At the beginning of the all-out civil war, Mao Zedong asserted that the Communist Party could defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries. On what basis did he make this assertion? First of all, Mao Zedong clearly saw that the enemy had a great advantage in the comparison of military pow

2024/06/2904:49:33 history 1831

At the beginning of the all-out civil war,

Why did Mao Zedong assert that the Communist Party could defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries?

On June 26, 1946,

Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Kuomintang troops to attack the Central Plains Liberated Areas, and

a full-scale civil war broke out.

At the beginning of the all-out civil war,

Mao Zedong asserted that the Communist Party could defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries.

On what basis did he make this assertion?

At the beginning of the all-out civil war, Mao Zedong asserted that the Communist Party could defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries. On what basis did he make this assertion? First of all, Mao Zedong clearly saw that the enemy had a great advantage in the comparison of military pow - DayDayNews

Mao Zedong during the War of Liberation

First of all,

Mao Zedong clearly saw that the enemy had a great advantage in the comparison of military power.

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War,

Although the People's Army led by the Communist Party of China has achieved great development,

In terms of military strength comparison,

There is still a huge gap between

and the Kuomintang army.

The balance of strength between the two sides is still very disparity.

The enemy is strong My weak situation has not changed.

First of all, in terms of military strength,

at that time the Kuomintang army's regular army had 86 integrated divisions,

248 brigades,

about 2 million people;

about 1.56 million people in the special forces , navy and air force, rear agencies, military schools, etc.,

irregular army 74 Thousands of people.

The total strength of the Kuomintang army is approximately 4.3 million.

At that time, the Chinese People's Liberation Army had field armies of 2.61 million people,

local troops and rear units of 660,000 people,

total strength of about 1.27 million people.

The total strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves is 3.4 to 1.

Secondly, in terms of weapons and equipment,

the Kuomintang army received all the weapons and equipment of the 1 million Japanese invaders.

It also received a large amount of military assistance from the United States.

The level of its weapons and equipment is far higher. More than the People's Liberation Army led by the Communist Party of China,

they have a large number of artillery as well as aircraft, warships and tanks .

Among their 86 reorganized divisions,

22 divisions are equipped with fine art or semi-art equipment.

Compared with the weapons and equipment of the Kuomintang army,

the weapons and equipment of the People's Liberation Army at that time were far behind.

They were mainly Japanese and puppet army infantry weapons and a small amount of artillery captured during the Anti-Japanese War.

Mao Zedong had a clear and profound understanding of the situation of "the enemy is strong and we are weak" in terms of military strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves.


he made the strategic decision of our army clearly and profoundly:

Our People's Liberation Army has no conditions to be strategically important. In the defensive stage, fighting a large-scale positional battle with the Kuomintang army

means that our People's Liberation Army has no capital to compete with the Kuomintang army for territory.

The enemy launches a large-scale attack with its absolute superiority in military power.

Our army cannot defend the city and the territory. place.

Based on this,

our army can only adopt the strategy of "lubing the enemy deep and annihilating the enemy's effective strength on the move",

thereby continuously weakening the enemy's strength,

gradually changing the basic situation in which the enemy is strong and we are weak.

This is a very important point.

This also determines that the strategy formulated by Mao Zedong is very wise and very effective.

Our military strategy is correct and effective.

This is Mao Zedong’s first assertion that the Communist Party can defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries. A basis.

At the beginning of the all-out civil war, Mao Zedong asserted that the Communist Party could defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries. On what basis did he make this assertion? First of all, Mao Zedong clearly saw that the enemy had a great advantage in the comparison of military pow - DayDayNews

A full-scale civil war broke out


Mao Zedong clearly understood the situation of "the enemy is strong and we are weak" in terms of military strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves.

also keenly saw the advantages of our People's Liberation Army-

The People's Liberation Army has been formed A powerful field corps,

has completed the strategic transformation from guerrilla warfare to mobile warfare.

Our army can give full play to its advantages in mobile warfare.

Although our People's Liberation Army is at a clear disadvantage in terms of military strength (troops and weapons and equipment),

the People's Liberation Army at this time is no longer what it used to be.

Not only does it have a field corps with strong combat effectiveness,

it also has considerable strength. The strong cooperation between local troops and militia

has laid a very solid objective foundation for the People's Liberation Army to engage in mobile warfare and

achieve the goal of annihilating the enemy's effective forces.

Mao Zedong, who has always been good at seizing opportunities, wisely made the major decision to "implement the transformation of our military's military strategy" when Japan surrendered .

