However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history.

2024/07/0204:53:33 history 1408


Kangxi ascended the throne at the age of eight. In the early days of his reign, the domestic situation was very serious. There were San Francisco outside which threatened the central power. Internally, powerful ministers were specialized in government affairs. As a high-risk profession, the emperor would fall off a cliff if he was not careful. , beyond redemption.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, but he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

clever capture Obai , sole control of the imperial court

In 1661 AD, the 24-year-old Shunzhi Emperor Fulin suddenly died of illness, and Xuan Ye, who was only eight years old, ascended the throne as Emperor Kangxi.

According to the Shunzhi legacy, Sony , Suk Saha , Suk Saha , E Bilong, and Ao Bai were appointed as ministers of Gu Ming. Because Kangxi was young, the four ministers were named assistant ministers, but they were actually in power. To put it bluntly, Kangxi was like a "fashion" when he came to the throne.

Among these four people, although Sony is a veteran of the Four Dynasties and has a very high reputation, due to old age and illness, he is afraid of trouble and avoids disasters, and neglects to interfere in many things. Suksaha belongs to Zhengbaiqi , and was originally attached to Dorgon , after Dorgon's death, the government situation changed, and he was re-employed because of his merits in reporting Dorgon. Ye Bilong comes from a famous family, but he is mediocre and cowardly, and has no independent opinion in situations.

Only Ao Bai is good at making decisions in everything, and he followed Huang Taiji to conquer all directions, conquered Pi Island, participated in the Battle of Songjin, , put down the peasant uprising, and made great military exploits.

As a veteran of the Qing Dynasty three dynasties, he often relied on his seniority and high military achievements to win over people with his momentum.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

In terms of the relationship between the four ministers, Obai and Sony belonged to Xianghuang Banner and Zhenghuang Banner respectively. They were political allies during the Huang Taiji and Dorgon periods, and they jointly opposed Dorgon. Ebilong and Aobai both belonged to Xianghuang Banner, so they often agreed with Ao. bye.

Only Suk Saha is a Zhengbai Banner and belongs to the same faction as Dorgon. Later, he betrayed Dorgon and was looked down upon by Obai and Sony in terms of politics and conduct.

In this way, among the four ministers, Suk Saha was squeezed out by Obai's group. However, Obai was able to assume his own power, became increasingly arrogant, and began to embark on the path of autocratic power, and gradually came into conflict with Kangxi.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

In 1664 AD, Obai wanted to put him to death for the so-called contempt of the emperor just because Sunahai, the Minister of Household Affairs, Zhu Changzuo, the Governor of Zhili, and Wang Denglian, the governor, had disobeyed him.

Although Kangxi was young, he knew that the three of them were not guilty of any serious crime. They were only accused of irritating Obai, so he summoned the four ministers to ask for their opinions. Aobai insisted that the three of them be sentenced to death. Echoing, Suksaha simply remained silent for fear of getting angry.

However, Kangxi did not approve what Obai suggested. He just wanted to whip the three people one hundred times each and confiscate their property. However, Obai ignored Kangxi's decision and falsely executed the three people. You must know that Obai treated the six ministers and local governors like this. All the officials in the imperial court regarded him as nothing, which shows the extent to which Obai was powerful and domineering.

What is even more outrageous for Obai is that after Kangxi took power in 1667, because he was unwilling to hand over power, Suksaha requested to be relieved of his post as assistant minister. Since Sony was dead, Suksaha was already ranked first. According to political convention , Ao Bai and Er Bilong should also resign.

But Aobai didn't want to quit. When he became angry, he started to attack Suksaha. Soon, he accused Luo Zhi of 24 crimes, including treachery, long-term ambition, bullying his young master, and unwillingness to return to power. He proposed that he should be punished by Ling Chi, The clan punishes .

Kangxi knew very well that Suksaha should not be killed, but Aobai was so aggressive that he "struggled his arms forward and played for days" in front of the emperor. Although Kangxi was in charge of , he could neither save Suksaha nor deal with Aobai. In the end, Suksaha could only be hanged and his clan killed.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

At this point, only one of the four ministers was insignificant, Yi Bilong. Obai became more unscrupulous and did whatever he wanted, and the conflict with Kangxi increased sharply.

simultaneously controlled the Council of Ministers and the six ministries of political power, completely ignoring Kangxi. The imperial power was seriously threatened, and Kangxi was determined to eradicate the Obai Group.


