Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series "Latent" is derived from real historical events. There is this passage in the memoirs of Chen Gongshu, known as the "number one killer of military unification": "On New Year's Day in the old calendar, after Li Ni Kaifeng's

2024/07/0301:25:33 history 1322

Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series "Latent" comes from real historical events. The memoirs of Chen Gongshu, known as the "first killer of military commanders", has this passage: "New Year's Day in the old calendar, Li Shukaifeng (also known as Yu Jie, who was the head of the Wang Puppet No. 76 Telecommunications Station at the time) exchanged greetings with other colleagues after celebrating the New Year. They were very excited and dispersed at about 11 o'clock in the evening. and Liu Quande were escorted by car. When Li arrived at the door of his apartment on Ganshi East Road, he got out of the car and walked less than ten steps when Liu fired two shots, one in the head and one in the back. Li Nikaifeng was killed on the spot, and Liu Quande walked away. "

This is what Chen Gongshu's memoir said. This passage is quoted from "Four Years of Underground Work" written by Yu Xiangqin (who served as the webmaster of the fourth station of Shanghai District of Military Reunion after the victory of the resistance, and Chen Gongshu was the third station director). When Chen Gongshu learned the details of the assassination, he was also frightened. Covered in cold sweat: "I want to thank Liu Quande for my thanksgiving. If he doesn't care about friendship and it's just a 'little effort', I will fall into the eighteenth level of hell, and everyone will call him 'Chen Ni', and I will never be able to turn around." Go!"

Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series

"Yu Zecheng" calmly killed "Li Haifeng". Chen Gongshu secretly thanked him for not killing him. In this matter, the TV series "Latent" completely coincided with the memoirs of Shen Zui and Chen Gongshu: Li Haifeng (Li Kaifeng) He and the traitor Chen Gongshu, the number one killer of the army, are both assassination targets of Yu Zecheng (Liu Quande).

Anyone familiar with that period of history knows that Liu Quande is one of the historical prototypes of Yu Zecheng, and Li Kaifeng is the assassinated Li Haifeng in the TV series.

The reason why Chen Gongshu was grateful for the "favour of not killing" is sad and ridiculous: none of the four killers of the military and the six Three Musketeers (one person and two people are drunk) could survive to the end after being captured, including Chen Gongshu who wrote his memoirs. After the rebellion, he also became the deputy commander-in-chief of Wang Puppet's "Headquarters of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi Provinces", commander of "Advance Command", and director of education of "Political Defense School".

Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series

In his memoirs, Chen Gongshu tried his best to defend himself and exonerate the military traitors, saying that most of them had restored contact with Dai Li Mao Renfeng and "returned to the army" and "made meritorious services." But there is one thing that cannot be clarified: when they rebelled, they did not get the instruction or permission of the military commander. They were simply trying to survive the torture but were afraid of death or greedy for wealth. Li Kaifeng Wanlilang and others took the initiative to join Wang Puppet No. 76. They were not undercover agents who lurked in, but they misjudged the situation and thought that little devils could become big things.

Chen Gongshu, Wang Tianmu and other well-known military agents "returned to the team" after rebelling, it is because the defeat of the little devils has been determined, Li Shiqun Zhou Fohai and other powerful Wang puppet spies have already taken the lead and stepped into two boats.

Chen Gongshu said that Li Kaifeng "is not a crazy person, but has the same national consciousness and national concepts as ordinary people." This belongs to the category of sad things like rabbits and foxes - after Chen Gongshu was arrested, he ate and drank at the No. 76 Agent Headquarters without being tortured. Just surrendered.

After Chen Gongshu surrendered, no one restricted his actions. Li Shiqun also asked him to go sightseeing in the Japanese hometown. There were many opportunities in front of him, but Chen Gongshu never thought of finding an opportunity to escape back to Chongqing.

Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series

Wan Lilang, Wang Tianmu, Chen Gongshu, Li Kaifeng and others rebelled one after another, and the military-controlled Shanghai area was almost wiped out by the Japanese. The "New Declaration" on November 28, 1941 reported: "The Shanghai Office of the Investigation and Statistics Department (namely Wang Puppet Seventh) Agent No. 16 Headquarters) After several months of exhaustion, they recently cracked the Chongqing (Chongqing side) Blue Clothes Society (Military Command) all secret organizations in Shanghai District. All important personnel of the society have been arrested. One hundred and dozens of people.The firearms and ammunition continuously seized from various places include 28 wooden-cased guns (which we often call twenty-ring shell guns , the wooden shells can be used as gun stocks) and 2,000 bullets; a new revolver 36 1,850 bullets; 12 pistols, 840 bullets; eight hand grenades, seven bags of explosives, seven bags of chemicals, 18 radio transceivers, and six suitcases of all secret archives. "

It was precisely because all the senior spies rebelled that the entire Shanghai area was annihilated. Although Chen Gongshu later "returned to the army", Dai Li did not let him go when settling accounts after the fall: "At the beginning of the thirty-fifth year (1946) When I was the head of the third station in Shanghai District, Mr. Dai suddenly sent a telegram to detain him. I knew about it five or six hours beforehand. After much consideration, I still decided to obey the order. If I wanted to escape, I would have plenty of time. If I had known that my superiors had issued a sanction order at the time, the outcome might have been different. "

Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series

This record in Chen Gongshu's memoir "The Unknown Hero" just proves that he is an out-and-out traitor. Dai Li did not kill him in the end, but he was still a little merciful. Readers will definitely find out from Chen Gongshu's self-report. His rebellion was purely self-initiated. Dai Li had issued a secret order to kill Chen Gongshu. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, agents with experience of rebellion would be detained and examined. Chen Gongshu had received the news in advance and had thought about escaping, and even regretted it a little. The "returning" action at that time.

