Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N

2024/06/3021:50:32 history 1871

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about a version of Guangxu Tongbao Kuqa Bureau Nine Years and Ten Middle School. Two very rare versions. One is Guangxu Tongbao's Treasure House Nine Years and Ten, and the other is The other is Wan Manwen Nine Years and Ten , which very few people know, commonly known as "Luo Guo Nine Years and Ten" in the red money circle.

The minting background of Guangxu Tongbao Kuqa Bureau Nine Years and Tens is the commemorative coin issued in the ninth year of Guangxu to commemorate the establishment of Xinjiang Province and Kuqa Bureau. Let me first take a look at the ordinary Guangxu Kuqa Nine Years and Tens.

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

Ordinary version of Guangxu Kuqa Nine Years and Ten, front view

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

Ordinary version of Guangxu Kuqa Nine Years and Ten, back view

The picture above is an ordinary Kuqa Nine Years and Ten, and what I want to tell you today is definitely not the one above. Let me first introduce to you a simpler version, Guangxutong Baobao Nine Years and Ten!

Guangxutong Baoku Nine Years Ten

Baoku Nine Years Ten is very different from ordinary Nine Years Ten and is very easy to recognize. The left side of the back of Baoku Nine Years Ten is Manwen Bao, the right side is Manwen Kucha, and the ordinary Manwei Wenku The Nine Years and Tens car has a Manwen Ku car on the left and a Weiwen Ku car on the right side. The current price of the Baoku Nine Years and Tens is around 3,000 yuan, while the ordinary Nine Years and Tens are only 300 yuan! The price difference is ten times!

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

Treasure House Nine Years and Ten

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

Ordinary Kuqa Nine Years and Ten

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

Treasure House Nine Years and Ten front view

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

Treasure House Nine Years and Ten back view

Treasure pot Nine Years and Ten

Treasure pot Nine Years and Ten. The writing on the back is also the Manchu version of Nine Years and Ten, but The Manchu Kuqa on the left side of the back is written like a person with a hunchback, so it is called Luoguo Nine Years and Tens. This version is rarer than the ordinary Kuqa Nine Years and Tens. Xinjiang Hongquan Hall collects Xinjiang Red Money Tens. For many years, I have not been able to get one. The photo of the coin in the picture is from the Internet and is only used for teaching purposes.

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

The Nine Years and Ten Years of the Guangxu Luo Guo on the spring spectrum

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

The Nine Years and Ten Years of the Guangxu Luo Guo in Manchu

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

The common Manchu writing method of the Nine Years and Ten Years of the Guangxu Luo Guo

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

The front view of the Nine Years and Ten Years of the Guangxu Luo Guo

Hello everyone, I am Xinjiang Hongquan Tang. Today I will tell you about two very rare editions of the Guangxu Tongbao Che Bureau Nine Years and Ten. One is the Guangxu Tongbao's Nine Years and Ten, and the other is known to the public. There are very few people who read Manchu N - DayDayNews

The back view of the Nine Years and Ten Years of the Guangxu Luo Guo

Everyone knows about the Nine Years and Ten Years of the Guangxu Tongbao Are these two rare editions different? Xinjiang Hongquan Hall wishes everyone to pick up the slack every day!

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