It is difficult to do things, because those who do things not only have to face many technical problems but also face a lot of criticism from outsiders. These people do not know what is going on, and they will criticize severely whenever they see that something is not done to the

2024/07/0113:41:32 history 1124

It is difficult to do things, because those who do things not only have to face many technical problems but also face many criticisms from outsiders. These people do not know what is going on and will severely criticize whenever they see that something is not done to their liking. Anyway, no matter what these people say, they don’t have to take responsibility. Many people are disgusted with them, but there is nothing they can do about it. During the Sino-Japanese War period, senior figures in China and Japan had serious complaints against these people. Hart mentioned in the letter that Sun Yuwen and Xu Yongyi evaluated them as "people who neither understand the facts, have no responsibility and responsibility, and like to talk high-key", Mutsu Munemitsu said Similar figures in his own country commented on him as "the most eloquent person in the world who speaks eloquently and makes people happy in a short time." Although China and Japan were enemies at the time, their evaluations of certain laypeople who specifically blamed people were surprisingly consistent, which shows the image of such people in the minds of the staff. This was in the Qing Dynasty , and it can be said that the and Ming Dynasty before the Qing Dynasty were destroyed by these people. Guang Siheng is one of the typical characters.

Before his true colors were finally revealed, in the miserable and bitter years of the late Ming Dynasty, Guang Shiheng, a public official, was once similar to Qian, an upright person.

Guang Shiheng, a native of Tongcheng, Anhui Province, was a Jinshi in the seventh year of Chongzhen (1634). This young talent always seemed to be full of truth. When he met for the first time, he spoke about his family, his country and the world, which moved Emperor Chongzhen, who was worried about the country's crisis, so much that he promoted him when he was excited. Then the passionate Kwang Sihyung looked even more excited when facing national events. Today, local historical data in Anhui still say that he was "sexually upright".

Based on this kind of performance, the passionate Kwang Si-hyung seems to have the appearance of a man with lofty ideals, but a shortcoming exposed his flaw: he can only reason, but can't do things. He did not know how many righteous words he said when he took office in the Military Science and Technology Department, but he never gave the Ming Dynasty any ideas for solving problems. Instead, it adds to the problem at the most critical moment.

On the first day of the first lunar month in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), Li Zicheng proclaimed himself emperor in Xi'an, and then directed his troops towards Beijing. When the peasant army approached Beijing, Emperor Chongzhen had a chance to move south to extend his life, but Guang Shiheng stood up and firmly opposed it.

It is difficult to do things, because those who do things not only have to face many technical problems but also face a lot of criticism from outsiders. These people do not know what is going on, and they will criticize severely whenever they see that something is not done to the - DayDayNews

Zhu Youjian

In February, the situation in Beijing was critical. Li Banghua, the censor of Zuodu, proposed to send the crown prince to Nanjing to supervise the country. Emperor Chongzhen was hesitant, but Guang Shiheng stood up and firmly opposed it. On the fourth day of March, Li Jiantai proposed to move south, and bachelor Fan Jingwen , Zuodu censor Li Banghua and others requested to send the crown prince to Jiangnan to Fujun first. Guang Shiheng once again stood up to object and asked loudly: "What do the ministers want to do when I go south with the crown prince! Do you want to be the story of Tang Suzong's spiritual martial arts?"

Guang Shiheng's nonsense made Emperor Chongzhen miss another opportunity.

So, did Guang Shiheng, who spoke generously in court, do his best to defend Beijing like Yu Qian did back then? the answer is negative. When Li Zicheng arrived in Beijing, Guang Shiheng and the censor Wang Zhang assisted in the defense of Fucheng Gate. Wang Zhang even fired two cannons himself. When the peasant army entered the city, Guang Shiheng took Wang Zhang and wanted to escape together. Wang Zhang said angrily: "Now that the matter has come to this, I would rather die!" Guang Shiheng said: "What's the difference between dying and a soldier? I went to the court to visit the superior. , If you don't get it, you will die. It's not too late to die."

They encountered a peasant army on the way. Guang Shiheng hurriedly dismounted, knelt down and surrendered. Wang Zhang was unyielding and was killed. "Shi Heng got off his horse and knelt in a hurry, Zhang held the whip and ignored it, and shouted: 'I regard the army as a censor, who dares to commit any crime!'"

After the surrender, Guang Shiheng was assigned as an admonishment officer, and also belonged to the Yanguan. Summoned and commended by Li Zicheng. Guang Siheng wrote to his sons who were still in the south, asking them to study hard and prepare for the scientific examination. Soon after the peasant army failed, Guang Shiheng, who had failed to be a traitor, went to the Hongguang Emperor of the Nanming . As a result, he was impeached by Ma Shiying : "Because of the incident, Guang Shiheng blocked the southward movement, causing the death of the late emperor. "To be a thief first is a great treason." He abandoned the market at the same time as Zhou Zhong and Wu Su.

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