Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem "After all, the scenery of the West Lake in June is different from that of the

2024/07/0207:34:33 history 1531

The story of my great-great-grandfather Mr. Ye Bingxi

and his teacher, the Zhu family

Ye Qingqing

Some time ago, Principal Xiao Pan Yingfeng of Changkou Town forwarded to me a photo taken by Jiang Jinle teacher in Zilang Village, Zhuji, with carved door panels. It is engraved with the poem "After all, the scenery of West Lake is different from that of the four seasons in June" and is signed with the name of "Small Boat". Principal Pan asked me very enthusiastically if he was my ancestor? Interest me. Under the arrangement of the literature and history expert group of the Archives Society, several members of the literature and history group of the society, Sun Hua, Xie Qun, and Gao Zhaocheng, went to Zilang Village to research the deeds of their ancestors.

In the "Purple Lang Xu Family Genealogy" in the Xu Ancestral Hall, there is the "Preface to the Continuation of the Xu Family Genealogy" written by Mr. Zhu Mingying, which proves that "Xiao Biao" is my great-great-grandfather. What is the relationship between Zhu Mingying and my great-great-grandfather? Let me explain in detail below.

Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem

For me, Jilongshan Village is a place that is both familiar and unfamiliar. I say familiar because my great-great-grandfather, Mr. Ye Bingxi, once studied medicine here with his master, Mr. Zhu Xianghuai. I say unfamiliar because I have never been to Jilongshan Village and am very unfamiliar with the natural environment here. For many years, I have always wanted to visit this place that I admire and feel very close to, and feel what it was like when my ancestors came here to study medicine. Because I am unfamiliar with it, I have never had the opportunity to visit this place. Not long ago, I was invited by a friend to gather at Chisong in Jilongshan Village, so I was able to make the trip. Following the footsteps of my ancestors, I came to this scholarly family where celebrities are born.

Mr. Zhu Lan, a famous doctor in Hangzhou, and Mr. Yu Mantuo

went east to Chisong for thirty miles, and once tried to find secluded places outside things.

Gumeiyedian Mountain is strong and dense, and the stone road in the dense bamboo stream hall is deep.

How do you know what is happening today in the midst of decline and chaos? Returning to farming will always be tied to the heart of the hometown.

couldn’t enjoy the snow in Nanlou together, but I couldn’t help but feel so moved.

This is the poem in "Jingyuantang Poems" included in "Yu Mantuo and Chen Bicen's Poems", in which Mr. Yu Mantuo and Mr. Zhu Xiaodong, a famous doctor in Hangzhou from Jilongshan Village, answered each other.

Mr. Yu Mantuo’s grandmother, the Dai family, moved from Anhui Province. She was a scholar and a small official, so she can be called a descendant of scholars. She married Yu Shengshan (also named Yanggao), a Chinese medicine doctor who was very famous in the city of Fuyang at that time, and was considered a "perfect match". In the early years of the Republic of China, Li Yuanhong served as the interim president. Because the two generations of Yumen's mother-in-law, Dai and Lu, were widowed, he rewarded his descendants with inscriptions and plaques. Yu Dafu's eldest brother Mantuo personally escorted him and carried him to the Lidai Ancestral Hall.

Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem

The cultural corridor in Jilongshan Village displays Mr. Zhu Lan’s portrait and a brief introduction to his medical practice, as well as a portrait and brief introduction to Zhu Lan’s grandfather, Mr. Zhu Mingying.

Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem

Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem

Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem 2

Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem

Zhulan (1867~1927), named Wei Lun, also known as Xiaodong, was the son of Zhu Xianghuai. He was born in the sixth year of Tongzhi , a family of traditional Chinese medicine, a famous doctor and a famous poet in Hangzhou. "The Genealogy of the Fuchun Zhu Family" records that in the 34th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Runlin, a student of Sui Gong, and Xia Dingwu, a Hou Xuan of Sui Gong students, were awarded the imperial edict of Yu in Shangxian County by Zhu Baoru, and Wang Shuxiang, an experienced student of Lin Gongsheng Mansion, was awarded the title of Guanglu Temple Ma Xieqi, the official of the department, Jiang Canwen, the tribute student, Jiang Canwen, Fang Lu, the tribute student, and Zhu Xiangsheng, the yin student, jointly recommended Zhu Lan as Xiaolian and Founder. On June 20th of the third year of Xuantong, Emperor Xuantong issued an edict: "The Imperial Examiner will increase the number of tributes to the Chief Secretary and the Chief Secretary, with the title of Wei, Zhu Lan, and the title of Filial Piety and Founder." In the 15th year of the Republic of China, Zhu Lan served as the prime minister for genealogy revision. He asked Mr. Sheng Rupeng (Mei Feng) to preside over the revision of the "Fuchun Zhu Family Genealogy" and wrote the "Preface to the Twelfth Chiting Mountain Zhu Family Genealogy Reconstruction".

According to the "Fuyang County Health Chronicle", Mr. Zhu Xiaodong learned medicine from his father since he was a child, rubbing medicine and spreading plasters, and knew more than 100 kinds of herbal medicine by the age of ten. In the fourteenth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1888), the son of Daotai in Hangzhou developed a carbuncle on the back of his neck and could not get enough water or rice. Treated by Pan Xinyu and Ma Shanggong from the Department of Surgery of Yanhang City. Pan and Ma both said: "Gangex" requires "operation". Daotai was born in the army. When he heard "Luo Tou" and "Operation", he became angry and drove Pan and Ma away. Hou Daotaiyan went to Xianghuai for treatment. Xianghuai heard about the illness and secretly thought that Xiaodong could cure it, so he refused to go because he was sick and asked Xiaodong to go for treatment. When Xiaodong arrived, Daotai asked: "What kind of sore does my son have? How to treat it?" Xiaodong replied: "This is called 'Jinlong (pus) gangrene'". Then the scalpel hidden between the fingers was used to cut the ulcer with force, and pus and blood overflowed. Afterwards, while debriding and draining the pus and applying medicine, he replied: "This sore only needs a few strokes." From then on, the medical name was Rizhen. Over time, people said that there were "three invisible things" during his surgery: no knife, no blood, and no pain. In addition, Xiaodong does not take the initiative to collect consultation fees, and does not accept remuneration when he encounters poverty, but instead gives travel expenses. There is always a stack of hats in front of his house, so that those who seek medical advice can use them when it rains. At that time, the magistrate of Fuyang County awarded him a plaque with the words "Be kind and generous" to show his virtue. In the early years of the Republic of China, Zhu Xiaodong lived in Taimiao Lane, Hangzhou and opened a clinic. Treating sores , back carbuncles , intestinal carbuncles can be said to be a cure at your fingertips. The medical reputation is well-known in Lin'an , Yuhang , Xiaoshan, Tonglu .

In the 15th year of the Republic of China, Zhu Lan served as the medical officer of the Zhejiang Provincial Police Department. In his spare time as a doctor, he entertained himself with chanting. His "Collected Poems to Jingtang" and "Poems in Mourning for He Ji" were published in the world. He often sang and harmonized with Fuyang celebrities Yu Mantuo, Zhu Baoru, Zhu Bangyan, Xu Zhengheng, Sheng Rupeng, He Yunsong, etc. It is recorded in "Fuyang County Chronicle" and "Yu Mantuo and Chen Bicen's Poems").

In the fourteenth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, Hangzhou Daotai came here to ask the famous doctor Mr. Zhu Xianghuai (Zhu Xiaodong’s father) to treat his illness. According to the 1993 edition of "Fuyang County Chronicles", the 1991 edition of "Fuyang County Health Chronicles" and the 2021 edition of "Fuyang Micro Village Chronicles" (No. The second volume) records that the medical skills of Zhu Xianghuai and Zhu Lan, a famous doctor in Jilongshan Village, Fuyang in the Qing Dynasty, have become famous in Hangzhou. "Fuyang County Health Chronicle" "Ancient and Modern Famous Doctors" has a detailed introduction to Mr. Zhu Lan, and his influence can be seen. A spot.

