A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic: "There is a dead person, there is a ghost!"

2024/07/0211:57:34 history 1782

Spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, The people of in Li County are busy farming, and a few children came to the fields to run and play.

A child found something white in the grass with blood on it. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic: "There is a dead person, there is a ghost!"...

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

I heard from people's reports. There was a female corpse in the wild. Lin Chen, the newly appointed young county magistrate, immediately ordered the arrester Yang Cheng to take the Yamen and Liu and Wuzuo to rush over to check the situation.

Yang Cheng and others rushed over quickly. When they saw the scene, they couldn't help but gasp. It was so tragic!

I saw the naked body of a young woman lying on the ground. Perhaps to prevent others from recognizing the woman, the woman's body had stab wounds of varying depths on her chest and her face was also scratched to pieces. The whole body was covered in blood from top to bottom.

Liu Wuzuo hurriedly performed an autopsy, while several government officials, led by Yang Cheng, searched for clues to solve the case.

A yamen servant screamed. Yang Cheng hurried over to take a look and was also surprised. I saw several pieces of clothing neatly folded not far from the female body.

Yang Cheng picked up the clothes and looked at them one by one, and found that they were all young women's clothes, both inside and out. Comparing it with the figure of the female corpse, they are all the things she wears.

At this time, Liu Wuzuo performed the autopsy and told Yang Cheng: "The woman was defiled by violence during her lifetime. The wounds on her chest were fatal injuries. The injuries on her face should have been done to vent her anger after death."

Yang Cheng pointed at the face of the female corpse. Asked Liu Wuzuo: "Why is it to vent anger and not to conceal the identity of the victim?"

Liu Wuzuo pointed out the wounds on the face of the female corpse to Yang Cheng and explained: "The knife wounds are almost concentrated on the cheeks, and There were no wounds on the eyes or nose, which can best identify the woman's identity, so it can be judged as an act of anger."

Yang Cheng suddenly realized.

At this time, a middle-aged woman hurriedly came over, saw the female body, identified the appearance, called "Xiu'er" and fainted...

It seems that the middle-aged woman must be the victim.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

After the middle-aged woman woke up and her mood calmed down a little, Yang Cheng began to ask the woman what she said.

While crying, the woman told Yang Cheng that her surname was Jin and her daughter's name was Xie Xiaoxiu. She was only fourteen years old this year.

"Fourteen years old? Not even haircut yet?" Yang Cheng was a little surprised.

Because the clothes Xie Xiaoxiu wore before her death were neatly folded, and her face was scratched with anger, Yang Cheng thought it was mostly love. Unexpectedly, the deceased was only fourteen years old, so it would be a bit unreasonable to judge it as a murder of love.

Yang Cheng thought for a while and asked Jin: "Have you ever offended anyone?"

Jin shook his head and said: "My husband passed away, leaving us, mother and daughter, how dare we offend others..."

Yang Chengshi He glanced at the yamen on the side. The yamen understood and went to the onlookers to inquire about Xie Xiaoxiu. Yang Cheng continued to ask the Jin family what happened before Xie Xiaoxiu disappeared.

After a while, Xie Xiaoxiu's body had been disposed of. Yang Cheng asked the yamen to carry the body back to the yamen. Jin followed in grief, and a group of curious people also went to the yamen to watch the fun.

Lin Chen opened the court to interrogate Xie Xiaoxiu's murder case. Through inquiries,

discovered that Xie Xiaoxiu disappeared yesterday evening.

During the middle of the day yesterday, Xie Xiaoxiu told Jin that she went to the vegetable garden to pick some vegetables and come back to prepare breakfast for the next day.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Jin reminded her daughter to come back early. Unexpectedly, her daughter never came home...

And Kim's neighbors also confirmed that Kim's mother and daughter were decent people, were kind to others, and had never had any disputes with others.

asked again if anyone had seen any suspicious characters. Everyone shook their heads and said that they were at home at that time and did not see any suspicious characters. The

case has reached a dead end at this point. Lin Chen had no choice but to preserve Xie Xiaoxiu's body and prepare to find clues to solve the case.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Unexpectedly, before Xie Xiaoxiu's case was solved, another female body was discovered.

