The articles in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom series provide guidance - Hong Xiuquan's harem anecdotes, women in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan's bizarre conditions for selecting concubines. Hong Tianguifu, the eldest son of Taiping Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan, his

2024/07/0223:39:33 history 1287

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom series of articles guide the way - The articles in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom series provide guidance - Hong Xiuquan's harem anecdotes, women in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan's bizarre conditions for selecting concubines. Hong Tianguifu, the eldest son of Taiping Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan, his  - DayDayNews

The image of the young king Hong Tianguifu in the film and television drama

According to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom historical records, when Hong Tianguifu was born, "ten thousand birds came to the court to fight for the auspiciousness of the birth of the young king ". Since he was the eldest son of Hong Xiuquan, after the flag of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was raised, Hong Tianguifu's status also rose, and he became the young master of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom at the age of an infant. Hong Tianguifu has been regarded as the heir to the Heavenly King since he was a child. During the more than ten years in Tianjing, he never even left the palace. It can be said that he was pampered and lived a luxurious life. Not only that, when Hong Tianguifu was 9 years old, his father Hong Xiuquan arranged four wives for him.

These four wives were all about ten years old at the time, one or two years older than Hong Tiangui Fu. They were from Guangxi, Dahuang's , Xiao Huang's , Anqing Hou's and Hubei. People Zhang's . The concubines of these four young kings all live in the left hall of the palace, and they are all called "young empresses". Hong Tianguifu was only 9 years old when he married these four people. He probably didn't know much about men and women. These four people acted more as his playmates.

According to the confession written by Hong Tianguifu after he was captured, his father Hong Xiuquan did not allow him to see his mother Lai Lianying since he was 9 years old. At a young age, Hong Tianguifu missed his mother very much, so he could only secretly visit his mother when Hong Xiuquan was with other concubines. Therefore, when their mother was not around, the four young ladies tried their best to play with Hong Tianguifu, allowing him to divert his thoughts from his mother in a timely manner. It can be said that these four little girls relieved Hong Tianguifu's loneliness and loneliness very well.

Later, Hong Xiuquan wrote "Ten Rescue Poems" for Hong Tianguifu, including "Farewell to the cub," "Farewell to the younger brother," "Farewell to the younger brother," "Farewell to the sister-in-law," etc., and warned Hong Tianguifu to "follow these ten salvations." "If you practice practicing, God will always bring you blessings that will last forever." Strictly prevent mixing of men and women, so-called nip in the bud. Hong Tianguifu has received such brainwashing education since he was a child. He gradually forgot about his mother and completely immersed himself in the life in the palace. In addition to eating, drinking and having fun every day, I just laugh and play with these four young ladies. There is no exact record in historical materials, but some unofficial histories say that Hong Tianguifu began to have sex when he was about ten years old, and all four young ladies were favored by him. However, because the couple were too young, none of the four wives had children.

The articles in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom series provide guidance - Hong Xiuquan's harem anecdotes, women in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan's bizarre conditions for selecting concubines. Hong Tianguifu, the eldest son of Taiping Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan, his  - DayDayNews

It is said that among the four young ladies, Hong Tianguifu especially liked Zhang from Hubei. This Zhang was also the only one among the four young ladies who could find out the ending. Zhang is the youngest among the four young ladies, but one year older than Hong Tianguifu. She is cute and cute, and has a lively personality, so she is the most favored. Because of the favor of the young king, Zhang lived a carefree life in the palace. However, the happy time was short-lived. When Zhang was 15 years old, one month after Hong Tianguifu succeeded to the throne of the Young Heavenly King, the Hunan Army captured Tianjing City, the Taiping Rebellion failed.

At that time, Hong Tianguifu, who was upstairs in the palace, saw the Hunan army entering the city. He was so panicked that he didn't even care about his wives. He immediately followed the people sent by Li Xiucheng to go to the palace of Prince Zhong. That night, loyal king Li Xiucheng, honorable king Liu Qinghan and others led more than a thousand people to pretend to be Qing troops and escort Hong Tianguifu to break through the gap of Taiping Gate. Hong Tianguifu's four wives had no idea what had happened, and they were abandoned by him in the palace. The four young ladies were all very young and had no idea at all. Seeing the Qing army breaking through the palace gate and putting their own safety in danger, they each carried some jewelry and ran away in different directions. However, only the Zhang family should have successfully escaped from the palace. The other three were probably captured and killed by the Qing army, or died from the swords of rebel soldiers. In short, there is no precise record that any of the three of them survived.