Kangxi ascended the throne at the age of eight. In the early days of his reign, the domestic situation was very serious. There were San Francisco outside which threatened the central power. Internally, powerful ministers were specialized in government affairs. As a high-risk profession, the emperor would fall off a cliff if he was not careful. , beyond redemption.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, but he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

clever capture Obai , sole control of the imperial court

In 1661 AD, the 24-year-old Shunzhi Emperor Fulin suddenly died of illness, and Xuan Ye, who was only eight years old, ascended the throne as Emperor Kangxi.

According to the Shunzhi legacy, Sony , Suk Saha , Suk Saha , E Bilong, and Ao Bai were appointed as ministers of Gu Ming. Because Kangxi was young, the four ministers were named assistant ministers, but they were actually in power. To put it bluntly, Kangxi was like a "fashion" when he came to the throne.

Among these four people, although Sony is a veteran of the Four Dynasties and has a very high reputation, due to old age and illness, he is afraid of trouble and avoids disasters, and neglects to interfere in many things. Suksaha belongs to Zhengbaiqi , and was originally attached to Dorgon , after Dorgon's death, the government situation changed, and he was re-employed because of his merits in reporting Dorgon. Ye Bilong comes from a famous family, but he is mediocre and cowardly, and has no independent opinion in situations.

Only Ao Bai is good at making decisions in everything, and he followed Huang Taiji to conquer all directions, conquered Pi Island, participated in the Battle of Songjin, , put down the peasant uprising, and made great military exploits.

As a veteran of the Qing Dynasty three dynasties, he often relied on his seniority and high military achievements to win over people with his momentum.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

In terms of the relationship between the four ministers, Obai and Sony belonged to Xianghuang Banner and Zhenghuang Banner respectively. They were political allies during the Huang Taiji and Dorgon periods, and they jointly opposed Dorgon. Ebilong and Aobai both belonged to Xianghuang Banner, so they often agreed with Ao. bye.

Only Suk Saha is a Zhengbai Banner and belongs to the same faction as Dorgon. Later, he betrayed Dorgon and was looked down upon by Obai and Sony in terms of politics and conduct.

In this way, among the four ministers, Suk Saha was squeezed out by Obai's group. However, Obai was able to assume his own power, became increasingly arrogant, and began to embark on the path of autocratic power, and gradually came into conflict with Kangxi.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

In 1664 AD, Obai wanted to put him to death for the so-called contempt of the emperor just because Sunahai, the Minister of Household Affairs, Zhu Changzuo, the Governor of Zhili, and Wang Denglian, the governor, had disobeyed him.

Although Kangxi was young, he knew that the three of them were not guilty of any serious crime. They were only accused of irritating Obai, so he summoned the four ministers to ask for their opinions. Aobai insisted that the three of them be sentenced to death. Echoing, Suksaha simply remained silent for fear of getting angry.

However, Kangxi did not approve what Obai suggested. He just wanted to whip the three people one hundred times each and confiscate their property. However, Obai ignored Kangxi's decision and falsely executed the three people. You must know that Obai treated the six ministers and local governors like this. All the officials in the imperial court regarded him as nothing, which shows the extent to which Obai was powerful and domineering.

What is even more outrageous for Obai is that after Kangxi took power in 1667, because he was unwilling to hand over power, Suksaha requested to be relieved of his post as assistant minister. Since Sony was dead, Suksaha was already ranked first. According to political convention , Ao Bai and Er Bilong should also resign.

But Aobai didn't want to quit. When he became angry, he started to attack Suksaha. Soon, he accused Luo Zhi of 24 crimes, including treachery, long-term ambition, bullying his young master, and unwillingness to return to power. He proposed that he should be punished by Ling Chi, The clan punishes .

