The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration.

2024/07/0217:21:33 history 1923

There have been many assassinations of political figures in Japan's modern history. As Mark Twain said: History does not repeat itself, but it always rhymes. The current selection is as follows:

1, Hirobumi Ito . Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration .

At 9:00 on October 26, 1909, Ito Hirobumi, who had resigned as Prime Minister of Japan, arrived at Harbin Railway Station by a special train. Russian Finance Minister Kokovtsov boarded the train and exchanged greetings with Ito Hirobumi. 20 minutes later, Kokovtsov Her husband invited Ito Hirobumi to a banquet and review of the Russian army. At this time, the Korean martyr An Jung-geun, who was preparing to assassinate Ito Hirobumi, had disguised himself as a Japanese and sneaked into the train station, preparing to wait for an opportunity to assassinate. At 9:30, after Ito Hirobumi reviewed the Russian troops, An Jung-gen seized the opportunity to shoot him three times. Ito Hirobumi died.

In fact, when Japan wanted to annex South Korea, Ito Hirobumi opposed it. The year after Ito's death, South Korea was annexed by Japan. The Japanese invaders also had one more reason: Ito Hirobumi opposed the merger. What would be the outcome?

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Ito Hirobumi

2, Hara Kei Hara Kei is the 19th Prime Minister of Japan and the first Prime Minister of civilian origin. He is a conservative democrat. He regards Japan-China friendship as his basic policy towards China and opposes the twenty-one proposed by the Okuma cabinet towards China.

At around 7 pm on November 4, 1921, Hara Keiji was assassinated by Nakaoka Genichi in front of Tokyo Station. The assassin stabbed Hara Kei directly in the chest with a short knife, penetrated the thin shirt, and penetrated the lungs into the heart.

This is the first sitting prime minister to be assassinated since the establishment of the cabinet system in 1885. Hara Kei's assassination was caused by social dissatisfaction with a series of corruption incidents in the political circles and the ineffective handling of Hara Kei. In addition, it was caused by sharp conflicts between Hara Kei and Japanese right-wing forces, especially Genyosha. Moreover, there have long been rumors that the right wing wants to assassinate Hara Jing. However, Hara Kei expressed his gratitude for the advice in the suicide note he wrote before his death, and showed his nonchalant attitude of "Assassination is the way to go". Hara Kei's death had a strong impact on Japan and abroad, and foreign media rarely reported it and expressed their regret.

Assassin Nakaoka Genichi was sentenced to life imprisonment, but after several commutations, he was released from prison after 13 years. Therefore, this assassination is still full of mysteries. There is currently a view that the real reason for Hara Kei’s assassination is that shortly after the end of World War I, Japan, as the victorious country, accepted the "International Treaty on the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Arms", which caused a lot of speculation. Nakaoka Genichi is one of the dissatisfied ultra-nationalists who are expanding outward.

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Hara Kei

3, Hamaguchi Yuyuki, on November 14, 1930, Hamaguchi Yuyuki, president of the Democratic Party and Prime Minister, was stabbed by 23-year-old Sagoya Rumio, a member of the right-wing group "Patriotic Society", at Tokyo Station, August 1931 On the 26th, Hamaguchi Yuyuki died of his injuries after nine months of hard work.

4, Takeshi Inukai , In 1932, radical nationalist forces in Japan were becoming increasingly rampant, and tensions between China and Japan were rising due to the "September 18th Incident". The Japanese military especially the Kwantung Army clamored for military occupation and were eager to establish the puppet Manchukuo regime in the Northeast; the cabinet represented by Inukai Yi belonged to the slow-advancement faction and tried to resolve the disputes between China and Japan through peaceful negotiations. Issues of economic interests in the Northeast. And Inukai Yiben has roots in China. He has served as the honorary principal of Kobe Chinese Language School and Yokohama Yamanaka School. When Sun Yat-sen organized revolutionary activities in Japan in his early years, he received support from Takeshi Inukai many times.

At about 5:30 in the evening on May 15, 1932, more than a dozen so-called "strongly patriotic" young navy generals and army petty officer trainees forced their way into the official residence. At that time, the security inspector informed Inukai Yi that thugs had broken in and urged him to evacuate quickly. Unexpectedly, Inukai Yi said: "I won't run, let's meet." At this time, several people suddenly broke into the room. After one of them saw Inukai Yi, he immediately pulled the trigger of the pistol. Surprisingly, the bullet failed to be fired. Upon seeing this, Inukai Takeshi said: "You can shoot anytime you want. Go over there and I will listen to what you say." After that, he led a few people into the inner room and entered the house. conversation.At this time, four more people broke in and shouted: "No need to say more, shoot!" So they raised their guns and shot Inukai Yi.

