Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende

2024/07/0103:56:33 history 1270

The Communist Party of China is a party established by people with lofty ideals from all walks of life in New China based on common ideals for the liberation of tens of millions of compatriots. Its members come together based on the resonance of their thoughts and souls, and have spiritual connections with each other. a high sense of identity.

In addition, all comrades have experienced large and small revolutionary movements and struggles. Against the background of blood and artillery fire, the revolutionaries who share weal and woe have forged a profound friendship.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and they did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships together established an emotional connection with each other that transcended blood ties. Relatives are better than relatives.

The famous General Qin Jiwei had such a profound friendship with his comrades. Qin Jiwei lived a life of hardship and simplicity, and even after becoming a general, he did not abuse his power for personal gain. However, when he went to the hospital to visit his former comrade Yin Xianbing, he took the initiative to find the hospital and fight for a single room for his comrade. What kind of story is there?

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

Biography of Qin Jiwei and Yin Xianbing

Qin Jiwei was born in Hong'an County, Hubei Province. As a helpless orphan, Qin Jiwei became independent early and made a living by digging wild vegetables and doing hard labor. Because he deeply felt the hardships of the people at the bottom, he participated in the Jute Uprising at the age of 13 and devoted himself to the revolution.

In August 1929, 15-year-old Qin Jiwei joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Since then, he has participated in large and small battles such as the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Anti-Japanese War, and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. With his fierceness and heroic fighting, he accumulated military merits and was awarded the rank of general after the founding of New China. Since then, he has held various important positions at the local and central levels.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

People with similar experiences to him are common in the Red Army team, and Qin Jiwei's old leader Yin Xianbing is one of them. Yin Xianbing was born in a village in Hanchuan City, Hubei Province, China. From a poor family, he joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army at the age of 15. While other teenagers were still childish, he had already painted military life on his life picture.

Yin Xianbing also participated in the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Anti-Japanese War, the Liberation War and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. He also made outstanding contributions and served as the first commander of the 16th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army after the liberation of New China, and was later awarded the rank of senior colonel. He has won many national and international medals, including the second-level "August 1st Medal" and the first-level Medal of Freedom and Independence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

It can be said that the similarity in life experiences of Qin Jiwei and Yin Xianbing makes them recognize each other more deeply in their hearts to a certain extent. However, the reason for the good relationship between the two is not just because they have similar interests. So how did Yin Xianbing become acquainted with Qin Jiwei?

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

The comradeship between Qin Jiwei and Yin Xianbing

The acquaintance of Yin Xianbing and Qin Jiwei can be traced back to 1940. Since Yin Xianbing was older than Qin Jiwei and joined the Red Army earlier and joined the revolution, his seniority was naturally longer than Qin Jiwei's. Therefore, Yin Xianbing's position was higher than Qin Jiwei's.

When the Communist Party's troops were reorganized in 1940, Yin Xianbing was transferred to the brigade commander of the newly formed 11th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, while Qin Jiwei served as the deputy brigade commander. Yin Xianbing thus became Qin Jiwei's immediate boss. However, as his boss, Yin Xianbing was not arrogant and domineering, but instead took great care of Qin Jiwei. So why is this?

Yin Xianbing and Qin Jiwei are both from Hubei. The bond between them is closer because of their hometown. Moreover, they are about the same age and have common topics. In addition, Qin Jiwei himself is lovable. For various reasons, Yin Xianbing naturally has a good impression of him and takes good care of him.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

Although Qin Jiwei was born into a poor family, he was very talented in military affairs, intelligent, and learned things quickly. He could quickly master many things with a little study. However, because he was young, he joined the revolution later than Yin Xianbing, and he had some combat experience. Lacking, sometimes can't grasp the vital point and hit the fatal blow.

