In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, Xu Fu, a famous female physiognomist in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, and Yuan Gong, Liu Bowen and others in the Ming Dynasty were all famo

2024/06/3000:22:32 history 1461

In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, the famous female fortune teller Xu negative during the Qin and Han dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty period, and Yuan Gong and Liu Bowen of the Ming Dynasty and others all used the Physiography is famous. But does physiognomy really work? Each person has an opinion. After the founding of New China, this kind of thing was classified as feudal superstition, but some people still believe in it in the vast rural areas. Some people even have their normal lives affected by fortune telling, such as Xiao Peng from Nanchong, Sichuan.

Xiao Peng became a monk because of fortune telling

When Xiao Peng was a child, his parents asked someone to tell his fortune. The fortune teller said that he was born with wealth and destiny, and with a little effort, he could achieve achievements beyond ordinary people. Xiao Peng believed it to be true and had been pretentious since he was a child. But he didn't work hard in his studies, so he dropped out of school early and went home. As an adult, Xiao Peng followed his friends to work south, but was defrauded of all his savings. When he injured his eye while working in a factory, his boss not only refused to pay for the medical expenses, but also fired him for some reason.

In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, Xu Fu, a famous female physiognomist in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, and Yuan Gong, Liu Bowen and others in the Ming Dynasty were all famo - DayDayNews

After returning to his hometown, Xiao Peng stayed at home all day without going out, relying entirely on his parents for support. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. The fortune teller didn't he say that he was destined to be wealthy? Why was he so unlucky? His parents were afraid that Xiao Peng would be depressed, so they asked him to go out to relax. On the street, Xiao Peng happened to see the fortune teller Pang setting up a stall, so he went over to calculate his fortune.

In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, Xu Fu, a famous female physiognomist in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, and Yuan Gong, Liu Bowen and others in the Ming Dynasty were all famo - DayDayNews

After Pang looked at Xiao Peng’s birth date, he concluded that Xiao Peng was destined to be rich and noble, but it was just because he was indolent and indolent that his destiny changed. He must go to a temple to become a monk for several years and accumulate virtues and do good deeds before he can resolve disasters and turn dangers into good fortunes. Xiao Peng thought Pang's words made sense, so he ignored his parents' dissuasion and found a temple to become a monk.

In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, Xu Fu, a famous female physiognomist in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, and Yuan Gong, Liu Bowen and others in the Ming Dynasty were all famo - DayDayNews

Xiao Peng did not see much effect in his first year as a monk. Instead, he became thin due to the food problem in the temple. But starting from the second year, Xiao Peng's mental state became very full. Not only did he eat well and sleep well, but he also got along well with the monks in the temple. He thinks everything is moving in a good direction. At the same time, he began to admire Pang from the bottom of his heart.

In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, Xu Fu, a famous female physiognomist in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, and Yuan Gong, Liu Bowen and others in the Ming Dynasty were all famo - DayDayNews

caused trouble

But after all, Xiao Peng didn’t really see through the world of mortals when he became a monk, he just wanted to avoid disaster. After learning about their son's fate, his parents asked him to return home, marry a wife and have children. Xiao Peng agreed with his parents and chose to go home. But he had accomplished nothing before and had not learned any skills, so it was naturally difficult for him to find a job. Xiao Peng, who was in a confused state, planned to ask Pang to give him some guidance, but after seeing Xiao Peng, Pang said that he would be in a bloody disaster in the near future, and it was best to go back to the temple to practice.

In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, Xu Fu, a famous female physiognomist in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, and Yuan Gong, Liu Bowen and others in the Ming Dynasty were all famo - DayDayNews

After Xiao Peng returned home, he couldn’t figure it out. He had obviously been practicing in the temple for two years, so how could there be a bloody disaster? But Pang’s calculation was so accurate, it would definitely happen. After thinking about it, Xiao Peng fell into a misunderstanding of his thinking. He thought that if Pang didn't calculate the bloody disaster for him, then he would be safe. If something happened to him, it would be Pang's fault as well. Xiao Peng felt that Pang had harmed him, so on the morning of August 24, 2014, he stabbed Pang directly with a knife.

In ancient Chinese history, there were many people who were good at divination. For example, Xu Fu, a famous female physiognomist in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty, and Yuan Gong, Liu Bowen and others in the Ming Dynasty were all famo - DayDayNews

Because Pang was unprepared, many vital parts were stabbed by Xiao Peng. When 120 arrived, Pang had already passed away. The police caught Xiao Peng who committed the crime in the shortest time. When asked about Xiao Peng's motive, Xiao Peng actually said: "Who told him to calculate so accurately! If it weren't for him, how could I have suffered a bloody disaster?" I have to say. , this kind of feudal superstition is harmful to people.

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