In the long history, when it comes to love, I believe many people can think of many different stories, but when it comes to very tragic love stories, the first thing that everyone thinks of should be Jack and Rose. Titanic is a movie that many people should watch because it tells

2024/07/0107:41:33 history 1822

In the long history, when it comes to love, I believe many people can think of many different stories, but when it comes to very tragic love stories, the first thing that everyone thinks of should be Jack and Rose. Titanic is a movie that many people should watch because it tells a true story. In the 18th century, after the British industrial revolution , their country's industry developed rapidly. For the maritime industry, they no longer only relied on people's judgment of the wind direction. So later, a shipping company built a huge cruise ship that was extremely luxurious at the time, and it was named the Titanic.

In the long history, when it comes to love, I believe many people can think of many different stories, but when it comes to very tragic love stories, the first thing that everyone thinks of should be Jack and Rose. Titanic is a movie that many people should watch because it tells - DayDayNews

I believe everyone can see in the movie how magnificent the interior of this cruise ship is, and this cruise ship is not only for rich people, but also carries many poor people. That voyage was the maiden voyage of the Titanic. This was supposed to be a very happy and longing journey for people, but it became a nightmare for thousands of people. Just one night, the so-called "unsinkable" giant cruise ship hit an iceberg, causing the middle part of the hull to burst and flood. After a few hours, the entire ship broke into two halves and gradually sank to the bottom of the sea. The Titanic has sunk for a hundred years, why has no one tried to salvage it? Scientist: Don’t dare to touch it.

In the long history, when it comes to love, I believe many people can think of many different stories, but when it comes to very tragic love stories, the first thing that everyone thinks of should be Jack and Rose. Titanic is a movie that many people should watch because it tells - DayDayNews

The movie Titanic perfectly re-presented this shipwreck in front of everyone. Of course, the movie also showed the audience an extremely poignant love story. But a movie is a movie after all. In the real Titanic, none of us know whether there will be a pair of lovers like Jack and Rose, and such a life and death parting. But now, it has been more than a hundred years since the Titanic sank. We have determined the specific location of the shipwreck, but no one has salvaged it. What is going on?

In the long history, when it comes to love, I believe many people can think of many different stories, but when it comes to very tragic love stories, the first thing that everyone thinks of should be Jack and Rose. Titanic is a movie that many people should watch because it tells - DayDayNews

I believe everyone can know the reason for the sinking of the Titanic. After all, this plot has been shown very clearly in the movie. But it is a pity that such a giant cruise ship sank to the bottom of the sea because of an iceberg. In addition, it is even more regrettable to think that there are so many innocent lives that sank with the cruise ship. . After this incident, scientists from both the United States and the United Kingdom tried their best to find it. It took more than seventy years to find it.

In the long history, when it comes to love, I believe many people can think of many different stories, but when it comes to very tragic love stories, the first thing that everyone thinks of should be Jack and Rose. Titanic is a movie that many people should watch because it tells - DayDayNews

It can be said that it is not easy to find the Titanic, let alone salvage it in the sea water thousands of meters below. Anyone who knows a little bit about physics knows how great the pressure is under sea water, so some scientists believe that the current Titanic has turned into pieces of iron. In addition, the main raw material of the Titanic is iron, so after being in seawater for so many years, it may have been decomposed by microorganisms in the sea. Even if you are lucky enough to touch it, it will probably be reduced to ashes in that moment. Although our current science and technology have been developing by leaps and bounds, we still haven't found a good way to salvage it and preserve it intact.

In the long history, when it comes to love, I believe many people can think of many different stories, but when it comes to very tragic love stories, the first thing that everyone thinks of should be Jack and Rose. Titanic is a movie that many people should watch because it tells - DayDayNews

So this is why those experts say: Don’t dare to touch, and so on. Indeed, since there is no good way to preserve such a thing, it is better to let it sink to the bottom of the sea. This may be It's the best way to protect the Titanic. After a long, long time, people will still have an extremely luxurious Titanic in their hearts, and there will still be that yearning love on board.

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