But his flaws do not hide his strengths. Yin Xianbing feels that he is very talented and with a little guidance, he will become a rare talent. Yin Xianbing, who cherishes talents, often takes people by his side to teach him step by step, sharing his combat experience with Qin Jiwei, and sometimes he even puts down his position to teach Qin Jiwei.

Under Yin Xianbing's careful training and care, Qin Jiwei has made great progress. Yin Xianbing spared no effort to teach Qin Jiwei his life experience, thoughts and principles of life. He loved and taught him completely as his younger brother, making the two very close.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

In 1941, Yin Xianbing was sent to Yan'an to study, and Qin Jiwei took over his position. Although the two only got along for a short year, Qin Jiwei learned a lot from him and loved and respected Yin Xianbing very much. When they separated, Qin Jiwei was very reluctant to leave. Under Yin Xianbing's teasing and comfort, the two agreed to meet again and drink together when they had time.

However, in the war years, parting was the norm, but getting together was particularly difficult and precious. The two were separated for many years, and they did not see each other again until after the founding of New China.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

Qin Jiwei visits Yin Xianbing

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Yin Xianbing returned to China and was responsible for logistics support at the Political College of the People's Liberation Army. However, he was always old, and the years of hard military life eroded Yin Xianbing's physical foundation. In 1979, Yin Xianbing, who was feeling unwell, suddenly felt dizzy at home and even couldn't breathe.

Under the worry and persuasion of his family, Yin Xianbing went to People's Liberation Army General Hospital to see a doctor. He had a physical examination and was found to have severe cardiovascular disease. The doctor ordered him to be hospitalized. The treatment in the hospital ward is naturally linked to the position and military rank. According to Yin Xianbing's position at the time, the hospital arranged a double ward for him.

When Qin Jiwei received the news that the old leader was seriously ill, he was extremely worried and could not sleep. Although the two had not seen each other for many years, Qin Jiwei still thought about the good old leader and had always been in contact with Yin Xianbing, so he immediately After arranging the work at hand, go to the hospital to visit.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

Qin Jiwei bought fresh fruit on the way to the hospital and tidied his clothes before entering the ward, hoping to meet the old chief again with a good image. Yin Xianbing was very excited to see Qin Jiwei. He took Qin Jiwei and started to reminisce about the past and happily agreed to meet next time. After hearing this, Yin Xianbing was even happier and felt much better.

When Qin Jiwei visited, he deliberately observed the situation in the ward where Yin Xianbing was located. Thinking of his seriously ill and haggard appearance and the crowded and noisy environment around the ward, he felt very heavy. So after struggling, he returned to the hospital and communicated with the hospital leaders, hoping that the hospital could change Yin Xianbing to a better ward.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews

He said: "Comrade Yin Xianbing is my old leader, an old revolutionary, has participated in many battles, and is a hero with outstanding military exploits. I think it is inappropriate for your hospital to arrange for Comrade Yin Xianbing to live in a double ward."

This general, who has never used power for personal gain in his life, hopes that through his own modest efforts, he can strive for a good cultivation environment for his beloved old leader. The hospital also communicated well and said it would arrange a single ward for Yin Xianbing as soon as possible. Yin Xianbing was moved to tears when he heard the hospital told him about it afterwards.

So Yin Xianbing spent a month recovering from his illness in a better recuperation environment, and his condition improved greatly and he returned to health. After he was discharged from the hospital and returned home, he wrote a letter to Qin Jiwei to express his gratitude. Qin Jiwei responded politely. This shows the depth of the relationship between the two.

Most of the revolutionaries of New China joined the revolution in their youth, and did not spend as much time with their families as with their revolutionary comrades. Therefore, these comrades who shared hardships developed an emotional connection with each other that transcende - DayDayNews


"The head is as old as new, and the love is as old as before". Time and distance cannot cut off the true friendship. Even if they have not seen each other for many years, Qin Jiwei still remembers the kindness of the past and has not forgotten the agreement with Yin Xianbing. There is no need to meet again. Too many friends who are polite and can chat with you.

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