Li Qingzhao is a well-known female poet named Yi'an, a laywoman from Jinan. She is a representative of the Wanyue school of female poets in the Song Dynasty and is known as "the most talented woman in the ages." Li Qingzhao also pioneered the patriotic creation of female writers.

2024/07/0217:20:32 history 1653

Li Qingzhao is a well-known female poet , nicknamed Yi Anjushi . A representative of the Wanyue school of female poets in the Song Dynasty from Jinan, she is known as "the most talented woman throughout the ages". Li Qingzhao also pioneered the patriotic creation of female writers. Later generations left a glorious example of female patriotism, especially the creation of modern women's literature, which had a significant impact.

Li Qingzhao is a well-known female poet named Yi'an, a laywoman from Jinan. She is a representative of the Wanyue school of female poets in the Song Dynasty and is known as

During the Lantern Festival, Zhao Mingcheng asked a few friends to enjoy the lanterns, and met Li Qingzhao, who was only 18 years old when they were playing together. The rich second generation fell in love with Li Qingzhao at first sight. After being introduced by Li Qingzhao's brother, the two became friends. As a couple, Zhao Mingcheng married Li Qingzhao, who was three years younger than him, and their marriage was elegant and happy. When he got married, Zhao Mingcheng was still studying at the Imperial Academy and was a senior student. This also shows that his family background was prominent. He is also in line with the characteristics of the second generation of contemporary rich people. He has peculiar hobbies and prefers inscriptions, epitaphs and appreciation of cultural relics. He is also very accomplished and is a very famous epigrapher and connoisseur of cultural relics in ancient my country.

After marriage, Li Qingzhao devoted himself to accompanying her husband in sorting out calligraphy, painting, epigraphy, and was quite successful. Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty's "Jinan Prefectural Chronicles of Women's Biography of Li Qingzhao": "Ming Cheng wrote " Epigraphs and Stone Records ", and the textual research is accurate, which is sufficient to prove the mistakes of the official history. Qingzhao actually helped to achieve it." Li Qingzhao was born in a scholarly family, and his family was wealthy. , no worries about food and clothing. When I was a teenager, I abandoned the shackles of not going out and not taking the three principles and five principles, so I could paddle a small boat and enjoy the lanterns during the Lantern Festival. Li Qingzhao became famous at the age of sixteen, with both talent and appearance. He was definitely a social celebrity in the eyes of the world.. He is a close match with Zhao Mingcheng, a second-generation rich man and a second-generation official. He is the focus of society wherever he goes.

Li Qingzhao is a well-known female poet named Yi'an, a laywoman from Jinan. She is a representative of the Wanyue school of female poets in the Song Dynasty and is known as

Everyone will think that this couple is a perfect match and a model couple. In fact, it is not the case. Zhao devoted himself to these peculiar hobbies. In terms of literature, he is completely different from Li Qingzhao. This is because Li Qingzhao wrote so many love poems to Zhao Mingcheng, which have been passed down to this day. Zhao Mingcheng has never replied even a word. It can be seen in . Zhao Mingcheng has low self-esteem in this regard. Zhao's cultural talent and learning are not as good as Li Qingzhao's hair. Later, in 1129 AD, when Zhao Mingcheng was the mayor of Nanjing, the military commander Wang Yi rioted. Zhao Mingcheng ran away overnight, leaving behind Li Qingzhao, who had been married for more than 20 years. Li Qingzhao was almost made a prisoner. It can be seen that the loving couple in the eyes of the world has long existed in name only. It is estimated that at that time, Li Qingzhao hated Zhao Mingcheng, a heartless man.

Live as a hero, die as a ghost.

I still think about Xiang Yu , refuses to cross Jiangdong .

This song " Summer Quatrains " is a secret satire on Zhao Mingcheng's miserable life, scolding this lover who forgets his love, and hates his heartless man for abandoning his wife.

Li Qingzhao is a well-known female poet named Yi'an, a laywoman from Jinan. She is a representative of the Wanyue school of female poets in the Song Dynasty and is known as

Li Qingzhao has the aloofness of a literary person, and she also has the capital of aloofness. Literary people also look down on Zhao Mingcheng, who has lost his ambition in playthings. Maybe this is the incompatibility of the three views in the eyes of modern people! The seeds of resentment begin to sprout!

The ancients believed that there are three types of unfilial piety, and the greatest is not having offspring. The two had been married for several years without any children, so Zhao Mingcheng must be dissatisfied with Li Qingzhao. (Posterity people say that Zhao Mingcheng was infertile because Zhao Mingcheng secretly raised several mistresses outside. Under the constraints of male superiority and female inferiority in feudal society, he could accept it silently, but he had no offspring.)

After Zhao Mingcheng escaped, he fell ill due to heatstroke. , deeply blaming himself for his cowardice, fell ill, and soon died in Nanjing. Three years later, Li Qingzhao was 49 years old. This woman, nearly fifty years old, chose to remarry under the feudal social system at that time. If it is a loving couple, it is almost impossible to happen in the old society.

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