Regarding revolution, we can only understand it from a few words in history books. People who have not truly experienced that era cannot understand the hardships of our ancestors. In order to create a new China and lead the people to stand up, the revolutionary ancestors made gre

2024/06/2912:51:32 history 1090

Regarding revolution, we can only understand it from a few words in history books. People who have not truly experienced that era cannot understand the hardships of our ancestors. In order to create a new China and lead the people to stand up, the revolutionary ancestors made They made too many sacrifices, whether it was Premier Zhou or Chairman Mao. Premier Zhou devoted his whole life to the revolution and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the people's revolutionary cause. Donated to the country, Deng Yingchao also moved out of the West Flower Hall. Such sentiments are touching. It can be said that he is the first person in history. His grace and charm have impressed the whole world.

Regarding revolution, we can only understand it from a few words in history books. People who have not truly experienced that era cannot understand the hardships of our ancestors. In order to create a new China and lead the people to stand up, the revolutionary ancestors made gre - DayDayNews

The most commendable thing is the love story between Premier Zhou and Deng Yingchao. They are revolutionary partners who cherish each other. They have common ideals and goals. Premier Zhou can understand Deng Yingchao, and Deng Yingchao can also understand Premier Zhou. The lovers who love each other so well make people envious and moved. Their only regret is that they could not have children of their own. But many people may not know that they could have had their own children. Not long after they got married, Deng Yingchao found out that she was pregnant, but the child came at the wrong time. In the end, after thinking twice, Deng Yingchao went to the street to buy abortion pills and had an abortion. .

Regarding revolution, we can only understand it from a few words in history books. People who have not truly experienced that era cannot understand the hardships of our ancestors. In order to create a new China and lead the people to stand up, the revolutionary ancestors made gre - DayDayNews

At this time, Premier Zhou was in Shantou, and he knew nothing about the child. This was a critical moment for the revolution. Sister Deng felt that the child came at the wrong time. After many ideological struggles, without the conquest, Sister Deng felt that the child had come at the wrong time. With the consent of Premier Zhou, she bought medicine to abort the child. However, because the medicine was too strong, she couldn't bear the pain. She even asked for a week's leave. Later, she was sent to work in Shantou. Premier Zhou saw that her face was pale and felt very bad. After careful questioning, she told him the whole story. After hearing this, Premier Zhou became very angry. This was a matter between two people. He was angry that Deng Yingchao made her own decision without consulting him. , life and work cannot be in opposition.

Regarding revolution, we can only understand it from a few words in history books. People who have not truly experienced that era cannot understand the hardships of our ancestors. In order to create a new China and lead the people to stand up, the revolutionary ancestors made gre - DayDayNews

Premier Zhou is usually gentle and gentle, and rarely gets angry in life. When Deng Yingchao saw Premier Zhou get so angry, she realized that she was wrong, so she immediately apologized to Premier Zhou. Premier Zhou thought that it was not easy for Deng Yingchao, and then immediately comforted her and let her She took good rest and took good care of her. In 1927, Deng Yingchao became pregnant again. This time Premier Zhou was still not around, but after what happened the first time, she was very careful this time and tried her best to supplement herself with nutrients to make the baby healthier. But because of the replacement, the fetus grew too big this time. During the three days and three nights of delivery, the baby was not born. The medical conditions at that time were not as good as caesarean section . In the end, there was really no way, and the doctor could only use The forceps were used to clamp out the child, but the child's head was injured during the operation. After the child was born, he cried once and then lost his breath.

Regarding revolution, we can only understand it from a few words in history books. People who have not truly experienced that era cannot understand the hardships of our ancestors. In order to create a new China and lead the people to stand up, the revolutionary ancestors made gre - DayDayNews

After giving birth, Deng Yingchao was extremely weak. She should have taken a good rest at this time, but at that time, the warlords happened to be massacring communists. The whole of Guangzhou was shrouded in white terror. A female doctor helped her hide in the hospital for two days. In the end, for For safety reasons, she could only put on makeup and leave Guangzhou for Hong Kong. She did not stay much in Hong Kong and soon came to Shanghai to meet Premier Zhou. When she met Premier Zhou, her body was already weak to the limit. Accompanied by Premier Zhou She was hospitalized for two weeks to recover, but because she was extremely weak and damaged her uterus, the doctor told her that she might not be able to get pregnant again. This has also become the biggest regret of Premier Zhou and his wife.

Regarding revolution, we can only understand it from a few words in history books. People who have not truly experienced that era cannot understand the hardships of our ancestors. In order to create a new China and lead the people to stand up, the revolutionary ancestors made gre - DayDayNews

Despite this, Premier Zhou and Sister Deng have never quarreled over these matters. Premier Zhou has been busy working for New China all his life. The two always get together less and stay apart more, but they have never complained about each other. For example, in 1960, Deng Yingchao's surgery At that time, Premier Zhou was too busy to take care of it, but she instead advised him to pay more attention to rest and leave her alone. Sometimes she would get up in the middle of the night and run to the door of Premier Zhou's office to ask him to get up and move around. Premier Zhou would hold documents while sleeping. For this purpose, she specially made a small table for Premier Zhou to put on his bed. Deng Yingchao often said: "Revolution and life balance are difficult things. If two people cannot understand each other, it is easy to cause conflicts."Their love has become a model for everyone, and their relationship as a husband and wife is touching.

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