After flowing through Ningcheng County for about 80 kilometers, the Laoha River enters Nailin Town, Kalaqin Banner from southwest to northeast, with a total length of 28 kilometers. Nailin Town is located in the southeast of Chifeng City and the eastern part of Harqin Banner. It

2024/07/0122:13:32 history 1182

——Field farmer

Laoha River flows through the Ningcheng County area for about 80 kilometers, and then enters Nailin Town, Haraqin Banner from southwest to northeast, with a total length of 28 kilometers.

Nailin Town is located in the southeast of Chifeng City, east of Kalaqin Banner,

Nailin Town is bounded by Laoha River in the east by Jianping County of Liaoning Province, by Kundulun River in Ningcheng County in the south, and by Kundulun River in the west. It is connected to Xiqiao Town and adjacent to Yuanbaoshan District in the north. The administrative area of ​​Nailin Town is 137 square kilometers. At the end of 2018, Nailin Town had a registered population of 36,287. Nailin Town is located in the eastern part of Harqin Banner, 362 kilometers away from Jinshan Town, the seat of Harqin Banner government.

After flowing through Ningcheng County for about 80 kilometers, the Laoha River enters Nailin Town, Kalaqin Banner from southwest to northeast, with a total length of 28 kilometers. Nailin Town is located in the southeast of Chifeng City and the eastern part of Harqin Banner. It  - DayDayNews

Nailin’s original name was Twelve Horse Stands. When the Ye (Bai Shou) - Chi (Feng) railway was repaired in 1935 (1935), it was changed to Nailin.

Nailin Town has a glorious revolutionary history, and there is a monument to revolutionary heroes in the town. During the War of Liberation, the troops of the Hebei Reliao Military Region recaptured Nailin twice in May and September 1946. The fighting was fierce. Local cadres and the masses actively participated in the war, and 62 people died, including 11 county-level cadres.

The course of the Nailin battle:

1. General background: The national civil war began

On June 26, 1946, the Kuomintang reactionaries ignored the Chinese Communist Party’s suggestion to stop the civil war and the national people’s call for peace, brazenly tore up the “Armistice Agreement” between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and invaded the Central Plains A large-scale offensive was launched in the liberated areas, and a full-scale civil war broke out. In August 1946, the Kuomintang troops launched a rampant attack on the Jehol Liberated Area. To this end, the Jireliao Central Branch issued the "Instructions on Emergency Mobilization to Defend Chengde and Chifeng", calling on all soldiers and civilians to "defend Chengde and Chifeng to the death, defend the Jehol to the death, and defend the Jireliao to the death."

After flowing through Ningcheng County for about 80 kilometers, the Laoha River enters Nailin Town, Kalaqin Banner from southwest to northeast, with a total length of 28 kilometers. Nailin Town is located in the southeast of Chifeng City and the eastern part of Harqin Banner. It  - DayDayNews

2. The Kuomintang army attempted to occupy Chifeng first.

At this time, the Kuomintang Army's 11th Theater and the North China Security Command concentrated 3 corps and 8 divisions, namely the 13th Army, the 93rd Army, and the 71st Army and the 91st Division, which were divided into three directions: east, west, and south. Chengde and Chifeng areas in the Rehe Liberated Area launched attacks in an attempt to occupy Chifeng. After the temporary 18th Division of the enemy's 93rd Army passed through Jinxi and Xingcheng and assembled its troops at Ye Boxou, it finally occupied Jianping and Ningcheng. Afterwards, the Kuomintang troops pressed forward step by step and continued to attack Chifeng, a strategic area in Rehe. For a time, dark clouds came over the Zhaowuda League and the Zhuosuotu League. The various anti-communist gangs colluded with each other and were ready to take action. The situation was extremely complicated and serious.

3. Our army makes counterattack arrangements

In order to stop the speed of the enemy's attack, and to ensure the transfer of party and government organs in the rear and the safety of the people, we hope that all units under the Hebei Reliao Military Region will follow the central government's instructions of "get out of the way and occupy both sides." The general policy is to voluntarily abandon the central city, implement a strategic retreat, and plan to intercept and destroy the invading enemies. Around the defense of Chifeng, we organized the famous Gushan Battle, Huashiligou Battle, Nailin Battle, Ningcheng Battle, and Sidao Battle. The Battle of Gouliang and other battles bought time for our army to shift from strategic defense to strategic offense, and also contained the enemy.

After flowing through Ningcheng County for about 80 kilometers, the Laoha River enters Nailin Town, Kalaqin Banner from southwest to northeast, with a total length of 28 kilometers. Nailin Town is located in the southeast of Chifeng City and the eastern part of Harqin Banner. It  - DayDayNews

4. The battle in Nailin achieved remarkable results. On September 10, 1946, two regiments of the 18th Temporary Division of the 93rd Army of the Kuomintang, led by deputy division commander Li Changxiong, captured Nailin. At this time, our main forces retreated and gathered at the Tianzhuang and Heishui lines. The 1st, 17th, and 18th brigades of the Jehol Military Region were ordered to eliminate this enemy. On the night of the 10th, under the cover of strong firepower, the 47th Regiment of the 1st Independent Brigade broke into Nailin from the northeast of Nailin, occupied most of the village, wiped out dozens of enemy people, and captured an enemy platoon. Later, due to poor communication and unable to determine the situation, the headquarters ordered the troops to withdraw from the battle at dawn. The next day, the 47th, 48th and 49th regiments launched another attack to encircle and annihilate Nailin's defenders. At one point they went deep and engaged in close combat, which was extremely fierce. In the end, our army won, and the remaining enemies fled in the direction of Tianyi. A total of 500 enemies were wiped out and 50 captured during the entire battle, achieving remarkable results. It played an important role in realizing the strategic intention of preventing the Kuomintang troops from occupying Chifeng.

Nailin’s fighting achievements will forever be recorded in history! Always remember the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for liberation!

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