23, 1958, before they were buried together in Jingyu Cemetery in Tonghua.

Zhao Yiman is also a heroic heroine in the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. In 1946, in memory of her, Harbin named Shishan Street, where she once worked and fought, Yiman Street.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews


She was born in Yibin, Sichuan, and joined the revolution early. She studied at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. In 1931, after the "September 18th" Incident, she was ordered to go to the Northeast to lead workers' struggles. She served as political commissar of the Second Regiment of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation and organized guerrilla resistance against Japan many times. She is "Sister Li" in the hearts of the masses, "our female political commissar" in the hearts of soldiers, and is also the heroine reported by the enemy as "the red gun and the white horse".

In November 1935, while fighting the Japanese army, she was injured in the leg while protecting the troops and was unfortunately arrested. During this period, the enemy continued to torture her with torture methods such as tiger benches, pepper water, and electrocution. She retaliated by denounced the Japanese army's crimes of aggression. On August 2, 1936, the enemy tied her to a car and "paraded her in public". She shouted "Down with Japanese imperialism" and "Long live the Chinese Communist Party", and finally died heroically.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Zhao Yiman

She once wrote the poem "Reminiscing on the Riverside", at the end of which she wrote: White mountains and black waters eliminate enemy bandits, and smile at the flags as red as flowers.

Nie Rongzhen, Dong Biwu, Chen Yi, Guo Moruo, etc. all gave her poems and words. In Harbin, she is "the national soul of the White Mountains and Black Waters" and "the female pioneer who will always be remembered by all people" .

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Shangzhi Street and Zhaolin Street

Streets in Harbin named after revolutionary martyrs include Zhaolin Street, Shangzhi Street, Guixin Street, etc. were named in memory of the founders of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, Li Zhaolin, Zhao Shangzhi, and Xie Guixin, the Sixth Column Communications Corps of the Northeast People's Liberation Army.

Zuoquan Road, Xuefeng Road - Henan

In Liling, Henan, there is a "Zuoquan Road" running through the city. This is the hometown of General Zuoquan.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Zuoquan Road, no photos with street signs were found

Zuoquan graduated from the first phase of Huangpu , joined the party at the age of 20, studied in the Soviet Union, participated in the Red Army's Long March, commanded the forced crossing of the Dadu River, the attack on Lazikou, Huangya Cave Defense War and the previous "anti-encirclement and suppression" struggles in the Central Soviet Area. Assisted in commanding the famous Guanjianao bloody battle in the Hundred Regiments War, and was one of the creators of our army's guerrilla tactics.

He is the " sharpshooter" in the eyes of Mao Zedong, the " model soldier" in the eyes of Zhu De, and the "enough to be a model for the party" in the eyes of Zhou Enlai. During his revolutionary career, he not only made outstanding military exploits, but also wrote more than 40 textbooks on military theory and tactics. is a rare military strategist, theorist and tactician in our army.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews


In 1942, the Japanese army carried out a "big sweep" of "iron wall encirclement" with more than 30,000 troops and attacked the Eighth Route Army base area in southeastern Shanxi. On May 25, when he was at the headquarters near Matian in Liao County, Shanxi (now Zuoquan County), while covering the transfer of the Northern Bureau and the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, he was surrounded by the enemy. Unfortunately, he was hit in the head by a shell during the breakout and died heroically. Only 37 years old.

In Nanyang, Henan, there is also a road named after a person, " Xuefeng Road ", as well as Xuefeng Bridge, Xuefeng Street, etc. They are all named in memory of General Peng Xuefeng.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Overview of Xuefeng Road

Peng Xuefeng studied in Tianjin Nankai Middle School, Beijing Yude Middle School and other places in his early years. He joined the Communist Youth League at the age of 18. At the age of 25, he commanded the Second Division to participate in the Battle of Yile, annihilating the remnants of the 52nd Division and winning the " Red Star Medal ".

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Xue Feng Bridge

After that, he served as a commander in the Red Army and the New Fourth Army. He first climbed to Changsha City, took Zunyi City directly, skillfully crossed the Chishui River, captured Loushanguan, and advanced into Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu. He won one victory after another and participated in 3,760 large and small battles, killing more than 48,000 enemies. He is one of the backbones of the Red Army, and he is also a "steel knife" inserted into the enemy's chest.