Inukai Takeshi was shot three times and died. After that, Japan ended party politics and gradually transformed into a militaristic country controlled by the military. In 1933, dozens of murderers involved in the assassination of Inukai Takeshi were prosecuted. However, they claimed at the trial that they had no personal interests and were all motivated by their "determination to reform Japan." In addition, the court also received 9 fingers that were cut off and soaked in alcohol, and even a large number of blood letters and petitions, through which a large number of Japanese citizens expressed their support for the defendant. In the end, under the influence of public opinion, the court believed that these people "carried deeply about the country and had something to learn from", and all of them were sentenced lightly. A few years later, some of the murderers still held important positions in the "Puppet Manchukuo" after their release.

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Inukai Takeshi

5, Korekiyo Takahashi , who served as the 20th Prime Minister of Japan. After the assassination of Prime Minister Hara Kei, Takahashi was recommended by Saionji Temple Gongwang and important ministers to take over as prime minister. Tibetan Prime Minister was still concurrently served by Takahashi. All members of the original cabinet were retained, and the policies of the former cabinet continued to be implemented. Therefore, the Takahashi Cabinet is considered an extension of the Hara Kei Cabinet. Two years later, Takahashi resigned as Prime Minister. He served as Tibetan Prime Minister eight times for 12 years. His financial management ability has been rated, but his political ability is slightly inferior.

As a highly respected financier in the government, Takahashi focused on formulating and implementing fiscal and economic policies based on the country's economic strength and long-term interests. This formed a sharp contradiction with the endless military expansion and war preparations strongly advocated by the military in the late 1930s. He was already 81 years old when he served as Prime Minister of the Okada Cabinet. He advocated cutting military expenditures and was familiar with debates with military representatives, and for a time suppressed the military's opinions.

On February 26, 1936, the Army Royal Road faction launched a coup under the banner of "the people are suffering and the powerful are enjoying themselves, and they need to clear the emperor's side." This is the famous February 26th Mutiny.

The essence of this matter is that in order to be promoted and make a fortune based on military exploits, the military is thinking of coercing all of Japan to spread the war across China. Whether the people suffer or not is none of their business.

At this time, Takahashi served as Tibetan Prime Minister again, and of course he would not be let go. That night, a group of soldiers stormed into Takahashi's house, rushed upstairs, and shot Takahashi Korekiyo six times. He was 83 years old.

Takahashi's death caused unprecedented fluctuations in the history of Japanese securities, and its profound impact on the Japanese economy is evident.

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Takahashi Korekiyo

6, Inajiro Asanuma , On October 12, 1960, at the debate before the first choice of the three parties held at Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo, the leader of the Japanese Socialist Party and left-wing leader Inajiro Asanuma was 17 years old on the podium. Futaya Yamaguchi, a member of the far-right Japan Patriotic Party, was stabbed to death with a short knife.

Inajiro Asanuma is a well-known left-wing figure in Japan and a leader in opposing the Japan-US Security Treaty. He organized a student movement while studying at Waseda University and participated in the labor movement and peasant movement after graduation. He once joined the miners' union and was arrested and imprisoned for participating in the Ashio Copper Mountain strike.

Inajiro Asanuma put forward the slogan "U.S. imperialism is the common enemy of the Chinese and Japanese people" in a speech. It was this slogan that triggered an uproar in public opinion in Japan and ultimately led to his murder.

8, Shinzo Abe's grandfather was assassinated

In January 1960, Nobusuke Kishi visited the United States and reached an agreement with President Eisenhower on the signing of the "New Security Treaty" and his visit to Japan, which resulted in continuous public demonstrations. On July 14, 1960, Nobusuke Kishi was assassinated by a 65-year-old right-winger Aramaki Kaisuke after a reception. The assassin, Aramaki Taisuke, was caught on the spot and escorted to the police station. When confessing the reason for assassinating Nobusuke Kishi, Aramaki said: "I did this to urge him to reflect."

However, Nobusuke Kishi's luck was better than that of his grandson Shinzo Abe. He only suffered an injury to his leg, which was not life-threatening.

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Nobusuke Kishi was assassinated

To sum up the assassinations, it will be found that most of the Japanese political figures who were assassinated were people who worked hard to maintain the balance of power among all parties. I thought no one would be offended, but in the end everyone was offended.Therefore, there will always be some forces or individuals with radical ideas and extreme practices that directly embark on the dangerous path of murder.

The assassination of Japanese political figures in modern times has historically triggered violent fluctuations in the situation in East Asia. Will the same happen to Shinzo Abe’s assassination this time? It’s hard to tell now, but it will lay a huge uncertainty for the future development of the situation. This is undoubtedly

At this time, four more people broke in and shouted: "No need to say more, shoot!" So they raised their guns and shot Inukai Yi.

