Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown.

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Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown.

In December 1953, Chairman Mao came to Hangzhou for the second time. However, his trip brought an extremely important task, which was to create the first constitution for New China. In his spare time at

, Chairman Mao also visited many scenic spots in Hangzhou accompanied by Wang Fang. When he saw the ancient tombs next to the West Lake, , Chairman Mao immediately made a commendable decision.

On the occasion of the Tomb Sweeping Day in 1954, Chairman Mao and Wang Fang were walking in Liuzhuang, Hangzhou. Suddenly Chairman Mao said to Wang Fang: "Qingming Festival is a day to pay homage to ancestors. Prepare an unnamed wreath for me."

Chairman Mao's order Wang Fang was confused, and she muttered in her heart: "Who is this wreath for?" In 2000, Chairman Mao boarded a special train to Hangzhou in Beijing and began his second trip to Hangzhou in his life.

On December 27, Chairman Mao once again set foot on the land of Hangzhou. Wang Fang, then director of the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department, was responsible for Chairman Mao's security. Out of consideration for Chairman Mao's safety, Wang Fang sent Mao to his home. The chairman arranged to stay overnight at Liuzhuang .

Chairman Mao's trip was not just to enjoy the beautiful scenery. He was concerned about the country and the people and still had a lot of work to do. Creating the first constitution for New China was the top priority of this trip.

In 1953, New China did not yet have a constitution in the strict sense. In order to bring New China into a society ruled by law as soon as possible, Chairman Mao decided to get up and go to Hangzhou to concentrate on presiding over the drafting of New China's first constitution.

The task of drafting the first constitution for New China was not light. Chairman Mao needed to consult a large number of books and materials every day and compare translations of constitutions from different countries. For this reason, the ashtray on Chairman Mao's desk was often filled with cigarette butts.

In addition, Chairman Mao not only had to listen to the report of Comrade of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, but also completed inspections of agricultural cooperatives in several counties in Zhejiang Province. Chairman Mao, who loved the people like his own son, also visited local farmers' families from time to time. Understand the situation at the grassroots level.

Only in his spare time from work did Chairman Mao have the opportunity to visit the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou.

Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown. - DayDayNews

In March 1954, Chairman Mao, who was thinking hard, was going to have a good tour in Hangzhou to relax his tired body. So, accompanied by Wang Fang, Wu Yi and others, Chairman Mao boarded a car to Mogan Mountain in Hangzhou.

While driving, Chairman Mao saw that Wu Yi, who was traveling with him, had a new face, so Chairman Mao asked Wang Fang: "Who is this comrade?" Wang Fang immediately explained: "This comrade is Wu Yi, He is from Anhui and works in the security department. "

Chairman Mao said very humorously after hearing Wu Yi's name: "Your name is very great. It has the same name as Labor Day. People all over the world must celebrate you, otherwise. Let’s just call you ‘Labor Day’!” Chairman Mao’s words made the nervous Wu Yi relax a lot.

Later, Chairman Mao patted Wu Yi on the shoulder and asked: "On Labor Day, Wang Fang said that you are from Anhui. Do you know who among the leaders of the Communist Party is from Anhui?"

In response to Chairman Mao's question, Wu Yi Like a monk who was two feet tall, he was confused and replied hesitantly: "Zeng Xisheng, right?"

Chairman Mao shook his head and said: "Zeng Xisheng is not from Anhui, but from Hunan. You don't want to You are messing with fellow villagers." His words made everyone laugh again.

While climbing Mogan Mountain, Chairman Mao was impressed by the beautiful scenery of Mogan Mountain, and expressed his emotion to everyone, "Looking at the water also looks at the mountain."

This aroused the interest of guard Chen Changjiang. He curiously asked Chairman Mao: "When you come to Hangzhou, don't you always visit the West Lake? Why did you, Chairman, say 'view the water as well as the mountains'?"

looked at Chen Changjiang who looked doubtful. Yangtze River, Chairman Mao said patiently: " The Southern Song Dynasty poet Xin Qiji once wrote a poem, two of which are 'Talking to visitors of the West Lake, observing the water and the mountains.' Coming to Hangzhou simply to see the West Lake is actually incomplete. . "

Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown. - DayDayNews

Chairman Mao's words made Chen Changjiang suddenly enlightened. Wang Fang and others also nodded beside him as if waking up from a dream. Everyone sincerely admired Chairman Mao's erudition.

After arriving at the top of Mogan Mountain, Chairman Mao asked Wang Fang while enjoying the beautiful scenery: "What do you think of Guan Yu in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

Wang Fang replied without hesitation: "Guan Yu's character. He can be called a righteous man, but although Guan Yu was highly skilled in martial arts, he was too arrogant and arrogant, so that he eventually lost his reputation in Jingzhou and died."

Chairman Mao nodded with relief, and then asked. "Then do you know why Guan Yu has the surname Guan?"