Mr. Ye Bingxi and his senior brother Mr. Zhu Lan are "friends of gold and stone"

My great-great-grandfather Mr. Ye Bingxi came here in the 16th year of Guangxu's reign to study medicine with his teacher Mr. Zhu Xianghuai. During the four years of getting along day and night, he and his senior brother Mr. Zhu Lan became close friends. , established a deep friendship with the teacher's family. In the 19th year of Guangxu's reign, my great-great-grandfather completed his studies and started teaching. Mr. Zhu Xianghuai presented "Excerpts of Secret Recipes", which is still in my home. Later, my great-great-grandfather Ye Bingxi became a famous surgeon.

In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, my great-grandfather’s sixtieth birthday, Mr. Zhu Mingchu, the grandson of Mr. Zhu Xianghuai’s family, Mr. Zhu Rong, Mr. Zhu Hua, Mr. Zhu Yishan, Mr. Zhu Hanqin, and Mr. Zhu Rongsheng, son of Zhu Hanqin, came to my home. Happy birthday to my great-great-grandfather. "The Genealogy of the Ye Family in Wangzhou, Fuchun" records the birthday congratulations given at that time.

Some time ago, Xiao Pan Yingfeng, the principal of Changkou Town, forwarded to me a photo taken by teacher Jiang Jinle in Zilang Village, Zhuji. The carving on the door panel was engraved with the poem

Bingshen year 1836, the 16th year of Daoguang reign of the Qing Dynasty, "Secret Recipe Record"

Mr. Zhu Xianghuai and Fuyang County Magistrate Chen Chengshu

Mr. Zhu Xianghuai was a famous doctor in Hangzhou, and had many contacts with social sages. Thirty-one years before Guangxu, Fuyang County Magistrate Chen Chengshu wrote There is "Zhu Gongjie's Eastern Biography". In the second year of Xuantong, Mr. Zhu Baoru, a member of the same clan, inscribed in the "Epitaph of Zhu Gongjiedong" that "the accumulation of Tao is beneficial to things, Confucianism medical schools are two in one, Zhou Rites Sutra, the spirit of Qi Huang, Bi Zi Ruosun, the scholar who brought you the fragrance of books, and the benevolent skills of Pu, who has no practice, have been far away for thousands of years, and I regard this inscription." In the 15th year of the Republic of China, Mr. Peng (Mei Feng) wrote "The Biography of Mr. Zhu Gongjiedong's Virtuous Peership of Zheng Ruren".

Chen Chengshu (1871-?), courtesy name Yifei, was born in Qingpu, Jiangsu. He was very talented when he was young, and he was famous for his merits and literary works. In the 17th year of Guangxu's reign, Xin Mao Ke's outstanding tribute ranked third (there is a "Xin Mao Ke Jiangsu Excellent Gong Volume" in the 17th year of Guangxu's reign). He won the first class in the imperial examination and was distributed as a county magistrate in Zhejiang. He served as magistrate of Ninghai , Fuyang, Xiangshan counties. Ding's mother was worried about resigning, so he was promoted to magistrate by Fu Que. In 1905, the county magistrate Chen Chengshu was ordered to transform Chunjiang Academy (Chunjiang Academy was founded by the magistrate Yao Bulai in 1825) into a county government higher primary school. From then on, Fuyang had higher primary education in the modern sense. Magistrate Chen County was in the history of education in Fuyang It left a strong mark. After 1911, he served as the chief justice of Qingpu District. He once majored in "Fuyang County Chronicles".He is the author of "Fuyang County Yudi Xiaozhi", "Lai Diexuan Poetry Manuscript", "Chunjiang Academy Lessons", etc.