Kangxi knew very well that Suksaha should not be killed, but Aobai was so aggressive that he "struggled his arms forward and played for days" in front of the emperor. Although Kangxi was in charge of , he could neither save Suksaha nor deal with Aobai. In the end, Suksaha could only be hanged and his clan killed.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

At this point, only one of the four ministers was insignificant, Yi Bilong. Obai became more unscrupulous and did whatever he wanted, and the conflict with Kangxi increased sharply.

simultaneously controlled the Council of Ministers and the six ministries of political power, completely ignoring Kangxi. The imperial power was seriously threatened, and Kangxi was determined to eradicate the Obai Group.

However, Ao Bai's party members have spread all over the court. If he acts slightly carelessly, he will alert the enemy and he will become the second Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, Kangxi remained calm and calm on the surface, but secretly selected a group of strong and noble children to practice Buku ( wrestling ) in the palace all day long as a show.

Ao met and thought that Kangxi was young and indulged in fun. Not only did he not take it seriously, but he was happy in his heart. After two years of training, these children have become Kangxi's best friends. Kangxi saw that the time was right and was ready to take action.

In May 1669, Kangxi first sent Ao Bai's cronies to various places, and then used his own cronies to control the garrison of the capital. Then he ambush these disciples in the palace and summoned Ao Bai to the palace to see him.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

Oboi often went in and out of the palace before without taking any precautions. As soon as he entered the palace, Kangxi gave an order, and the Buku boys swarmed up and pushed Obai to the ground, and the powerful officials of the generation were captured.

After that, Kangxi announced 30 crimes against Aobai, dismissed him from office and imprisoned him, and killed many of his relatives and party members. Because of his long-term collusion with Aobai, Bilong was stripped of his title of grand master and first-class duke. Soon after, Aobai himself also died. Died in confinement.

At this point, Kangxi finally fully regained the power of the imperial court and began to truly take charge of the government. In this seizure of power, Kangxi cleverly avoided the military coup and court power competition that Han Chinese emperors had blindly adopted in the past.

used the sword to take the wrong approach, and easily solved the threat of imperial power with only a few wrestlers. As long as Obei fell, the tree would fall and the hozen would scatter, and power would naturally return to his own hands.

It can be seen that Kangxi already had superb political fighting skills in his youth, and the same method of using softness to overcome hardness was used to quell the San Francisco Rebellion.

The three feudal lords were pacified and centralization was achieved.

Kangxi achieved the centralization of power in the court and palace by overthrowing Obai. Next, Kangxi had to deal with the vassal kings of different surnames entrenched in the southwest. For Kangxi, Obai was just a family thief, and the San Francisco vassals were a serious concern for the stability of the imperial power.

The history of San Francisco can be traced back to when the Manchus entered the country. At that time, in order to deal with the resistance of Li Zicheng and Nanming, the Qing government fully relied on the power of Wu Sangui and other Han landowners and military dignitaries.

After the Qing Dynasty seized the world, as a political reward, Wu Sangui was granted the title of Pingxi King , guarding Yunnan, and also governed Guizhou. Shang Kexi was Pingnan King , guarding Guangdong, Geng Zhongming was granted the title of Jingnan King, guarding Fujian.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

The three vassals had great power in the provinces they guarded. They had independent military organizations and could collect taxes on their own, far exceeding the local governors. For a long time, the three vassals each maintained their own troops, numbering hundreds of thousands. Among them, Wu Sangui was the most powerful. big.

His subordinates Wang Fuchen is the admiral of Shaanxi, Li Benshen is the admiral of Guizhou, Wu Zhimao is the general soldier of Sichuan , Ma Bao, Wang Pingfan , Wang Xu and other ten people are the general soldier of Yunnan.

The three feudal vassals accounted for almost half of the country and posed a great threat to the central power of the Qing Dynasty. After Kangxi succeeded to the throne, the hostile forces in the Central Plains were basically eliminated. The rule of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties was basically stable. In 1673, the court began to debate whether to withdraw the vassal vassals. discuss.

In the end, Kangxi believed:

"The vassal town has held heavy troops for a long time, and the momentum has become strong, which is not in the national interest."

