She came on this trip to her hometown with a mission. After arriving in Shaoshan, she first visited her relatives whose father was still alive. It stands to reason that Li Min would not go back to his hometown unless there was anything special. The reason why Li Min did this was

2024/06/3008:30:33 history 1321

In 1977, Li Min came to his father Chairman Mao's Shaoshan hometown. She came on this trip to her hometown with a mission. After arriving in Shaoshan, she first visited her relatives whose father was still alive. After arriving at Uncle Wutang and Uncle Jiutang's house, which her father had told her before his death, she also left one hundred yuan.

Because Li Min does not live in his hometown all year round, Li Min is not particularly close to his relatives in his hometown. It stands to reason that Li Min would not go back to his hometown unless there was anything special. The reason why Li Min did this was because before his father passed away, he said that there were two cousins ​​in his hometown of Shaoshan who did not have enough to eat. It was because of this sentence that Li Min went back to his hometown to visit his relatives.

1. Adhere to principles

As relatives of Chairman Mao, Uncle Wutang and Uncle Jiutang have never taken advantage of their special status as relatives of Chairman Mao to facilitate themselves. In daily life, Chairman Mao also had many relatives from his hometown go to Beijing to visit him.

In this process, he will inevitably learn about some of the difficulties in people's lives, but he always adheres to the principle of unity and equality regarding the difficulties of his relatives.

She came on this trip to her hometown with a mission. After arriving in Shaoshan, she first visited her relatives whose father was still alive. It stands to reason that Li Min would not go back to his hometown unless there was anything special. The reason why Li Min did this was  - DayDayNews

Regarding relatives, Chairman Mao always adhered to the principle of loving relatives and not showing favoritism to relatives, remembering the past and not seeking benefits for the past, and helping relatives and not using the public to benefit private interests. Although Chairman Mao, who cared about the people, had learned about the difficulties of his relatives long ago, he was still unwilling to do anything that did not comply with the procedures.

Later, Chairman Mao always relied on his own strength to support the folks at home. But one person's strength is never enough. Before Chairman Mao's death, his daughter Li Min had two cousins ​​who didn't have enough to eat. In his hometown in Shaoshan, Chairman Mao was the third eldest son of his generation. The fifth uncle and ninth uncle mentioned here refer to his fifth brother Mao Zerong and ninth brother Mao Zelian.

2. Brothers have misunderstandings

At this point, some people may ask, since they are relatives of Chairman Mao, why do they still have enough to eat? There are reasons for this. Take fifth brother Mao Zerong as an example. When he was young, he followed Chairman Mao to make revolution. Later, because the white terror caused by the Kuomintang was too large, Mao Zerong had to change his name and go to other places to work as a temporary worker.

By the time the news subsided, it was already ten years later. During this period, the house under Mao Zerong's name was sold as an ownerless property. After returning to his hometown, Mao Zerong had to follow his grandfather to farm a few acres of land in Shaoshan to make a living. later developed an eye disease that could not be treated.

She came on this trip to her hometown with a mission. After arriving in Shaoshan, she first visited her relatives whose father was still alive. It stands to reason that Li Min would not go back to his hometown unless there was anything special. The reason why Li Min did this was  - DayDayNews

Until Chairman Mao became the president of the country, Mao Zerong finally saw the hope of living. He wrote a letter to Chairman Mao with great excitement. After receiving Mao Zerong's letter, Chairman Mao did not agree with him to visit relatives in Beijing. The fifth brother and his sister-in-law both had eye problems, so it was not convenient for the two of them to go out. After seeing this answer, the fifth brother misunderstood Chairman Mao's meaning and decided not to look for him again.

3. Treat everyone equally

Later, under the instruction of Chairman Mao, my cousin went to Beijing to visit with Mao Zerong, which resolved the misunderstanding between the two. It was during this visit to Beijing that Chairman Mao learned about the difficulty of the fifth brother's family not having enough to eat.

Compared with fifth brother Mao Zerong, ninth brother Mao Zelian has a better relationship with his third brother. On the one hand, it was because of the relationship between Mao Zelian's sister Mao Zejian, and on the other hand, because Mao Zelian and Chairman Mao were nearly twenty years apart, so he loved his youngest brother very much.

She came on this trip to her hometown with a mission. After arriving in Shaoshan, she first visited her relatives whose father was still alive. It stands to reason that Li Min would not go back to his hometown unless there was anything special. The reason why Li Min did this was  - DayDayNews

Because of his participation in the revolution, Mao Zelian also experienced a very painful life. Because of his young age, he stayed in his hometown to engage in revolutionary work after Chairman Mao left Shaoshan. In the process, in order to avoid the Kuomintang, Mao Zelian's eyes were unfortunately injured. Later, due to lack of timely treatment, he almost became blind.

4. National Primary School

Although Mao Zelian did not lose his vision after subsequent treatment, there was not much difference between his vision and his blindness. Because of this, Mao Zelian's wife left him. Although a person's life is difficult, Mao Zelian never told anyone.Because he lived alone, he also took Chairman Mao's mother and several other Mao family relatives who were away from home for the revolution to his home to take care of him.

Later, after the founding of New China, Chairman Mao met Mao Zelian immediately. After meeting in Beijing, Mao Zelian wanted to find a job for himself, but because of his physical condition, he knew it would be difficult to find one. After meeting Chairman Mao, he expressed this idea. Chairman Mao could not meet his requirements. could not use the back door just because he was a relative.

She came on this trip to her hometown with a mission. After arriving in Shaoshan, she first visited her relatives whose father was still alive. It stands to reason that Li Min would not go back to his hometown unless there was anything special. The reason why Li Min did this was  - DayDayNews

Later, Mao Zelian never mentioned this matter again, and returned to his hometown after living in Beijing for a month. After returning to his hometown, Mao Zelian always remembered what Chairman Mao said to himself, to buy more food and support the country.

Because of this, Chairman Mao still thought about his two younger brothers before he died. Being able to have two grown men lower their heads and talk about their difficulties shows that their situation is already very difficult, but Chairman Mao can only provide some help through himself because of his position, and it is absolutely unacceptable to use power for personal gain. These all show the great love in Chairman Mao's heart, but he was still thinking of others when he was dying.

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