From October 1930 to September 1931, Chiang Kai-shek launched three consecutive "encirclement and suppression" campaigns against the Central Revolutionary Base Area, all of which were crushed by Mao Zedong. Facts have proved that Chiang Kai-shek is not Mao Zedong's opponent, but

2024/07/0112:30:33 history 1970

How strong was Mao Zedong’s sense of direction?

From October 1930 to September 1931, Chiang Kai-shek launched three consecutive

Mao Zedong who moved to western Fujian (oil painting)

From October 1930 to September 1931,

Chiang Kai-shek launched three consecutive "encirclement and suppression" campaigns against the Central Revolutionary Base , all of which were crushed by Mao Zedong.

Facts have proved that Chiang Kai-shek is not Mao Zedong.

But the troubled China was invaded by foreign enemies at this time -

The Japanese invaders brazenly launched the " September 18th Incident",

It only took about 4 months to invade China Three Northeastern Provinces ,

For the Chinese Communist Party and Mao Zedong,

this means that resisting Japanese aggression has become a major issue that the Chinese Communist Party and he must face.

But Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese leader at the time, did not see it that way.

How could Chiang Kai-shek, who was always known for his "shrewdness", not know the intention of the Japanese invaders in occupying Northeast China?

If Chiang Kai-shek had stood up to resist the Japanese invaders at this time,

the Chinese people would not have been massacred and ravaged by the Japanese invaders for 14 years!


Chiang Kai-shek's thorn in his side and flesh was not the Japanese invaders, but the Chinese Communist Party and its Red Army .

After the "September 18th Incident",

Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, He Long and others jointly issued a statement on September 25,

proposing resolute resistance to Japan,

had a clear mind and understanding in the face of right and wrong,

This is the first strong evidence that Mao Zedong has a strong sense of direction.

However, the situation during this period was complicated in that

Mao Zedong not only had to face the brazen invasion of the Japanese invaders,

he also had to face Chiang Kai-shek's endless pursuit and encirclement,

he also had to face the Communist International and the Soviet Union. challenges and resistance.

At this time,

Wang Ming seized the leadership of the Party Central Committee through improper means with the support of the Communist International.

As a result, the Party Central Committee was under the "Left" wrong leadership for a long period of time,

It brought a series of severe setbacks and tests to the Chinese revolution and the Chinese Communist Party.

During this period,

the Party Central Committee under the control of Wang Ming completely dealt with issues from the standpoint of the Communist International, that is, the Soviet Union.

As a result, the Communist Party of China almost became the spokesperson of the Soviet Union in China.

They believed that the purpose of Japan's invasion of Northeast China was to attack the Soviet Union.

Therefore, they absurdly proposed that

Chinese Communists should go shirtless to "defend the Soviet Union."

From October 1930 to September 1931, Chiang Kai-shek launched three consecutive

The Red Army's Battle of Ganzhou ended in failure

This made Mao Zedong very sad and painful.

The "Left" leaning center ignored the real enemy, the Japanese invaders,

but wanted everyone to mess around and "defend the Soviet Union"!

Japan’s purpose was to annex China rather than attack the Soviet Union.

Mao Zedong saw this issue clearly.

This is the second strong evidence of Mao Zedong’s strong sense of direction.

Mao Zedong resolutely resisted such absurd claims.

As a result,

Mao Zedong's personal disasters followed one after another.

He was accused of "narrow empiricism".

Immediately afterwards,

Mao Zedong's position in the army was criticized by the "Leftist Party". "The Central Committee was cancelled, and

was appointed Chairman of the Chinese Soviet Republic.

It didn't take long for something to happen:

The First Section of the 26th Route Army of the Kuomintang revolted.

Under Mao Zedong's transformation, they became the Fifth Red Army Corps. .

Mao Zedong sent Xiao Jinguang and others to work in the Fifth Red Army Corps.

Under Mao Zedong's personal transformation, the subsequent performance of the

Red Fifth Army was remarkable.

How to transform the army that came out of the uprising into the people's army?

Mao Zedong had a mature set of experiences and practices for this.

This is the third strong evidence of Mao Zedong's strong sense of direction.

By this time,

the Red Front Army had grown from more than 40,000 people to more than 60,000 people.

At this time,

Zhou Enlai arrived in Ruijin from Shanghai,

served as the secretary of the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China Soviet Area,

was Mao Zedong's boss.