Seeing the confused Wang Fang, Chairman Mao slowly explained: "Guan Yu once committed a murder in his hometown and fled to Tongguan in order to escape. After checking, Guan Yu "referred to Guan as his surname", which is the origin of Guan Yu's surname."

After listening to Chairman Mao's explanation, Wang Fang said with admiration: "The chairman knows so much!"

Mo Ganshan is the most famous. The most popular attraction is the " Sword Pool ", which is the legendary place where Mo Xie and his wife forged swords. The reason why this mountain is called "Mogan Mountain" is to commemorate the story of sword making by Gan Jiang Mo Xie. .

Chairman Mao was naturally reluctant to miss such an ancient and modern scenic spot. Even though the road to Jianchi was very bumpy, Chairman Mao, who was over 60 years old, did not take it to heart at all and still insisted on seeing the elegance of the ancient Jianchi. .

The scenery and momentum of Moganshan Jianchi did not disappoint Chairman Mao. On the way back, Chairman Mao even wrote an impromptu poem as a souvenir of this trip.

Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown. - DayDayNews

2. Moving tombs in West Lake and laying anonymous wreaths

Although Chairman Mao’s trip to Hangzhou lasted as long as a year, due to work reasons, it was still very rare for Chairman Mao to visit Mogan Mountain. Part of the time was spent in Liuzhuang on the edge of the West Lake.

Of course, this is also due to Wang Fang's careful arrangements. He knew that Chairman Mao was busy with official duties and was afraid that Chairman Mao would not have time to visit the West Lake. Therefore, Wang Fang arranged for Chairman Mao to stay in Liuzhuang, which was both safe and convenient.

On the occasion of the Qingming Festival in 1954, when Wang Fang accompanied Chairman Mao for a walk in Liuzhuang, Chairman Mao looked thoughtfully at the West Lake in the distance. Suddenly Chairman Mao frowned and asked Wang Fang: "Do you know the surroundings of the West Lake? How many graves are there?"

Looking at Chairman Mao's sad face, Wang Fang felt unspeakably uncomfortable. Then he answered frankly: "I don't know the specific number, but there are indeed many graves on the edge of the West Lake. They are everywhere. "

Chairman Mao said earnestly; "We people keep company with ghosts and deal with dead people in this beautiful West Lake every day. Those dignitaries in the past have enjoyed a life of feasting and feasting when they were alive, and they still want to occupy it when they are dead. This is not possible in the West Lake!"

Wang Fang looked at the beautiful West Lake and asked Chairman Mao with concern: "Chairman, what should we do?"

Chairman Mao said seriously: "The West Lake should be for the people. Isn’t it terrible that there are tombs everywhere in the viewing place? I think except for some important tombs such as the tomb of King Yue, all the others should be moved away!”

After listening to Chairman Mao’s instructions, Wang Fang nodded with deep understanding. .

Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown. - DayDayNews

Chairman Mao's decision is undoubtedly commendable. There are so many tombs in the West Lake area. Many of them only contain unnecessary celebrities. These cemeteries not only affect the landscape of the West Lake, but also cause serious water and soil erosion.

Talking about the Tomb of King Yue Fei, Chairman Mao loved Yue Fei . Wang Fang knew this in her heart. However, when Chairman Mao came to Hangzhou this time, he had not visited the Tomb of King Yue Fei, so Wang Fang felt guilty. Muttering: "Does Chairman Mao still want to visit the tomb of King Yue?"

Just when Wang Fang was doubtful for several days, Chairman Mao called Wang Fang to the office again. As soon as Wang Fang entered the door, Chairman Mao asked him: "The Qingming Festival will be in two days, right?"

Wang Fang quickly replied: "Yes!" Wang Fang, who was not sure why, thought Chairman Mao had something to explain, so he patiently Waiting for Chairman Mao's instructions.

However, Chairman Mao gave it up. Chairman Mao, who looked serious, continued to ask: "If you pledge your life to the country, there is nothing you can't do. Do you know who said this?"

is also a "Yue Fei fan" Wang Fang naturally understood it, and he immediately replied: "This is what Yue Fei said, the famous anti-Jin Dynasty general in the Southern Song Dynasty."

Chairman Mao said sincerely: "Yue Fei is a famous national hero in Chinese history. After the Jingkang Incident , Yue Fei will not Unable to bear to see the country perish, he spontaneously formed the Yuejia Army and killed the invading Jinren. He was extremely brave! "Chairman Mao was fascinated by what he said, and Wang Fang was also fascinated by it. , the atmosphere in the room fell into silence. After a long time, Chairman Mao asked Wang Fang with great interest: "Have you heard of Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong"? Can you recite a paragraph?"

Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown. - DayDayNews

As an out-and-out Shandong man, because Mandarin was not very standard. Wang Fang was worried that Chairman Mao could not hear her voice clearly, so she said nervously: "Chairman, I may not be able to recite it very well."

Chairman Mao comforted Wang Fang and said: "Don't be nervous, you Let's recite it."