This time the female body was found in a woods.Like Xie Xiaoxiu, the female corpse was naked, with numerous stab wounds on her face and chest, and her clothes were folded neatly aside...

After Liu Wu conducted an autopsy, he discovered that the female corpse had also been tainted by violence during her lifetime.

The person who died this time was the eldest daughter of a small merchant, named Zhang Alian, who was only fifteen years old.

Chapter Alian also disappeared when it was almost dark.

It was getting late at that time and Merchant Zhang had not returned home yet, so his wife asked Alian to go out and see if her father was back.

Unexpectedly, Merchant Zhang is back, but Alian has not come back yet.

The family searched for her all night, but they did not expect that Ah Lian would die in the woods just over a mile away from home.

Like Xie Xiaoxiu's case, Yang Cheng found nothing, and Lin Chen found nothing from the interrogation.

As soon as these two strange rape and murder cases came out, Li County was almost a sensation, and the people said anything.

The most widely circulated theory is that a perverted flower picker came to Li County. Not only did he like to fold women's clothes, he was also extremely violent.

Because the people were talking a lot, saying that the county government was not doing enough to solve the case, Lin Chen was under great pressure, so he called Yang Cheng over. He said that he was new to Li County and was not familiar with many places in Li County, so he left it to Yang Cheng to solve the case. I hope that within a month at most, Yang Chengcheng will be able to catch the perverted flower picker.

In fact, these two cases also made Yang Cheng uneasy day and night.

He is a native of Li County. He has lived in Li County for almost thirty years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a perverted case.

He couldn't figure it out. The murderer just raped the woman, so why did he fold the victim's clothes? He had already killed the woman so brutally, why did he also stab the woman's face to pieces?

Yang Cheng was puzzled and had to report to Lin Chen that he was going to spend a lot of money to hire a brothel girl to lure the snake out of the hole, hoping to catch the flower picker.

Lin Chen nodded in agreement, and prepared money and handed it to Yang Cheng.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Yang Cheng went to invite a very beautiful brothel girl, and specifically asked her to go out alone at dusk, while he followed with others.

Unexpectedly, only two gangsters went to strike up a conversation with the brothel woman, but the flower picker never showed up.

But that night, the third female body was discovered again. This time it was in a secluded alley. The corpse was the same as the previous two, with injuries on the face and chest, and the clothes were folded neatly aside...

The dead woman's name was Li Yu'er, a flower girl who was only fifteen years old.

When Yang Cheng went to check the scene, he found a little beggar with flashing eyes and trembling all over. He seemed to know something, so he called the little beggar aside and asked.

The little beggar was so frightened that he stammered. He told Yang Cheng that he saw the murderer.

Yang Cheng was overjoyed and quickly called the little beggar aside to question him.

Yang Cheng asked the little beggar what the murderer looked like.

The little beggar said: "It's an old woman."

Yang Cheng was confused. Is there another murderer? Also like folding clothes for the dead and scratching their faces?

At this time, Liu Wuzuo had completed the autopsy and came to tell Yang Cheng that, like the previous two victims, Li Yu'er had also been raped.

Only then did Yang Cheng think that the murderer had put on makeup to look like an old woman in order not to attract attention and to make it easier for him to get closer to the victim.

"Then do you see what that old woman looks like?" Yang Cheng asked the little beggar hopefully.

The little beggar nodded in fear and shook his head: "When I came, I saw the old woman squatting on the ground folding clothes. The sister had no clothes on and was covered in blood. She was lying on the ground... I was so scared that I yelled. The old woman stood up He got up and ran towards that end quickly...His head even hit the wall, and here, there..."

Yang Cheng looked at the place pointed by the little beggar, and sure enough he saw some traces of being hit. He gestured, It was discovered that the murderer was relatively short, so no wonder he dressed up as an old woman.

