The 45 images in pushback chart are very consistent with our current situation. The prophecy says: A guest comes from the west and stops in the east. Wood, fire, metal and water can wash away this great shame. The song goes like this: The flames are spreading across the world, an

2024/07/0112:36:32 history 1871

push-back image 45 is very consistent with the current situation we are in.

The prophecy says:
There is a guest coming from the west and stopping at the east.
Wood, fire, metal and water can wash away this great shame.

The world is open to great prosperity,
The golden crow is hidden in the white ocean.
 From now on, I dare not rule the roost.
 My military strength has been completely exhausted and my luck is over.

Uninvited guests come from the west, and eventually stop and end when they reach the east. Wood fire and gold water are all tools used to deal with plagues in ancient and modern times (fire isolation and disinfectant water-disinfectant water contains metal components). In the end, they also used them to wash away a lot of shame-Western media has always used the new crown epidemic as a The source is attributed to Wuhan.

The Five Virtues theory uses "Yan" to refer to "Han", and "Yan Yun" seems to refer to the Wuhan Games, and "Yan" also has the meaning of military force, that is, the "Wuhan Military Games". This Games is worldwide, and finally Go to the world and spread the word. A virus like the sun (you can imagine the decline of the new coronavirus) is hidden in a sea of ​​white protective clothing and masks, which can also be literally translated as white foreigners. The country that originated the virus, after this epidemic that has harmed both people and itself (so far, millions of people have died), can no longer claim to be the hegemon of the world. Its hegemony is in jeopardy. The system based on a strong military is about to fall apart. The destiny of the country has been end.

If it is true as the ancients said, cause and effect are indeed true.

The 45 images in pushback chart are very consistent with our current situation. The prophecy says: A guest comes from the west and stops in the east. Wood, fire, metal and water can wash away this great shame. The song goes like this: The flames are spreading across the world, an - DayDayNews

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