The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her.

2024/07/0209:44:33 history 1498

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As one of the top ten marshals in the founding of the People's Republic of China, Marshal Luo Ronghuan's love story in his life is both simple and tortuous. Luo Ronghuan's first marriage was arranged by his parents when he was young. Later, during the Anti-Japanese War, he met his second wife, Red Army female cadre Lin Yueqin.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her.

So what happened in their marriage? What is the final result? Three circles in a row, click to follow~

Lin Yueqin’s life and love story

Lin Yueqin was born in a small business family in Jinzhai, Anhui Province in January 1914. At that time, most people’s thoughts were feudal and believed that “women "No talent is virtue", but Lin Yueqin's father did not think that he was a member of the Communist Party of China, so he sent Lin Yueqin to study since he was a child.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Lin Yueqin

Lin Yueqin, who was educated at a young age, received the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal enlightenment education under the words and deeds of her father and principal. She began to yearn for revolution, hoping to become a glorious Communist Party member in the future to save the oppressed poor. Chinese farmers struggle.

When Lin Yueqin was 15 years old, the local Chinese County Committee launched the Beginning of Summer uprising. The young Lin Yueqin not only participated in the parade, but also showed amazing organizational skills during the uprising. She was valued by her superiors and agreed to her plan. Chinese Communist Youth League applied to join the league, and was also elected to become the instructor of the County Soviet Children's League.

However, because her father was mistakenly classified as a "reorganization faction" and passed away soon after, Lin Yueqin was implicated and sent to the "re-education through labor team" by the local Soviet government, and was relieved of all current positions.

At that time, the Fourth Red Army passed through the border and disbanded the "re-education through labor team". Lin Yueqin, full of revolutionary aspirations, chose to continue to follow the main force of the Red Army to carry out the Chinese revolutionary cause to the end.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Lin Yueqin

At that time, Lin Yueqin was following the Red Army troops and organized some sisters with the same fate to follow the troops through mountains and rivers. In their free time, they helped the troops wash, cook and take care of the wounded.

Although the journey was difficult and the Red Army leaders continued to persuade them, Lin Yueqin, who was full of revolutionary enthusiasm, refused the leadership's kindness. It seemed that the army leaders were also moved by her tenacity. At the age of 16, Lin Yueqin officially joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army . Worked as a propagandist in the Political Propaganda Department of the Fourth Red Army.

Although I only do some propaganda work on weekdays, during my life in the Red Army, I understood more clearly that this is a people's army. Constant propaganda also allowed the poor people to see the hope of China's future.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

17-year-old Lin Yueqin became the battalion commander of the Women's Engineer Battalion of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army. During her tenure, she led everyone to overcome various difficulties, solved the dressing problem for the soldiers, and became a banner of the logistics force of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army.

Later, Lin Yueqin followed the Red Army troops and began the long and arduous Long March. During the Long March , Lin Yueqin continued to lead the engineering battalion to provide strategic materials, prepare food and grass, and transport ammunition for the soldiers. Although the process was very difficult, she did not retreat.

During the 10,000-mile Long March, climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grassland , the heroic stories of tragic and strong men all highlighted the difficulties of the Long March, but Lin Yueqin also made it through and became a part of composing the heroic epic of the Chinese nation.

At the same time, during the Long March, Lin Yueqin met the first love in her life, Wu Xianen, who was then the director of the Munitions Department of the General Manager Department of the Red Fourth Front Army.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Wu Xianen

The two also met at work. The Long March was a long and dangerous journey. Lin Yueqin and Wu Xianen comforted and encouraged each other, and soon the spark of love developed.

Later, after going through many hardships, the Fourth Red Army and the Second Red Army successfully joined forces and came to northern Shaanxi with the Red Army headquarters. Lin Yueqin and Wu Xianen were originally in a free love. Later, they came to northern Shaanxi and Kang Keqing acted as matchmaker. Eventually they became husband and wife.

But the good times did not last long. Not long after the two got married, Wu Xianen followed the Western Route Army across the Yellow River for organizational reasons, and Lin Yueqin also followed the health team to Yan'an. Little did they know that this separation would be forever.

At that time, the Kuomintang reactionaries were powerful, and the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves was too great. During the Western Expedition, the West Route Army was almost defeated and suffered heavy losses. Lin Yueqin was also worried after receiving the news, fearing that the two would never be separated from each other. However, the uneasiness in her heart was finally confirmed.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Lin Yueqin

Sister Kang Keqing changed her usual amiable smile and came to Lin Yueqin's room with a serious and sad face. She told Lin Yueqin that more than 20,000 people in the West Route Army were almost wiped out during the campaign, and her husband Even if Wu Xianen did not die in battle, he would probably be in bad luck.

To prevent Lin Yueqin from being too sad, Kang Keqing comforted her while holding her hand and said: "Yueqin, you are a strong comrade. You must be calm and don't think too hard."

Although Lin Yueqin was in grief at the moment, she still With a glimmer of hope, she waited patiently for the news of her husband's return.