"When you shouted, didn't the old woman look at you?" Yang Cheng asked the little beggar.

"He didn't look at me. He stood up and turned around and ran away, so I didn't see the old woman clearly." The little beggar calmed down a little, tried to recall what he saw, and told Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng brought the corpse and the little beggar to the Yamen. Lin Chen interrogated him carefully and came to two conclusions. The murderer was good at makeup and was not tall. He didn't ask anything else.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Three women have died, but there is no trace of the murderer. The people of Li County are even more dissatisfied with the Yamen, saying whatever they want.

Lin Chen put pressure on Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng must solve the case within a month, otherwise he will be served by the boss and Yang Cheng will be removed from his position as the head catcher.

Yang Cheng was helpless and searched around for the whereabouts of the murderer. Anyone who had the slightest suspicion was arrested in the Yamen for interrogation. I have been working on

for several days, but it is of no use at all.

Yang Cheng was sighing again that day, wondering where to catch the perverted flower picker. After hearing this, Liu Wuzuo hesitated for a while and told Yang Cheng that his master Lu Qi might be able to help Yang Cheng.

When Yang Cheng heard this, he quickly asked Liu Wuzuo to take him to see Master Lu.

On the way, Yang Cheng asked Liu Wuzuo what gift he should prepare for Master Lu.

Liu Wuzuo said: "Master, he has inconvenient legs and feet. If he agrees to help, please ask Yang Captou to prepare a wheelchair for Master."

Yang Cheng agreed wholeheartedly.

came to the Lu family, and Yang Cheng met with Lu Qi.

Lu Qi is in his forties, his clothes are shabby, but he is clean. He is thin, but his eyes are bright and his expression is calm, which makes people involuntarily respect him.

Lu Qi's legs were so tortured by the pain that he could no longer walk. Seeing Yang Cheng, he was very polite and repeatedly asked Yang Cheng not to be too polite.

Yang Cheng sincerely asked Lu Qi to help solve the case.

Lu Qi said: "My legs can't walk, I'm afraid it will delay Yang's arrest."

Yang Cheng said happily: "As long as Master Lu agrees to help, I will prepare a wheelchair for Master Lu."

Lu Qi also said He was very happy and said: "My family is poor. I have long wanted to have a wheelchair to sit in and move around. Now I would like to thank Mr. Yang in advance."

Lu Qi agreed to help solve the case, and Yang Cheng told him about the first three cases. The situation was told to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi thought for a while and told Yang Cheng: "The wheelchair is ready and will be delivered immediately. I'm going to take a look at the body. I should be able to find something."

Yang Cheng quickly nodded in agreement.

Yang Cheng and Liu Wuzuo went back together, chatting while walking.

Liu Zuzuo told Yang Cheng that Master Lu worked as a gangster in Dali Temple in the early years. He helped Dali Temple solve many strange cases and was famous. Later, due to leg disease, it was inconvenient to do the work, so I came back.

After hearing this, Yang Cheng felt a little more confident about solving the case, and happily went to ask a carpenter to make a wheelchair.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

A few days later, the carpenter finished the wheelchair. Yang Cheng got the wheelchair. Before he could send it to Lu Qi, another case of a female corpse folding clothes happened.

The case occurred in a family named Lu. The dead woman was named Lu Wanniang, who was sixteen years old.

Lu Wanniang has been engaged and is preparing to get married. Her fiancé is her cousin.

On this day, Lu Wanniang's husband's family held a birthday banquet for the elderly, and Lu Wanniang's parents, brothers and sisters-in-law all went to the banquet.

Because Lu Wanniang could not meet her husband's family before she got married, she was afraid of being unlucky, so she stayed at home alone.

I thought it was broad daylight and since Wan Niang didn't go out, nothing would happen. Unexpectedly, when it got dark, my parents, brother and sister-in-law returned home happily, only to find Wan Niang dead on the bed naked, with injuries on her face and chest, and the clothes were neatly folded beside the bed...

