In the early days of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping proposed to let some people get rich first and implement the great national policy of getting rich first and then getting rich later. This group of people did make Deng Gong’s plan come true - they became rich. However, th

2024/06/2904:58:32 history 1911

In the early days of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping proposed to let some people get rich first and implement the great national policy of getting rich first and then getting rich later. This group of people did make Deng Gong’s plan come true - they became rich. However, this group of rich people began to enjoy life and be selfish, and even promoted "996" and "007" in order to squeeze the surplus value of workers to the extreme. Let me go, the ugly faces and greedy looks of you capitalists who eat people without spitting out their bones are too ugly, right? He makes no secret of his desires and is extremely selfish! Fill your own pockets! The assets of capitalists are the fruits jointly created by all workers, and all workers should share the fruits. However, these selfish and greedy capitalists act arbitrarily and boldly, and even start to pursue extreme spiritual enjoyment when they have some money. . Keeping a mistress, looking for Xiaomi, having sex together... it's so dirty! They show the ugly side of human nature vividly! The oppressed people at the bottom want to stand up, which is nothing more than a dream, and it is difficult to reach the sky! Do princes and generals like Xiang Ning have the guts?

In the early days of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping proposed to let some people get rich first and implement the great national policy of getting rich first and then getting rich later. This group of people did make Deng Gong’s plan come true - they became rich. However, th - DayDayNews

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