It is said that there was a talented man in Wuzhong, whose surname was Tang Mingyin and whose courtesy name was Bohu. He was extremely intelligent, knowledgeable and knowledgeable in calligraphy, painting and music. He is a bohemian and has the ambition to despise the world and b

2024/07/0100:02:32 history 1923

It is said that there was a talented man in Wuzhong , whose surname was Tang Mingyin and whose courtesy name was Bohu. He was extremely smart and knowledgeable. He was good at calligraphy, painting and music. He could compose poems and poems with a single stroke. He is a bohemian and has the ambition to despise the world and be arrogant.

Cao Feng, the prefect of this mansion, loved his talent deeply. When it was time for the scientific examination, Cao Gong specially recommended Tang Yin, and he learned about Yuan Dynasty. Tang Yin went to the capital to take part in the imperial examination. The officials all liked his talent and made friends with him. Cheng Zhanshi presided over the examination. He sold the examination questions privately. He was afraid that others would comment, so he wanted a person with outstanding talent and reputation to win first place so that everyone would be convinced, so he promised Tang Yin that he would be the first place.

It is said that there was a talented man in Wuzhong, whose surname was Tang Mingyin and whose courtesy name was Bohu. He was extremely intelligent, knowledgeable and knowledgeable in calligraphy, painting and music. He is a bohemian and has the ambition to despise the world and b - DayDayNews

Tang Yin is frank by nature. Once he drank too much, he would brag to others that he would definitely win the first place. Everyone had long heard that Cheng Zhanshi had sold the test questions, and they were jealous of Tang Yin's talent, so they reported Cheng Zhanshi to the court, and the emperor had Cheng Zhanshi and Tang Yin dismissed from office.

After this incident, Tang Yin returned to his hometown and no longer sought fame. He drank alcohol, composed poems and paintings every day, and everyone called him Tang Jieyuan. Tang Yin's poems, calligraphy and paintings are loved by people. Every time there is a painting, people compete for it at a high price.

One day, Tang Yin was drinking on a boat at the city gate. Suddenly he saw a painting boat swinging by. There was a maid in green clothes with beautiful features and graceful figure. She was looking at Jieyuan and smiling with her mouth covered. Jie Yuanshen was shaken and asked the boatman if he knew who owned the boat. The boatman replied that it belonged to Hua Xueshi Mansion in Wuxi. Tang Yin found a boat and followed him all the way. The next day he arrived in Wuxi, China, and looked for the person in the boat. He was sure that he was from the Hua Scholar's residence.

So Tang Yin pretended to be a poor man, claiming to be Kang Xuan, and went to Hua Xueshi's house to apply for a job. Seeing that he was well-groomed and talented, Hua Xueshi changed his name to Hua'an and gave him a place to study with Mr. Hua. Mr. Hua saw that he was quite talented and learned, so he often asked him to ghostwrite articles, which was discovered by Mr. Hua. Academician Hua was amazed at Tang Yin's talents and liked him even more, so he asked him to be the secretary in the inner study, answer all the correspondence, give him ideas, and let him ghostwrite. Academician Hua never added or subtracted a word, and he became more and more favored from then on.

It happened that the director of Dianzhong died of illness, and the bachelor ordered Hua An to temporarily take photos of the incident. He worked for more than a month without any mistakes. The bachelor wanted to officially make him a supervisor, but he felt that he was alone and homeless and could not be trusted, so he discussed with his wife and found a matchmaker to arrange a marriage with him. Hua An gave the matchmaker some money and asked her to tell his wife to find him a wife in the house, so that it would be convenient. The matchmaker informed his wife, who then told the bachelor, and they agreed to let Tang Yin choose one of the maids in the mansion.

It is said that there was a talented man in Wuzhong, whose surname was Tang Mingyin and whose courtesy name was Bohu. He was extremely intelligent, knowledgeable and knowledgeable in calligraphy, painting and music. He is a bohemian and has the ambition to despise the world and b - DayDayNews

That night, Bachelor Hua and his wife arranged for all the maids to let Hua An choose his wife. Hua An finally saw the maid in Tsing Yi in the gallery again, and he immediately chose her. It turned out that the maid's name was Qiu Xiang. So, an auspicious day was chosen, the bachelor and his wife presided over the wedding, and Hua An and Qiu Xiang were married. On the night of the wedding, Qiu Xiang felt that Hua An looked familiar, so she asked if she had met him before. Hua An didn't tell her, and just told Qiu Xiang to think about it.

After a few days, Qiuxiang finally remembered that she had met Hua'an on the Suzhou city gate cruise ship, so Hua'an also told her real name and the reason why she came to Washington in disguise to find her, and asked Qiuxiang if she was willing to follow him. Returning to Suzhou, Qiuxiang felt that a generation of celebrities had committed themselves to come to Washington to find her, and she was willing to follow her. So Tang Yin sorted out the relevant accounts of Washington, together with the property that Washington rewarded him, left them in the house where he lived, and also left a poem. Then he took Qiuxiang back to Suzhou by boat at night.

After daybreak, people in Huafu discovered that Hua'an and Qiuxiang were gone. Bachelor Hua looked at the accounts, property and poems and was puzzled, so he arranged for people to search for the two people, but they could not be found after more than a year. The bachelor didn't take it to heart.

One day, Bachelor Hua visited Suzhou. Passing by the city gate, his family boy saw a scholar in the bookstore who looked like Hua An, so he reported it to the Bachelor. The bachelor asked the boy to take a closer look and find out who the person was. The family boy went to check again and followed him for a while, confirming that he looked just like Hua An. So the boy went to the bookstore and asked the owner, and found out that the man was Mr. Xie Yuan of Tang Bohu. The boy heard it clearly and reported it to the bachelor. The bachelor was shocked and suspected that Hua An might be Tang Yin.

It is said that there was a talented man in Wuzhong, whose surname was Tang Mingyin and whose courtesy name was Bohu. He was extremely intelligent, knowledgeable and knowledgeable in calligraphy, painting and music. He is a bohemian and has the ambition to despise the world and b - DayDayNews

The next day, Bachelor Hua wrote a famous note to visit Tang Yin. Tang Yin hurriedly went out to greet him and sat down separately. The bachelor looked again and again and found that Tang Yin's appearance was indeed exactly the same as Hua'an. After enduring it for a while, he finally couldn't hold it anymore and asked Tang Yin if he knew about Hua'an. Tang Yin was vague and did not answer. Scholar Hua asked again and again, saying that he only wanted to clear up doubts and had no other meaning.

Tang Yin, a bachelor studying in China, had dinner in his mansion. After dinner, Tang Yin led the bachelor into the back hall. He saw only two maids, serving a young lady, who came to the bachelor and bowed to him. The bachelor wanted to return the favor but was hugged by Tang Yin. After saying goodbye, Tang Yin smiled and asked the bachelor to identify whether the young lady looked like Qiuxiang. After seeing the young lady's appearance, the bachelor immediately laughed and wondered who Qiuxiang was.

Then they went to the study room, rearranged the cups and plates, washed the dishes and drank more. Tang Yin explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail, and Bachelor Hua finally understood everything. He also teased Tang Yin that he should treat him as a son-in-law. Tang Yin also laughed back and said that he was afraid that his father-in-law would spend money on a dowry. The two drank and chatted for a while, and finally parted happily.

After the bachelor returned home, he told his wife this strange story, and she was also very surprised. He also prepared a dowry worth thousands of gold and sent it to the Tang Mansion. From then on, the two families became relatives and kept in contact with each other. This incident has also become a romantic legend.

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