Seeing Chairman Mao's enthusiasm, Wang Fang tried his best to recite "Manjianghong" in Mandarin. Just after reciting the first paragraph, Chairman Mao immediately started to recite the second paragraph. The two sang and sang together. The momentum of "Man Jiang Hong" is vividly praised.

After the two men finished reciting, Chairman Mao said to Wang Fang: "I have a very full work schedule these days, and I would like to ask you to help me do something."

When Wang Fang heard that he wanted to do something for the Chairman, Wang Fang happily replied: "Chairman, if you have anything to do, just tell me and I will take care of it right away!"

Chairman Mao said meaningfully: "Qingming Festival is coming soon. According to the custom of our nation, Qingming Festival is to pay homage to ancestors. You prepare it for me. A wreath."

Wang Fang asked Chairman Mao with a puzzled look: "Where should I send the wreath?"

Chairman Mao said calmly to Wang Fang: "Send the wreath to King Yue's tomb in my name, but don't do it. Write my name."

3. Spiritual support, listening to "River Red" for surgery

Chairman Mao's love for Yue Fei is well known, especially Yue Fei's "River Red", which can be said to be the love of Chairman Mao's life.

Chairman Mao has loved reading since he was a child. When he was a teenager, Chairman Mao read "The Complete Biography of Yue Fei". At that time, Chairman Mao was already fascinated by the national hero Yue Fei, and regarded Yue Fei, who defended his family and country, as his role model. .

In addition to reading, Chairman Mao also often watched Peking Opera . In 1933, Chairman Mao appreciated the Peking Opera " Mother-in-law Tattooed ". Chairman Mao was so fascinated that he later said: "Yue Fei, who served the country loyally, is a great man." A national hero, he is worth learning from each of us. "

Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown. - DayDayNews

During the Anti-Japanese War in 1938, Chairman Mao gave a speech at the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University. He also used Yue Fei's deeds to inspire the students. Chairman Mao said: "Although Yue Fei did not go to a military school, he fought in the war. But it is very good. "

Chairman Mao not only loved Yue Fei's heroism and loyalty, but also advocated Yue Fei's integrity. During the Anti-Japanese War, Chairman Mao once used Yue Fei's integrity to never surrender to warn the Communists. This will demonstrate the determination of the Chinese people to resist Japan.

During Chairman Mao’s visit to the Soviet Union in 1950, when introducing the spirit of the Chinese Communist Army to “fear no hardships and regard death as home” to the Soviet Communists, Chairman Mao also used Yue Fei’s words to explain the meaning of this sentence.

Chairman Mao said: "This sentence means contempt for all pain and death. This was said by Yue Fei, a great commander-in-chief of our country." After listening to this, the Soviet Communists were impressed by Chairman Mao's fearless spirit.

The reason why the great leader Chairman Mao loves Yue Fei, admires Yue Fei, and even preserves Yue Fei's cemetery is due to many key factors besides Chairman Mao's own feelings for Yue Fei.

Chairman Mao and Yue Fei are both great men of different eras. Their experiences and achievements have many similarities. Chairman Mao and Yue Fei, who are also heroes of the Chinese nation, can be said to cherish each other.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, everything was waiting for improvement. Yue Fei's spirit of serving the country with loyalty and uniting people's hearts is also of positive significance in building a new socialist China. This is also an important reason why Chairman Mao highly praised Yue Fei.

However, Chairman Mao, who was busy with work, never had the opportunity to go to Yuewang Temple, which became a regret in his life. In his later years, Chairman Mao still preferred Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong".

Hangzhou is known as the paradise on earth. Chairman Mao had a special liking for Hangzhou. In his life, he visited Hangzhou 44 times. For Chairman Mao, Hangzhou was not his hometown but it was better than his hometown. - DayDayNews

In 1975, 82-year-old Chairman Mao once again had physical problems. The occurrence of senile cataracts made Chairman Mao unable to read and write. Chairman Mao, who was unable to work, finally decided to undergo surgery.

When the doctor Tang Youzhi came to operate on Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao smiled and said to him: "You are ready, but I am not ready yet. I still have one condition."

Chairman Mao's One Tang Youzhi was overwhelmed by these words. Just as all the doctors present were surprised, Chairman Mao immediately said: "I want to listen to "Man Jiang Hong" to complete the operation."

In fact, in Chairman Mao's later years, Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong" has become his spiritual support. Whenever Chairman Mao encountered difficulties, he would always use the Tanci of "Man Jiang Hong" to motivate himself.

Later, Chairman Mao asked his secretary Zhang Yufeng to get the music of "River Red". Accompanied by "River Red", Chairman Mao successfully completed the operation. Later, Premier Zhou said to Chairman Mao: "We watched the whole process of the operation, you We have always been calm and we feel at ease."

IV. Conclusion

As two heroes of the Chinese nation, Chairman Mao and Yue Fei, although they live in different eras, have the same long-cherished wish in their hearts, even though the two heroes have passed away. They have left us, but their spirit has been passed down. Living in peaceful times, we should uphold the will of our ancestors and strive to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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