When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union once assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea.

2024/07/0218:41:33 history 1469

When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red political parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea. Many people feel that North Korea is receiving benefits for nothing, accepting benefits from China without giving anything back. But in fact, North Korea has selflessly contributed to China for decades and greatly supported our party's struggle against the enemy.

When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union once assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea. - DayDayNews

The story begins with the Sino-Japanese War of 1894. After Japan occupied Korea, many patriots rose up to resist. Under the guidance of communist ideas, they carried out extensive guerrilla warfare and achieved impressive results. But later, due to poor decision-making, the guerrillas suffered huge losses and had no choice but to march westward to the Changbai Mountains and rest in Northeast China. During the

period, under the mediation of the Comintern , these Korean fighters joined the leftist armed forces in the Northeast in their own names and temporarily accepted the leadership of the Communist Party of China. After the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance was established. Korean soldiers were gathered and organized into independent troops under the joint command of China and North Korea. After the outbreak of the Liberation War, the number of North Korean troops in the Northeast Field Army reached 4 divisions. Their combat effectiveness and willpower were not inferior to Chinese soldiers at all. 100 of them were commended for their merits and were regarded as combat models.

When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union once assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea. - DayDayNews

However, personal bravery could not change Dongye's disadvantaged position in the early stages of the Liberation War. The Kuomintang army assembled heavy troops and continuously compressed the scope of the liberated area, and Dongye's living space continued to decrease. In order to get rid of this dilemma, Dongye sent someone to meet North Korean leader Kim Il Sung and asked him for help. Kim Il Sung did not hesitate and immediately opened the border area for Dongye's activities. When he learned that Dongye lacked weapons and equipment, he ordered his subordinates to hand over all the captured Japanese guns and ammunition to Mr. Lin, which solved Dongye's urgent need.

In addition, Kim Il-sung also specifically asked North Korea's domestic chemical plants to step up the production of explosives, detonators and other explosives, and sell them to Dongye for use at cost prices. The winter of 1946 arrived early, and the quilt factory of Higashino Yoshidong Military Region had no time to produce cotton-padded clothes. Soldiers wore single clothes to perform tasks. Frostbite cases were everywhere, and non-combat attrition was serious.

When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union once assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea. - DayDayNews

At this time, the Party Central Committee was avoiding the pursuit of Hu Zongnan's army. It was also in a difficult situation and had no time to support the Northeast. In desperation, Mr. Lin had no choice but to ask North Korea for help again. When Kim Il-sung learned that Dongye was in trouble, he immediately provided help in times of need, supporting a large batch of fabrics and more than a thousand sets of finished cotton-padded clothes, as well as a truckload of medicines.

Time came to 1947, and Dongye gradually seized the initiative on the battlefield. By launching quarterly offensives, he continued to encroach on the Kuomintang troops and further expand our advantages. In July of that year, General Lin commanded the troops to launch the summer offensive . It was the rainy season at that time. The soldiers marched wearing straw sandals. Their feet were soaked in water for a long time and began to swell and ulcerate. This slowed down the marching efficiency and delayed the planned campaign goals. Too late to be realized.

At the critical moment, Mr. Lin asked Kim Il Sung for help. Kim Il-sung hurriedly asked domestic factories to rush out a batch of rain boots and sent them to the Northeast to help Dongye tide over the difficulties and win the battle. In order to retaliate against Dongye, the Kuomintang army assembled heavy troops to divide the liberated areas, cut off the connections between the various units, and planned to starve the soldiers to death.

When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union once assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea. - DayDayNews

After hearing the news, Kim Il-sung immediately arranged for important military and political figures in Dongye to travel between various liberated areas through North Korean territory to ensure the connection between Dongye and Dongye. At the same time, all unnecessary transportation in North Korea was suspended, all logistics forces were concentrated, and massive amounts of food, medicine, clothing and other materials were transported to the liberated areas in Dongye through four water supply lines, allowing the People's Liberation Army to calmly deal with and fight against the enemy. Consume its vitality.

After the founding of New China, the Party Central Committee was grateful for Kim Il Sung's support for the Northeast region. Therefore, after learning that he wanted to unify North Korea, it unconditionally handed over the four Korean divisions under Higashino to his command. These 50,000 people became the main force of the Korean People's Army and almost drove the South Korean army into the sea.

After the United States, Britain and other countries entered the war, the Party Central Committee, under the instruction of the Soviet Union, immediately dispatched millions of troops into North Korea to assist their former brothers and help them drive away the invaders.After the Korean War ended, the volunteers did not return to the country immediately. They stayed in North Korea for a long time to help the local people rebuild their homes. By the 1990s, North Korea suffered from famine, and the Party Central Committee provided them with a large amount of food to help them tide over the difficulties. At the same time, China also cooperated with North Korea militarily to ensure that this little socialist brother could deal with any crisis on its own. Possible crisis.

When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union once assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea. - DayDayNews

China and North Korea have had close ties since ancient times. Since the Han Dynasty, North Korea has been under the influence of the Central Plains Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it even regarded China as Zhengshuo. Even under Japanese intervention, the two countries broke away from the vassal state. relations, but the friendship has not been reduced by half. China and North Korea joined hands to drive away the invaders, successfully completed the communist revolution, and entered the fast lane of development with a new attitude!

After the Korean War ended, the volunteers did not return to the country immediately. They stayed in North Korea for a long time to help the local people rebuild their homes. By the 1990s, North Korea suffered from famine, and the Party Central Committee provided them with a large amount of food to help them tide over the difficulties. At the same time, China also cooperated with North Korea militarily to ensure that this little socialist brother could deal with any crisis on its own. Possible crisis.

When the communist revolutionary cause was in full swing around the world in the last century, red parties in various countries supported each other and worked hand in hand. For example, the Soviet Union once assisted New China, and New China also assisted North Korea. - DayDayNews

China and North Korea have had close ties since ancient times. Since the Han Dynasty, North Korea has been under the influence of the Central Plains Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it even regarded China as Zhengshuo. Even under Japanese intervention, the two countries broke away from the vassal state. relations, but the friendship has not been reduced by half. China and North Korea joined hands to drive away the invaders, successfully completed the communist revolution, and entered the fast lane of development with a new attitude!

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