Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en

2024/07/0214:01:32 history 1485

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an end and withered.

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

There is a saying "The end of one era means the rise of another era. But even if the decline of princes and nobles is one of the reasons for the decline of dynasties, the decline of dynasties cannot represent the scarcity of the princes and nobles' descendants.

The weak heirs of princes and nobles are actually in line with the development of the times and the process of the times. If a dynasty sticks to its original appearance and does not develop, it is destined to be eliminated, no matter how many heirs it has, it will only end when the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed. The desolate scene of "The city is full of greenery and deep vegetation"

The number of heirs is few

Since Nurhachi brought the Qing soldiers into the country, the royal family of the Qing Dynasty all attached great importance to the purity of blood, but the best way to protect this pure blood is to have close relatives. Marriage and close relatives have long been commonplace in the Qing Dynasty . Of course, even though the ancient royal family had the best doctors and the best intellectuals at the time, they still did not know the serious consequences of incest

. In the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong , there were still many princes and grandsons with congenital or genetic diseases, and some even died early because of this.

Aixinjueluo Puyi was the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, which is what people often say. The last emperor, he even had no heirs in his life.

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

His younger brother Pujie was luckier than him. He had three daughters with Saga Hiroshi, the daughter of a Japanese nobleman. Although they were not boys, this was the Aisin Gioro family . The last incense.

And this is a great joy for Puyi . The reason why it is so happy is related to the normal situation of the Qing Dynasty.

It is natural for children to inherit their father's inheritance. , the same is true for the royal family. Regarding the inheritance of the throne, Puyi is probably afraid of losing it all. After all, due to his personal reasons, even if he has a dignified and virtuous queen Wanrong and a beautiful concubine Wenxiu , it will only be enough. Maybe it was a decoration.

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

Such a guarded widow also became the trigger that crushed Wanrong, and Wenxiu divorced her decisively after the establishment of the puppet Manchukuo. This also became Puyi. The pain of a lifetime.

This was also the case. When he learned that his sister-in-law Sagahao was pregnant, he felt both excited and worried. Pujie knew his brother's anxiety, which also made him embarrassed in the end.

He had no choice but to wait for the child. The birth, confirming that it was a girl, relieved their hanging hearts, and at the same time shattered the Japanese army's dream of a man with Japanese royal blood successfully ascending to the throne.

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

However, according to the situation at that time, the elimination of the Qing government had become inevitable, and the destruction of the puppet Manchukuo was also a matter of time. Puyi wanted to continue to revive the Qing government, and his dream of continuing to be emperor was just a dream. The inevitability of the development of the

dynasty made him doomed. Even if he had his own heirs, he would be unable to save himself. There was just one more puppet for the Japanese army to control the and the Qing dynasty, and even an innocent victim.

I think Puyi also knew that the ending would be like this, but he would also be helpless. He was also annoyed that he could not change, and he was ashamed that his ancestral legacy was destroyed in his hands.

History is inevitable

If it is said that the marriage of close relatives will lead to either a decrease in the number of royal heirs, or they will be genetically inherited and even die early. Well, there are dynasties in history that would not choose close relatives to marry, that is Ming Dynasty .

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

Everyone only knows that the Ming Dynasty was a dynasty that would rather fight foreign invaders than marry a distant princess to seek peace. Even if the war ended, they would still rather die than surrender.

is just such a dynasty. After ruling for 276 years, it ended its era from initial glory to final depression. In fact, when the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian, accepted this national undertaking, the dynasty was already riddled with holes.

He also wanted to regain his former glory, so on the one hand he was thrifty, self-disciplined, devoid of desires, and worked hard to govern; on the other hand, he was full of suspicions and frequently changed ministers and killed them indiscriminately. The emperors of the previous dynasties wanted to be wise monarchs and hanged themselves under the clear breeze and bright moon of Meishan Mountain. As the saying goes: "The king who is not the one who has subjugated his country will bear the fate of his country's subjugation."

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

Similarly, before Zhu Youjian hanged himself after the country's subjugation, in order not to let his concubines and princesses be humiliated after the country's subjugation, he stabbed them to death one by one with a sword.

Of course, most of the dead were female family members, while the men shouldered the responsibility of restoring the country. He also had a glimmer of hope and luck in this. He gave birth to a total of seven sons in his life, but either like other dynasties, the children died young, or they were scattered in the chaos of the country's subjugation and disappeared.

Although in the following years, " Anti-Qing and Fuming " party members appeared repeatedly, and many people also tried to revive the Ming Dynasty under the name of "Zhu San Taizi ", but it was not until the end of Kangxi's reign that King Yong The whole family was killed, and Emperor Chongzhen's last descendants were finally cut off.

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

At this point, this subjugated king, who was most unlike a subjugated king, had no direct descendants. And those party members of the previous Ming Dynasty also faded and weakened. In fact, the Ming Dynasty was doomed the moment it conquered the imperial city.

Future generations will be in vain no matter how hard they try and create. The development of the times can only move forward without recurrence or regression, and the dream of Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty was undoubtedly a daydream.

Comparison of past and present

Although today's era does not have rulers like the feudal dynasty, there are also no royal children or royal relatives. But the pace of history is also promoting the development and progress of our era.

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

The truth of "If you fall behind, you will be beaten" is engraved in the hearts of every Chinese. Only by developing can we keep up with this fast-paced era. However, this development does not mean to be casual or copy it, but to find a path suitable for national development and to constantly adjust and replace it on this road.

Nothing remains unchanged. The development of a country is like the growth of a child, and the development of the times is like the direction the child wants to take.

Compared with feudal dynasties, although every dynasty has its peak and prosperity, its descendants also have their periods of prosperity. But the prosperity in front of us is far from enough. We can only work together, move in step, and be united with the common people today.

Chinese history and culture lasted for more than five thousand years, from the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou to the last Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. With the development and progress of the times, these dynasties all had their glorious moments, and all of them came to an en - DayDayNews

Everyone is doing their best to contribute to the development of the country. Only in this way can this era become more and more progressive, science and technology more and more developed, and technology more and more sophisticated.

Elders often say: We living in the contemporary era are the young generation and the happy generation. Indeed, this statement is undeniable. Even people who lived in the 1950s, 1960s, 1960s and 1970s after the reform and opening up were still plagued by the problem of not having enough food and clothing. What's more, it was in the era of feudal society, so the end of princes and nobles was an inevitable event in the development of the times.

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