In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi

2024/07/0200:52:33 history 1984

In the literary world of the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless.

From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordinary readers, Xiao Hong's name was most easily associated with a passage in which she described "Fire Burning Clouds", although they may not know that the source of this passage is "The Biography of the Hulan River".

Since the early 1950s, this fragment has been included in primary school Chinese textbooks and has become a childhood memory for generations.

In 1936, American journalist Snow interviewed Lu Xun. When she asked who were the best left-wing writers in China at that time, Lu Xun listed Mao Dun, Ding Ling, Zhang Tianyi, Tian Jun (Xiao Jun) and others also said: "Tian Jun's wife Xiao Hong is the most promising female writer in China today. She is likely to become Ding Ling's successor, and she will succeed Ding Ling sooner than Ding Ling succeeds Bing Xin Much earlier. "

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

Xiao Hong once said: "The greatest pain and misfortune in my life are all because I am a woman."

Xiao Hong was born in Hulan County, Heilongjiang Province (now Hulan District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province) in 1911. A landlord family, whose original name was Zhang Naiying.

When she was fourteen years old, her father betrothed her to Wang Enjia, the second son of Wang Tinglan, the first gang leader of the Provincial Defense Army. Her father hoped that such a family would bring Xiao Hong a life without worries about food and clothing. Xiao Hong had no objection to this marriage at first and often exchanged letters with Wang Enjia.

But after more exposure, Xiao Hong found that Wang Enjia had too much of the dandy temperament of a down-and-out child. What was even more frightening was that he was an addict and addicted to smoking. Xiao Hong became increasingly dissatisfied with the marriage arranged by her father. She proposed to break off the engagement, but her father firmly opposed it.

Xiao Hong is a woman who longs for freedom and refuses mediocrity.

She is eager to go to school and have an independent life. At this moment, distant cousin Lu Zhishun broke into Xiao Hong's life. The girl who had just begun to fall in love was immediately attracted to this student from Harbin University of Political Science and Law.

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

Xiao Hong, a maverick, decided not to look back since she fell in love. She knew that Lu Zhishun had a family, but she still ran away from home, went to Peking to study with him, and started living together.

No matter in any era, living together with a married man is an act that transcends worldly understanding.

Two people without financial resources gradually realized that feelings cannot be used as food, nor as food, clothing, and clothing. This is a cruel reality. The hard life made Lu Zheshun regretful, and they finally broke up and went home.

She pretended to agree to marry Wang Enjia and went to Harbin on the pretext of buying a dowry. Taking advantage of the situation, Xiao Hong fled to Peiping again.

Wang Enjia was extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Hong's two escapes. This time, he also chased Peiping and found Xiao Hong. At that time, Xiao Hong had almost spent all the money she had. In desperation, she agreed to live with Wang Enjia. Such a decision would be too hasty.

In her hometown of Hulan, Xiao Hong, who escaped from marriage, eloped, and filed a lawsuit with her fiancé, became a "monster."

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

Sorrow almost destroyed Xiao Hong's will. She, who had always hated opium smoke, actually started to smoke clouds with Wang Enjia.

Soon, she was pregnant with Wang Enjia's child. But Wang Enjia couldn't bear the pressure from his family and secretly decided to cut off contact with Xiao Hong.

He lied to Xiao Hong and told her to go home to withdraw money, then abandoned Xiao Hong, who was more than five months pregnant, in the hotel and never came back.

In desperation, Xiao Hong wrote to " International Association " for help. After receiving Xiao Hong's request for help, several literary young people rushed to the hotel to visit her. In Xiao Hong's eyes, they were like angels descending from the sky. Among them was a man named Xiao Jun.

At that time, Xiao Jun admired and felt sorry for Xiao Hong.

Xiao Jun became Xiao Hong's savior. Although she knew that he already had a wife, Xiao Hong decided to commit herself to him. At the age of twenty-one, in her prime, she once again became someone else's mistress.

Their cohabitation life is also difficult.Soon, Xiao Hong gave birth to a daughter. The tight life left her unable to raise her daughter, so she had to give the child away. After that, the two of them relied on Xiao Jun as a tutor and borrowing money to survive.

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

At that time, Xiao Hong did not see the flaws in Xiao Jun's character.

Fortunately, Xiao Hong met the great talent in her life - Mr. Lu Xun in extreme adversity.