This time Lin Chen Be prepared to go and check it out for yourself. Unexpectedly, as soon as I went out, my foot was sprained and I fell to the ground. I was injured and couldn't go out.

Yang Cheng had no choice but to lead the team to the scene again.

Before setting off, Yang Cheng asked two government officials who were particularly quick to find a carriage and hurriedly invited Master Lu to Lu's house.

Yang Cheng sent his government officials to guard the scene of the crime, not allowing others to enter or exit, and waited for Master Lu.

After Lu Qi arrived, he immediately arranged for the government officials to interview the neighbors, and asked Liu Zuozuo to lead people to search around to see if the murderer had left any traces. He himself came to the body and inspected the body himself.

Lu Qi first checked the injuries on Lu Wanniang’s face and told Yang Cheng: “The murderer hates women very much and must have been hurt by women."

checked the wound on Lu Wanniang's chest again, ordered people to bring different knives, compared the depth and size of the wound, frowned and said: "I'm afraid the background of this murderer is not simple. "

Yang Cheng quickly asked: "Why? "

" If I guess correctly, the murder weapon should be a dagger named Cicada Wing. The cicada wing is small and easy to carry, but it is also extremely sharp and can blow hair and make decisive decisions. It is truly a treasure. Ordinary people with money can't buy it, only a few high-ranking officials in the capital can buy it. "Lu Qi explained.

Yang Cheng was dumbfounded. In this small Li County, where are the senior officials from the capital?

After checking the wounds on the upper body of the body, Lu Qi took off the quilt and then looked at the lower body of the body. There was a smell. As he came forward, Lu Qi couldn't help but cover his nose.

Yang Cheng saw that Lu Wanniang might have been too frightened and was incontinent. There was a pool of yellow stains on her body.

Lu Qi said: "Lu Wanniang may have maintained her innocence and was not raped. . "

Yang Cheng shook his head: "Impossible, the first three women were all raped. "

Lu Qi smiled, called Liu Wuzuo in, and the two of them checked together.

Sure enough, Lu Wanniang was still a virgin and had not been violated.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Yang Cheng looked at Lu Qi with admiration and humbly asked why Lu Wanniang was not killed by the murderer. Rape.

Lu Qidao: "The murderer had mysophobia (the ancient collective name for mysophobia ) and disliked Lu Wanniang's incontinence, so he did not rape her. This can be seen from the fact that every time he commits a crime, he leaves wounds on the woman's chest and face, and the woman's clothes are neatly folded..."

Having said this, Lu Qi thought for a moment, and then said: " The murderer must have been stimulated in some way, and it was related to folding clothes. "

" Ever been stimulated by folding clothes? Could it be that he was beaten by the woman because his clothes were not folded properly? "Yang Cheng's eyes widened and he said blankly.

Lu Qi couldn't help but laugh and said: "We won't know what happened until we catch the murderer. "

As he said that, Lu Qi looked carefully at other parts of Lu Wanniang's hands. Suddenly he found something in Lu Wanniang's fingernails, and quickly asked Yang Cheng to come over and take a look.

There was blood on several of Lu Wanniang's nails. After a closer look, the nails There were skin flakes in the seam.

“The murderer was scratched by Lu Wanniang. "Lu Qi told Yang Cheng happily, "Judging from the way Lu Wanniang was lying down and the marks on her fingernails, the murderer should have been scratched on his back. "

" Then we only need to find all the people with celiac disease in Li County and check their backs one by one to catch the murderer. " Yang Cheng slapped his thigh, wishing he could go and report Lin Chen immediately.

Lu Qi smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Liu Wuzuo and several government officials came in and reported to Yang Cheng what they had found out.

Liu Wuzuo said, the murderer Very careful, except for the neatly folded clothes, no trace of the murderer could be found anywhere else.

The yamen servant told Yang Cheng that a neighbor saw a poor old woman asking for water from Lu Wanniang, and Lu Wanniang let the old woman in. He broke into the house... Lu Wanniang was later killed...