Zhu Baoru: "Old Collection of Nanshan Dialects": Lingyan Temple was formerly known as Nanshan Temple. In the early years of the Republic of China, there were Jiang Jingshi, Zhu Baoru, Lu Jinqin, Jiang Runlin, Shi Jingshan, etc. who sang poems, drank wine and sang in the temple, and were called the "Five Elders of Nanshan". His poems were engraved into the "Old Collection of Nanshan Dialects" Zhu Lianquan: named Baoru, a native of Lingqiao Town, Fuyang, a civil servant during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, served as a teacher in Shangyu County, and usurped the revision of Guangxu "Fuyang County Chronicles".

Sheng Rupeng (1878-1953) was born in the fourth year of Guangxu's reign. He was born in Sibao Village, Shangguan Township, with a courtesy name of Shaoqian and a title of Mei Feng. In the 34th year of Guangxu's reign, the Qing government was restructured and prepared to establish a constitution. Fuyang County elected Mr. Sheng Rupeng and Zhang Yucai as members. On August 2, the first year of Xuantong (1909 AD), the Zhejiang Provincial Consultative Bureau officially opened. The first meeting of the bureau included Zhang Yucai and Sheng Rupeng from Fuyang County. Zhang Yucai and Sheng Rupeng from Fuyang County and Hong Xicheng and Wang Binghao from Xincheng County were also members of Hangzhou Prefecture. On April 15, the 33rd year of the Republic of China, the Fuyang County Government complied with the order and organized a qualification review committee for candidates for public office in the county. In September, the province approved Mr. Sheng Rupeng of Fuyang County and others as one of the senators of the Provisional Senate. (December 1992 edition of "Fuyang County People's Congress" and "Fuchun Sibao Sheng Family Genealogy").

Mr. Sheng Rupeng is a family friend of Mr. Zhu Lan, a close friend of Mr. Yu Mantuo and my great-grandfather Mr. Ye Bingxi, and the grandson-in-law of Mr. Xu Bingshou, the famous family Dongziguan "Xu Shifang".

"Yu Mantuo and Chen Bicen's Poems" contains the antiphonal verses between Mr. Yu Mantuo and Mr. Sheng Meifeng:

Farewell to Sheng Meifeng (Ru Peng)

It's a joy to meet each other, but it will be sad after this. The shark foil is thin and the lanterns are floating, and the wild flowers are in the cold weather.

I feel sorry for myself and have few close friends, and I find it even more difficult to say goodbye to you. It is normal to feel sad when the person who sent you is returning from the cliff.

Mr. Zhu Xianghuai and my great-grandfather Mr. Ye Mingxi

- a profound friendship from generation to generation

"The Genealogy of the Ye Family in Wangzhou, Fuchun" records the "Sympathy" written by Mr. Zhu Xianghuai to my great-grandfather Mr. Ye Mingxi in the 20th year of Guangxu's reign. "Fang Weng's Journey" prefaces the friendship between the two parties.