In 1944, the Japanese army launched the Henan Campaign. On September 11, he was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet while commanding the Balizhuang battle and died heroically. He was only 37 years old. Mao Zedong and Zhu De commented that he is: a hero of the Chinese nation and a good example of a communist.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Peng Xuefeng

One of the few special forces of our army is the "Xuefeng Brigade", and the famous " Sirius Commando " comes from among them.

There are many roads named after revolutionary martyrs throughout the country, such as Martyrs Road in Guangzhou, Guangdong to commemorate the "Seventy-two Martyrs of Huanghuagang", Jinyuan Road in Shanghai to commemorate Xie Jinyuan who guarded the Sixing Warehouse, and Wuhan to commemorate the Revolution of 1911. Peng Liuyang Road of the Three Martyrs of , the Communist Youth League Road of Nanjing that will “never be renamed”, etc.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet

But some careful netizens will find that some cities have many cities, and some cities have relatively few. Some historical cities are mainly named by ancient celebrities, scientific giants, cultural celebrities, etc., and are named after revolutionary martyrs. Almost no . What's the reason for this?

On January 23, 1986, my country officially implemented the " Place Name Management Regulations " , which regulates the naming, renaming, use, cultural protection and related management activities of place names in our country. On May 1, 2022, the new "Regulations on the Management of Place Names" officially came into effect.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Pictures from the Internet

Although the two versions of the regulations have made relatively major changes, some key contents have not changed: ① It is conducive to promoting socialist core values ​​; ② It is conducive to the inheritance and development of China's excellent culture; ③ Generally, place names are not based on the names of people or national leaders; ④ Place names that have important historical and cultural value and reflect the Chinese historical context are generally not allowed to be renamed, etc.

From the content point of view, in addition to inheriting and carrying forward historical culture, a very important point is that "generally do not use people's names as place names."

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Excerpt from the "Regulations on the Management of Place Names"

Before the reform and opening up, due to the relatively slow development of cities, there were many place names named after revolutionary martyrs in counties, townships, villages and other places. such as Zuoquan County, Jingyu County , Zhidan County , Zichang County, Shangzhi City, Huanghua City and so on , there are countless townships, towns and villages. For example, there are 128 towns and villages named after martyrs in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.

With the reform and opening up, my country's urban construction is developing faster and faster, and there are more and more urban roads. However, due to the principle of "generally not naming places after people", there are not many new roads named after revolutionary martyrs. Although

has been added and renamed in many places, it is still relatively small overall. In some cities, there have been basically no additions. In contrast, some "Internet celebrity streets" and "Internet celebrity roads" are constantly emerging.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet

In recent years, some experts have called out that some ancient streets are mostly named after celebrities from the Revolution of 1911 or earlier, but relatively few are named after revolutionary heroes and anti-Japanese war heroes. Some large and medium-sized cities have almost no such roads. This is a lack.

In some cities, although the roads are named after heroes, there is no clear explanation. They are only disseminated independently among the people. The lack of corresponding commemorative facilities, signs and cultural output is undoubtedly a shortcoming.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Pictures from the Internet

Based on the spirit of the Regulations, history and culture, and the demands of the masses, the continuous development of cities will inevitably lead to the reconstruction, expansion, extension, etc. of more urban streets.In this case, it is also feasible to respect history and heroes, combine the specific historical environment and characters, and appropriately increase streets named after heroes and major historical events.

Road and place names can be said to be mentioned by everyone every day. They are named after heroes. can not only recall the revolutionary years of the year, but also remember the feats of the ancestors. It can not only serve as a subtle red education for young people, but also It can become a place for regular ritual education for young people.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Pictures come from the Internet

Every time I mention it, there are always stories of heroes and martyrs that come to mind.

Every time I pass by, there are always the legacy of our ancestors that stirs the soul.

Every time we see it, there is always a revolutionary spirit leading the way.

Every time we travel, there are always the lights and shadows of history, witnessing the revival.

# Revolutionary martyrs will live forever##Such a beautiful city##Martyrs named place#

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Xue Feng Bridge

After that, he served as a commander in the Red Army and the New Fourth Army. He first climbed to Changsha City, took Zunyi City directly, skillfully crossed the Chishui River, captured Loushanguan, and advanced into Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu. He won one victory after another and participated in 3,760 large and small battles, killing more than 48,000 enemies. He is one of the backbones of the Red Army, and he is also a "steel knife" inserted into the enemy's chest.

