The life of the last emperor Puyi was full of ups and downs, so his story has been put on the screen many times. Puyi was pushed to the throne when he was 3 years old, and soon stepped down "in a daze". It can be said that he was controlled by others for the first half of his lif

2024/07/0207:33:32 history 1221

The last emperor Puyi 's life was full of ups and downs, so his story has been put on the screen many times.

Puyi was pushed to the throne when he was 3 years old, and soon stepped down "in a daze". It can be said that he was controlled by others for the first half of his life.

The life of the last emperor Puyi was full of ups and downs, so his story has been put on the screen many times. Puyi was pushed to the throne when he was 3 years old, and soon stepped down

After 11945, Puyi was taken as a prisoner and escorted to the Soviet Union. After several rounds, he finally returned to China.

After returning to China, he was sent to a labor camp. A few years later, he was released because of good behavior. At this time, he also made great progress in his thinking.

After gaining freedom, Puyi became an ordinary citizen.

Considering that he was old and engaging in ordinary labor work would definitely be too much for his body, Puyi eventually came to the Beijing Botanical Garden and became an ordinary garden worker.

The life of the last emperor Puyi was full of ups and downs, so his story has been put on the screen many times. Puyi was pushed to the throne when he was 3 years old, and soon stepped down

At this time, Puyi had experienced great storms and no longer had any extravagant hopes for rights. He just wanted to spend his old age peacefully. During this time, he also made many friends.

Time came to 1961. Once, friends Shen Zui and Du Yuming wanted to invite him to visit the Forbidden City. Puyi did not want to go at that time. On the one hand, this is the place where I grew up as a child, and it has no attraction for me.

The life of the last emperor Puyi was full of ups and downs, so his story has been put on the screen many times. Puyi was pushed to the throne when he was 3 years old, and soon stepped down

On the other hand, I am afraid of coming here and thinking of all the sadness in the past. But when faced with an invitation from a friend, I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I finally came here.

After arriving here, Shen Zui asked him to wait for a while. After a while, he came with a ticket and handed it to Puyi. He was very curious, so he asked: "Why do you still need the ticket?"

Shen Zui He said with a smile: "Now the Forbidden City is open to everyone, and you need a ticket to enter. The money collected by the state can be used to maintain the Forbidden City and pay the wages of the staff." After listening, Puyi nodded awkwardly.

The life of the last emperor Puyi was full of ups and downs, so his story has been put on the screen many times. Puyi was pushed to the throne when he was 3 years old, and soon stepped down

Soon the group arrived at Taihe Palace . Puyi saw the dragon chair under the plaque of "Jianji Suiyou" at a glance. He slowly walked up the steps and sat down carefully.

Someone wanted to take pictures of him at that time, but Puyi refused and asked him why. Puyi replied with emotion: "This dragon chair is not easy to sit on!"

After that, Puyi sat on the dragon chair and didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly, He reached out and took out a cricket jar from a hidden compartment under the chair, held it in his hand and started playing with it.

Puyi’s action stunned several people present.

The life of the last emperor Puyi was full of ups and downs, so his story has been put on the screen many times. Puyi was pushed to the throne when he was 3 years old, and soon stepped down

After Puyi took out the object, he immediately smiled and explained to everyone in his party that he had hidden it specially when he was a child.

This historical detail was restored in the movie "The Last Emperor", but Puyi's words and deeds were artistically processed in the film, and the bystanders were changed from Shen Zui, Du Yuming and others to a primary school student.

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