"Needless to say, the murderer dressed up as an old woman again. "Yang Cheng said bitterly, "I'm going to find all the people with the disease, and I must find out the murderer. "

Lu Qi said unhurriedly: "Yang Captou, don't worry. It's not very reliable for you to find the murderer like that. Most people with clean diseases are rich and powerful people. It is difficult for ordinary people to have clean diseases. They don't have the conditions..."

Yang Cheng said angrily: "I'll go find him. Magistrate Lin tried his best to prevent the murderer from going unpunished. "

" Yang Captou hates evil as much as he hates it, which is admirable. In this way, it should be easier for me to find out several characteristics of the murderer, and then Capt. Yang can compare and search for them. " Lu Qi said.

Yang Cheng was overjoyed and quickly thanked Lu Qi.

Lu Qi said: "The murder weapon is extremely rare, and the identity of the murderer should be high. Of course, it is not ruled out that the murderer stole someone else's dagger and used it to commit the crime, but this possibility is extremely small. As far as I know, the Cicada Wings were made within the imperial palace. Only a few high-ranking officials were rewarded by the emperor, so they must have kept them carefully and not dared to lose them. "

" That means I'm going to check on people who are related to senior officials in the capital. "Yang Chengdao.

Lu Qi nodded in agreement, and added: "Secondly, this person is particular about clothing and supplies. Used things must be put back to their original places, and there should be no stains on the clothes..."

Before Lu Qi finished speaking, Yang Cheng suddenly He exclaimed: "I know who it is."

Lu Qi said in surprise: "Who is it?"

"It's Lin Jiu, the steward of the county magistrate." Yang Cheng whispered in Lu Qi's ear.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

"Lin Jiu? Magistrate Lin's housekeeper!" Lu Qi also lowered his voice and asked, "How can you see it?"

Afraid of being heard by others, Yang Cheng pushed Lu Qi aside and analyzed excitedly: "First of all, Lin Jiuzi is not tall; secondly, although Lin Jiu is in his thirties, his face is white and beardless, and his body is thin, suitable for dressing up as an old woman; lastly, and most importantly, he is extremely particular and everything he uses must be returned In place, and very fond of cleanliness. A grown man should not have any stains on his clothes. "What about Chanyi?" Lu Qi asked.

"I heard that Mr. Lin's father-in-law is the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. If Mr. Lin got the cicada wings from his father-in-law, it would not be difficult for Lin Jiu to steal them and use them." Yang Chengdao.

"But this is just your guess. Where is the evidence?" Lu Qi poured cold water on Yang Cheng.

Yang Chengdao: "Just check Lin Jiu's back!"

"Let me ask you, how many servants did Mr. Lin bring when he took office in Li County? Who does he rely on most?" Lu Qi asked.

"I only brought Lin Jiu with me, and the one I relied on the most was Lin Jiu." Yang Cheng said calmly.

"Then just based on the injuries on the back and the absence of any personal or material evidence, will Lord Lin punish Lin Jiu?" Lu Qi asked Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng shook his head dejectedly: "Probably not."

"So, Capt. Yang, don't be in a hurry to report to Mr. Lin. Let's devise a plan to lure the snake out of the hole. If we catch the snake on the spot, the murderer will not be able to deny it." Lu Qi was confident. typical.

"It's useless," Yang Cheng shook his head, "Last time I invited a very beautiful brothel girl to lure Lin Jiu into being fooled, but Lin Jiu went to commit crimes elsewhere."

"That's because Yang arrested the head criminal. I made two mistakes, so I failed," Lu Qi said with a smile.

"What two mistakes?" Yang Cheng asked somewhat unconvinced.

"First of all, the matter is not confidential; secondly, the brothel girls should not be invited. Because the murderer thinks the brothel girls are unclean, he is looking for clean virgins." Lu Qidao.

"Yes!" Yang Cheng slapped his thigh, "Why didn't I think of that! The four dead women were all unmarried young ladies. They were not necessarily beautiful in appearance, but they were all neatly dressed, which shows that they also like to be clean. People..."