When Zhou Enlai came to the Soviet Area, he also brought an order from the central government to attack the big cities in Jiangxi.

In response to this order,

Mao Zedong stated that he could not attack.

If he had to attack,

he could only siege the city and provide reinforcements.

Mao Zedong firmly opposed the implementation of the "left" central government's orders that were divorced from reality.

Because Mao Zedong always advocated seeking truth from facts,

This is the fourth strong evidence of Mao Zedong's strong sense of direction.

But Mao Zedong's opinions became the minority.

Xiang Ying firmly advocated the implementation of the central government's orders,

Mao Zedong's opinions were rejected.

In response to the wrong order,

Mao Zedong refused to compromise.


he had to take sick leave to recuperate.

While he was ill, he learned that the Japanese invaders brazenly launched a violent attack on Shanghai.

He fell ill and drafted a declaration of war against Japan. ,

This declaration represents the attitude of the Communist Party of China.

is also the official declaration of war on Japan by the Communist Party of China.

It can be seen that Mao Zedong had a clear understanding of the national contradiction between China and Japan that has become the main domestic conflict.

This is Mao Zedong’s strong sense of direction. The fifth strong evidence.

From October 1930 to September 1931, Chiang Kai-shek launched three consecutive

Mao Zedong led the Red Army directly to Zhangzhou (oil painting)

However, Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang government did not officially declare war on Japan until December 9, 1941.

The reason was that the United States was angry because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. ,

Declaring war on Japan on December 8,

This was Chiang Kai-shek's attitude towards the Japanese invaders.

Counting from the "September 18th Incident" in 1931,

Japan had invaded China for almost 11 years.

Chiang Kai-shek just declared war on Japan.

And the main reason was that his American master had just declared war on Japan, and

he followed suit.

At this moment,

news came that the Red Army was defeated on the front line of Ganzhou .

The Red Army was attacked from both sides.

They hurriedly asked Mao Zedong to suspend his recuperation and rush to the front line to participate in decision-making.

Mao Zedong had long said not to attack big cities such as Jiangxi's Nanchang and Ganzhou.

's current failure has verified Mao Zedong's judgment.

Before leaving, Mao Zedong proposed to use the reserve force of the Fifth Red Army to break the siege of the Red Army in Ganzhou.

When he arrived at the front line,

Zhu De told him that

it worked according to his opinion.

The Third Red Army had already Out of danger,

This is the sixth strong evidence of Mao Zedong's strong sense of direction.

Mao Zedong said at the meeting that the attack on Ganzhou was wrong.

The faces of the leaders present at the time were all green,

but they had no face to refute,

because Mao Zedong opposed the attack on Ganzhou and other big cities from the beginning.

At this time, some people came up with random ideas,

advocating that the Red Army march to Hunan,

and some people simply suggested that the troops should be divided into two groups and act according to the situation.

Mao Zedong firmly advocated attacking Fujian.

His vision was always so keen.

He knew very well that with the strength of the Red Army at the time,

it was most appropriate to attack Fujian,

because the enemy forces in Fujian were very weak.

This is the seventh strong evidence that Mao Zedong has a strong sense of direction.

Mao Zedong persuaded the leaders of the First Red Army to develop into western Fujian.

Zhou Enlai approved that Mao Zedong, as chairman of the central government , would lead the East Route Army to attack western Fujian.


the Red Army went straight to Zhangzhou,

Mao Zedong called Zhou Enlai to report his victory.

After Zhangzhou was captured,

Mao Zedong quickly implemented the urban policies he had prescribed.

emphasized that shops should be allowed to operate as usual.

The Red Army raised funds for general industry and commerce through the chamber of commerce.

Mao Zedong's urban policy has achieved great results in Zhangzhou.

The Red Army raised more than 1 million yuan,

and successfully expanded the Red Army (expanded the Red Army) to nearly a thousand people.

This is the eighth strong evidence of Mao Zedong's strong sense of direction. .

This time, everyone once again witnessed "if you listen to Mao Zedong, you will win, if you don't listen to Mao Zedong, you will fail":

Mao Zedong firmly opposed the attack on Ganzhou,

but the attack on Ganzhou failed;

Mao Zedong advocated the attack on Zhangzhou,

even if it was a long-distance attack ,

Zhangzhou was defeated.

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