The young Zhang Liang concentrated on his studies, forgetting to eat and sleep, and studied hard day and night. Zhang Liang, with his unparalleled talents, could have been like a phoenix in a bird, flying up nine thousand miles, breaking through the clouds, carrying the sky, flyi

2024/06/3000:02:33 history 1036

The young Zhang Liang concentrated on his studies, forgetting to eat and sleep, and studied hard day and night. Zhang Liang, with his unparalleled talents, could have been like a phoenix in a bird, flying up nine thousand miles, breaking through the clouds, carrying the sky, flyi - DayDayNews

The young man Zhang Liang concentrated on his studies, forgetting to eat and sleep, and studied hard day and night. Spend countless days and nights carefully sculpting yourself. This hard study and carving was definitely not for his own success and fame, because he had his own dream.

For this dream, he spent the best years of his life persistently pursuing and practicing it. Because of this dream, he became famous in China; because of this dream, he regarded money and power as nothing; because of this dream, he was quiet and tranquil, like a wandering cloud and a wild crane.

When I read the records of Zhang Liang in official history, I put myself in his shoes and thought about what he thought. I feel more of his sadness after his dream was shattered, he was despairing and depressed! Make people feel pity!

Zhang Liang, with his unparalleled talents, could have been like a phoenix among birds, flying nine thousand miles upwards, breaking through the clouds, carrying the sky, flying clouds at his feet, soaring into the sky. However, because of this dream, he retreated from the rapids and was idle. This dream became the shackles of his life.

Let us read his story together and understand what is his dream? Feel it with your heart, why does this dream become a shackles for his life?

Zhang Liang gradually grew up under the ardent care of his mother. He began to go out to study. He once studied etiquette in Huaiyang. While studying, he made many friends with heroes and heroes in order to weaken the Qin Dynasty.

One day, he learned that Lord Dongyi Canghai had the same ambition as him and was extremely powerful, so he went happily. However, times have changed, and today's Canghaijun has become very old. After coming all the way and explaining the purpose of his visit, Cang Haijun saw the disappointment in Zhang Liang's innocent eyes and felt great pity for him, so he recommended his disciple to Zhang Liang. and.

Zhang Liang met this hero under the recommendation of Cang Haijun, and the two wanted to have a good chat. When Zhang Liang told the strong man his intention to assassinate Emperor Qin, he was stunned and couldn't help but take a few steps back and carefully looked at the young man in front of him, with his delicate face, fair skin, and thin figure. I never expected that such a weak-looking white-faced scholar would be so courageous. At this time, his heart was happy and excited.

The Qin Dynasty imposed excessive taxes and extorted money, but failed to practice benevolence and righteousness. All the people suffered from Qin for a long time. All people in the world are looking forward to the demise of the Qin Dynasty. This strongman is not a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs. Compared with his master Aanghai-kun, he is more wary. He tried his best to maintain a surprised expression and said: "This is a matter of losing my head. I want to report it to the official."

Zhang Liang was smiling and wandering around. After a moment of silence, he looked solemn and had sharp eyes, and spoke in a calm tone. , said: "My grandfather was the prime minister of the three dynasties of Korea , and my father was the prime minister of the second dynasty of Korea. The state of Qin destroyed our country, insulted our ruler, killed my people, and caused the lives of my compatriots to be devastated. I and the Qin state are incompatible. Look. Around you, there are excessive taxes and excessive taxes, and the people exchange their children for food and their bodies for food. How can you bear to report it to the official? "

The young man's doubts were cleared, and he told his miserable story with tears in his eyes. life experience. Different hatreds and the same mood tightly bound the hearts of the two young people together.

Hearing that Emperor Qin was going to inspect the East, Zhang Liang invested in making a hammer weighing 120 kilograms for the strongman to use. He also made a comprehensive analysis of the Qin Emperor's preferences, geographical features, customs and people, and decided to set up an ambush in Bolangsha. The scenery here is beautiful, and many dandies, merchants and hawkers gather here. If there is a temple fair, it will be even more crowded. Facing the sea, with mountains standing behind, the mountains are lush and leafy, allowing you to attack and retreat. When the luxurious motorcade came slowly, Bolangsha was boiling with shouts of joy, cries of injustice, and complaints. A group of ragged beggars gathered around, begging for some food to satisfy their hunger, and the guards began to yell at them to evacuate.

In this chaotic moment, Zhang Liang and Hercules rushed into the middle of the luxury car fleet like lightning. Hercules took out a 120-kilogram hammer from his arms and smashed it into the second luxury car. The car broke into pieces and everyone died. , and then the two of them ran towards the mountains. When the guards reacted, the two men were gone.

It turns out that Emperor Qin would have four carriages at the same time every time he traveled, with no rules and random seat selection. Fortunately this time he was not riding in the second carriage, otherwise he would have died. The Qin Emperor was furious and ordered a nationwide search to arrest the assassin. Zhang Liang hid in the mountains for several months, sleeping in the open air. When the wind outside relaxed a little, he walked out of the mountains and fled to xiapi.

Historical books did not mention Hercules' name, nor did he mention his subsequent situation. The sense of justice and courage of this unsung hero are astonishing. In the vast history, there are countless similar unknown heroes, like meteors streaking across the night sky, no trace can be found. It may make us feel regretful, but maybe what they pursue is just to act righteously, with a clear conscience, and not seek to be obvious to future generations!

In the days when Zhang Liang lived in Xiapi, he met heroes in the streets and lanes, punished the strong and helped the weak, was willing to do good, followed others' needs, and was selfish. Because of the murder, Xiang Bo ran east to Tibet and had nowhere to stay. Fortunately, he met Zhang Liang and got a chance to breathe. Zhang Liang treated him like a brother and sister.

Ten years later, Chen SheWu Guangguang revolted in Zexiang, and Zhang Liang had more than a hundred young people following him. Jingju established himself as the acting king of Chu in liu county. He also took up the banner of destroying Qin and became famous. Zhang Liang was about to go to defect, but by chance, he met Liu Bang on the road who was leading thousands of people to the west of Xiapi to attack Qin.

After some pleasantries, the chivalrous Zhang Liang accepted Liu Bang's invitation to help him win the battle. In the following days, the two spent time together day and night, talking about everything. Liu Bang talked about his grand ambition to conquer Qin and save all people. Zhang Liang talked about his life experience and his long-cherished wish to destroy Qin and restore Han. At the same time, he used the knowledge he learned in " Taigong's Art of War" to give a comprehensive analysis and provide advice on how to win the battle. A thoughtful and wonderful strategy. The progress of the battle was completely in line with Zhang Liang's expectations, and a complete victory was the inevitable outcome.

Liu Bang was in awe of Zhang Liang for his distinguished life experience and outstanding strategy, and the two became close friends. When they were about to part ways, Liu Bang extended an invitation to Zhang Liang to work together for a great cause. Zhang Liang once told others about "Tai Gong's Art of War" many times, but they basically couldn't understand it. Only Liu Bang understood it, and he believed it. Zhang Liang thought to himself: "Perhaps Pei Gong has the wisdom given by God." , maybe he can help me realize my dream in this life." So he decided to follow Pei Gong and gave up the idea of ​​joining Jingju.

If you want to know what happened next, read the next article for breakdown.

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————By Chapengyike【chapengyike2022】

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