On the other side, Hong Tianguifu was separated from Li Xiucheng due to the melee. Fortunately, Zun Wang Liu Qinghan fought his way out, and Hong Tianguifu and others were able to escape.Hong Tianguifu and his party fled to Guangde in southern Anhui in embarrassment. After hearing the news, Hong Rengan, the king of Qian in Huzhou, rushed to Guangde to see the young king. After everyone discussed it, they decided to go to Fuzhou and Jianchang of Jiangxi Province to meet with Prince Shiwang Li Shixian and King Kang Wang Haiyang, and then march to Shaanxi via Hubei to pursue their great cause. At the end of August, Hong Tianguifu, Hong Rengan and others began to advance towards Jiangxi as planned. This Taiping Army still had 120,000 to 30,000 people. Unexpectedly, Prince Du Huang Huang Wenjin was shot to death in Ningguo before they could go far, and the morale of the Taiping Army was even lower. Faced with the pursuit and interception of the Qing army, the Taiping Army of more than 100,000 people suffered more defeats than victory, suffered heavy casualties, and the number of soldiers became less and less as they fought. The Taiping Army suffered another heavy blow in the Hufang area of ​​Jiangxi. Prince Yu Li Ruisheng was captured, and the clan kings Tan Qianyuan and Tan Qingyuan defected. The remnants of the Taiping Army reached Yangjiapai in Shicheng, and their number was less than 10,000. At three o'clock that night, the Qing army's Xi Baotian troops chased Hong Tianguifu and separated from Qianwang Hong Rengan. In panic, he fell into a deep pit and temporarily escaped.

After the Qing army passed by, Hong Tianguifu, who was still in shock, hid in the mountains. According to Hong Tianguifu's own confession, after four days of starvation in the mountains, an old man in white clothes gave him a rice cake as big as a tea bowl, and then suddenly disappeared. Relying on this piece of cake, Hong Tianguifu hid on the mountain for two more days, but the old man in white clothes and beard did not appear again, so he had no choice but to go down the mountain. After going down the mountain, Hong Tianguifu came to a family named Tang. When asked by the family, he remembered his concubine Zhang, so he lied that he was from Hubei and his surname was Zhang. A family named Tang took Hong Tianguifu in and asked him to help cut crops. Hong Tianguifu stayed at this house for four days, during which he happened to have the opportunity to cut his hair. The young king who was on the road again was like a headless fly. He didn't know where to go and bumped into the hands of Qing soldiers several times. On October 25, he was taken to Xi Baotian's barracks. His identity was finally exposed and his travel itinerary ended. Subsequently, Hong Tianguifu was escorted to Nanchang, where he was eventually executed by Lingchi.

Let’s talk about the young lady Zhang. She escaped from the palace and hid in the mountains in order not to attract attention. Zhang was alone. When he was hungry, he would eat wild fruits, and when he was sleepy, he would seek shelter in a cave. In this way, Zhang succeeded in hiding in the deep mountains and forests for more than a month. Later, Zhang thought that the Qing army should retreat, so he left the mountains and came to Laitian Village at the foot of the mountains. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the village, they encountered a large number of Qing troops who came to search the village. As a result, Zhang was captured.

The articles in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom series provide guidance - Hong Xiuquan's harem anecdotes, women in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan's bizarre conditions for selecting concubines. Hong Tianguifu, the eldest son of Taiping Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan, his  - DayDayNews

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom female film and television drama image (played by Zhou Xun)

Faced with torture and interrogation by the Qing army, Zhang refused to admit her identity and only said that she was a palace maid who escaped from the palace during the chaos. After hiding in Tibet for more than a month, the originally beautiful Zhang was very haggard. In the eyes of the Qing army, she was indeed unattractive, so they believed her words, and Zhang survived by luck. At that time, the Qing court stipulated that if a man from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was captured or killed, there would be a reward, but if it was an ordinary woman, there would be no reward. The Qing army felt that keeping Zhang was a burden, so they found a private dealer to sell her.

The trafficker sold Zhang to a merchant named Wen, a man in his forties. Although Merchant Wen is old, he is kind-hearted and honest, and treats Zhang very well. After Zhang married Merchant Wen, he gave birth to two sons and two daughters, and lived a peaceful and happy life from then on. Zhang is a humble and kind-hearted person who likes to help others, so she is very respected in the local area. It is said that she later practiced martial arts and once competed with young men in the village and actually won.

In 1912, the Qing Dynasty perished. With the establishment of the Republic of China, the taboo against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom disappeared. At this time, Mrs. Zhang was already old, and no longer avoided hiding her life experience, so she told her family and children about her past identity. Her family members also expressed their understanding in the face of her years of concealment. After that, Mrs. Zhang often talked about some old things in Tianjing Palace. A literate person in the village knew about it and wrote it down and published it in the newspaper at that time. Because of this, it became known that Zhang was once the wife of the Young Heavenly King Hong Tian Guifu.

It is said that Zhang lived until he was more than eighty years old. After his death, was buried in Fengshan on his way to a mountain village on the back of Wangjiabei, Shangkeng Village. His descendants now number more than 200 people.

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