"So, only the two of us and my apprentice know about this plan, and we can't tell anyone. Also, if I find someone, I'll let you know. Just find a few more government officials to arrest them," Lu Qidao said.

Yang Cheng nodded repeatedly.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Yang Cheng returned to the county government office and reported to Lin Chen as agreed with Lu Qi. Nothing was found. He only knew that the murderer had disguised himself as an old woman and deceived Lu Wanniang.

Lin Chen was very unhappy and said with a sullen face: "There are only sixteen days left. If we still can't catch the real culprit, I won't let you go lightly."

Yang Cheng walked out with a "scowl" on his face, and met someone on the road. Arrive at Lin Jiu.

Seeing Lin Jiu's spotless clothes and hearing Lin Jiu scolding the maid, putting things back where they were taken from... Yang Cheng couldn't help but snorted coldly and thought to himself, I can't help but keep jumping around. a few days.

waited impatiently for more than ten days, and Yang Cheng was so anxious that smoke was coming out of his mouth.

Liu Wuzuo told Yang Cheng, don't worry, the murderer is very cautious, the injury on his back has not healed yet, and he usually will not come out to commit crimes.

Yang Cheng then suppressed his anxiety and waited for Lu Qi to send the message.

Finally Liu Wuzuo came, told Yang Cheng the name of a place, and said to Yang Cheng excitedly: "I have fallen into the trap."

Yang Cheng was overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered a few smart government servants, and took them to follow Liu Wuzuo, and rushed He went to the place where Lu Qi told him to hide.

The sun was about to set, and a very bright girl in white as snow came over carrying a basket.

A white-haired old woman followed behind the girl.

The old woman looked older, but her pace was not slow. She lowered her head and followed the girl not far or near. No one would be suspicious of such an old woman.

The girl was walking and suddenly took a look at the woods. She seemed to have discovered something interesting. She left the road and walked towards the woods on the side of the road.

The "old woman" glanced around alertly. The few pedestrians were walking in a hurry. No one noticed the girl, let alone herself.

The "old woman" walked a few steps, then suddenly turned and entered the woods.

Yang Cheng saw it and was anxious to go into the woods.

Liu Wuzuo grabbed Yang Cheng and whispered: "Don't worry, we will go in later."

After waiting for a while, a faint exclamation came from the woods. Liu Wuzuo jumped up and quickly went to Run into the woods.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, and several government officials quickly followed him and ran into the woods.

When he came to the woods, Yang Cheng saw the girl grabbing the "old woman" at a glance, and Liu Wuzuo pushed Lu Qi out from behind the tree.

Lu Qi signaled Yang Cheng to search out the cicada wings from the "old woman" and asked the yamen servant to hold the "old woman". Then he smiled at the "old woman" and said, "Let me guess, you should be Mr. Lin." !"

Yang Cheng was stunned when he heard this. He quickly stepped forward to take off the "old woman's" wig and wiped the disguise from the "old woman's" face. When he saw it, it turned out to be the county magistrate Lin Chen.

Yang Cheng was stunned, and several government officials were also so surprised that they were speechless.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Lin Chen's face was ashen, and after a long time he asked Lu Qi: "How did you know... I was responsible for the case."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Your Excellency, there are several things that make people suspicious. First of all, every time a case occurs, Your Majesty They didn’t go to the scene to investigate and solve the case. I think you may have felt guilty after committing the crime, and you didn’t dare to go to the scene for fear of exposing any flaws. Secondly, Lin Jiu’s illness and the use of cicada wings also made me suspicious of you.”

took a deep look at Lin. Chen, Lu Qi continued, "As a slave, Lin Jiu will be unhappy if he has a clean disease. Then only if the master has a clean disease, the slave will be more careful."

"So Lin Jiu does not have a clean disease. . No wonder when we went drinking together, Lin Jiu would pick up the peanuts that fell on the table and throw them into his mouth." Yang Cheng said suddenly.