Then he ordered the withdrawal of the vassal. Wu Sangui, who had planned for a long time, proposed to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. He killed the governor of Yunnan Zhu Guozhi and joined forces with Pingnan King Shang Kexi and Jingnan King Geng Jingzhong to rebel. Guangxi, Sichuan, Shaanxi, etc. responded one after another.

In just a few months, the six provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangxi, Fujian, and Sichuan were lost. The Qing Dynasty prospered half of the country, and was in danger for a while.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

As a wise politician, Kangxi would not choose to face a large-scale military confrontation, because that would not only waste people and money, but also drag the Qing Dynasty into the quagmire of war, and even the country would not be protected. Therefore, Kangxi copied the methods used to deal with Obai on Wu Sangui. .

First of all, he resolutely attacked Wu Sangui and never gave him a chance to compromise and make peace. Secondly, he opened the door to appease other rebels in order to divide the enemy army, weaken Wu Sangui's wings, and thus isolate Wu Sangui.

Therefore, Kangxi made Hunan, where Wu Sangui was located, the focus of his military offensive. He mobilized heavy troops to resist Wu Sangui head-on, and then led troops from Jiangxi to Changsha to attack Hunan from a flank.

In 1676, Kangxi's differentiation strategy was effective. Wu Sangui's capable general Wang Fuchen surrendered and helped the Qing army attack San Francisco.

Subsequently, Taiwan's Zheng Jing occupied the coastal areas of Fujian and other places. Geng Jingzhong was attacked from both sides and hurriedly withdrew his troops and asked to surrender. Guangdong's Shang Zhixin also surrendered in 1677. So far, Shaanxi, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi have all been pacified.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

Wu Sangui's power was compressed to a corner of Hunan and gradually weakened. In 1678, Wu Sangui died of illness in depression. His grandson Wu Shifan succeeded to the throne and retreated to Yunnan and Guizhou.

After that, the Qing army successively recovered Hunan, Guangxi and Sichuan. In 1681, the Qing army conquered Kunming, Wu Shifan committed suicide, and the eight-year-old San Francisco was finally pacified.

The Rebellion of San Francisco was the last incident in Chinese feudal history where local separatist forces fought against centralized power. Kangxi grasped the main contradiction, united the majority of forces to attack the minority forces, and finally won, avoiding a major division of the country and strengthening centralization of power. , consolidating the imperial autocracy.

Set up the South Study Room to crack down on the Council of Kings and Ministers.

The Council of Kings and Ministers is a system in which upper-class nobles such as Manchu Zong Wang, Eight Banners , Baylor and other nobles in the Qing Dynasty participated in handling state affairs. It was founded in 1637 AD during the reign of Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji was originally created to suppress the power of the Eight Banners' big belles. Since then, this system has gradually developed and improved. The royal family and nobles participating in political discussions include princes, county princes, as well as the Eight Banners banner owners and various belles.

All military affairs must be reviewed by the meeting of kings and ministers. The emperor did not decide everything. This was determined by the social form of slavery in the early Manchu Qing Dynasty.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the social system shifted from slavery to feudalism, and the imperial power began to expand rapidly. The power of the Council of Kings and Ministers to discuss government affairs also began to expand, seriously interfering and infringing on the cabinet's authority to handle daily political affairs, and constantly creating conflicts with the imperial power.

Since the cabinet was an outer court and was not trusted by Kangxi, in order to weaken the meeting of kings and ministers who discussed government affairs, Kangxi decided to start anew and form an inner king's attendant organization that corresponded to the outer court and was exclusive to the emperor.

The South Study Room was established in 1677. On the surface, it was to discuss Confucian knowledge, recite poems, and paint with the Hanlin Academy poets. In fact, it was a core confidential department strictly controlled by the emperor, drafting edicts for Kangxi.

Moreover, it was the most difficult period for Kangxi to put down the San Francisco Rebellion, which required a large number of major document writing activities. This made Nan Shufang's status continue to improve, its power gradually strengthened, and it almost became a "war cabinet."

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

After that, Nan Shufang annexed some powers of the cabinet, and suppressed the meeting of kings and ministers to discuss political affairs, achieving a high degree of centralization of power by the emperor.