But "good fortune never comes in pairs, and misfortunes never come singly". Lin Yueqin did not wait for the news of her husband's return. Instead, she received the bad news that he was imprisoned by the Kuomintang reactionaries.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

You must know that once imprisoned by the Kuomintang reactionaries, the upcoming experience will definitely be worse than life. The enemy's torture is frightening even to hear it. At this moment, Lin Yueqin seemed to have seen her husband being beaten to pieces by the enemy. She Don't dare to continue thinking about it. The

organization was also very sympathetic to her experience. In January 1937, Lin Yueqin was transferred to the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to study. Although Lin Yueqin was deeply saddened by the news when she first received the news, she understood that it was useless to continue to sink. , she turned her grief into motivation, constantly enriched herself through studying at the party school, and worked hard to realize the cause of China's revolution as soon as possible.

While studying at the party school, Lin Yueqin met her second friend in life, Luo Ronghuan.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Luo Ronghuan

Everyone is building a magpie bridge, but the newlyweds are worried.

After learning about Lin Yueqin's tragic experience, the party organization arranged for her to study at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Lin Yueqin did not let down the organization, turning her grief and anger into strength and constantly learning to enrich herself. , while studying at the party school, I met a classmate who was also my future life partner, Luo Ronghuan.

Before Luo Ronghuan joined the revolution, he married a girl named Yan Yuee under the arrangement of his family. At that time, most marriages were arranged by parents, and Luo Ronghuan was too shy to refuse.

But "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country." For the great cause of the country and the nation, Luo Ronghuan wholeheartedly yearns for the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party of China. However, revolution is not "playing house", but a day of putting your head in your belt and adding blood to the tip of your knife. When he made up his mind to join the revolution, after careful consideration, Luo Ronghuan was unwilling to delay the girl's youth and decided to divorce his wife.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Moreover, Luo Ronghuan devoted himself to the party after joining the revolution. He did not consider his marriage and devoted his entire youth to the revolutionary cause.

When he was studying at the party school, Luo Ronghuan heard about Lin Yueqin's tragic experience and sympathized with her very much. Therefore, during her studies at the party school, Luo Ronghuan often helped her by giving Lin Yueqin study materials. Luo Ronghuan would also comfort her when she was sad. , share your own revolutionary story.

Although Luo Ronghuan was married in his hometown, it was arranged by his parents, and he has been devoted to the revolutionary cause for so many years. His shy character remains the same, but other than that, Luo Ronghuan is frank and sincere. Lin Yueqin often listens to Talking about the past with him, Lin Yueqin got a deeper understanding of Luo Ronghuan in the process of coming and going. The two became more and more familiar with each other, and they have become each other's confidants, and their relationship gradually warmed up.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

One day, Luo Ronghuan expressed his emotions to Lin Yueqin. Lin Yueqin looked at his sincere and affectionate eyes and remembered that Luo Ronghuan once told her the past and solved her problems. She also often wanted Luo Ronghuan to tell her emotions. Everyone inadvertently gained a better understanding. At this time, seeing Luo Ronghuan wanting to express his emotions on his own, Lin Yueqin nodded shyly.

Later, Liu Guilan, a good friend Lin Yueqin met during the Long March, married Xu Jianguo, deputy director of the Security Department, in Yan'an. When she heard that her friend was not married yet, she made arrangements for a blind date for him. In fact, Luo Ronghuan was there.

In this way, with the help of Liu Guilan, Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan officially became husband and wife in Yan'an, which also gave Lin Yueqin a second life.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

On May 16, 1937, superiors officially approved the marriage of Luo Ronghuan, director of the Rear Area Political Department of the Military Commission, and Lin Yueqin, a Red Army soldier.

That day Mountain Dandelion (also known as Red Lily ) bloomed so brightly and enthusiastically. The red lily itself has a symbol of passionate pursuit. After the Red Army came to northern Shaanxi, people gave it revolutionary connotations. The red lily at this moment Not only do we congratulate this new team on their happy marriage, but we also affirm their dedication to the revolutionary cause.

Early in the morning that day, Lin Yueqin came to Luo Ronghuan's residence, cleaned the quilt and sheets that he used to sleep on, wrung them out, spread them on the cobblestones by the Yan'an River, and then started to clean up the wedding room.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

At that time, the country was in the midst of the Anti-Japanese War, and materials were in short supply. Even for weddings, there were not many gifts. The new house was quite simple. Bricks were piled up and used as wooden boards, and washed bedding was laid on them to serve as the wedding bed. On the windows Post big happy words to announce their happy events to people.

At that time, supplies were in short supply and it was not popular to give gifts, but Luo Ronghuan specially asked his old friends to bring a few bags of white noodles to the comrades and friends who came to congratulate him, and asked the kitchen to make noodles for everyone to eat. The noodles are also very simple, with a little vegetables and even oil. There is very little meat, and even then it is rare in normal times.

That night, everyone had a good time eating and communicating with the newlyweds. Everyone sent their blessings, and the wedding room was filled with joy and peace.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Not long after the two got married, due to the intense fighting on the front, Luo Ronghuan was transferred to the front line to do work and could only come back occasionally. Lin Yueqin stayed in Yan'an to study hard and do her job well in Yan'an.

