Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior.

2024/06/2904:59:33 history 1621

Many young couples are getting divorced now. But have you ever seen people who have been married for decades still want to get divorced when they are 70 or 80 years old? Although there are not many such things, it does exist.

Such a thing happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce at that time, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. If the husband is incompetent, then we can understand if the wife files for divorce, but this husband is not simple. He is Hong Kong tycoon Chen Tinghua, with hundreds of billions of assets.

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

In 2009, billionaire Chen Tinghua suddenly received a divorce request from his 81-year-old wife Yang Fu'e. Chen Tinghua was already 86 years old at that time. Chen Tinghua and Yang Fu'e are not a half-way couple. They have been married for a lifetime and have lived together for decades. They have always had a very good relationship and gave birth to two daughters.

So if this is the case, why is Yang Fu'e still struggling like this when he is 81 years old? The key is that Chen Tinghua was also suffering from cancer at that time. Normally, Yang Fu'e should take good care of her husband at this time. In fact, to put it bluntly, everything is about money.

Chen Tinghua is the boss of Nan Fung Group in Hong Kong. Chen Tinghua went to Hong Kong from Shanghai to start a business with 300,000 yuan. He first founded a textile factory and earned the first pot of gold in his life. In the 1950s and 1960s, Hong Kong's population surged, and Chen Tinghua seized the real estate opportunity again.

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

At that time, the supply of houses exceeded the demand. Fok Ying-tung , Li Ka-shing , Zheng Yutong and others all developed at this time. Chen Tinghua also seized this opportunity and entered the real estate field in Hong Kong. He successively developed a number of large-scale real estate projects and became one of the largest real estate companies in Hong Kong. Chen Tinghua also became Hong Kong's top rich man in the 1970s.

By 1990, Chen Tinghua's personal net worth had reached 8 billion, making him one of the top ten richest people in Hong Kong. Chen Tinghua is also a very patriotic Hong Kong entrepreneur. He invested in the mainland very early. In 1989, Chen Tinghua privatized his Nanfeng Group . Today Nan Fung Group is also one of the largest private companies in Hong Kong.

After Chen Tinghua passed away in 2012, the media estimated that his personal net worth should be around 100 billion. In fact, Chen Tinghua is not only a patriotic entrepreneur, but also a very enlightened rich man.

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

Chen Tinghua and his wife Yang Fu'e only had two daughters, but he didn't care about this, and he didn't blame his wife Yang Fu'e. At that time, many Hong Kong rich people had three wives and four concubines.

Chen Tinghua’s friends Stanley Ho , Huo Yingdong, Lin Baixin are all like this. It was nothing at that time and was even considered normal. But Chen Tinghua didn't care about this.

In fact, for Yang Fu'e, this alone makes her very happy. Chen Tinghua can be so generous. He doesn't care whether he has a son or not, and he doesn't go out to find other women. But in their later years, the two had a falling out over the separation of their families, and eventually embarked on the path of divorce.

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

He established his own foundation very early and wrote a will, requiring that 95% of his inheritance be donated to the foundation, and the remaining 5% be left to his family. Chen Tinghua was also a philanthropist throughout his life and donated hundreds of millions of funds.

Chen Tinghua loves the country and is a great philanthropist. He has made countless contributions in his life, but God did not favor him, a good man. In 2006, Chen Tinghua's eldest daughter Chen Huifang came back from the United States to settle down. Since then, the Chen Tinghua family has fallen out.

Chen Tinghua has been cultivating his younger daughter Chen Huihui as his successor. Chen Huihui joined Nan Fung Group in the 1980s and is also a strong business woman. The eldest daughter Chen Huifang has been settling in the United States, but she later divorced and remarried and returned to Hong Kong. After

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

came back, the conflict between Chen Huihui and Chen Huifang broke out, and Chen Huifang was kicked out of the family foundation.At the same time, Yang Fu'e also believed that Chen Tinghua was partial to his younger daughter. At the same time, she also believed that Chen Tinghua left too many assets to charity.

So in 2009, Yang Fu'e filed for divorce. That year Yang Fu'e was 81 years old, and Chen Tinghua was also 86 years old. Chen Tinghua was suffering from cancer at the time and was in very poor health. Dealing with these things was exhausting both physically and mentally. If Yang Fu'e and Chen Tinghua's divorce is successful, many clauses in Chen Tinghua's previous will will be invalid.

After two years of litigation, Yang Fu'e successfully divorced Chen Tinghua and reached a separation agreement with Chen Tinghua. The specific agreement was not made public at the time, but it was said that Yang Fu'e received 10 billion in cash.

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

Chen Tinghua divorced his wife in 2011. Just a year later, 89-year-old Chen Tinghua died in Hong Kong. In addition, in 2010, Chen Tinghua's wife Yang Fu'e also sued her youngest daughter Chen Huihui and asked Chen Huihui to compensate for her loss of profits.

As a result, the court also ruled that Yang Fu'e won the case and asked Chen Huihui to compensate her mother 8.7 billion, which is incomprehensible. Chen Huihui was not convinced either, so she continued. After Chen Tinghua's death, the mother and daughter continued to fight in the lawsuit, and they continued until 2020.

In 2020, Yang Fu'e also passed away, but the lawsuit between mother and daughter has not yet been completed. It has been 10 years since Chen Tinghua passed away, but the farce in their family continues. Yang Fu'e has passed away, and her legal team is still continuing to fight Chen Huihui. It is really ironic.

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

Actually, to put it bluntly, Chen Huifang decided that her sister had too much of the family property, so she used her mother to fight with her sister. Chen Tinghua's decision to donate 95% of his family property to charity was ultimately unsuccessful, and he was still very pitiful in his later years.

In fact, Yang Fu'e is also very pitiful. She has actually become her daughter's tool and been used by her daughter. Chen Tinghua's decision was correct and selfless. Unfortunately, in the face of such a huge family property, the weakness of human nature was completely exposed.

Something like this happened in Hong Kong. What is even more unexpected is that it was the wife who requested a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that the husband had unreasonable behavior. - DayDayNews

Cao Dewang also said that he donated more than 10 billion, and his children felt it was a pity because they had never seen so many assets. But Cao Dewang told them that the money did not belong to them. Even if it was left to them, he would wait for them to donate it in the future.

Chen Tinghua actually ignored the weaknesses of human nature and failed to communicate well with his daughter, which led to such a problem. Perhaps Chen Tinghua should have transferred his assets to the name of a charity fund long ago, so that he would not have any leftovers. Now that Chen Tinghua has passed away for 10 years, unfortunately, their family's struggle is not over yet.

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