People say: "It is easy to hide with open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows." In a battle with real swords and guns, soldiers can block it, and water can cover it. However, there are some things in this world that can be exploited if you are not careful. By the time y

2024/07/0223:42:32 history 1826

people said: "It is easy to hide with open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows" , in a battle with real swords and guns, soldiers can block it, and water can cover it. However, there are some things in this world that can be exploited if you are not careful. When it is discovered, it has already penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it is very difficult to remove it. However, there is no absolute. As long as it is discovered in time and finds a way to deal with it, it can still be saved.

Japan, for China, this is a long-standing and historical disease. A country with extremely complicated relations. In many movies and TV dramas, Japanese people often say "Baga Ya Road", so what does this sentence mean? Why do Chinese people hate this sentence so much? What kind of thoughts do the Japanese have behind this sentence?

Learn from civilization and form your own style

In the history of more than five thousand years, the culture of each dynasty in China has its own characteristics, and has radiated to some neighboring countries.

Among them, Japan, as one of China's neighboring countries, sent envoys and citizens many times during the Sui and Tang Dynasties to learn Chinese culture. After bringing these cultures back to China, he combined them with the actual situation in Japan to form his own style.

For example, Japanese has been influenced by Chinese, and many words have formed a new meaning after being reorganized in Japan. "Baga Yalu" is a sentence that is an evolutionary combination. Its original text is "马鹿野郎" , but its meaning in Japanese is not so friendly, because the meaning of this sentence is : Stupid, hopeless man.

Japanese is partly derived from Chinese. For example, Red Deer comes from "Historical Records". Rumor has it that Hu Hai, the second emperor of the Qin Dynasty , trusted the eunuch Zhao Gao very much. One day, in order to test the ministers who were on his side, Zhao Gao deliberately found a deer and He told Emperor Hu Hai that the deer in front of him was a horse.

The Qin Army has always focused on military affairs, and horses are indispensable. Even if Hu Hai had never been on the battlefield in person, he would not be so confused that he did not recognize a real horse. So he said to Zhao Gao in confusion, this is obviously a deer, why? Could it be a horse?

Zhao Gao ignored Hu Hai and asked the officials again, is this a deer or a horse? The ministers were afraid of Zhao Gao's power, and they were also afraid that the answer would not be in line with Zhao Gao's wishes, and Zhao Gao would settle the score later.

So most people answered that it was a horse, but there were also some people who were not afraid of Zhao Gao's power and bluntly said that it was a deer, not a horse. As a result, those who answered that it was a deer but not a horse were eliminated one by one by Zhao Gao. It is not without reason that the Qin Dynasty collapsed after only two generations due to such confusion of right and wrong.

"野郎" means uneducated Yamano village husband in Japanese. combines the two derogatory words "Red Deer" and "Yelang" and translates it into "Baga Yalu", which is very serious in insulting meaning.

After ancient China experienced the development of multiple feudal dynasties, the time came to the late Qing Dynasty. At that time, the Qing Dynasty was insular, closed-minded, and weak in national power.

Western powers used ships and cannons to open the door of the Qing Dynasty, and Japan, an Asian country that learned Western culture and became powerful again, also joined the attack on the Qing Dynasty.

From that time, Japan began to use its army to attack China. It was not until 1945, when China won the Anti-Japanese War, that Japan was forced to end its armed invasion of China.

During the period of armed invasion of China, , the Japanese army often said "Baga Yalu" to the Chinese people, mocking the Chinese people as stupid people.

Giving a rose may not necessarily leave a lingering fragrance in your hand.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Japan sent envoys and citizens to study Chinese culture many times. China, which reciprocated courtesy, also sent celebrities to Japan to give lectures.

For example, the famous Buddhist master Jianzhen once went to Japan to promote Buddhism. The famous Tangzhaoti Temple in Japan was the Buddhist temple built under the leadership of master Jianzhen, which witnessed the exchanges and friendly relations between the two countries.

As time went by, Japan learned part of the Sui and Tang cultures and combined it with its own local culture to form its own style. Later, after the Meiji Restoration , they vigorously studied Western culture and enhanced their national strength through the synthesis of Eastern and Western cultures.

But as its national power increased, its ambitions began to expand. It did not adopt a good-neighborly and friendly policy, but instead used force to attack and invade. At that time, the Qing Dynasty, the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, was weak in national power.

From the partial invasion of China by the Japanese army in 1931 to the victory of the anti-Japanese war in 1945, the inhumane Japanese army left too many unspeakable crimes in China. The Nanjing Massacre shocked the world by massacring more than 300,000 people. In addition, There are countless other souls who died under the ravages of the Japanese army.

While massacring Chinese people wantonly, the Japanese also used words such as " Baga Ya Road" and "China people" to insult and despise the Chinese people at that time, thinking that the Chinese people at that time were a group of lowly and stupid people. This humiliation was not completely wiped away until 1945, after China's victory in the Anti-Japanese War.

Under the overthrow of the nest, An's eggs are intact, and only by being strong can he stand firm.

In the competition of force, success or failure can be clearly seen, but there is another method of warfare that is to subjugate the enemy without fighting. Killing without blood is even more terrifying. In our land, some customs and cultures with unpredictable intentions have appeared here and there. The items that we are familiar with and accustomed to are actually someone else's long-planned plan. Doesn't this make people feel chilly?

As the saying goes: A tiger is not harmful to a person, but a tiger is harmful to the human heart. We will be friendly and reciprocate the kindness of others, but if others have bad intentions, we will also fight back. When a person is strong, he will be surrounded by more excellent and friendly people; when a person is weak, he will naturally be bullied and humiliated.

Good opportunities will not wait for a person who stands still, nor will they give a chance to a person who rushes forward at a loss. Only when a person has a clear mind, sharp ears and eyes, and strong limbs can he walk more steadily and further.

However, it takes less than a day to freeze three feet, and it does not take a day to travel a thousand miles. This requires unremitting perseverance. We must not forget our ancestral heritage. To forge iron, we need to be self-reliant, recognize sugar-coated bullets, and restrain unwanted desires, so that we can grow healthily and become stronger and stronger.

Know your shame and then be brave. What you lack should not be appropriated from others, nor should you try to take it for yourself, because things that do not belong to you will not be taken even if you can take them for a while. A generation.

What's more, these things are not yours in the first place, so there is no reason to take other people's things privately. Because everyone welcomes sincere friends and will not tolerate a thief who is always thinking about plotting against others, right?

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