The core of this transformation is to change the form of combat from guerrilla warfare to mobile warfare.

The first step is to gather scattered guerrillas,

to establish a super-local regular corps,

and a regular corps. The number should account for three-fifths to two-thirds of the total force.

Mao Zedong also required that each liberated area should establish a command structure for the implementation of mobile operations,

and administer a number of columns according to the actual situation,

directly under the command of the Central Military Commission and various central bureaus.

While concentrating the main force of the army to form regular corps,

Mao Zedong also required the retention and establishment of a necessary number of local troops,

while strengthening the construction of local militia.

While the above requirements were implemented,

Mao Zedong also strengthened the centralized unity and organizational discipline education of the troops,

which effectively overcame the guerrilla and local characteristics brought about by the long-term guerrilla war of the troops.

and timely education and training of regular combat capabilities and experience were carried out in the troops,

so that the troops can fully meet the needs of large-scale operations in terms of ideology, style, tactics and technology.

After Mao Zedong's prepared deployment and implementation,

at the beginning of the full-scale civil war,

our army already had a field army of more than 610,000 people and a local army of 660,000 people and militia.

With such a powerful army,

Mao Zedong could confidently believe that

our army is fully capable of achieving the goal of annihilating the enemy's effective forces.

Our army has strong military strength.

This is the second basis for Mao Zedong’s assertion that the Communist Party can defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries.

At the beginning of the all-out civil war, Mao Zedong asserted that the Communist Party could defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries. On what basis did he make this assertion? First of all, Mao Zedong clearly saw that the enemy had a great advantage in the comparison of military pow - DayDayNews

The People's Liberation Army in the Liberation War (Oil Painting)

Once again,

Mao Zedong saw with great confidence that

our People's Liberation Army has a considerable area of ​​liberated areas in its hands,

This gives our army the strength to annihilate the enemy with mobile warfare on a vast battlefield. Provides extremely favorable conditions.

The characteristic of mobile warfare is that it requires a large enough space to serve as a battlefield.

The all-out civil war that broke out this time is destined to be a war of unprecedented scale.

If our army wants to implement a form of combat based on mobile warfare,

it must have enough Vast battlefield conditions.

At the beginning of the full-scale civil war,

the area of ​​liberated areas controlled by our army had reached approximately 2.3 million square kilometers,

accounting for approximately 24% of the total area of ​​the country.

Our army relies on these liberated areas for survival, development, rest and reorganization, and material supply.


these liberated areas are also the best battlefields for our army to carry out internal operations.

After the painstaking efforts of our army during the Anti-Japanese War,

the Communist regime in these liberated areas was extremely stable.

The broad masses of the people strongly support and love the Communist regime and the People's Liberation Army.

This is a huge advantage that our army has been blessed with.

Fighting in such a liberated area,

our army has a lot of room for maneuver.

It can make strides forward and retreat,

having enough space to deal with the enemy.

It can also be very effective in concealing the intentions of our army's combat operations.

It can flexibly concentrate and disperse its troops.

It can effectively use favorable terrain conditions to lure the enemy deep into the enemy's territory.

It can expose the enemy's fatal weakness in the movement,

Our army Then you can create and capture fighters at any time,

concentrate superior forces, and

eliminate the enemy's effective forces through large-scale annihilation wars.

Our army has huge advantages in time and place.

This is the third basis for Mao Zedong’s assertion that the Communist Party can defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries.


The huge political advantage of the Communist Party of China and the huge political disadvantage of the Kuomintang,

provided a strong driving force and guarantee for the People's Liberation Army to strive for war victory.

The National Liberation War led by the Communist Party of China is a progressive and just war.

It has received the heartfelt support and support of the broad masses of the people across the country.

This has greatly made up for the weaknesses of our army such as insufficient troops and backward equipment.


After the baptism and test of the Anti-Japanese War,

Mao Zedong was highly supported and recognized by the entire party, the entire army, and the people of the country.

This is the most important fundamental guarantee for the People's Liberation Army to win the war.

In contrast,

the Kuomintang has lost its support and is completely isolated.

The Kuomintang army has low political quality, is antagonized between officers and soldiers, has lost discipline, is war-weary, and has low morale.

The Kuomintang army is full of factions, with different agendas, and is full of contradictions. With poor command and inconsistent steps,

it is the biggest strange thing in the world that an army like theirs can win the war.

Our army has huge manpower and advantages.

This is Mao Zedong’s fourth basis for asserting that the Communist Party can defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries.

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