Inukai Takeshi was shot three times and died. After that, Japan ended party politics and gradually transformed into a militaristic country controlled by the military. In 1933, dozens of murderers involved in the assassination of Inukai Takeshi were prosecuted. However, they claimed at the trial that they had no personal interests and were all motivated by their "determination to reform Japan." In addition, the court also received 9 fingers that were cut off and soaked in alcohol, and even a large number of blood letters and petitions, through which a large number of Japanese citizens expressed their support for the defendant. In the end, under the influence of public opinion, the court believed that these people "carried deeply about the country and had something to learn from", and all of them were sentenced lightly. A few years later, some of the murderers still held important positions in the "Puppet Manchukuo" after their release.

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Inukai Takeshi

5, Korekiyo Takahashi , who served as the 20th Prime Minister of Japan. After the assassination of Prime Minister Hara Kei, Takahashi was recommended by Saionji Temple Gongwang and important ministers to take over as prime minister. Tibetan Prime Minister was still concurrently served by Takahashi. All members of the original cabinet were retained, and the policies of the former cabinet continued to be implemented. Therefore, the Takahashi Cabinet is considered an extension of the Hara Kei Cabinet. Two years later, Takahashi resigned as Prime Minister. He served as Tibetan Prime Minister eight times for 12 years. His financial management ability has been rated, but his political ability is slightly inferior.

As a highly respected financier in the government, Takahashi focused on formulating and implementing fiscal and economic policies based on the country's economic strength and long-term interests. This formed a sharp contradiction with the endless military expansion and war preparations strongly advocated by the military in the late 1930s. He was already 81 years old when he served as Prime Minister of the Okada Cabinet. He advocated cutting military expenditures and was familiar with debates with military representatives, and for a time suppressed the military's opinions.

On February 26, 1936, the Army Royal Road faction launched a coup under the banner of "the people are suffering and the powerful are enjoying themselves, and they need to clear the emperor's side." This is the famous February 26th Mutiny.

The essence of this matter is that in order to be promoted and make a fortune based on military exploits, the military is thinking of coercing all of Japan to spread the war across China. Whether the people suffer or not is none of their business.

At this time, Takahashi served as Tibetan Prime Minister again, and of course he would not be let go. That night, a group of soldiers stormed into Takahashi's house, rushed upstairs, and shot Takahashi Korekiyo six times. He was 83 years old.

Takahashi's death caused unprecedented fluctuations in the history of Japanese securities, and its profound impact on the Japanese economy is evident.

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Takahashi Korekiyo

6, Inajiro Asanuma , On October 12, 1960, at the debate before the first choice of the three parties held at Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo, the leader of the Japanese Socialist Party and left-wing leader Inajiro Asanuma was 17 years old on the podium. Futaya Yamaguchi, a member of the far-right Japan Patriotic Party, was stabbed to death with a short knife.

Inajiro Asanuma is a well-known left-wing figure in Japan and a leader in opposing the Japan-US Security Treaty. He organized a student movement while studying at Waseda University and participated in the labor movement and peasant movement after graduation. He once joined the miners' union and was arrested and imprisoned for participating in the Ashio Copper Mountain strike.

Inajiro Asanuma put forward the slogan "U.S. imperialism is the common enemy of the Chinese and Japanese people" in a speech. It was this slogan that triggered an uproar in public opinion in Japan and ultimately led to his murder.

8, Shinzo Abe's grandfather was assassinated

In January 1960, Nobusuke Kishi visited the United States and reached an agreement with President Eisenhower on the signing of the "New Security Treaty" and his visit to Japan, which resulted in continuous public demonstrations. On July 14, 1960, Nobusuke Kishi was assassinated by a 65-year-old right-winger Aramaki Kaisuke after a reception. The assassin, Aramaki Taisuke, was caught on the spot and escorted to the police station. When confessing the reason for assassinating Nobusuke Kishi, Aramaki said: "I did this to urge him to reflect."

However, Nobusuke Kishi's luck was better than that of his grandson Shinzo Abe. He only suffered an injury to his leg, which was not life-threatening.

The following are selected: 1. Hirobumi Ito, Hirobumi Ito was the first Prime Minister of Japan and played an important role in Japan's expansion of aggression and national strength after the Meiji Restoration. - DayDayNews

Nobusuke Kishi was assassinated

To sum up the assassinations, it will be found that most of the Japanese political figures who were assassinated were people who worked hard to maintain the balance of power among all parties. I thought no one would be offended, but in the end everyone was offended.Therefore, there will always be some forces or individuals with radical ideas and extreme practices that directly embark on the dangerous path of murder.

The assassination of Japanese political figures in modern times has historically triggered violent fluctuations in the situation in East Asia. Will the same happen to Shinzo Abe’s assassination this time? It’s hard to tell now, but it will lay a huge uncertainty for the future development of the situation. This is undoubtedly

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