Kangxi was the second emperor after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs. He got rid of the powerful minister Obai at a young age. In eight years, he put down the rebellion of the Three Feudatories and achieved a high degree of centralization. Although he was an emperor based on inheritance, he reinvented the Qing Dynasty. His merits and status are no different from those of the founder of the country, so the temple is named Qingshengzu.

Therefore, Kangxi made Hunan, where Wu Sangui was located, the focus of his military offensive. He mobilized heavy troops to resist Wu Sangui head-on, and then led troops from Jiangxi to Changsha to attack Hunan from a flank.

In 1676, Kangxi's differentiation strategy was effective. Wu Sangui's capable general Wang Fuchen surrendered and helped the Qing army attack San Francisco.

Subsequently, Taiwan's Zheng Jing occupied the coastal areas of Fujian and other places. Geng Jingzhong was attacked from both sides and hurriedly withdrew his troops and asked to surrender. Guangdong's Shang Zhixin also surrendered in 1677. So far, Shaanxi, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi have all been pacified.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

Wu Sangui's power was compressed to a corner of Hunan and gradually weakened. In 1678, Wu Sangui died of illness in depression. His grandson Wu Shifan succeeded to the throne and retreated to Yunnan and Guizhou.

After that, the Qing army successively recovered Hunan, Guangxi and Sichuan. In 1681, the Qing army conquered Kunming, Wu Shifan committed suicide, and the eight-year-old San Francisco was finally pacified.

The Rebellion of San Francisco was the last incident in Chinese feudal history where local separatist forces fought against centralized power. Kangxi grasped the main contradiction, united the majority of forces to attack the minority forces, and finally won, avoiding a major division of the country and strengthening centralization of power. , consolidating the imperial autocracy.

Set up the South Study Room to crack down on the Council of Kings and Ministers.

The Council of Kings and Ministers is a system in which upper-class nobles such as Manchu Zong Wang, Eight Banners , Baylor and other nobles in the Qing Dynasty participated in handling state affairs. It was founded in 1637 AD during the reign of Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji was originally created to suppress the power of the Eight Banners' big belles. Since then, this system has gradually developed and improved. The royal family and nobles participating in political discussions include princes, county princes, as well as the Eight Banners banner owners and various belles.

All military affairs must be reviewed by the meeting of kings and ministers. The emperor did not decide everything. This was determined by the social form of slavery in the early Manchu Qing Dynasty.

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the social system shifted from slavery to feudalism, and the imperial power began to expand rapidly. The power of the Council of Kings and Ministers to discuss government affairs also began to expand, seriously interfering and infringing on the cabinet's authority to handle daily political affairs, and constantly creating conflicts with the imperial power.

Since the cabinet was an outer court and was not trusted by Kangxi, in order to weaken the meeting of kings and ministers who discussed government affairs, Kangxi decided to start anew and form an inner king's attendant organization that corresponded to the outer court and was exclusive to the emperor.

The South Study Room was established in 1677. On the surface, it was to discuss Confucian knowledge, recite poems, and paint with the Hanlin Academy poets. In fact, it was a core confidential department strictly controlled by the emperor, drafting edicts for Kangxi.

Moreover, it was the most difficult period for Kangxi to put down the San Francisco Rebellion, which required a large number of major document writing activities. This made Nan Shufang's status continue to improve, its power gradually strengthened, and it almost became a "war cabinet."

However, Kangxi relied on his superb political skills to survive step by step in the dangerous political environment. Not only did he control the highest authority, he also sat on the throne for sixty-one years, becoming the emperor with the longest reign in Chinese history. - DayDayNews

After that, Nan Shufang annexed some powers of the cabinet, and suppressed the meeting of kings and ministers to discuss political affairs, achieving a high degree of centralization of power by the emperor.


Kangxi was the second emperor after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs. He got rid of the powerful minister Obai at a young age. In eight years, he put down the rebellion of the Three Feudatories and achieved a high degree of centralization. Although he was an emperor based on inheritance, he reinvented the Qing Dynasty. His merits and status are no different from those of the founder of the country, so the temple is named Qingshengzu.

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