I have a friend, Ye Weng, whose name is Mingxi and whose courtesy name is Yifang. He is also the third son of Mr. Danting. He has a keen talent and a strong appearance. Confucians who have been practicing since childhood all regard it as something not in the pond, but they don't care. Before he was young, Mr. Danting often went to Yulou. From then on, he had no training in court and was devastated by war. The inheritance from his ancestors also fell into pieces without realizing it. So he gave up poetry and books and started farming and commerce. Being diligent and frugal is beyond the reach of others. In a few years, he was willing to build a garden and build a garden. It is especially impressive that the family fortune is growing day by day. When Weng treats his parents, he is filial and respectful; when Weng treats his brothers, he treats friends with respect; when Weng teaches his children and grandchildren, he studies and works at the same time; when Weng treats friends, he is trustworthy and righteous; when Weng holds himself, he treats them with humility Weng’s approach to things is to be peaceful; Weng’s dealings with emergencies and difficulties are always thorough; Weng’s disputes between close neighbors are always dealt with by loyal and trustworthy people; Weng’s words are sincere and respectful; Weng’s deeds and conduct are upright and honest. Cute; the nature of the old man is cool and windy. Nowadays, the Sheng family is rebuilding its family history. The old man is not afraid of hard work and succeeds in his work. This is the great ambition of the past and the deep heart of the future. As a human being, there is nothing to express. This year, I am visiting the village of Zhang. My husband and father have equal eyebrows and respect each other as if they were guests. They greet my children and grandchildren around my knees. I add meals to every meal. I have a poem about the longevity of Wei Qi, and the introduction of Jing Fu Xun can be a tribute to Weng Yan. I have a good relationship with each other, and my love is not superficial. I dare to add a few words to the end of the slip to express my feelings as a close friend.


In the 20th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, he met Dun Zang and the moon was auspicious.

Zhu Fengxiang, the tribute student of Yudi, Xiang Huaifu paid his respects to Huaifudun.

In the fifth year of the Republic of China, Ye Shi of Fuchun Wangzhou compiled the genealogy, and Ye Bingxi was appointed as the editor. In order to express his admiration for Mr. Yi Fang, Prime Minister Zhu Lan wrote "The Biography of Mr. Yi Fang" to review Bingxi's serious study of medicine under his father, Mr. Xiang Huai. Although Bingxi's superb medical skills were taught by his father, he could not do without them. The cultivation of Kaiyi Fanggong.

The public name is Ming Xi, the courtesy name is Yi Fang, and the surname is Ye. He lives on Yangshang Road and is a well-known family. He has extraordinary talents and unique appearance. He was a filial friend of Ke Dun since childhood and was his father's beloved heir.Affected by the Hongyang Rebellion, many people were displaced, their father died, and they were tied to household affairs, so they gave up their son's career and supported others. The Duke started his family by hard work, built a beautiful house and built good farmland, and was rich in the countryside. He was unscrupulous in his words throughout his life and must be loyal to his words. If you are generous and courageous when it comes to public welfare, you will not be stingy. If there is a dispute between the township and party, you will definitely come to resolve the matter. He died at the age of eighty on March 16, the third year of the Republic of China. Mrs. He has a husband, three children, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The second son, named Han Rongzi Xiaoding, was educated in the family of the previous emperor. The emperor taught him medical principles, but his pulse was very weak and he refused to pass it on to those who were not naturally intelligent. The boat was promoted to the hall and the house was established, and there was an endless stream of people from far and near seeking treatment. Although it was promoted by the late emperor, it was probably due to the cultivation of the public. It is now the time for Ye to compile the genealogy, Xiao Yao is appointed as the Prime Minister, and he has fulfilled his duties to the end. Without making any assumptions, I would like to write the following as shown on the right to express the public's general outline.

At that time

The fifth year of the Republic of China was auspicious.

The Qing Dynasty was filial and honest. The experience of the Chief Secretary was Zeng Gongsheng. Written by Zhu Lanbai.

Zhu Mingchu (1894~1938) (the eldest son of Zhu Lan) was named Zaisheng, also known as Zhu Zheng, born in the 20th year of Guangxu's reign. , graduated from Renhe County Higher Primary School, graduated from Shanghai Nanyang Medical College, and served as the director of surgery at Shanghai Leishi Hospital, the medical director of the Army Hospital, and other positions. In the 15th year of the Republic of China, he was responsible for editing and compiling the "Fuchun Zhu Family Genealogy".

Zhu Dingsheng (1897~1933) (the second son of Zhu Lan), also known as Zhu Ren, graduated from Tongwen County Higher Primary School in the third year of the Republic of China. In the 15th year of the Republic of China, he served as deputy editor of genealogy revision "Fuchun Zhu Family Genealogy".