In 1944, the Japanese army launched the Henan Campaign. On September 11, he was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet while commanding the Balizhuang battle and died heroically. He was only 37 years old. Mao Zedong and Zhu De commented that he is: a hero of the Chinese nation and a good example of a communist.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Peng Xuefeng

One of the few special forces of our army is the "Xuefeng Brigade", and the famous " Sirius Commando " comes from among them.

There are many roads named after revolutionary martyrs throughout the country, such as Martyrs Road in Guangzhou, Guangdong to commemorate the "Seventy-two Martyrs of Huanghuagang", Jinyuan Road in Shanghai to commemorate Xie Jinyuan who guarded the Sixing Warehouse, and Wuhan to commemorate the Revolution of 1911. Peng Liuyang Road of the Three Martyrs of , the Communist Youth League Road of Nanjing that will “never be renamed”, etc.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet

But some careful netizens will find that some cities have many cities, and some cities have relatively few. Some historical cities are mainly named by ancient celebrities, scientific giants, cultural celebrities, etc., and are named after revolutionary martyrs. Almost no . What's the reason for this?

On January 23, 1986, my country officially implemented the " Place Name Management Regulations " , which regulates the naming, renaming, use, cultural protection and related management activities of place names in our country. On May 1, 2022, the new "Regulations on the Management of Place Names" officially came into effect.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Pictures from the Internet

Although the two versions of the regulations have made relatively major changes, some key contents have not changed: ① It is conducive to promoting socialist core values ​​; ② It is conducive to the inheritance and development of China's excellent culture; ③ Generally, place names are not based on the names of people or national leaders; ④ Place names that have important historical and cultural value and reflect the Chinese historical context are generally not allowed to be renamed, etc.

From the content point of view, in addition to inheriting and carrying forward historical culture, a very important point is that "generally do not use people's names as place names."

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Excerpt from the "Regulations on the Management of Place Names"

Before the reform and opening up, due to the relatively slow development of cities, there were many place names named after revolutionary martyrs in counties, townships, villages and other places. such as Zuoquan County, Jingyu County , Zhidan County , Zichang County, Shangzhi City, Huanghua City and so on , there are countless townships, towns and villages. For example, there are 128 towns and villages named after martyrs in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.

With the reform and opening up, my country's urban construction is developing faster and faster, and there are more and more urban roads. However, due to the principle of "generally not naming places after people", there are not many new roads named after revolutionary martyrs. Although

has been added and renamed in many places, it is still relatively small overall. In some cities, there have been basically no additions. In contrast, some "Internet celebrity streets" and "Internet celebrity roads" are constantly emerging.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet

In recent years, some experts have called out that some ancient streets are mostly named after celebrities from the Revolution of 1911 or earlier, but relatively few are named after revolutionary heroes and anti-Japanese war heroes. Some large and medium-sized cities have almost no such roads. This is a lack.

In some cities, although the roads are named after heroes, there is no clear explanation. They are only disseminated independently among the people. The lack of corresponding commemorative facilities, signs and cultural output is undoubtedly a shortcoming.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Pictures from the Internet

Based on the spirit of the Regulations, history and culture, and the demands of the masses, the continuous development of cities will inevitably lead to the reconstruction, expansion, extension, etc. of more urban streets.In this case, it is also feasible to respect history and heroes, combine the specific historical environment and characters, and appropriately increase streets named after heroes and major historical events.

Road and place names can be said to be mentioned by everyone every day. They are named after heroes. can not only recall the revolutionary years of the year, but also remember the feats of the ancestors. It can not only serve as a subtle red education for young people, but also It can become a place for regular ritual education for young people.

In order to commemorate some major historical events and revolutionary martyrs, with the development of the city, commemorative names such as Martyrs Road, Martyrs Street, Martyrs Square, Martyrs Park, Martyrs Bridge, etc. were approved for use. - DayDayNews

Pictures come from the Internet

Every time I mention it, there are always stories of heroes and martyrs that come to mind.

Every time I pass by, there are always the legacy of our ancestors that stirs the soul.

Every time we see it, there is always a revolutionary spirit leading the way.

Every time we travel, there are always the lights and shadows of history, witnessing the revival.

# Revolutionary martyrs will live forever##Such a beautiful city##Martyrs named place#

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