I believe that most Chinese people agree that Chairman Mao Zedong is a great revolutionary soldier, military strategist, philosopher, politician and writer, but few people have noticed that in fact, as the collective wisdom of Chairman Mao and the Communist Party of China, "Mao Z

2024/06/3018:07:32 history 1495

I believe that most Chinese people agree that Chairman Mao Zedong is a great revolutionary soldier, military strategist, philosopher, politician and writer, but few people have noticed that in fact, as the crystallization of the collective wisdom of Chairman Mao and the Communist Party of China "Mao Zedong Thought" is actually a great modern management and marketing masterpiece.

I believe that most Chinese people agree that Chairman Mao Zedong is a great revolutionary soldier, military strategist, philosopher, politician and writer, but few people have noticed that in fact, as the collective wisdom of Chairman Mao and the Communist Party of China,

If the Communist Party, the Kuomintang, Japan, the United States, and the Soviet Union were each formed into one company, the Communist Party would choose to imitate the Soviet Union from the very beginning.

But after many twists and turns, the company of Communist Party still could not sell its products. It was squeezed by several powerful companies and could hardly survive.

At this time, the Communist Party company produced a local talent.

He does not understand Western economics and has never been abroad.

But he revitalized the Communist Party company by launching an " Autumn Harvest Uprising" activity. Then by establishing a base in Jinggangshan , the Communist Party had an office from mobile vendors.

He is a powerful person, so no matter how he was suppressed and excluded in the company, he ultimately relied on leading the scarred Communist Party company out of the siege and suppression of the Kuomintang company and obtained the management rights of the Communist Party company. Since then, the company has been transformed.

said that Chairman Mao is a great master of management and marketing. It is estimated that no one can get it right. Those Western marketing management philosophies are not applicable to him.

is very clear on strategy and preaches it well.

is good at using "event marketing". The biggest "event marketing" was Japan's invasion of China. Although it was not at the same level as the Kuomintang company in terms of strength, strategically, Chairman Mao occupied the commanding heights.

has built a team that is so powerful that even the arrogant US military is afraid.

He established the most powerful "corporate culture" in the world: three major disciplines and eight points of attention , serving the people .

He consistently adheres to cultural purity and inclusiveness.

He is good at grasping the main contradictions and using them to expand reproduction . The Huaihai Battle is a classic battle in which fewer people win more. He published "A Letter to the Soldiers of the National Army", which instantly disintegrated many Kuomintangs. A soldier's heart.

He consistently implemented his revolutionary beliefs to the end, solved the problem of who to fight for, divided the fields, and defended the fruits of revolutionary victory, making this team fearless. It took only three years to completely defeat the Kuomintang's millions of regular troops. Facing the Armed to the teeth, the United Nations forces of the sixteen countries led by the United States showed no fear until they were beaten back to the negotiating table.

He established the ideological system that is still China's way to resolve domestic conflicts and bravely face world threats: "Mao Zedong Thought".

He is good at taking advantage of external contradictions to develop himself, and quickly established China's own industrial system with aid from the former Soviet Union.

He punished corruption without mercy, set an example throughout his life, and left no personal legacy after his death.

He insists on self-reliance, advocates technology, and focuses on the development of national core technologies. , two bombs and one star, are one of them.

I believe that most Chinese people agree that Chairman Mao Zedong is a great revolutionary soldier, military strategist, philosopher, politician and writer, but few people have noticed that in fact, as the collective wisdom of Chairman Mao and the Communist Party of China,

He established China's own core socialist values, which is to serve the people wholeheartedly. Pay attention to the expression of core values ​​in every detail, and subtly educate latecomers. For example, all government agencies are named with the word "people", the people's government, the people's public security, the people's hospital, the people's commune, the people's servants, the people's teachers...

He is a truly great management and marketing guru.

Many of his ideas still have strong vitality to this day, especially in business management, and are very practical.

Some companies, such as Huawei , etc., have their management ideas shining with the brilliance of his thoughts.

If we study his thoughts carefully without prejudice and combine them with the characteristics of modern enterprise management, it will inevitably be a management theory system with Chinese characteristics .

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