Lu Qi nodded with a smile, glanced at Cicada Wing, and continued: "Cicada Wing should be a gift from Mr. Lin's father-in-law. Lin Jiu would not dare to use such a precious thing again and again except for adults who dare to use it. "

Lin Chen's face became more and more depressed, and he smiled bitterly: "You have worked so hard to catch me. Where did you find such a girl who knows Kung Fu!"

Lu Qi looked at the girl lovingly and said, "She She is the daughter of my friend, and her family owns a bodyguard agency."

Lin Chen glanced at the girl: "No wonder I can't beat her."

The girl glared at Lin Chen in disgust: "If I didn't have martial arts, I would have been killed just now. It's your fault."

Lin Chen sighed, lowered his head and remained silent.

The girl went home, and Yang Cheng took Lin Chen back to the government office with a mixed bag of emotions. The whole way was crowded with people watching the excitement.

This was Lu Qi’s idea. He asked the two government officials to leave first and spread the word that the flower picker had been caught. In this way, he is not afraid that Lin Chen's father-in-law Bao Linchen will put himself, Yang Cheng and others in danger.

The people were curious and came to see who the perverted flower picker was. Unexpectedly, it was the newly appointed county magistrate, which made everyone's eyes fall out of surprise.

Lin Chen couldn't help but feel ashamed when he saw the crowds of people on both sides of the street, all pointing, talking and cursing him.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Because there were too many people watching, some victims came to complain angrily to Lin Chen. By the time the group reached the Yamen, it was already dark.

As soon as he entered the yamen, a young woman in luxurious clothes walked out, accompanied by a large group of maids and women, and a very handsome man who followed closely beside the woman and helped her from time to time.

When the woman saw Lin Chen being escorted in, her face sank, and she scolded Yang Cheng and others: "You are so bold, how dare you disrespect the county magistrate, what kind of crime do you deserve!"

Yang Cheng and others did not know who the young woman was. Who was stunned for a moment.

Lin Chen laughed loudly: "Bitch, you have arrived in Li County so early! Either way, we can just settle the matter."

The young woman was frightened and angry, and she quickly ordered the person beside her The handsome man came to cover Lin Chen's mouth.

Lin Chen broke free from the officer, grabbed Cicada Yi in his hand, pulled out the dagger, and said to the man sternly: "Yan Beiqi, I have been insulted by you for a long time, and I will kill you today."

Everyone is up Shocked, the young woman even screamed: "Lin Chen, stop! That's the treasure my father gave you, and you used it to commit murder!"

Only then did Yang Cheng and others understand that the young woman It turned out to be Lin Chen's wife, the daughter of the Minister of Rites.

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

After a period of confusion, Yan Beiqi was slightly injured and the cicada wings were taken away. Mrs. Lin no longer cared about Lin Chen, waved her hand and walked away angrily.

Lu Qi and Yang Cheng sent Lin Chen into the study and asked the government servants to bring dinner.

Yang Cheng and Lu Qi were about to leave when Lin Chen suddenly stopped them and said with a wry smile: "Come have your last meal with me!"

Yang Cheng and Lu Qi looked at each other and sat down.

Lin Chen poured a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp. He smiled and asked Lu Qi and Yang Cheng, "Are you interested in hearing my story?"

Lu Qi also poured a glass of wine and took a sip. Then he said: "Master Lin, you want to tell us why you raped and killed women, right?"

Lin Chen nodded and smiled miserably: "I know that I deserve to die, but that bitch Yu Shuhua deserves to die even more! The reason why I couldn't help it He raped and killed people all because of her..."

Lin Chen told Yang Cheng and Lu Qi everything while drinking. He also told the two of them to publicize the truth after his death, making it difficult for Yu Shuhua and Yan Beiqi, and also for Yu Shangshu...

Lin Chen said that Yu Shuhua was a unruly and willful young lady who loved her wholeheartedly. The actor Yan Beiqi wanted to marry Yan Beiqi. Of course Yu Shangshu did not agree.

In order to force her father to agree, Yu Shuhua became pregnant with Yan Beiqi's child.