In his memoirs, Chen Gongshu cleansed almost all the traitors of the military system - except Wan Lilang. This was because Wan Lilang committed many evil acts after his defection and participated in the arrest and interrogation of Chen Gongshu, which aroused public outrage. Because of his personal feud, it was impossible for Chen Gongshu to say anything good about him.

Dai Li once issued a kill order for Chen Gongshu. This is also based on the memoirs of a military commander: "Mr. Dai still ordered Chen Gongshu to be killed in the autumn of the 32nd year (1943). Sanctioning Chen Gongshu and others, Qi (Qi Qingbin, formerly known as Qi Ruozhai, was the chief of staff of the Ninth Route Army of the 'Loyal Salvation Army', the commander at the time was Wang Tianmu, and the deputy commander was Chen Gongshu) After consultation with Yu (Yu Xiangqin) It was Qi who came forward to call Mr. Dai, saying that although he was on the puppet side, his will to serve the country was still as firm as ever. If Mr. Dai ordered Qi to personally punish Chen Gongshu, he would not hesitate to smash his body to achieve the mission. (Yu Xiangqin’s Memoir "Four Years of Underground Work") "

Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series

Chen Gongshu was ranked as the number one killer of the military and did make a lot of contributions in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War. Dai Li also knew this, so after Chen Gongshu expressed his willingness to "return to the army", he The reward order was cancelled, but the nature of Li Kaifeng and Chen Gongshu are very different: Chen Gongshu surrendered after being arrested, and he basically had nothing to sell after being arrested, while Li Kaifeng took the initiative to defect to Wang Puppet No. 76 Yes, his defection caused huge losses to the military commander - Li Kaifeng was once the top telecommunications expert of the military commander. All communication methods and passwords of the military commander were transparent in his eyes.

Most of the military commander's telecommunications spies were Li Kaifeng. It was trained by one hand. As long as Li Kaifeng is alive, there will be no secret about the connection between the Military Command headquarters and the lurker. No matter how much Chen Gongshu tries to clear his name, no one will believe it. So there is our TV series "Lurker". The scene seen in "Crab": Yu Zecheng, codenamed "Crab", broke into the Wang Puppet Agent No. 76 headquarters and shot Li Kaifeng without hesitation the moment he stepped out of the car.

Li Kaifeng was killed. At that time, Dai Li had not canceled the death order against Chen Gongshu. How did Chen Gongshu escape punishment? It turned out that someone reported the news to him: "Qi (Qi Qingbin) told Chen Gongshu and his wife to be particularly careful during the day. At that time, Chen Shi was suffering from typhoid fever. He was panicked after hearing the news, so he took refuge in the bedroom on the fourth floor, saying he was sick and thanking his guests.”

Yu Zecheng killed Li Haifeng. The story in the TV series

Looking at the archives and memoirs of the special agents of the Military Command and the Wang Puppet No. 76 Agent, we will find a sad and infuriating thing: the so-called Secret Service Headquarters of No. 76 is actually composed of the former Military Command and Central Command agents. It is true that many Japanese and traitors were killed during the Anti-Japanese War, and it is also true that a large number of traitors defected to the enemy. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, most of the traitors were "forgiven" by Dai Li, and it is even more true. It seems that Wang Nu's trick is, The people in Kaishen also learned.

Dai Li settled the score and arrested Chen Gongshu, but as soon as Chen Gongshu was imprisoned, Dai Li crashed - some people suspected that senior officials within the Military Command teamed up with traitors to commit the crime.

Dai Li crashed and the military command reformed. For the Secrecy Bureau, the traitors also escaped the final reckoning: Chen Gongshu was released in July 1947 to resume his old career, and successively served as the captain (colonel rank) of the "Inspirational Training Class No. 1 Brigade", "Appeasement" Captain of the "First Brigade of the General Corps" and the second director of the "Intelligence Bureau", if Dai Li knew that the military traitor Chen Gongshu he had captured was not only not punished, but was also awarded the rank of major general like himself, would he be so angry that he bulged his eyes from the ground? Get up?

What kind of person is Chen Gongshu? Is he a hero or a traitor? Readers may have different opinions. Let's put aside the controversy . What I want to ask everyone is this question: If Dai Li were alive, what would he do? How to deal with military traitors like Chen Gongshu and Wang Tianmu?

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