Three months after her marriage, Lin Yueqin felt nauseated after eating for a while. Later, she found out she was pregnant after a test. She was surprised and happy. She knitted clothes for her child in her free time so that she could tell Luo Ronghuan the news.

As fate would have it, this day happened to be the day when the couple reunited. Lin Yueqin also told Luo Ronghuan the good news of her pregnancy, but Luo Ronghuan brought back a very dramatic news.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Now the whole country is dominated by the Anti-Japanese War. The Kuomintang and the Communist Party once again abandon their previous suspicions and join forces to fight against Japan. The originally captured West Route Army will be released from Hexi Corridor and transferred to Yan'an. Lin Yueqin's ex-husband Wu Xian'en has also been released. Luo Ronghuan has been with him After meeting him, he also said that Wu Xianen was a strong warrior and that a welcome ceremony would be held tomorrow.

This news was very embarrassing for Lin Yueqin and Luo Ronghuan. They stayed up all night that night, with their thoughts a million times, and they didn't know how to face the welcome ceremony tomorrow.

The next day soon arrived. At the meeting, many people met the old soldiers who had parted and died. Everyone hugged each other and cried together. At this moment, Lin Yueqin was restless and frightened. She didn’t know how to face Wu Xianen. What should she do? Obtain Wu Xianen's forgiveness.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

But Lin Yueqin, who was sitting in the house, waited for a long time but did not see Wu Xianen until a female companion came to give her a message: "I don't blame you at all. I had done everything I could when I was captured by the enemy." He is prepared to sacrifice, and Luo is a sincere and loyal comrade. I wish you all the best and hope that you will always be in love and grow old together."

After a long time, Luo Ronghuan came to Lin Yueqin and told her that he was going to the front line for deployment. He went to work as the director of the Political Department of the HT4115 Division. Although Lin Yueqin also wanted to go with him, she was pregnant at the time and there were no female personnel in the frontline combat troops, so he was allowed to stay in Yan'an with peace of mind.

also took this opportunity to let Lin Yueqin calm down. Luo Ronghuan was not a person who forced others to make things difficult for him. He was willing to give Lin Yueqin a chance to choose her own future. No matter what, he would always support her decision.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Lin Yueqin was also moved by his sincerity, not to mention that she was already pregnant with Luo Ronghuan's child. She would never leave Luo Ronghuan. No matter what she would experience, she would go on with Luo Ronghuan forever.

However, Lin Yueqin remarried, and now her ex-husband has returned to Yan'an. This has inevitably caused controversy among some comrades. Many comrades believe that she should return to Wu Xianen, but Lin Yueqin stands firm and will do whatever others say. Stay with Luo Ronghuan.

Later, this matter attracted Chairman Mao's attention. When Lin Yueqin learned that she would be interviewed by Chairman Mao, she stayed up all night again, preparing how to explain to Chairman Mao.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Lin Yueqin

Lin Yueqin arrived at Chairman Mao's residence on time. Chairman Mao also kindly asked her to sit down. He was also concerned about her sending her newlywed husband to the front line and whether she was under any pressure.

Lin Yueqin firmly stated that for the sake of the great cause of the country and the nation, the personal relationship between her children is not enough, and the overall situation should be taken into consideration.

Chairman Mao expressed his affirmation of her awakening. Later, Chairman Mao asked about the recent controversy and asked Lin Yueqin about her personal wishes.

At this moment, Lin Yueqin could no longer bear the grievance and complained to the chairman: "I have a child with Luo Ronghuan. Although I can't return to Wu Xian'en, he also expressed his support for me and blessed our marriage, and I have also expressed my attitude to the organization, but some comrades still say that this is destroying unity, damaging morale, and having a bad influence."

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Upon hearing this, Chairman Mao immediately retorted: "This statement has no basis, and you don't have the energy. To destroy the unity of the two armies, and the army does not use the marriage law now, then women's wishes and feelings are the law, and it is up to you to decide."

Lin Yueqin was extremely happy to get the support of Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao ruled for them. The case also relieved Lin Yueqin of her burden. She immediately told Luo Ronghuan the news and told him not to worry, to concentrate on fighting and winning more wars, to drive away the invaders as soon as possible and liberate China.

The two were both revolutionary comrades and life partners, and they got along very harmoniously. However, when Lin Yueqin was pregnant for more than three months after marriage, an extremely dramatic scene happened. Even Chairman Mao personally came to talk to her. - DayDayNews

Later, Luo Ronghuan focused on his work. When the war was intense, he rushed to the front line in person, and he collapsed from exhaustion. Years of fighting made him sick from overwork. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Luo Ronghuan was awarded the rank of marshal, but his work still did not fall behind. Although he later received surgery in the Soviet Union However, after returning to China, he still did not have a good rest, and his condition continued to worsen. Luo Ronghuan unfortunately passed away in 1963.

But Lin Yueqin did not sink. She still used her revolutionary power to contribute to the construction of the motherland. Even after retirement, she still used her spare energy to do what she could. She was not only Luo Ronghuan's virtuous wife, but also a staunch proletarian. A revolutionary fighter who continues her husband’s revolutionary enthusiasm.

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