Mr. Zhu Dingsheng's wife is the daughter of Mr. Xu Bingshi, the "Xu Shifang" of Dongziguan, a well-known family. After Xu's death, he married the second daughter of Mr. He Yunsong of Xiejiaxi.

Mr. He Yunsong studied in Japan and graduated from the Police Department and Sports Zeng Bing Training Department of Meiji University in Japan. After returning to China, he was appointed as the inspector of Fuyang County by the Zhejiang Patrol Police General Office. After the liberation of the Republic of China, he was appointed by the Ministry of Political Affairs as the first police sub-director of the provincial capital. In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), he was promoted to the director of the Jinhua County Police Department and was ordered to record meritorious service twice by the patrol envoy Qu Yingguang. Later, he successively served as the police chief of Zhuji County, Haiyu County and Hang County (Qiantang County, Renhe County is Hang County), Tingzhi, Jianqiao, Haining County and Yuanhua. He had outstanding political achievements and was commended by the local gentry and presented with a plaque. "Ren Shu" and "Qu Si Pai" are four pieces: "Zhao Bo Liu Feng", "Gantang's legacy", "The prison is full of grass" and "Ten thousand families live in Buddha". During his tenure in Yuanhua County, the gentry presented red satin plaques with gold characters "Notarization and Integrity" and "Cut away the bad and make good". He was appointed as an inspector by the Zhejiang Stamping Bureau to inspect stamp taxes in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Taizhou and other places. He has achieved great achievements, is a prudent official, and has a good reputation for good governance. In the fifth year of the Republic of China and the seventeenth year of the Republic of China, he served as the prime minister of genealogy revision and revised the "Fuchun He Family Genealogy".

Mr. He Yunsong was good friends with Mr. Yu Mantuo and my great-great-grandfather Mr. Ye Bingxi. Mr. Yu Mantuo and Mr. Yunsong had poetry exchanges. He Yunsong celebrated the 60th birthday of my great-great-grandfather Ye Bingxi.

"Copy of Yu Mantuo and Chen Bicen's Poems" Ding Wei (1907) Su Zongyang Palace Shows He Yunsong (Tao)

The ruined palace is closed late at night in the spring, and the temple has been filled with incense for a hundred years. The music and songs keep spinning in the stars, the armor and battles are silent and the candle shadows are cold.

talks about the hardships of conquering the Han Pass, but it should be noted that Qin's law is difficult to carry with a book. The Ming Dynasty was thrown into the sea and deserted, so don't go out of the way to see what's going on.

Zhu Hua (1866-1941) was born in the fifth year of Tongzhi. His name was Huasheng, his courtesy name was Hengrong, and he had the ninth rank. The second daughter married Lu Zeng, the son of Xu Fuyuan of "Xu Shifang" in Dongziguan.

Zhu Rong (1868-1944) was born in the seventh year of Tongzhi. His name was Weiben and his courtesy name was Guisen. He was a Chinese student. In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, he served as the editor-in-chief of the Genealogy of the Fuchun Zhu Family.

Mr. Zhu Yishan and Mr. Yu Dafu

Zhu Yishan (died 1872 - died) was born in the 11th year of Tongzhi. His name was Weigui, and his courtesy name was Yishan. He was born in Xiang. In the Renchen year of Guangxu, Chen Xuexian was arrested in the entrance examination. In the Guimao year of Guangxu, Sichuan donated money to teach tribute students, and Zhang Xuexian's experiment was carried out in detail. In the 15th year of the Republic of China, he served as the chief editor of the genealogy of the Fuchun Zhu family.I have a very good relationship with Mr. Yu Dafu. Yu Dafu wrote in "Fujian Travel Diary" on March 13, 1936, "Friday, March 13 (February 20), was cloudy and rained heavily all day long. ... I only sent a congratulatory message to Fuyang. Mr. Zhu Yishan,...".

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