Yu Shangshu was so angry that in order to cover up his daughter's scandal, he betrothed Yu Shuhua to Lin Chen, who had just passed the Jinshi examination.

Lin Chen, who had a plain appearance and no family background, was "favored" by Lord Shangshu. He thought it was because of the smoke coming out of his ancestral grave that he was lucky.

Only when he entered the bridal chamber and saw Yu Shuhua, who was as cold as ice and refused to let him go to bed, did Lin Chen realize that he had become a "scapegoat".

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

Lin Chen felt that he had been insulted, but there was nothing he could do about it.

There are many other things that can humiliate Lin Chen.

Only three days after their wedding, Yu Shuhua brought Yan Beiqi into the house and gave him the position of "housekeeper" to "take care" of Yu Shuhua's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Not only that, but what humiliated Lin Chen the most was that at night, Yu Shuhua contemptuously asked Lin Chen to go out and asked Yan Beiqi to go in and sleep with her.

Lin Chen had no choice but to endure the ridicule of his servants and go to sleep in the study...

"One night, Yu Shangshu came suddenly." Lin Chen recalled with great pain, "Yu Shuhua's wet nurse found me and asked me to go He slept in the bedroom because he was afraid that Yu Shangshu would blame the lady. "

"I was as obedient as a dog and immediately went to the bedroom... Guess what I saw?" Lin Chen's eyes turned red. , asked Lu Qi and Yang Cheng with a smile.

Before the two could answer, Lin Chen continued: "I saw Yu Shuhua's clothes neatly folded on the bedside, and they were having sex as husband and wife..."

After drinking another glass of wine, Lin Chen Then he said: "I was about to exit, but those shameless two people had already discovered me... Yan Beiqi actually jumped out of bed naked and beat me... Later, Yu Shangshu also reprimanded me, saying that I didn't Manliness..."

"From then on, that scene was deeply engraved in my mind, making me always want to go crazy...but for the sake of my wealth and life, I had to restrain myself...later I couldn't restrain myself. After living there, I went to ask Yu Shangshu to send me here as the county magistrate..."

Lin Chen laughed miserably, his eyes had become blood red, "If... if Yu Shuhua didn't write a letter , said that she was coming to Li County, and she wanted to take Yan Beiqi with her... I won't go crazy, I won't go crazy..."

Lin Chen was drunk and fell asleep on the table.

Yang Cheng and Lu Qi left the study and chatted while walking.

Lu Qi told Yang Cheng: "Lin Chen originally had a cleansing disease and was deeply stimulated, so he raped and killed the girl and folded the girl's clothes neatly."

"I know that he was treating those poor people The woman was thought to be Yu Shuhua." Yang Changcheng sighed...

A child found something white and bloody in the grass. He walked over to take a look out of curiosity, and was so frightened that he shouted in panic:

The next day, the news came that Lin Chen had hanged himself in the study.

After solving the case of folding clothes of a female corpse, Lu Qi and Yang Cheng became famous. Later, the two of them joined forces and solved many strange cases, but that's another story.

Yu Shuhua gave Lin Chen a hasty funeral and hurried back to the capital with her already bulging belly.

Unexpectedly, Yu Shuhua had a miscarriage in such a hurry. During the journey, improper maintenance caused another problem.

After returning to the capital, there were more rumors about Yu Shuhua and Yan Beiqi. Yu Shangshu couldn't bear it anymore and locked Yu Shuhua and Yan Beiqi in a village, firmly not allowing them to go out.

Yu Shuhua and Yan Beiqi looked at each other all day long and had no other entertainment. They finally got tired of it. There were often quarrels in the Zhuangzi...

After a period of time, the Zhuangzi suddenly became quiet. Some people say that it was Yan Beiqi who couldn't stand Yu Shuhua and ran away; others said that it was Yu Shuhua who killed Yan Beiqi and wanted to find a new love...

has been discussing for a while, but no one knows the truth. How, it’s just that the grass on Lin Chen’s grave is getting greener...

(pictures from the Internet, deleted)

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