In 1934, Xiao Hong completed the novella "The Field of Life and Death" after she and Xiao Jun fled to Qingdao .

Mr. Lu Xun praised in the preface: "The northern people's tenacity for life and struggle for death can be seen from the back of the paper; the meticulous observation and deviant writing of women's works add a lot of brightness and freshness."

A "Scene of Life and Death" "" made Xiao Hong stand out in the literary world of the Republic of China in the 1930s. She had a steady flow of royalties. This was the first time in Xiao Hong's life that she had sufficient financial resources.

Xiao Jun, who became famous, soon fell in love with another woman.

Xiao Jun beat her, but she still didn't resist. Instead, she hid it in front of others, saying that she accidentally fell. Instead, the attacker, Xiao Jun, sneered from the side: "What a bruise, don't be shameless! I was drunk yesterday and got hit."

His indifference still failed to wake her up from her blind dependence. Perhaps, from the bottom of her heart, Xiao Hong has been deceiving herself: the person living with her is still the "angel" who saved her from danger.

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

Emotional cracks, even if repaired, will still leave scars. After returning to China, she and Xiao Jun briefly reconciled, but Xiao Jun could not change his nature of stealing love outside. Xiao Hong discovered that Xiao Jun had an affair with married woman Xu Yuehua . This time, she finally couldn't bear it and gave up on the relationship.

With the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Xiao Jun finally found a reason to leave Xiao Hong and went to the Northwest alone. Poor Xiao Hong found out that she was pregnant again when she was abandoned.

The reason why Xiao Hong's life became a tragedy was because when her destiny hit rock bottom, she still never thought about getting back up on her own. Instead, she placed her hope on men again and again, but every time she misdirected her feelings.

Perhaps it was because she had experienced warmth from Xiao Jun that she could no longer bear the coldness of loneliness. I don’t know if Xiao Hong wanted to get over her last relationship as soon as possible. Before she could lick her wounds, she hurriedly handed over the rest of her life to the writer Duanmu Hongliang who was also from the Northeast.

In literature, she is extremely talented; in love, she is short-sighted. What Xiao Hong could see was the stability that Duanmu Hongliang could bring her. She never thought about whether he was the person who could bring her happiness for the rest of her life.

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

She threw herself into a marriage blindly, but never considered the meaning of marriage to each other. In front of others, they were the couple who looked the least like a couple. No one had ever seen them having any intimate gestures, and they rarely even talked or laughed.

Shortly after the marriage, the Japanese army bombed Wuhan. Duanmu Hongliang, a war correspondent, rushed to the front line. The pregnant Xiao Hong had to go to Chongqing alone.

Xiao Hong went through many hardships on the way to Chongqing. She gave birth to a son in Chongqing. The poor child only lived four days before he died.

During the war, they left Chongqing and went to Hong Kong, where Xiao Hong began a life of poverty and illness.

From January 1940 to June 1941, she completed " Mabel ", "The Story of Hulan River" and " Small Town March " at an astonishing speed in a cramped and dilapidated shack. I wonder if she had a premonition that her days in this world were numbered, so she tried her best to shine the brightest light.

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

After completing these novels, Xiao Hong's condition became more and more serious. In the hospital, she encountered misdiagnosis by quack doctors and underwent throat surgery, resulting in her being unable to speak. Moreover, her tuberculosis was getting more and more serious.

The war soon spread to Hong Kong, and Duanmu Hongliang moved with Xiao Hong into the Sihao Hotel in Hong Kong. Duanmu Hongliang left the next day. No one knew where he went or what he did. In short, Xiao Hong ended up alone.

In the last days of Xiao Hong's life, she was accompanied by Luo Binji, who was six years younger than her. When she was most vulnerable, she still habitually wanted to rely on someone, so she promised that if she could survive, she would marry Luo Binji.

In 1942, Xiao Hong wrote on a piece of paper: "I will live with the blue sky and clear water, and leave the half of "Red Mansions" for others to write! I have been ignored for half my life... I will die first, unwilling to accept it!"

In the literary world during the Republic of China, Xiao Hong was a pivotal figure. Her emotional experience is bumpy and legendary. During her short life, she spent half of her time homeless and homeless. From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1980s, for ordi - DayDayNews

1 On March 22, with infinite melancholy, 31-year-old Xiao Hong passed away.

From beginning to end, she never found true love, never lived the life she wanted, and never got the "independence" and freedom she longed for.

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